100 resultados para magical beliefs
Departing from initial training on Mathematics teaching, this article analyses several beliefs held by future teachers regarding mathematical knowledge. Some of these beliefs are an authentic obstacle for an advance towards quality Mathematics teaching, therefor, the autors reproduce five arguments given to groups of future teachers in order to tackle some of their beliefs on Mathematics and making them build, modify or consolidate a more complex imatge of mathematical knowledge and Mathematics work in the classroom
Although Thomas Mann’s novel The Magic Mountain has been the object of innumerable studies, this paper suggests that so far none of these has given truly close attention to the significance of the classical references in this novel with regard to the search for a true humanism. This is probably owing to the generally held belief that the influence of the classical tradition is relatively inconsequential in relation to the ample conjunction of philosophical ideas on which the novel is based. This article takes a differing view and, through a close analysis and comment of the explicit and implicit classical notions in the text, concludes that these ideas are also a valuable key to a greater comprehension of the ideological design of the main character, Hans Castorp, and to a certain degree they also help to continue to reflect on the most enigmatic and controversial episode of the novel: the young protagonist’s descent to the plain from the magical mountain (Zauberberg) in order to take part in the great tragedy of World War I, alien as is any war to the prevalent but ultimately futile desire that love (Liebe) should in the end prevail in the life of humans.
I reconsider the short-term effects of fiscal policy when both government spending and taxes are allowed to respond to the level of public debt. I embed the long-term government budget constraint in a VAR, and apply this common trends model to US quarterly data. The results overturn some widely held beliefs on fiscal policy effects. The main finding is that expansionary fiscal policy has contractionary effects on output and inflation. Ricardian effects may dominate when fiscal expansions are expected to be adjusted by future tax rises or spending cuts. The evidence supports RBC models with distortionary taxation. We can discard some alternative interpretations that are based on monetary policy reactions or supply-side effects.
Traffic accidents are one of the causes of death for people between 1 and 45 years old. Many studies verify that the road accidents are related with the consumption of alcohol. This problem, is especially important in the young people and it is increased during dawns of the weekends. Some studies underline the lack of information and knowledge of many young people concerning law on alcohol consummation when driving and the effects of this drug on consumers. Another problem is the amount of mistaken beliefs on what to do neutralize the alcohol’s effect before drive. The objective of our study is to evaluate, in university students, the knowledge of the rules of driving behavior included in the circulation code and the personal beliefs about the effects of the alcohol in driving, and to find the frequency and the circumstances in which young people drive after alcohol consummation. The results suggest many actions that may be considered in the design of preventive campaigns that promotes safety road behavior in order to increase their effectivity
The research we present here forms part of a two-phase project - one quantitative and the other qualitative - assessing the use of primary health care services. This paper presents the qualitative phase of said research, which is aimed at ascertaining the needs, beliefs, barriers to access and health practices of the immigrant population in comparison with the native population, as well as the perceptions of healthcare professionals. Moroccan and sub-Saharan were the immigrants to who the qualitative phase was specifically addressed. The aims of this paper are as follows: to analyse any possible implications of family organisation in the health practices of the immigrant population; to ascertain social practices relating to illness; to understand the significances of sexual and reproductive health practices; and to ascertain the ideas and perceptions of immigrants, local people and professionals regarding health and the health system. Methods: qualitative research based on discursive analysis. Data gathering techniques consisted of discussion groups with health system users and semi-structured individual interviews with healthcare professionals. The sample was taken from the Basic Healthcare Areas of Salt and Banyoles (belonging to the Girona Healthcare Region), the discussion groups being comprised of (a) 6 immigrant Moroccan women, (b) 7 immigrant sub-Saharan African women and (c) 6 immigrant and native population men (2 native men, 2 Moroccan men and 2 sub-Saharan men); and the semi-structured interviews being conducted with the following healthcare professionals: (a) 3 gynaecologists, (b) 3 nurses and 1 administrative staff. Results: use of the healthcare system is linked to the perception of not being well, knowledge of the healthcare system, length of time resident in Spain and interiorization of traditional Western medicine as a cure mechanism. The divergences found among the groups of immigrants, local people and healthcare professionals with regard to healthcare education, use of the healthcare service, sexual and reproductive healthcare and reticence with regard to being attended by healthcare personnel of the opposite sex demonstrate a need to work with the immigrant population as a heterogeneous group. Conclusions: the results we have obtained support the idea that feeling unwell is a psycho-social process, as it takes place within a specific socio-cultural situation and spans a range of beliefs, perceptions and ideas regarding symptomology and how to treat it
Les últimes dades de l'estudi europeu del 2014, sobre la violència de parella indiquen que gairebé 62 milions de dones europees, havien sofert actes de violència de gènere, entre els quals es destaca els relacionats amb la violència de parella (VP). Els maltractaments constitueixen un problema molt greu que genera al nostre país cada vegada més alarma social i més actuacions legals i professionals per fer-li front. El sistema de salut és, amb freqüència, el primer lloc al que les víctimes de violència domèstica acudeixen a la recerca d'assessorament i ajuda, sent aquest el motiu pel qual els professionals de la salut tenen un paper central per a la seva assistència. Aquests formen part implicada en el sistema de detecció, atenció i actuació. Per això, els plans d'estudi de Grau d'Infermeria recullen en el BOE la formació en VP des de l’àmbit universitari. L’objectiu del nostre estudi consisteix en la identificació de la percepció i dels coneixements en relació a la violència de parella dels estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona durant el curs acadèmic 2012-2013. Per a dur-lo a terme es va realitzar un anàlisi quantitatiu dels resultats a través de l’administració d’una enquesta sobre sis aspectes de la VP, l’enquesta incloïa el perfil demogràfic (sexe, edat i anys d'estudi) dels estudiants i les declaracions relatives a les seves percepcions i coneixements sobre la VP: causes d'abús; la identificació de les dones objecte de VP i del seus autors; creences de les infermeres; funcions perceptibles; i la preparació educativa. Els estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria mostren tenir un bon coneixement sobre les causes del abús en VP, així com una formació adequada. També cal destacar que un 54,42% dels alumnes enquestats es veuen capacitats per afrontar un cas de VP com a infermer/a. S’observa una millora de la formació educativa en el transcurs acadèmic. En 1r curs un 40,09% té una bona formació, aquest valor augmenta fins a un 56,58% a tercer curs, baixant lleugerament fins un 44,27% a 4rt curs. Els resultats obtinguts són semblats a estudis de mostres similars en estudiants d'infermeria de Memphis (EUA) i de la University of Southern Queensland (Austràlia) quant a coneixements i percepció sobre la VP. Encara que els resultats mostren un coneixement i una percepció sobre la VP adequada, destaquem que això no succeeix en gairebé un 40% dels enquestats. La introducció de matèries específiques sobre igualtat i sobre violència contra la dona en els plans d’estudis, pot esdevenir una mesura preventiva per revisar i corregir possibles mites i creences en VP. Per tant, és necessari millorar la formació del currículum en estudiants d'infermeria per la importància d'aquest greu problema de salut pública, donant major èmfasis en la satisfacció de les necessitats emocionals i en la comprensió dels diferents enfocaments en VP, especialment en mesures de prevenció i educació
The art of rhetoric may be defined as changing other people's minds (opinions, beliefs) without providing them new information. One tech- nique heavily used by rhetoric employs analogies. Using analogies, one may draw the listener's attention to similarities between cases and to re-organize existing information in a way that highlights certain reg- ularities. In this paper we offer two models of analogies, discuss their theoretical equivalence, and show that finding good analogies is a com- putationally hard problem.
Aim: To investigate and understand patient's satisfaction with nursing care in the intensive care unit to identify the dimensions of the concept of"satisfaction" from the patient's point of view. To design and validate a questionnaire that measures satisfaction levels in critical patients. Background: There are many instruments capable of measuring satisfaction with nursing care; however, they do not address the reality for critical patients nor are they applicable in our context. Design: A dual approach study comprising: a qualitative phase employing Grounded Theory and a quantitative and descriptive phase to prepare and validate the questionnaire. Methods: Data collection in the qualitative phase will consist of: in-depth interview after theoretical sampling, on-site diary and expert discussion group. The sample size will depend on the expected theoretical saturation n = 27-36. Analysis will be based on Grounded Theory. For the quantitative phase, the sampling will be based on convenience (n = 200). A questionnaire will be designed on the basis of qualitative data. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used. The validation will be developed on the basis of the validity of the content, the criteria of the construct and reliability of the instrument by the Cronbach's alpha and test-retest approach. Approval date for this protocol was November 2010. Discussion: Self-perceptions, beliefs, experiences, demographic, socio-cultural epistemological and political factors are determinants for satisfaction, and these should be taken into account when compiling a questionnaire on satisfaction with nursing care among critical patients.
La perspectiva ecológica sobre el desarrollo humano (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) pone el acento en la relación entre los diferentes contextos de vida de los niños. En la educación infantil, los contextos de vida mas importantes son la familia y la escuela. En este artículo mostramos los aspectos de continuidad y discontinuidad entre ambos contextos en relación a las ideas de las familias y las educadoras sobre el desarrollo infantil y también a sus creencias y expectativas sobre la educación. Los resultados muestran que existe un acuerdo notable en muchos aspectos entre las familias y las educadoras, si bien también existen aspectos de desacuerdo, principalmente entre las educadoras de parvulario y las familias
The understanding of false belief is one of the most important milestones in the development of social cognition in children. Many studies have been conducted on this kind of cognition in children with a typical development. Despite being a key point for improving their welfare and quality of life, there are few studies in children with Down's syndrome. The aim of the present work is to carry out an in-depth study of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, we used 6 tasks, with 3 levels of difficulty, in a group of 9 children aged between 4 and 14 years. Six of these children had a genetic diagnosis of Down's syndrome. The results of our research corroborate previous studies suggesting difficulties in the development of social cognition in children with Down's syndrome, and more specifically in tasks involving false beliefs