118 resultados para distributed computing projects


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Cognitive radio networks (CRN) sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. The detection capability of a radio system can be enhanced if the sensing process is performed jointly by a group of nodes so that the effects of wireless fading and shadowing can be minimized. However, taking a collaborative approach poses new security threats to the system as nodes can report false sensing data to force a wrong decision. Providing security to the sensing process is also complex, as it usually involves introducing limitations to the CRN applications. The most common limitation is the need for a static trusted node that is able to authenticate and merge the reports of all CRN nodes. This paper overcomes this limitation by presenting a protocol that is suitable for fully distributed scenarios, where there is no static trusted node.


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JXTA define un conjunto de seis protocolos básicos especialmente adecuados para una computación ad hoc, permanente, multi-hop, peer-to-peer (P2P). Estos protocolos permiten que los iguales cooperen y formen grupos autónomos de pares. Este artículo presenta un método que proporciona servicios de seguridad en los protocolos básicos: protección de datos, autenticidad, integridad y no repudio. Los mecanismos que se presentan son totalmente distribuidos y basados ¿¿en un modelo puro peer-to-peer, que no requieren el arbitraje de un tercero de confianza o una relación de confianza establecida previamente entre pares, que es uno de los principales retos en este tipo de entornos.


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This paper focuses on the use of FLOSS to promote vendor independence/avoid lock-in in the enterprise. It looks at how FLOSS projects follow open standards, how forking prevents lock-in if a project threatens to migrate to a closed-source strategy and how FLOSS lowers the barrier to entry for SMEs wishing to implement and support software. However it also looks at how the adoption of policies mandating open standards instead of FLOSS and how the success of cloud computing threatens to erode those benefits. It discusses ways in which cloud computing can be adopted in the enterprise without forfeiting those advantages and urge corporate and government policy makers to mandate FLOSS rather than be satisfied with open standards.


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Creating and using FLOSS in R+D projects raises several legal issues, which need to be managed as soon as possible - preferably during the project planning stage. Challenges in the areas of project structure and policy, licenses and licensing, exploitation strategies, community management, and FLOSS-friendliness in general all have their legal aspects, which are commented here. Some recommendations are made for assisting in the use of FLOSS in R+D projects, especially in multiple party consortiums.


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FOSS packages are becoming ever more present in R&D projects carried out a variety of entities, including large corporations. I will focus on how legal risks associated with the use of FOSS licenses can be assessed and discuss measures directed to risk mitigation.


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A partir de maig de 2003, per iniciativa del Vicerectorat adjunt d’Edificacions de la UPC, el Centre Interdisciplinari de Tecnologia, Innovació i Educació per a la Sostenibilitat (CITIES) treballa en l’elaboració i la implantació del Pla d’Eficiència en el Consum de Recursos (PECR), amb l’objectiu d’establir polítiques i definir línees d’actuació per a l’estalvi i l’eficiència en el consum dels recursos energètics i d’ aigua en els edificis de la UPC.El PECR contempla, en una de les primeres fases, la realització d’avaluacions energètiques en les edificacions de la UPC per valorar l’estat actual dels edificis i poder establir uns indicadors del seu comportament energètic a partir dels quals establir els objectius d’estalvi i d’eficiència. Per fer aquestes avaluacions, es va crear una línea de projectes finals de carrera (PFC) per a estudiants de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de l’Edificació de Barcelona (EPSEB), sota la coordinació de professors tutors de diferents departaments y amb la col•laboració indispensable de totes les unitats de recolzament de la UPC.Aquesta publicació és la ponència presentada al IV Congrès "Sustainable City", a Tallinn, en el que es va presentar aquest projecte com a una eina de treball amb l'objectiu de reduir l'impacte ambiental dels edificis universitaris en les ciutats.


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Cooperative transmission can be seen as a "virtual" MIMO system, where themultiple transmit antennas are in fact implemented distributed by the antennas both at the source and the relay terminal. Depending on the system design, diversity/multiplexing gainsare achievable. This design involves the definition of the type of retransmission (incrementalredundancy, repetition coding), the design of the distributed space-time codes, the errorcorrecting scheme, the operation of the relay (decode&forward or amplify&forward) and thenumber of antennas at each terminal. Proposed schemes are evaluated in different conditionsin combination with forward error correcting codes (FEC), both for linear and near-optimum(sphere decoder) receivers, for its possible implementation in downlink high speed packetservices of cellular networks. Results show the benefits of coded cooperation over directtransmission in terms of increased throughput. It is shown that multiplexing gains areobserved even if the mobile station features a single antenna, provided that cell wide reuse of the relay radio resource is possible.


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Quality management has become a strategic issue for organisations and is very valuable to produce quality software. However, quality management systems (QMS) are not easy to implement and maintain. The authors' experience shows the benefits of developing a QMS by first formalising it using semantic web ontologies and then putting them into practice through a semantic wiki. The QMS ontology that has been developed captures the core concepts of a traditional QMS and combines them with concepts coming from the MPIu'a development process model, which is geared towards obtaining usable and accessible software products. Then, the ontology semantics is directly put into play by a semantics-aware tool, the Semantic MediaWiki. The developed QMS tool is being used for 2 years by the GRIHO research group, where it has manages almost 50 software development projects taking into account the quality management issues. It has also been externally audited by a quality certification organisation. Its users are very satisfied with their daily work with the tool, which manages all the documents created during project development and also allows them to collaborate, thanks to the wiki features.


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Our efforts are directed towards the understanding of the coscheduling mechanism in a NOW system when a parallel job is executed jointly with local workloads, balancing parallel performance against the local interactive response. Explicit and implicit coscheduling techniques in a PVM-Linux NOW (or cluster) have been implemented. Furthermore, dynamic coscheduling remains an open question when parallel jobs are executed in a non-dedicated Cluster. A basis model for dynamic coscheduling in Cluster systems is presented in this paper. Also, one dynamic coscheduling algorithm for this model is proposed. The applicability of this algorithm has been proved and its performance analyzed by simulation. Finally, a new tool (named Monito) for monitoring the different queues of messages in such an environments is presented. The main aim of implementing this facility is to provide a mean of capturing the bottlenecks and overheads of the communication system in a PVM-Linux cluster.