122 resultados para Visual selection
La actuación de las estructuras de conocimiento en el proceso de identificación y codificación de estimulos visuales se ha operativizado frecuentemente mediante conceptos como contexto o tipicidad. Ambos efectos pueden considerarse complementarios y producidos por la actuación de un mecanisrno de tipo atencional. Dicho mecanisrno fue aplicado al procesamiento de escenas por Arnau, Carreras y Salvador (en prensa). A partir de los términos propuestos en dicho modelo se intenta comprobar si la tipicidad es una variable relevante para la identificación de 10s objetos que forman una escena. Los resultados obtenidos en el experimento 1 permiten afirmar que el grado de tipicidad de un objeto respecto a una escena determina el tiempo y exactitud de su identificación. Por otra parte, en el experimento 2 se demuestra que en procesos de memoria a corto plazo el efecto de tipicidad detectado en el experimento 1 se anula. Finalmente se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para el estudio de la percepción visual de escenas naturales.
Effect size indices are indispensable for carrying out meta-analyses and can also be seen as an alternative for making decisions about the effectiveness of a treatment in an individual applied study. The desirable features of the procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect include educational/clinical meaningfulness, calculus easiness, insensitivity to autocorrelation, low false alarm and low miss rates. Three effect size indices related to visual analysis are compared according to the aforementioned criteria. The comparison is made by means of data sets with known parameters: degree of serial dependence, presence or absence of general trend, changes in level and/or in slope. The percent of nonoverlapping data showed the highest discrimination between data sets with and without intervention effect. In cases when autocorrelation or trend is present, the percentage of data points exceeding the median may be a better option to quantify the effectiveness of a psychological treatment.
Visual inspection remains the most frequently applied method for detecting treatment effects in single-case designs. The advantages and limitations of visual inference are here discussed in relation to other procedures for assessing intervention effectiveness. The first part of the paper reviews previous research on visual analysis, paying special attention to the validation of visual analysts" decisions, inter-judge agreement, and false alarm and omission rates. The most relevant factors affecting visual inspection (i.e., effect size, autocorrelation, data variability, and analysts" expertise) are highlighted and incorporated into an empirical simulation study with the aim of providing further evidence about the reliability of visual analysis. Our results concur with previous studies that have reported the relationship between serial dependence and increased Type I rates. Participants with greater experience appeared to be more conservative and used more consistent criteria when assessing graphed data. Nonetheless, the decisions made by both professionals and students did not match sufficiently the simulated data features, and we also found low intra-judge agreement, thus suggesting that visual inspection should be complemented by other methods when assessing treatment effectiveness.
If single case experimental designs are to be used to establish guidelines for evidence-based interventions in clinical and educational settings, numerical values that reflect treatment effect sizes are required. The present study compares four recently developed procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect using data with known characteristics. Monte Carlo methods were used to generate AB designs data with potential confounding variables (serial dependence, linear and curvilinear trend, and heteroscedasticity between phases) and two types of treatment effect (level and slope change). The results suggest that data features are important for choosing the appropriate procedure and, thus, inspecting the graphed data visually is a necessary initial stage. In the presence of serial dependence or a change in data variability, the Nonoverlap of All Pairs (NAP) and the Slope and Level Change (SLC) were the only techniques of the four examined that performed adequately. Introducing a data correction step in NAP renders it unaffected by linear trend, as is also the case for the Percentage of Nonoverlapping Corrected Data and SLC. The performance of these techniques indicates that professionals" judgments concerning treatment effectiveness can be readily complemented by both visual and statistical analyses. A flowchart to guide selection of techniques according to the data characteristics identified by visual inspection is provided.
We study the incentives to acquire skill in a model where heterogeneous firmsand workers interact in a labor market characterized by matching frictions and costlyscreening. When effort in acquiring skill raises both the mean and the variance of theresulting ability distribution, multiple equilibria may arise. In the high-effort equilibrium, heterogeneity in ability is sufficiently large to induce firms to select the bestworkers, thereby confirming the belief that effort is important for finding good jobs.In the low-effort equilibrium, ability is not sufficiently dispersed to justify screening,thereby confirming the belief that effort is not so important. The model has implications for wage inequality, the distribution of firm characteristics, sorting patternsbetween firms and workers, and unemployment rates that can help explaining observedcross-country variation in socio-economic and labor market outcomes.
Exploring the rate-limiting steps in visual phototransduction recovery by bottom-up kinetic modeling
Phototransduction in vertebrate photoreceptor cells represents a paradigm of signaling pathways mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which share common modules linking the initiation of the cascade to the final response of the cell. In this work, we focused on the recovery phase of the visual photoresponse, which is comprised of several interacting mechanisms. We employed current biochemical knowledge to investigate the response mechanisms of a comprehensive model of the visual phototransduction pathway. In particular, we have improved the model by implementing a more detailed representation of the recoverin (Rec)-mediated calcium feedback on rhodopsin kinase and including a dynamic arrestin (Arr) oligomerization mechanism. The model was successfully employed to investigate the rate limiting steps in the recovery of the rod photoreceptor cell after illumination. Simulation of experimental conditions in which the expression levels of rhodospin kinase (RK), of the regulator of the G-protein signaling (RGS), of Arr and of Rec were altered individually or in combination revealed severe kinetic constraints to the dynamics of the overall network. Our simulations confirm that RGS-mediated effector shutdown is the rate-limiting step in the recovery of the photoreceptor and show that the dynamic formation and dissociation of Arr homodimers and homotetramers at different light intensities significantly affect the timing of rhodopsin shutdown. The transition of Arr from its oligomeric storage forms to its monomeric form serves to temper its availability in the functional state. Our results may explain the puzzling evidence that overexpressing RK does not influence the saturation time of rod cells at bright light stimuli. The approach presented here could be extended to the study of other GPCR signaling pathways.
Visual perception is initiated in the photoreceptor cells of the retina via the phototransduction system.This system has shown marked evolution during mammalian divergence in such complex attributes as activation time and recovery time. We have performed a molecular evolutionary analysis of proteins involved in mammalianphototransduction in order to unravel how the action of natural selection has been distributed throughout thesystem to evolve such traits. We found selective pressures to be non-randomly distributed according to both a simple protein classification scheme and a protein-interaction network representation of the signaling pathway. Proteins which are topologically central in the signaling pathway, such as the G proteins, as well as retinoid cycle chaperones and proteins involved in photoreceptor cell-type determination, were found to be more constrained in their evolution. Proteins peripheral to the pathway, such as ion channels and exchangers, as well as the retinoid cycle enzymes, have experienced a relaxation of selective pressures. Furthermore, signals of positive selection were detected in two genes: the short-wave (blue) opsin (OPN1SW) in hominids and the rod-specific Na+/Ca2+,K+ ion exchanger (SLC24A1) in rodents. The functions of the proteins involved in phototransduction and the topology of the interactions between them have imposed non-random constraints on their evolution. Thus, in shaping or conserving system-level phototransduction traits, natural selection has targeted the underlying proteins in a concerted manner.
The number of existing protein sequences spans a very small fraction of sequence space. Natural proteins have overcome a strong negative selective pressure to avoid the formation of insoluble aggregates. Stably folded globular proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) use alternative solutions to the aggregation problem. While in globular proteins folding minimizes the access to aggregation prone regions IDPs on average display large exposed contact areas. Here, we introduce the concept of average meta-structure correlation map to analyze sequence space. Using this novel conceptual view we show that representative ensembles of folded and ID proteins show distinct characteristics and responds differently to sequence randomization. By studying the way evolutionary constraints act on IDPs to disable a negative function (aggregation) we might gain insight into the mechanisms by which function - enabling information is encoded in IDPs.
We study a dynamic model where growth requires both long-term investmentand the selection of talented managers. When ability is not ex-ante observable and contracts are incomplete, managerial selection imposes a cost, as managers facing the risk ofbeing replaced choose a sub-optimally low level of long-term investment. This generates atrade-off between selection and investment that has implications for the choice of contractualrelationships and institutions. Our analysis shows that rigid long-term contracts sacrificingmanagerial selection may prevail at early stages of economic development and when heterogeneity in ability is low. As the economy grows, however, knowledge accumulation increasesthe return to talent and makes it optimal to adopt flexible contractual relationships, wheremanagerial selection is implemented even at the cost of lower investment. Measures of investor protection aimed at limiting the bargaining power of managers improve selection undershort-term contract. Given that knowledge accumulation raises the value of selection, theoptimal level of investor protection increases with development.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la inclusió d’un infant amb deficiència visual durant l’etapa d’Educació Infantil, amb la finalitat d’establir propostes de millora al centre encaminades a potenciar mesures per a la inclusió de tot l’alumnat. Per a la realització d’aquest estudi primerament ha estat necessari conèixer la fonamentació teòrica del concepte de visió i d’inclusió escolar, així com també les implicacions per part del centre, la família i l’entorn. Per a realitzar aquest anàlisi hem utilitzat entrevistes i pautes d’observació validades, amb la finalitat de conèixer més a fons la trajectòria de l’infant a l’etapa d’Educació Infantil, sempre des d’una concepció interaccionista, és a dir, tenint en compte l’àmbit escolar, familiar i l’entorn. I ja per acabar, aquest anàlisi ha servit per a proposar propostes de millora per a la inclusió de futurs alumnes en el centre.
The work presented here is part of a larger study to identify novel technologies and biomarkers for early Alzheimer disease (AD) detection and it focuses on evaluating the suitability of a new approach for early AD diagnosis by non-invasive methods. The purpose is to examine in a pilot study the potential of applying intelligent algorithms to speech features obtained from suspected patients in order to contribute to the improvement of diagnosis of AD and its degree of severity. In this sense, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been used for the automatic classification of the two classes (AD and control subjects). Two human issues have been analyzed for feature selection: Spontaneous Speech and Emotional Response. Not only linear features but also non-linear ones, such as Fractal Dimension, have been explored. The approach is non invasive, low cost and without any side effects. Obtained experimental results were very satisfactory and promising for early diagnosis and classification of AD patients.
Con el nombre de Universo de la Comunicación Audiovisual presentamos un proyecto que tiene, como elemento más significativo, la representación en la red de un mapa conceptual formado por las referencias (autores, obras, conceptos) que el profesorado y alumnado hemos propuesto para definir nuestro campo de estudio. El Universo... incluye, además del mapa conceptual, un espacio para el debate y un conjunto de fichas que interrelacionan el mapa con las asignaturas de la licenciatura. El proyecto busca acercar y potenciar la participación del alumnado en el reconocimiento y lectura crítica de aquellos elementos referenciales que, de forma significativa, permiten acotar e identificarse con el propio ámbito de conocimiento, dando visibilidad al procedimiento y haciéndolo público. Desde el Universo... proponemos una nueva aproximación a la competencia general descrita como capacidad crítica de naturaleza multidisciplinaria que dote al alumnado de capacidad de investigación académica y aplicada. Entendemos esta capacitación crítica como un proceso que va desarrollando el alumnado durante todo el grado. Este proceso supone, en una dimensión individual, alcanzar objetivos como el reconocimiento, localización y configuración de un marco referencial propio, y que permite, en su dimensión colectiva, participar en la definición, concreción y trazado de un marco referencial común.
Ensayo sobre las placas-nicho visigodas y el mihrab y macsura de la mezquita de Córdoba centrado en sus aspectos formales e iconológicos y sus referentes en la arquitectura de poder y la representación simbólica de la divinidad.
Participants in an immersive virtual environment interact with the scene from an egocentric point of view that is, where there bodies appear to be located rather than from outside as if looking through a window. People interact through normal body movements, such as head-turning,reaching, and bending, and within the tracking limitations move through the environment or effect changes within it in natural ways.