436 resultados para Unió Europea -- Xipre
This paper analyzes the advantages and implications of the implementation of a European tax on carbon dioxide emissions as an own resource of the European Union. In contrast to a harmonized tax, which would only have distributive effects within each member state, a tax collected at European scale would also have important distributive effects among different countries. These effects would also depend on the use of tax revenues. The paper investigates the distributive effects among the member states of three tax models: a pure CO2
En el presente artículo se revisan las propuestas sobre fiscalidad energética y, en concreto, sobre un impuesto europeo que grave las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y las dificultades con que se han encontrado. Se estudian las posibles implicaciones que tendría un impuesto, no ya armonizado, sino recaudado a nivel del conjunto de la Unión Europea. Este tipo de impuesto tendría importantes efectos distributivos no solo a nivel de un país (como un impuesto armonizado) sino también entre diferentes países. El trabajo estudia dichos efectos potenciales según diferentes modelos concretos de implantación (un modelo puro sobre el CO2; un modelo 50%/50% energía-CO2; un modelo puro sobre el CO2 pero gravando también la energía nuclear) y de destino de los fondos recaudados.
El nou moviment de les Zones Lliures de Transgènics (ZLT) sorgeix dels moviments d’oposició als OMGAs, paral·lement al debat que està tenint lloc en el sí de la UE, entorn la viabilitat de la coexistència entre l’agricultura transgènica i la convencional o ecològica. Aquest moviment que s’articula des de la dimensió local però amb un marcat simbolisme i rellevància en l’àmbit global, constitueix una important eina de desobediència civil dins el marc regulatori de la UE. Actualment, dins el context europeu, és a l’Estat Espanyol on es concentra la major superfície de blat de moro MG a escala comercial, cosa que dificulta l’establiment de ZLT. Aquest moviment, que reivindica la sobirania de les regions dins el gegant europeu, constitueix una alternativa real al model de producció, consum i dedesenvolupament actuals.
L’autor constata la presència de clivelles europeus conseqüència d’apostes que només la Unió Europea pot tractar ja que s’escapen de l’acció dels governs europeus. De les dos clivelles descobertes per Hix i Lord en el Parlament europeu, la que oposa els partidaris de la "Europa liberal" amb els de l’"Europa social" és avui determinant per dues raons, doctrinal la primera i empírica la segona, que l’autor desenvolupa en aquest treball.
This article studies whether fiscal authorities would prefer to operate like in the current EMU or to coordinate according to the theoretical literature. The EMU approach will lead to higher volatility of interest rates, output, inflation and average budget deficits, but the SGP deficit target will be breached less often. Keywords: fiscal policy coordination, monetary union, Stability and Growth Pact. JEL No. E61, E63, F33, H0
According to the account of the European Union (EU) decision making proposed in this paper, this is a bargaining process during which actors shift their policy positions with a view to reaching agreements on controversial issues.
The paper is divided into four sections. The first offers a critical assessment of explanations of both rationalist and constructivist approaches currently dominating European studies and assesses the notion of path dependence. The second and third sections analyse the role of both material interests and polity ideas in EU enlargement to Turkey, and conclude that explanations exclusively based on either strategic calculations or values and identities have significant shortcomings. The fourth section examines the institutional path of Turkey's candidacy to show how the course of action begun at Helsinki restricted the range of possible and legitimate options three years later in Copenhagen.
Descripció i anàlisi dels instruments polítics, econòmics, civils i militars de la Unió Europea per enfrontar qualsevol conflicte.
As a consequence of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the US-led war against Iraq, WMD and their proliferation have become a central element of the EU security agenda. In December 2003, the European Council adopted even a EU Strategy against Proliferation of WMD. The approach adopted in this Strategy can be largely described as a ‘cooperative security provider’ approach and is based on effective multilateralism, the promotion of a stable international and regional environment and the cooperation with key partners. The principal objective of this paper is to examine in how far the EU has actually implemented the ‘cooperative security provider’ approach in the area which the Non-proliferation Strategy identifies as one of its priorities – the Mediterranean. Focusing on the concept of security interdependence, the paper analyses first the various WMD dangers with which the EU is confronted in the Mediterranean area. Afterwards, it examines how the EU has responded to these hazards in the framework of the Barcelona process and, in particular, the new European Neighbourhood Policy. It is argued that despite its relatively powerful rhetoric, the EU has largely failed, for a wide range of reasons, to apply effectively its non-proliferation approach in the Mediterranean area and, thus, to become a successful security provider.
The European Neighbourhood Policy’s birth has taken place in parallel with the renewed momentum of the European Security and Defence Policy, which has launched 14 operations since 2003. Both policies’ instruments have converged in the neighbouring area covered by ENP: Georgia, in the East and the Palestinian Territories in the South. In both cases, the Security Sector Reform strategies have been the main focus for ESDP and an important objective for ENP. In this paper, two objectives are pursued: first, to assess the EU’s involvement in both cases in SSR terms; and second, to analyse whether the convergence of ESDP operations with a broader EU neighbourhood policy implies that the former has become an instrument for the a EU external action.
The aim of this article is to analyse those situations in which learning and socialisation take place within the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), in particular, at the level of experts in the Council Working Groups. Learning can explain the institutional development of CFSP and changes in the foreign policies of the Member States. Some scope conditions for learning and channels of institutionalisation are identified. Socialisation, resulting from learning within a group, is perceived as a strategic action by reflective actors. National diplomats, once they arrive in Brussels, learn the new code of conduct of their Working Groups. They are embedded in two environments and faced with two logics: the European one in the Council and the national one in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFA). The empirical evidence supports the argument that neither rational nor sociological approaches alone can account for these processes.
The paper analyses how the EU foreign policy towards Georgia changed after the Rose Revolution, reaching greater levels of involvement and assistance. It is argued that the pro-western and reformist new government in Georgia triggered a new orientation in the EU foreign policy towards the country based on a logic of appropriateness, that is EU´s values, in addition to energy interests. Comparative analysis in the Southern-Caucasus and other Eastern-European countries shows how reformist and pro-EU governments receive more EU support and assistance. This does not mean that material interest do not play an important role. However, the EU seems to be coherent with its values when regarding the European neighbourhood.
The creation, reform and/or restructuring of the police in post-conflict societies remains one of the key challenges for practitioners and scholars in the contemporary fields of peace and security, particularly due to the changing nature of conflicts. Since the 1990s the world has witnessed a proliferation of international police missions, with regional organisations gradually acquiring a prominent role. This paper analyses the 2003-2005 period of the European Union Police Mission (EUPM) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Much is at stake in this mission, both in terms of the development of the EU´s external identity but also for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s road to EU membership and sustainable peace. This paper will argue that by 2005 the balance sheet was mixed. EUPM fell short of fulfilling its overall goal of ‘Europeanising’ Bosnian police services, and of its desire to be seen as providing that additional ingredient in police matters that would set it apart from the earlier UN mission. Nevertheless, despite its shortcomings, the Mission did not merit the harsh criticisms it was faced with. Its lack of success was not entirely the Mission’s doing. The paper focuses on three aspects: political and economic viability and sustainability, security levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and institution and capacity building. The explanatory framework used in this paper is based on the democratic policing discourse. In doing so the argument developed here will also shed light on the nature of so-called “best European practices” in police matters.
La nutrició animal a la Unió Europea (UE) ha estat afectada per vàries crisis, com la de les vaques boges (encefalopatia bovina espongiforme) (BSE), les hormones a la carn, la contaminació per les dioxines, els Organismes Genèticament Modificats (GMO) i l’ús d’antibiòtics com a promotors de creixement (AMGP). Des dels anys 70, la producció animal a la UE ha estat encaminada a buscar regulacions legals per a millorar la seva seguretat i eficàcia. Si més no, durant els últims cinc anys, casos com la BSE i d’altres han col·locat al sector en primera línia de les notícies, la qual cosa ha trencat la confiança dels consumidors en el consum de carn. Aquesta presentació intentarà explicar per què i com la UE està tractant aquests temes i què és el que el sector està fent per recobrar la confiança dels consumidors. La intenció és respondre a algunes qüestions que preocupen al sector, com per exemple: La producció animal europea, és menys segura que les altres? Per què les regulacions legals són més exigents per a nutrició animal que per als humans? El sector s’està preguntant si aquesta crisi pot produir un nou model europeu de producció animal. Finalment, l’actual sistema de ramaderia s’haurà de discutir: quantitat o qualitat.
This article examines the European integration process from a sociological perspective, where the main focus is the examination of the social consequences of the integration process. The European Union has advanced significantly in the economic, social, and political integration processes. This has resulted in a rapid Europeanization of behavior. There has hardly been any progress, however, toward the development of European social groups. This article examines the causes of this lag and concludes that it is highly unlikely that in the middle run there be significant progress toward the Europeanization of society.