103 resultados para Spolander, Mia Mari: Rikosprosessin joutuisuus oikeudenmukaisen oikeudenkäynnin osatekijänä
This paper presents empirical evidence on the interrelationship that exists between the evolution of the Emerging Markets Bonds Index (EMBI) and some macroeconomic variables in seven Latin American countries; two of them (Ecuador and Panama), full dollarized. We make use of a Cointegrated Vector framework to analyze the short run effects from 2001 to 2009. The results suggest that EMBI is more stable in dollarized countries and that its evolution influences economic activity in non-dollarized economies; suggesting that investors confidence might be higher in dollarized countries where real and financial economic evolution are less tied than in non-dollarized ones.
This paper presents empirical evidence on the interrelationship that exists between the evolution of the Emerging Markets Bonds Index (EMBI) and some macroeconomic variables in seven Latin American countries; two of them (Ecuador and Panama), full dollarized. We make use of a Cointegrated Vector framework to analyze the short run effects from 2001 to 2009. The results suggest that EMBI is more stable in dollarized countries and that its evolution influences economic activity in non-dollarized economies; suggesting that investors confidence might be higher in dollarized countries where real and financial economic evolution are less tied than in non-dollarized ones.
We had described that epidermal growth factor (EGF) interfered with the lipolytic effect of catecholamines in isolated adipocytes. Since catecholamines stimulate the release of EGF from submandibular salivary glands to blood plasma in male mice, we studied whether EGF affected also the lipolytic response to adrenaline in whole animals. We studied the effect of adrenaline in sialoadenectomized and sham-operated mice receiving or not a high dose of EGF following adrenaline injection. There was no difference in plasma EGF concentration between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized animals receiving saline. After adrenaline administration plasma EGF increased by 20-fold in sham-operated but did not increase in sialoadenectomized mice. Indeed, the increase was much higher (more than 100-fold) in mice receiving exogenous EGF. The effect of adrenaline on plasma concentration of both glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids was higher as lower was plasma EGF concentration. Isolated adipocytes obtained from sham-operated or sialoadenectomized mice had identical lipolytic response to adrenaline. The lipolytic response of adipocytes to isoproterenol was decreased by addition of EGF. To study whether the interference with the in vivo lipolytic effect of adrenaline had further metabolic consequences, we measured plasma b-hydroxybutyrate concentration in plasma. There was no difference in the response to adrenaline between sham-operated and sialoadenectomized mice in spite of the difference in plasma nonsterified fatty acid concentration. Studies in isolated hepatocytes indicated that ketogenesis run at near maximal rate in this range of substrate concentration. These results suggest that EGF in the physiological range decreases the lipolytic effect of adrenaline but does not compromise further metabolic events like the enhancement of ketogenesis.
Introducción: Los artículos científicos constituyen una de las formas más importantes de comunicación entre los profesionales. En enfermería, los artículos científicos persiguen varios objetivos, entre ellos, diseminar los avances realizados en los diferentes campos de la disciplina enfermera. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una aproximación a los avances, las tendencias y las innovaciones en enfermería mediante un análisis breve de la producción científica reciente. Método: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. Inclusión de 161 artículos científicos publicados en revistas de enfermería indexadas en Pubmed, mediante selección aleatoria simple. Recogida de datos estructurada en una matriz con 5 variables principales: indicadores geográficos, variables indicadoras del tipo de estudio, indicadores de la población estudiada, indicadores de los ámbitos de interés disciplinar y fenómenos de interés disciplinar. Estrategia de análisis descriptiva. Resultados: Los países anglosajones son los principales productores de artículos enfermeros. Por tipo de estudio, los diseños epidemiológicos-cuantitativos son los más frecuentes; los ensayos cualitativos representan el 22,6%. Las poblaciones de estudio más frecuentes son las personas enfermas y las propias enfermeras. Por ámbitos de interés disciplinar destacan las publicaciones de cuidados de enfermería médico-quirúrgica. Conclusiones: El estudio de la producción científica enfermera facilita la reflexión acerca de los fenómenos de estudio disciplinares y refleja la realidad del desarrollo de las ciencias enfermeras y de su aportación social. Los resultados de este análisis incluyen una orientación diagnóstica sobre qué investigan las enfermeras, en qué poblaciones lo hacen, desde qué ámbito de la práctica y desde qué paradigma científico.
Genetic tools have greatly aided in tracing the sources and colonization history of introduced species. However, recurrent introductions and repeated shuffling of populations may have blurred some of the genetic signals left by ancient introductions. Styela plicata is a solitary ascidian distributed worldwide. Although its origin remains unclear, this species is believed to have spread worldwide by travelling on ship's hulls. The goals of this study were to infer the genetic structure and global phylogeography of S. plicata and to look for present-day and historical genetic patterns. Two genetic markers were used: a fragment of the mitochondrial gene Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) and a fragment of the nuclear gene Adenine Nucleotide Transporter/ADP-ATP Translocase (ANT). A total of 368 individuals for COI and 315 for ANT were sequenced from 17 locations worldwide. The levels of gene diversity were moderate for COI to high for ANT. The Mediterranean populations showed the least diversity and allelic richness for both markers, while the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans had the highest gene and nucleotide diversities. Network and phylogenetic analyses with COI and ANT revealed two groups of alleles separated by 15 and 4 mutational steps, respectively. The existence of different lineages suggested an ancient population split. However, the geographic distributions of these groups did not show any consistent pattern, indicating different phylogeographic histories for each gene. Genetic divergence was significant for many population-pairs irrespective of the geographic distance among them. Stochastic introduction events are reflected in the uneven distribution of COI and ANT allele frequencies and groups among many populations. Our results confirmed that S. plicata has been present in all studied oceans for a long time, and that recurrent colonization events and occasional shuffling among populations have determined the actual genetic structure of this species.
La carpocapsa o corc de la poma (Cydia pomonella L.) és la plaga clau de lesplantacions comercials de pomera de la zona de Girona. Per controlar-la amb eficàcia,anualment són necessaris diferents tractaments insecticides que a més del cost econòmicque representen, afavoreixen fenòmens de resistències, aparició de plagues induïdes iproblemes de toxicitat, residus i contaminació ambiental.La combinació de diferents metodologies per combatre aquesta plaga, algunes menysagressives amb la fauna auxiliar i el medi ambient, s’ha convertit en una pràcticaimprescindible per aconseguir-ne un control efectiu i sostenible. La confusió sexual ésuna tècnica de lluita biotecnològica que per les seves característiques d’especificitat,toxicologia i respecte al medi ambient, representa una alternativa a la problemàticagenerada pels productes químics tradicionals.Fructícola Empordà S.L., empresa agroalimentària situada al municipi de Sant PerePescador (Alt Empordà, Girona) dedicada a la producció i comercialització de fruitafresca, com a entitat participant del projecte Àrea Pilot de Reducció d’Insecticides enplantacions comercials de pomera de Girona (APRI) emmarcat en el programad’actuacions específiques de les Associacions de Defensa dels Vegetals (ADV’s) de lazona, introdueix per primera vegada la tècnica de la confusió sexual a l’estratègia decontrol de carpocapsa en determinades parcel•les comercials on la lluita químicaexclusiva no és suficient (2003). Durant el període 2003-2011, l’ús de la confusió sexual per al control de carpocapsa esgeneralitza progressivament a les finques dels agricultors de Fructícola Empordà S.L.amb l’objectiu principal de reduir el percentatge de dany per atac de carpocapsa en elsfruits a collita i, conseqüentment, disminuir la pressió del corc de la poma a la zona. Atal efecte es va plantejar un estudi amb l’objectiu d’avaluar l’eficàcia de l’estratègia decontrol de la carpocapsa basada en la combinació del mètode de la confusió sexual ambaplicacions fitosanitàries de reforç durant el període d’expansió de la tècnica (2003-2011) en les plantacions comercials de pomera de Fructícola Empordà S.L. així com,fer una valoració d’aquest respecte al sistema de control paral•lelament utilitzat a lazona, la lluita química assessorada
This study evaluated the performance of the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and Quantiferon-TB Gold in-Tube (QFT) and the possible association of factors which may modify their results in young children (0-6 years) with recent contact with an index tuberculosis case. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study including 135 children was conducted in Manaus, Amazonas-Brazil. The TST and QFT were performed and the tests results were analyzed in relation to the personal characteristics of the children studied and their relationship with the index case. Results: The rates of positivity were 34.8% (TST) and 26.7% (QFT), with 14.1% of indeterminations by the QFT. Concordance between tests was fair (Kappa = 0.35 P<0.001). Both the TST and QFT were associated with the intensity of exposure (Linear OR = 1.286, P = 0.005; Linear OR = 1.161, P = 0.035 respectively) with only the TST being associated with the time of exposure (Linear OR = 1.149, P = 0.009). The presence of intestinal helminths in the TST+ group was associated with negative QFT results (OR = 0.064, P = 0.049). In the TST- group lower levels of ferritin were associated with QFT+ results (Linear OR = 0.956, P = 0.036). Conclusions: Concordance between the TST and QFT was lower than expected. The factors associated with the discordant results were intestinal helminths, ferritin levels and exposure time to the index tuberculosis case. In TST+ group, helminths were associated with negative QFT results suggesting impaired cell-mediated immunity. The TST-&QFT+ group had a shorter exposure time and lower ferritin levels, suggesting that QFT is faster and ferritin may be a potential biomarker of early stages of tuberculosis infection.
Health and inequalities in health among inhabitants of European cities are of major importance for European public health and there is great interest in how different health care systems in Europe perform in the reduction of health inequalities. However, evidence on the spatial distribution of cause-specific mortality across neighbourhoods of European cities is scarce. This study presents maps of avoidable mortality in European cities and analyses differences in avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods with different levels of deprivation. Methods: We determined the level of mortality from 14 avoidable causes of death for each neighbourhood of 15 large cities in different European regions. To address the problems associated with Standardised Mortality Ratios for small areas we smooth them using the Bayesian model proposed by Besag, York and Mollié. Ecological regression analysis was used to assess the association between social deprivation and mortality. Results: Mortality from avoidable causes of death is higher in deprived neighbourhoods and mortality rate ratios between areas with different levels of deprivation differ between gender and cities. In most cases rate ratios are lower among women. While Eastern and Southern European cities show higher levels of avoidable mortality, the association of mortality with social deprivation tends to be higher in Northern and lower in Southern Europe. Conclusions: There are marked differences in the level of avoidable mortality between neighbourhoods of European cities and the level of avoidable mortality is associated with social deprivation. There is no systematic difference in the magnitude of this association between European cities or regions. Spatial patterns of avoidable mortality across small city areas can point to possible local problems and specific strategies to reduce health inequality which is important for the development of urban areas and the well-being of their inhabitants
After publication of this work in 'International Journal of Health Geographics' on 13 january 2011 was wrong. The map of Barcelona in Figure two (figure 1 here) was reversed. The final correct Figure is presented here
Este proyecto consiste en diseñar e implementar un sistema de información alojado en una base de datos Oracle, con el fin de dar respuesta al proyecto Big Data, cuyo objetivo es cruzar los datos de salud y los datos de actividad física de los ciudadanos europeos.
One of the techniques used to detect faults in dynamic systems is analytical redundancy. An important difficulty in applying this technique to real systems is dealing with the uncertainties associated with the system itself and with the measurements. In this paper, this uncertainty is taken into account by the use of intervals for the parameters of the model and for the measurements. The method that is proposed in this paper checks the consistency between the system's behavior, obtained from the measurements, and the model's behavior; if they are inconsistent, then there is a fault. The problem of detecting faults is stated as a quantified real constraint satisfaction problem, which can be solved using the modal interval analysis (MIA). MIA is used because it provides powerful tools to extend the calculations over real functions to intervals. To improve the results of the detection of the faults, the simultaneous use of several sliding time windows is proposed. The result of implementing this method is semiqualitative tracking (SQualTrack), a fault-detection tool that is robust in the sense that it does not generate false alarms, i.e., if there are false alarms, they indicate either that the interval model does not represent the system adequately or that the interval measurements do not represent the true values of the variables adequately. SQualTrack is currently being used to detect faults in real processes. Some of these applications using real data have been developed within the European project advanced decision support system for chemical/petrochemical manufacturing processes and are also described in this paper
Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities
Hyperlipidic diets limit glucose oxidation and favor amino acid preservation, hampering the elimination of excess dietary nitrogen and the catabolic utilization of amino acids.We analyzed whether reduced urea excretion was a consequence of higherNO ; (nitrite,nitrate, and other derivatives) availability caused by increased nitric oxide production in metabolic syndrome. Rats fed a cafeteria diet for 30 days had a higher intake and accumulation of amino acid nitrogen and lower urea excretion.There were no differences in plasma nitrate or nitrite. NO and creatinine excretion accounted for only a small part of total nitrogen excretion. Rats fed a cafeteria diet had higher plasma levels of glutamine, serine, threonine, glycine, and ornithinewhen comparedwith controls,whereas arginine was lower. Liver carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I activity was higher in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but arginase I was lower. The high carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase activity and ornithine levels suggest activation of the urea cycle in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but low arginine levels point to a block in the urea cycle between ornithine and arginine, thereby preventing the elimination of excess nitrogen as urea. The ultimate consequence of this paradoxical block in the urea cycle seems to be the limitation of arginine production and/or availability.