123 resultados para Space vehicle accidents
We point out that using the heat kernel on a cone to compute the first quantum correction to the entropy of Rindler space does not yield the correct temperature dependence. In order to obtain the physics at arbitrary temperature one must compute the heat kernel in a geometry with different topology (without a conical singularity). This is done in two ways, which are shown to agree with computations performed by other methods. Also, we discuss the ambiguities in the regularization procedure and their physical consequences.
We show that the solution published in the paper by Senovilla [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2219 (1990)] is geodesically complete and singularity-free. We also prove that the solution satisfies the stronger energy and causality conditions, such as global hyperbolicity, the strong energy condition, causal symmetry, and causal stability. A detailed discussion about which assumptions in the singularity theorems are not satisfied is performed, and we show explicitly that the solution is in accordance with those theorems. A brief discussion of the results is given.
The Hartman effect is analyzed in both the position and momentum representations of the problem. The importance of Wigner tunneling and deep tunneling is singled out. It is shown quantitatively how the barrier acts as a filter for low momenta (quantum speed up) as the width increases, and a detailed mechanism is proposed. Superluminal transmission is also discussed.
Per lluitar contra els accidents és necessari establir programes educatius,entre els quals destaquen els escolars. Durant les primeres etapes de la vida i fins a l'adolescència, l'educació en la seguretat esdevé primordial pel fet que els infants són molt vulnerables, perquè els adolescents i joves s'exposen voluntàriament al risc i també perquè els uns i els altres estan en una etapa de la vida molt plàstica i receptiva per incorporar hàbits sans i segurs. Quan aquests programes es duen a terme a les institucions educatives és més fàcil d'assolir els objectius, perquè hi ha la possibilitat de sistematitzar les experiències d'aprenentatge i es disposa de més recursos i de més oportunitats per incidir en el tema de manera continuada i progressiva.
We prove a characterization of the support of the law of the solution for a stochastic wave equation with two-dimensional space variable, driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. The result is a consequence of an approximation theorem, in the convergence of probability, for equations obtained by smoothing the random noise. For some particular classes of coefficients, approximation in the Lp-norm for p¿1 is also proved.
Space Competition and Time Delays in Human Range Expansions. Application to the Neolithic Transition
Space competition effects are well-known in many microbiological and ecological systems. Here we analyze such an effectin human populations. The Neolithic transition (change from foraging to farming) was mainly the outcome of a demographic process that spread gradually throughout Europe from the Near East. In Northern Europe, archaeological data show a slowdown on the Neolithic rate of spread that can be related to a high indigenous (Mesolithic) population density hindering the advance as a result of the space competition between the two populations. We measure this slowdown from a database of 902 Early Neolithic sites and develop a time-delayed reaction-diffusion model with space competition between Neolithic and Mesolithic populations, to predict the observed speeds. The comparison of the predicted speed with the observations and with a previous non-delayed model show that both effects, the time delay effect due to the generation lag and the space competition between populations, are crucial in order to understand the observations
This work proposes a parallel architecture for a motion estimation algorithm. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great numbers of data-pixel. One of the solutions to estimate motions involves detection of the correspondences between two images. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. This work introduces parallel and real-time implementation of such low-level tasks to be carried out from the moment that the current image is acquired by the camera until the pairs of point-matchings are detected
The number of existing protein sequences spans a very small fraction of sequence space. Natural proteins have overcome a strong negative selective pressure to avoid the formation of insoluble aggregates. Stably folded globular proteins and intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) use alternative solutions to the aggregation problem. While in globular proteins folding minimizes the access to aggregation prone regions IDPs on average display large exposed contact areas. Here, we introduce the concept of average meta-structure correlation map to analyze sequence space. Using this novel conceptual view we show that representative ensembles of folded and ID proteins show distinct characteristics and responds differently to sequence randomization. By studying the way evolutionary constraints act on IDPs to disable a negative function (aggregation) we might gain insight into the mechanisms by which function - enabling information is encoded in IDPs.
The incorporation of space allows the establishment of a more precise relationship between a contaminating input, a contaminating byproduct and emissions that reach the final receptor. However, the presence of asymmetric information impedes the implementation of the first-best policy. As a solution to this problem a site specific deposit refund system for the contaminating input and the contaminating byproduct are proposed. Moreover, the utilization of a successive optimization technique first over space and second over time enables definition of the optimal intertemporal site specific deposit refund system
En totes es treballa amb material sensible. Són situacions delicades amb risc per la integritat física o psicològica i fins i tot per la vida. Situacions que necessitaran, molt probablement, ajut extern i no oblidem que generalment som els primers en arribar, mossos, bombers. El que fem en aquells primers instants és determinant pel desenvolupament futur d’aquella gent. D’aquí emana la nostra gran responsabilitat.
Investigacions recents revelen com l’acció del vent lateral és un efecte molt important en bona part dels accidents ocorreguts en vehicles pesants de transport per carretera. És per això que el perfil aerodinàmic del vehicle esdevé determinant en l’avaluació de les forces laterals que hi actuen.El present projecte té per objecte determinar les forces laterals que s’exerceixen en vehicles pesants de transport de passatgers degut a l’acció del vent i investigar-ne la seva perillositat. Per fer-ho s’utilitzen models numèrics de dinàmica de fluids i, per diferents velocitats del vehicle, es simulen vents amb diferent intensitat i direcció. D’aquí es determinen unes condicions de perillositat en funció, entre d’altres variables, de l’angle d’incidència del vent i de la seva velocitat
En este artículo planteamos una aproximación a la idea de espacio público como articulador del conjunto de acontecimientos que intervienen en la vida de las ciudades. Entendemos este fenómeno como una red poliédrica y multidimensional, cuyo estudio pasa por el análisis de diversas problemáticas: la identificación de los límites entre espacio público y esfera pública; la conformación del espacio público construido; la aproximación teórica al fenómeno desde la contemporaneidad; la dimensión social del espacio público; y finalmente la perspectiva de la gestión de las ciudades. Todas estas dimensiones expresan una mirada crítica del objeto i ponen en valor niveles de trabajo interdisciplinar y multiescala, fundamentales para entender e intervenir en el espacio público de la ciudad contemporánea.
This paper discusses some of the key concepts in the consideration of public art as a central element in urban regeneration processes, especially in reference to its role in the processes of citizen participation.
En este artículo planteamos una aproximación a la idea de espacio público como articulador del conjunto de acontecimientos que intervienen en la vida de las ciudades. Entendemos este fenómeno como una red poliédrica y multidimensional, cuyo estudio pasa por el análisis de diversas problemáticas: la identificación de los límites entre espacio público y esfera pública; la conformación del espacio público construido; la aproximación teórica al fenómeno desde la contemporaneidad; la dimensión social del espacio público; y finalmente la perspectiva de la gestión de las ciudades. Todas estas dimensiones expresan una mirada crítica del objeto i ponen en valor niveles de trabajo interdisciplinar y multiescala, fundamentales para entender e intervenir en el espacio público de la ciudad contemporánea.
The term Space Manifold Dynamics (SMD) has been proposed for encompassing the various applications of Dynamical Systems methods to spacecraft mission analysis and design, ranging from the exploitation of libration orbits around the collinear Lagrangian points to the design of optimal station-keeping and eclipse avoidance manoeuvres or the determination of low energy lunar and interplanetary transfers