98 resultados para Sexual assaults rate
El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio de la fiabilidad y validez de la adaptación española del Sexual Arousability Inventory-Expanded (SAI-E), en una muestra de 350 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre los 19 y 45 años, con un nivel educativo medio o superior, y de considerable experiencia sexual. Los resultados obtenidos muestran niveles de consistencia interna y validez aceptables. Asimismo permiten disponer en nuestro ámbito de un instrumento de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico de los trastornos psicosexuales y para la investigación en epidemiología sexual.
Se realiza un análisis de componentes principales de las escalas de Excitación y Ansiedad del SAI-E a fin de derivar subescalas que proporcionen mejor y más información sobre el contenido del cuestionario. Los factores obtenidos mantienen una gran afinidad con los resultados de Chambless. Las subescalas de Excitación se encuentran muy correlacionadas con las variables de frecuencia de coito, frecuencia de masturbación y con un listado de variedad de conductas sexuales (Bentler). Las subescalas de Ansiedad muestran correlaciones negativas con las variables sexuales anteriores. La fiabilidad alfa de las subescalas derivadas factorialmente es aceptable.
Differences amongst wheat cultivars in the rate of reproductive development are largely dependent on differences in their sensitivity to photoperiod and vernalization. However, when these responses are accounted for, by growing vernalized seedlings under long photoperiods, cultivars can still differ markedly in time to ear emergence. Control of rate of development by this ‘third factor’ has been poorly understood and is variously referred to as intrinsic earliness, earliness in the narrow sense, basic vegetative period, earliness per se, and basic development rate. Certain assumptions are made in the concept of intrinsic earliness. They are that differences in intrinsic earliness (i) are independent of the responses of the cultivars to photoperiod and vernalization, (ii) apply only to the length of the vegetative period up to floral initiation (as suggested by several authors), (iii) are maintained under different temperatures, measured either in days or degree days. As a consequence of this, the ranking of cultivars (from intrinsically early to intrinsically late) must be maintained at different temperatures. This paper, by the re-analysis of published data, examines the extent to which these assumptions can be supported. Although it is shown that intrinsic earliness operates independently of photoperiod and vernalization responses, the other assumptions were not supported. The differences amongst genotypes in time to ear emergence, grown under above-optimum vernalization and photoperiod (that is when the response to these factors is saturated), were not exclusively due to parallel differences in the length of the vegetative phase, and the length of the reproductive phase was independent of that of the vegetative phase. Thus, it would be possible to change the relative allocation of time to vegetative and reproductive periods with no change in the full period to ear emergence. The differences in intrinsic earliness between cultivars were modified by the temperature regime under which they were grown, i.e. the difference between cultivars (both considering the full phase to ear emergence or some sub-phases) was not a constant amount of time or thermal time at different temperatures. In addition, in some instances genotypes changed their ranking for ‘intrinsic earliness’ depending on the temperature regime. This was interpreted to mean that while all genotypes are sensitive to temperature they differ amongst themselves in the extent of that sensitivity. Therefore, ‘intrinsic earliness’ should not be considered as a static genotypic characteristic, but the result of the interaction between the genotype and temperature. Intrinsic earliness is therefore likely to be related to temperature sensitivity. Some implications of these conclusions for plant breeding and crop simulation modelling are discussed.
The rate of leaf appearance of barley varies substantially with time of sowing. This variation has been related to both the length and the rate of change of photoperiod at the time of plant emergence. An outdoor pot experiment was conducted to test if rate of change of photoperiod directly affects phasic development and rate of leaf emergence of spring barley. Two photoperiod-sensitive cultivars (Bandulla and Galleon) were subjected to five photoperiod regimes: two constant photoperiods, of 14 and 15·5 h, and three different rates of change of photoperiod of c. 2, 9 and 13 min/day from seedling emergence to awn initiation. Photoperiod treatments significantly affected the duration from seedling emergence to awn initiation in both cultivars. Rate of change of photoperiod did not affect the rate of development towards awn initiation independently of the absolute daylength it produced. Although Bandulla had a longer duration than Galleon at any photoperiod regime, the cultivars did not vary in their sensitivity to photoperiod. When this phase was divided into the leaf initiation (LI) and spikelet initiation (SI) phases, it was evident that the sensitivity to photoperiod was not constant, being in general higher during the SI than during the LI phase. However, the magnitude of the change in sensitivity was cultivar-dependent, indicating that sensitivity to photoperiod during the different phases could be under independent genetic control. Final numbers of primordia (leaves together with maximum spikelet number) were negatively affected by increasing photoperiods, but once again, there was no evidence of any effect of the rate of change of photoperiod which was independent of the average photoperiod. Both cultivars showed similar sensitivities for final leaf number but maximum spikelet number was more sensitive to photoperiod in Galleon than in Bandulla. Highly significant linear relationships between leaf number and thermal time were found for all combinations of cultivars and photoperiod regimes (r2 > 0·98). The rate of leaf appearance (RLA) was similar for both cultivars (c. 0·0185 leaves/°Cd) and did not alter during plant development or in response to the change in photoperiod at awn initiation. The range in RLA was greater for Galleon (0·0170–0·0205 leaves/°Cd) than for Bandulla (0·0173–0·0186 leaves/°Cd). Neither of these cultivars exhibited a significant relationship between rate of leaf emergence and photoperiod or rate of change of photoperiod. The lack of significant relationships between RLA and length or rate of change of photoperiod is in contrast with previous reports using time of sowing as a main treatment.
Genetic and environmental trends in 2 lines of rabbit (B and R) selected on individual weight gain (WG) from weaning (4 wk) to slaughter (11 wk) were estimated using mixed model methodology. Line B was derived from the California breed and line R was a synthetic of stock of different origin. The data were collected from a single herd and comprised 7 718 individuals in line B and 9 391 in line R, the lines having 12 and 9 generations of selection respectively. Realized responses in the 2 lines were 2.7% and 2.2% of the initial mean per year respectively and showed that selection on WG was effective but was less than expected. Selection on slaughter weight (SW) and effects of selection on other economic traits are discussed. It is concluded that selection on either WG or SW is a simple method for improving growth rate in rabbit sire line stocks.
Se ha estudiado el papel, como inhibidores de la acción feromonal, de determinados fluoroderivados, análogos estructurales del acetato de (Z)-l 1-hexadecenilo, componente principal de la feromona sexual del noctuido Sesamia nonagrioides Lef. Dichos compuestos fueron los análogos fluoroacetato (mono, di y trifluoroacetato de (Z)-l 1-hexadecenilo) y la trifluorometilcetona análoga [(Z)-1,1,1 -trifluoro-14-nonadecen-2-ona]. La acción inhibidora fue evaluada a partir de los resultados de actividad electrofisiológica (pruebas de electroantenograma, EAG), de estudios de comportamiento en pruebas de túnel de viento y de pruebas de capturas en campo. Los acetatos fluorados, especialmente el mono y el trifluoracetato, se mostraron como buenos inhibidores de la acción atrayente de la feromona en los tres tipos de pruebas realizadas, mientras que la trifluorometilcetona análoga mostró una actividad mucho menor.
Se describen una serie de ensayos de campo y laboratorio (pruebas de EAG, Electro-Anteno-Grama), para optimizar el tipo de trampa, la composición y la dosis de la mezcla atrayente, con miras a obtener un nivel máximo de capturas de machos de Sesamia nonagrioides y un mayor grado de selectividad. Igualmente se presentan las curvas de vuelo de la especie en zonas maiceras representativas de Cataluña y Aragón.