153 resultados para Oscil·lacions no lineals
We apply the theory of continuous time random walks (CTRWs) to study some aspects involving extreme events in financial time series. We focus our attention on the mean exit time (MET). We derive a general equation for this average and compare it with empirical results coming from high-frequency data of the U.S. dollar and Deutsche mark futures market. The empirical MET follows a quadratic law in the return length interval which is consistent with the CTRW formalism.
We show that a magnetic dipole in a shear flow under the action of an oscillating magnetic field displays stochastic resonance in the linear response regime. To this end, we compute the classical quantifiers of stochastic resonance, i.e., the signal to noise ratio, the escape time distribution, and the mean first passage time. We also discuss the limitations and role of the linear response theory in its applications to the theory of stochastic resonance.
We have analyzed the interplay between noise and periodic modulations in a mean field model of a neural excitable medium. For this purpose, we have considered two types of modulations, namely, variations of the resistance and oscillations of the threshold. In both cases, stochastic resonance is present, irrespective of whether the system is monostable or bistable.
We derive a simple closed analytical expression for the total entropy production along a single stochastic trajectory of a Brownian particle diffusing on a periodic potential under an external constant force. By numerical simulations we compute the probability distribution functions of the entropy and satisfactorily test many of the predictions based on Seiferts integral fluctuation theorem. The results presented for this simple model clearly illustrate the practical features and implications derived from such a result of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.
An exact analytical expression for the effective diffusion coefficient of an overdamped Brownian particle in a tilted periodic potential is derived for arbitrary potentials and arbitrary strengths of the thermal noise. Near the critical tilt (threshold of deterministic running solutions) a scaling behavior for weak thermal noise is revealed and various universality classes are identified. In comparison with the bare (potential-free) thermal diffusion, the effective diffusion coefficient in a critically tilted periodic potential may be, in principle, arbitrarily enhanced. For a realistic experimental setup, an enhancement by 14 orders of magnitude is predicted so that thermal diffusion should be observable on a macroscopic scale at room temperature.
Uncorrelated random scale-free networks are useful null models to check the accuracy and the analytical solutions of dynamical processes defined on complex networks. We propose and analyze a model capable of generating random uncorrelated scale-free networks with no multiple and self-connections. The model is based on the classical configuration model, with an additional restriction on the maximum possible degree of the vertices. We check numerically that the proposed model indeed generates scale-free networks with no two- and three-vertex correlations, as measured by the average degree of the nearest neighbors and the clustering coefficient of the vertices of degree k, respectively.
We study a class of models of correlated random networks in which vertices are characterized by hidden variables controlling the establishment of edges between pairs of vertices. We find analytical expressions for the main topological properties of these models as a function of the distribution of hidden variables and the probability of connecting vertices. The expressions obtained are checked by means of numerical simulations in a particular example. The general model is extended to describe a practical algorithm to generate random networks with an a priori specified correlation structure. We also present an extension of the class, to map nonequilibrium growing networks to networks with hidden variables that represent the time at which each vertex was introduced in the system.
We consider damage spreading transitions in the framework of mode-coupling theory. This theory describes relaxation processes in glasses in the mean-field approximation which are known to be characterized by the presence of an exponentially large number of metastable states. For systems evolving under identical but arbitrarily correlated noises, we demonstrate that there exists a critical temperature T0 which separates two different dynamical regimes depending on whether damage spreads or not in the asymptotic long-time limit. This transition exists for generic noise correlations such that the zero damage solution is stable at high temperatures, being minimal for maximal noise correlations. Although this dynamical transition depends on the type of noise correlations, we show that the asymptotic damage has the good properties of a dynamical order parameter, such as (i) independence of the initial damage; (ii) independence of the class of initial condition; and (iii) stability of the transition in the presence of asymmetric interactions which violate detailed balance. For maximally correlated noises we suggest that damage spreading occurs due to the presence of a divergent number of saddle points (as well as metastable states) in the thermodynamic limit consequence of the ruggedness of the free-energy landscape which characterizes the glassy state. These results are then compared to extensive numerical simulations of a mean-field glass model (the Bernasconi model) with Monte Carlo heat-bath dynamics. The freedom of choosing arbitrary noise correlations for Langevin dynamics makes damage spreading an interesting tool to probe the ruggedness of the configurational landscape.
The design of appropriate multifractal analysis algorithms, able to correctly characterize the scaling properties of multifractal systems from experimental, discretized data, is a major challenge in the study of such scale invariant systems. In the recent years, a growing interest for the application of the microcanonical formalism has taken place, as it allows a precise localization of the fractal components as well as a statistical characterization of the system. In this paper, we deal with the specific problems arising when systems that are strictly monofractal are analyzed using some standard microcanonical multifractal methods. We discuss the adaptations of these methods needed to give an appropriate treatment of monofractal systems.
Economy, and consequently trade, is a fundamental part of human social organization which, until now, has not been studied within the network modeling framework. Here we present the first, to the best of our knowledge, empirical characterization of the world trade web, that is, the network built upon the trade relationships between different countries in the world. This network displays the typical properties of complex networks, namely, scale-free degree distribution, the small-world property, a high clustering coefficient, and, in addition, degree-degree correlation between different vertices. All these properties make the world trade web a complex network, which is far from being well described through a classical random network description.
Critical exponents of the infinitely slowly driven Zhang model of self-organized criticality are computed for d=2 and 3, with particular emphasis devoted to the various roughening exponents. Besides confirming recent estimates of some exponents, new quantities are monitored, and their critical exponents computed. Among other results, it is shown that the three-dimensional exponents do not coincide with the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987); Phys. Rev. A 38, 364 (1988)] (Abelian) model, and that the dynamical exponent as computed from the correlation length and from the roughness of the energy profile do not necessarily coincide, as is usually implicitly assumed. An explanation for this is provided. The possibility of comparing these results with those obtained from renormalization group arguments is also briefly addressed.
We analyze the consequences that the choice of the output of the system has in the efficiency of signal detection. It is shown that the output signal and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), used to characterize the phenomenon of stochastic resonance, strongly depend on the form of the output. In particular, the SNR may be enhanced for an adequate output.
Extreme times techniques, generally applied to nonequilibrium statistical mechanical processes, are also useful for a better understanding of financial markets. We present a detailed study on the mean first-passage time for the volatility of return time series. The empirical results extracted from daily data of major indices seem to follow the same law regardless of the kind of index thus suggesting an universal pattern. The empirical mean first-passage time to a certain level L is fairly different from that of the Wiener process showing a dissimilar behavior depending on whether L is higher or lower than the average volatility. All of this indicates a more complex dynamics in which a reverting force drives volatility toward its mean value. We thus present the mean first-passage time expressions of the most common stochastic volatility models whose approach is comparable to the random diffusion description. We discuss asymptotic approximations of these models and confront them to empirical results with a good agreement with the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model.
We propose a method to analytically show the possibility for the appearance of a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio in nonpotential systems. We apply our results to the FitzHugh-Nagumo model under a periodic external forcing, showing that the model exhibits stochastic resonance. The procedure that we follow is based on the reduction to a one-dimensional dynamics in the adiabatic limit and in the topology of the phase space of the systems under study. Its application to other nonpotential systems is also discussed.