101 resultados para Marjavaara, Roger
We show that a minimal model for viscous fingering with a nematic liquid crystal in which anisotropy is considered to enter through two different viscosities in two perpendicular directions can be mapped to a twofold anisotropy in the surface tension. We numerically integrate the dynamics of the resulting problem with the phase-field approach to find and characterize a transition between tip splitting and side branching as a function of both anisotropy and dimensionless surface tension. This anisotropy dependence could explain the experimentally observed (reentrant) transition as temperature and applied pressure are varied. Our observations are also consistent with previous experimental evidence in viscous fingering within an etched cell and simulations of solidification.
We present a phase-field model for the dynamics of the interface between two inmiscible fluids with arbitrary viscosity contrast in a rectangular Hele-Shaw cell. With asymptotic matching techniques we check the model to yield the right Hele-Shaw equations in the sharp-interface limit, and compute the corrections to these equations to first order in the interface thickness. We also compute the effect of such corrections on the linear dispersion relation of the planar interface. We discuss in detail the conditions on the interface thickness to control the accuracy and convergence of the phase-field model to the limiting Hele-Shaw dynamics. In particular, the convergence appears to be slower for high viscosity contrasts.
We present a simple model of communication in networks with hierarchical branching. We analyze the behavior of the model from the viewpoint of critical systems under different situations. For certain values of the parameters, a continuous phase transition between a sparse and a congested regime is observed and accurately described by an order parameter and the power spectra. At the critical point the behavior of the model is totally independent of the number of hierarchical levels. Also scaling properties are observed when the size of the system varies. The presence of noise in the communication is shown to break the transition. The analytical results are a useful guide to forecasting the main features of real networks.
The problem of searchability in decentralized complex networks is of great importance in computer science, economy, and sociology. We present a formalism that is able to cope simultaneously with the problem of search and the congestion effects that arise when parallel searches are performed, and we obtain expressions for the average search cost both in the presence and the absence of congestion. This formalism is used to obtain optimal network structures for a system using a local search algorithm. It is found that only two classes of networks can be optimal: starlike configurations, when the number of parallel searches is small, and homogeneous-isotropic configurations, when it is large.
We propose a procedure for analyzing and characterizing complex networks. We apply this to the social network as constructed from email communications within a medium sized university with about 1700 employees. Email networks provide an accurate and nonintrusive description of the flow of information within human organizations. Our results reveal the self-organization of the network into a state where the distribution of community sizes is self-similar. This suggests that a universal mechanism, responsible for emergence of scaling in other self-organized complex systems, as, for instance, river networks, could also be the underlying driving force in the formation and evolution of social networks.
One hundred and eighty nine patients with primary biliary cirrhosis were entered into a double blind, placebo controlled randomised trial starting in January 1978 to assess the therapeutic value of d-penicillamine 1200 mg daily. Eighteen of the 98 patients receiving d-penicillamine and 22 of the 91 placebo treated patients died during the study. Thirty six per cent of those on d-penicillamine and 8% of those on placebo were withdrawn from the study. No difference in overall survival was noted between the two groups of patients whether the results were analysed for the entire period of observation or only during the period in which the patients were receiving therapy. The mortality rate of those receiving d-penicillamine in histological stage I to II, however, was one third of that of the placebo group although this difference did not reach statistical significance. Using the occurrence rate ratio as the statistical method of analysis, no effect of d-penicillamine was noted on any clinical, biochemical or hist
At this time, about 3,000 different viruses are recognized, but metagenomic studies suggest that these viruses are a small fraction of the viruses that exist in nature. We have explored viral diversity by deep sequencing nucleic acids obtained from virion populations enriched from raw sewage. We identified 234 known viruses, including 17 that infect humans. Plant, insect, and algal viruses as well as bacteriophages were also present. These viruses represented 26 taxonomic families and included viruses with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), positive-sense ssRNA [ssRNA(¿)], and dsRNA genomes. Novel viruses that could be placed in specific taxa represented 51 different families, making untreated wastewater the most diverse viral metagenome (genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples) examined thus far. However, the vast majority of sequence reads bore little or no sequence relation to known viruses and thus could not be placed into specific taxa. These results show that the vast majority of the viruses on Earth have not yet been characterized. Untreated wastewater provides a rich matrix for identifying novel viruses and for studying virus diversity.
«La romanística no tiene complejos» (p. 541). La penúltima frase del texto de Roger Wright, así como del conjunto de textos de esta obra coral en homenaje a Carmen Pensado, motiva el título del libro, que su editor, Fernando Sánchez Miret, personaliza en la figura de la homenajeada, «Carmen Pensado: Una romanista sin complejos»
L'objectiu d'aquest article és, d¿una banda, presentar els arguments que han estat exposats per demostrar que l'ús de tasques pedagògiques pot promoure l'aprenentatge i l'adquisició de llengües i, d'altra banda, revisar com, des del camp de l'adquisició de llengües, s'han utilitzat les tasques pedagògiques com a objecte d'estudi. A l'article, en primer lloc, es defineix el concepte de tasca, tot distingint entre tasques reals i tasques pedagògiques. A continuació, es presenten alguns dels arguments que s'esgrimeixen per considerar les tasques com a eines facilitadores de l'aprenentatge. Finalment, s'hi apunten dues línies de recerca: una d'interactiva i una de cognitiva, que, en l'actualitat, intenten aportar proves sobre com determinats dissenys de tasques pedagògiques poden facilitar l'aprenentatge de llengües.
E1 flúor en su forma más elemental es, en condiciones normales de presión y temperatura, un gas, incluido en el grupo VII de la tabla periódica. Es el más electronegativo de todos los elementos, y no sólo posee notables cualidades químicas sino también fisiológicas, de la máxima importancia para la salud y el bienestar del hombre. Por su comportamiento químico, es el más activo de todos los iones elementales.