101 resultados para Frequency stability
Several clinical studies have reported that EEG synchrony is affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this paper a frequency band analysis of AD EEG signals is presented, with the aim of improving the diagnosis of AD using EEG signals. In this paper, multiple synchrony measures are assessed through statistical tests (Mann–Whitney U test), including correlation, phase synchrony and Granger causality measures. Moreover, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is conducted with those synchrony measures as features. For the data set at hand, the frequency range (5-6Hz) yields the best accuracy for diagnosing AD, which lies within the classical theta band (4-8Hz). The corresponding classification error is 4.88% for directed transfer function (DTF) Granger causality measure. Interestingly, results show that EEG of AD patients is more synchronous than in healthy subjects within the optimized range 5-6Hz, which is in sharp contrast with the loss of synchrony in AD EEG reported in many earlier studies. This new finding may provide new insights about the neurophysiology of AD. Additional testing on larger AD datasets is required to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This study analyzed stability and consistency of coping among adolescents. The objectives were twofold: a) to analyze temporal stability and cross-situational consistency of coping responses after a 17- month interval, taking into account gender, age and type of stressor. b) To analyze the relative weight of contextual versus dispositional factors in predicting future coping. A cohort of 341 adolescents (51% girls and 49% boys aged between 12 and 16) were assessed twice by means of the Coping Responses Inventory - Youth. The results indicated that the coping responses were quite stable over time at the group level, but with important within-subject differences. Girls showed slightly more stability than boys. Among the girls, Avoidance coping showed as much stability as consistency and Approach coping showed more stability than consistency. Among the boys, Avoidance coping showed more stability than consistency, and Approach coping showed both low stability and low consistency. Among the boys, the coping used at Time 1 barely predicted that used at Time 2; in contrast, among the girls, the type of coping used in the past, especially Avoidance coping, predicted the coping that would be used in the future.
Oxygen vacancies in metal oxides are known to determine their chemistry and physics. The properties of neutral oxygen vacancies in metal oxides of increasing complexity (MgO, CaO, alpha-Al2O3, and ZnO) have been studied using density functional theory. Vacancy formation energies, vacancy-vacancy interaction, and the barriers for vacancy migration are determined and rationalized in terms of the ionicity, the Madelung potential, and lattice relaxation. It is found that the Madelung potential controls the oxygen vacancy properties of highly ionic oxides whereas a more complex picture arises for covalent ZnO.
We investigate how correlations between the diversity of the connectivity of networks and the dynamics at their nodes affect the macroscopic behavior. In particular, we study the synchronization transition of coupled stochastic phase oscillators that represent the node dynamics. Crucially in our work, the variability in the number of connections of the nodes is correlated with the width of the frequency distribution of the oscillators. By numerical simulations on Erdös-Rényi networks, where the frequencies of the oscillators are Gaussian distributed, we make the counterintuitive observation that an increase in the strength of the correlation is accompanied by an increase in the critical coupling strength for the onset of synchronization. We further observe that the critical coupling can solely depend on the average number of connections or even completely lose its dependence on the network connectivity. Only beyond this state, a weighted mean-field approximation breaks down. If noise is present, the correlations have to be stronger to yield similar observations.
Abstract Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.
Dissolution studies have become of great significance because, in most cases, drug dissolution is the rate-limiting step in the absorption process. As occurs with solid oral dosage forms, heterogeneous disperse systems (suspensions) could also have some problems with their in vitro dissolution. The objective of this study was to evaluate influence of the excipients on the release of spironolactone from four alcohol free suspensions (pharmaceutical compounding) of spironolactone 5 mg/mL suitable for pediatric use. Also the comparison of the physical and chemical stability of the suspensions stored at 4, 25 and 40 ºC over a 60- day period has been studied. Rheological behavior, particle size, a prediction of long-term physical stability, pH and assay of spironolactone by HPLC were assessed at prefixed times. The dissolution profile of each suspension was determined and compared with that of the commercial tablets. A microbiological study of the best formula was also performed. Chemically, the four spironolactone suspensions were stable for 60 days stored at three temperatures; Suspension IV had optimum pH values and the highest recovery percentage. In terms of physical stability, sedimentation occurred in Suspension IV and flotation of spironolactone in Suspensions I, II and III. Suspension III had the highest viscosity and the slowest drug release. Suspension IV was also microbiologically stable for 60 days. In conclusion, Suspension IV had the best properties and the least suitable form was Suspension III, as its high viscosity made it difficult to achieve homogeneous redispersion, and it had the slowest dissolution profile.
The aim of this study is to define a new statistic, PVL, based on the relative distance between the likelihood associated with the simulation replications and the likelihood of the conceptual model. Our results coming from several simulation experiments of a clinical trial show that the PVL statistic range can be a good measure of stability to establish when a computational model verifies the underlying conceptual model. PVL improves also the analysis of simulation replications because only one statistic is associated with all the simulation replications. As well it presents several verification scenarios, obtained by altering the simulation model, that show the usefulness of PVL. Further simulation experiments suggest that a 0 to 20 % range may define adequate limits for the verification problem, if considered from the viewpoint of an equivalence test.
Flushing is an important maintenance task that removes accumulated particles in microirrigation laterals that can help to reduce clogging problems. The effect of three dripline flushing frequency treatments (no flushing, one flushing at the end of each irrigation period, and a monthly flushing during the irrigation period) was studied in surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems that operated using a wastewater treatment plant effluent for three irrigation periods of 540 h each. The irrigation systems had two different emitters, one pressure compensating and the other not, both molded and welded onto the interior dripline wall, placed in laterals 87 meters long. Dripline flow of the pressure compensating emitter increased 8% over time, while in the nonpressure compensating emitter, dripline flow increased 25% in the surface driplines and decreased 3% in the subsurface driplines by the emitter clogging. Emitter clogging was affected primarily by the interactions between emitter location, emitter type, and flushing frequency treatment. The number of completely clogged emitters was affected by the interaction between irrigation system and emitter type. There was an average of 3.7% less totally clogged emitters in flushed surface driplines with the pressurecompensating emitter as compared to flushed subsurface laterals with the nonpressure compensating emitter
Personalized medicine is a challenging research area in paediatric treatments. Elaborating new paediatric formulations when no commercial forms are available is a common practice in pharmacy laboratories; among these, oral liquid formulations are the most common. But due to the lack of specialized equipment, frequently studies to assure the efficiency and safety of the final medicine cannot be carried out. Thus the purpose of this work was the development, characterization and stability evaluation of two oral formulations of sildenafil for the treatment of neonatal persistent pulmonary hypertension. After the establishment of a standard operating procedure (SOP) and elaboration, the physicochemical stability parameters appearance, pH, particle size, rheological behaviour and drug content of formulations were evaluated at three different temperatures for 90 days. Equally, prediction of long term stability, as well as, microbiological stability was performed. Formulations resulted in a suspension and a solution slightly coloured exhibiting fruity odour. Formulation I (suspension) exhibited the best physicochemical properties including Newtonian behaviour and uniformity of API content above 90% to assure an exact dosification process.
The use of ionic liquid analogues as solvents has increased in order to substitute the aqueous solvents in some applications in which the side reactions are undesirable. However these solvents prepared from the mixture in the eutectic proportion of species establishing hydrogen bonds are susceptible of electrochemical reactions. The study of platinum deposition on vitreous carbon in an ionic liquid analogue (2 urea: choli ne chloride) is presented; the electrochemical study has permitted to interpret the sequence of the metal deposition process and simultaneously to analyze the behavior of the ionic liquid analogue along the process. Reduction reactions of the solvent relat ed both to the electronation of choline and hydrogen formation have been detected. Different substrata have been used in order to test the possibility and the extent of these reactions depending on the nature of material. The results indicate that the feas ible electrochemical window of the substrate/solvent is highly dependent of the kind of substrate; the negative limit is tied by the massive hydrogen reaction, reaction enhanced by the electrocatalytic character of the substrate.
Tot i que el cacau i la xocolata són una gran font de polifenols, aquests aliments no es troben entre les fonts alimentàries de polifenols més consumides. Algunes dades suggereixen un aport inferior al 10% de polifenols a través d’aquests. Aquest fet podria ser causa de les diferents metodologies i l'enfocament dels qüestionaris de freqüència de consum d'aliments (FFQ) utilitzats en aquests estudis. La majoria de FFQ validats utilitzen una extensa llista d'aliments per a les fruites i verdures, però no distingeixen adequadament les diverses fonts de xocolata i cacau. Aquests fets recolzen la necessitat d'una avaluació del consum de productes de cacau per tal de poder conèixer la ingesta real de cacau, especialment en la població jove, on la xocolata és un aliment consumit freqüentment.