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En aquest article, s’hi presenta el procés d’elaboració, la metodologia, les reflexions i les conclusions del Llibre Blanc de l’Eurodistricte Català Transfronterer elaborat per la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) i la Universitat de Girona (UdG). L’estudi té per objectiu acompanyar la definició i l’emergència d’un projecte de territori transfronterer basat en la realitat d’un àmbit territorial compartit entre el departament dels Pirineus Orientals i les comarques de la província de Girona. El contingut del Llibre Blanc es divideix en tres parts: un diagnòstic transfronterer complet, l’anàlisi dels reptes d’aquest territori i les opcions de governança del territori transfronterer. Després de descriure el context territorial, la metodologia i les conclusions de l’estudi, s’hi fa un breu repàs de quin és l’estat del procés en l’actualitat


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We investigate contributions to the provision of public goods on a network when efficient provision requires the formation of a star network. We provide a theoretical analysis and study behavior is a controlled laboratory experiment. In a 2x2 design, we examine the effects of group size and the presence of (social) benefits for incoming links. We find that social benefits are highly important. They facilitate convergence to equilibrium networks and enhance the stability and efficiency of the outcome. Moreover, in large groups social benefits encourage the formation of superstars: star networks in which the core contributes more than expected in the stage-game equilibrium. We show that this result is predicted by a repeated game equilibrium.


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This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of observed levels of migration using a quantitativemulti-sector model of the world economy calibrated to aggregate and firm-level data.Our framework features cross-country labor productivity differences, international trade, remittances,and a heterogeneous workforce. We compare welfare under the observed levels ofmigration to a no-migration counterfactual. In the long run, natives in countries that receiveda lot of migration -such as Canada or Australia- are better o due to greater product varietyavailable in consumption and as intermediate inputs. In the short run the impact of migrationon average welfare in these countries is close to zero, while the skilled and unskilled nativestend to experience welfare changes of opposite signs. The remaining natives in countries withlarge emigration flows -such as Jamaica or El Salvador- are also better off due to migration,but for a different reason: remittances. The welfare impact of observed levels of migration issubstantial, at about 5 to 10% for the main receiving countries and about 10% in countries withlarge incoming remittances. Our results are robust to accounting for imperfect transferabilityof skills, selection into migration, and imperfect substitution between natives and immigrants.


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Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) plays a major role in several biological processes. It is therefore of fundamental interest to understand how the elastic response and the formation of secondary structures are modulated by the interplay between base pairing and electrostatic interactions. Here we measure force-extension curves (FECs) of ssDNA molecules in optical tweezers set up over two orders of magnitude of monovalent and divalent salt conditions, and obtain its elastic parameters by fitting the FECs to semiflexible models of polymers. For both monovalent and divalent salts, we find that the electrostatic contribution to the persistence length is proportional to the Debye screening length, varying as the inverse of the square root of cation concentration. The intrinsic persistence length is equal to 0.7 nm for both types of salts, and the effectivity of divalent cations in screening electrostatic interactions appears to be 100-fold as compared with monovalent salt, in line with what has been recently reported for single-stranded RNA. Finally, we propose an analysis of the FECs using a model that accounts for the effective thickness of the filament at low salt condition and a simple phenomenological description that quantifies the formation of non-specific secondary structure at low forces.


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During the regeneration of freshwater planarians, polarity and patterning programs play essential roles in determining whether a head or a tail regenerates at anterior or posterior-facing wounds. This decision is made very soon after amputation. The pivotal role of the Wnt/β-catenin and Hh signaling pathways in re-establishing anterior-posterior (AP) polarity has been well documented. However, the mechanisms that control the growth and differentiation of the blastema in accordance with its AP identity are less well understood. Previous studies have described a role of Smed-egfr-3, a planarian epidermal growth factor receptor, in blastema growth and differentiation. Here, we identify Smed-egr-4, a zinc-finger transcription factor belonging to the early growth response gene family, as a putative downstream target of Smed-egfr-3. Smed-egr-4 is mainly expressed in the central nervous system and its silencing inhibits anterior regeneration without affecting the regeneration of posterior regions. Single and combinatorial RNA interference to target different elements of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, together with expression analysis of brain- and anterior-specific markers, revealed that Smed-egr-4: (1) is expressed in two phases - an early Smed-egfr-3-independent phase and a late Smed-egfr-3-dependent phase; (2) is necessary for the differentiation of the brain primordia in the early stages of regeneration; and (3) that it appears to antagonize the activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway to allow head regeneration. These results suggest that a conserved EGFR/egr pathway plays an important role in cell differentiation during planarian regeneration and indicate an association between early brain differentiation and the proper progression of head regeneration.


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Estudi sobre l'estructura socioeconòmica del Bisbat de Girona amb la finalitat de dibuixar les àrees funcionals que estructures aquest espai, i poder endegar, a la llarga una reforma dels actuals límits de l'arxiprestat


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La investigación sobre el paisaje en zonas urbanas o periurbanas implica importantes limitaciones metodológicas. En el presente estudio, el trabajo se centra en un llano pre-litoral próximo a la ciudad de Barcelona, el Vallès Oriental, profundamente urbanizado en las últimas dos décadas, hecho que condiciona la recuperación de nuevos datos arqueológicos y la implementación de programas de prospección arqueológica. Asimismo, la particular topografía que presenta el llano, caracterizado por unos relieves suaves, ha obligado a adaptar la metodología del análisis arqueomorfológico a este contexto geográfico. El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis arqueomorfológico realizado, que han sido cruzados con la documentación histórica y arqueológica para caracterizar —desde una perspectiva diacrónica— la red viaria, la estructuración territorial y la evolución del poblamiento de esta área y, finalmente, determinar las dinámicas del paisaje en época romana. La investigación sobre la morfología del territorio se ha llevado a cabo a partir de un intenso trabajo de fotointerpretación y análisis de la cartografía histórica en entorno SIG, especialmente útil en un paisaje marcado por las importantes trasformaciones del medio rural. Igualmente, los datos generados en los últimos años por la investigación arqueológica han sido revisados de forma detallada, a fin de contribuir a la planificación de las prospecciones arqueológicas y arqueomorfológicas desarrolladas.


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Background Transketolase-like 1 (TKTL1) induces glucose degradation through anaerobic pathways, even in presence of oxygen, favoring the malignant aerobic glycolytic phenotype characteristic of tumor cells. As TKTL1 appears to be a valid biomarker for cancer prognosis, the aim of the current study was to correlate its expression with tumor stage, probability of tumor recurrence and survival, in a series of colorectal cancer patients. Methodolody/Principal Findings Tumor tissues from 63 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer at different stages of progression were analyzed for TKTL1 by immunohistochemistry. Staining was quantified by computational image analysis, and correlations between enzyme expression, local growth, lymph-node involvement and metastasis were assessed. The highest values for TKTL1 expression were detected in the group of stage III tumors, which showed significant differences from the other groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.000008). Deeper analyses of T, N and M classifications revealed a weak correlation between local tumor growth and enzyme expression (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.029), a significant association of the enzyme expression with lymph-node involvement (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0014) and a significant decrease in TKTL1 expression associated with metastasis (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0004). Conclusions/Significance To our knowledge, few studies have explored the association between variations in TKTL1 expression in the primary tumor and metastasis formation. Here we report downregulation of enzyme expression when metastasis appears, and a correlation between enzyme expression and regional lymph-node involvement in colon cancer. This finding may improve our understanding of metastasis and lead to new and more efficient therapies against cancer.


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This review focuses on the role of proteins in the production and maintenance of foam in both sparkling wines and beer. The quality of the foam in beer but especially in sparkling wines depends, among other factors, on the presence of mannoproteins released from the yeast cell walls during autolysis. These proteins are hydrophobic, highly glycosylated, and their molecular masses range from 10 to 200 kDa characteristics that allow mannoproteins to surround and thus stabilize the gas bubbles of the foam. Both the production and stabilization of foam also depend on other proteins. In wine, these include grape-derived proteins such as vacuolar invertase; in beer, barley-derived proteins, such as LTP1, protein Z, and hordein-derived polypeptides, are even more important in this respect than mannoproteins


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El trabajo es una análisis territorial del problema de la accesibilidad a la vivienda en España. El ámbito de estudio son las Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA) y el objetivo es evaluar qué CCAA gozan de mejores condiciones de accesibilidad a la vivienda en propiedad. Para alcanzar tal objetivo se trabaja con cuatro grupos de variables: variables relacionadas con la oferta de viviendas, variables relacionadas con los precios de la vivienda, variables relacionadas con la política de la vivienda y variables relacionadas con las características y equipamiento de la vivienda. La metodología aplicada cae dentro de la programación multicriterio. Esta técnica ha sido elegida porque permite incluir en la función objetivo todas las variables consideradas relevantes e ir desgranando qué CCAA optimizan los criterios marcados de accesibilidad.


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Se estudian los antecedentes y gestación de la actual división provincial en la España atlántica, durante la transición del antiguo régimen al liberalismo (1800-1850). Las provincias se entienden como resultado de la convergencia de la voluntad racionalista y uniformadora del Estado con los intereses de auto-organización regional de la periferia.


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Pocs saben que el canal Segarra-Garrigues i les obres de transformació en regadiu que l’acompanyen representen avui dia la segona inversió pública més important de Catalunya. Malgrat l’enorme inversió que s’està fent, aquesta obra, que ha d’abastar unes 70.000 ha a les comarques de Lleida, ha estat concebuda a imatge de les grans obres hidràuliques del segle xix i xx, i planteja molts dubtes sobre la incidència econòmica real que tindrà. Des del mateix territori, l’anomenat Manifest de Vallbona posa sobre la taula des del 2004 un nou tipus de canal que respongui a les necessitats reals de desenvolupament del territori i a les sensibilitats de la nova cultura de l’aigua.


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La tendencia descentralizadora impulsada por la política universitaria española ha tenido, sin lugar a dudas, un impacto importante sobre la economía de las regiones en las que se ha asentado una Universidad de nueva creación. Los estudios del impacto económico de la Universidad sobre el área geográfica en la que se desenvuelve, son un importante instrumento para justificar e incentivar la descentralización geográfica de la educación superior, especialmente en tiempos en los que las rigideces presupuestarias exigen racionalizar al máximo los niveles de gasto público. Una de las técnicas habitualmente utilizadas para evaluar los efectos de la Universidad sobre la economía regional, es la basada en el análisis input-output. Dicho análisis estima el impacto total del gasto, incluyendo los efectos directos, los efectos indirectos y los efectos inducidos del consumo. La metodología input-output es precisamente, la que se aplica en este trabajo para poder cuantificar el impacto que las actividades de la Universidad de Lleida han tenido sobre la economía territorial.


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Since 2001 several outbreaks of a new disease associated with Border disease virus (BDV) infection have caused important declines in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) populations in the Pyrenees. The goal of this study was to analyze the post-outbreak BDV epidemiology in the first two areas affected by disease with the aim to establish if the infection has become endemic. We also investigated if BDV infected wild and domestic ruminants sharing habitat with chamois. Unexpectedly, we found different epidemiological scenarios in each population. Since the disease outbreaks, some chamois populations recuperated quickly, while others did not recover as expected. In chamois from the first areas, prevalence was high (73.47%) and constant throughout the whole study period and did not differ between chamois born before and after the BDV outbreak; in all, BDV was detected by RT-PCR in six chamois. In the other areas, prevalence was lower (52.79%) and decreased during the study period; as well, prevalence was significantly lower in chamois born after the disease outbreak. No BDV were detected in this population. A comparative virus neutralisation test performed with four BDV strains and one Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strain showed that all the chamois had BDV-specific antibodies. Pestivirus antibodies were detected in all the rest of analyzed species, with low prevalence values in wild ruminants and moderate values in domestic ruminants. No viruses were detected in these species. These results confirm the hypothesis that outbreaks of BDV infection only affect the Pyrenean chamois, although other wild ruminants can occasionally be infected. In conclusion, two different scenarios have appeared since the first border disease outbreaks in Pyrenean chamois: on the one hand frequent BDV circulation with possible negative impact on population dynamics in some areas and on the other, lack of virus circulation and quick recovery of the chamois population.