104 resultados para FERMAT PRINCIPLE
A microscopic calculation of the residual particle-hole (p-h) interaction in spin-polarized 3He is performed. As a starting point the Brueckner G matrix is used which is supplemented by including the phonon exchange terms self-consistently. An important ingredient in this microscopic version of the induced interaction is the treatment of the full momentum dependence of the interaction. This allows a consistent description of the Landau limit (Pauli-principle sum rule for the Landau parameters is fulfilled) but also enables a detailed study of the p-h interaction at finite momentum transfers. A comparison with correlated basis functions results shows good agreement for momentum transfers larger than the Fermi momentum.
The title of this brief article quite clearly illustrates its aims and evident limitations. In principle, a search for a Greek basis of the misogynist content of Andreas Capellanus's De amore is likely to lead researchers to focus on analysis of the sources -Greek sources, of course. However, there is no doubt that Ovid, the most frequently quoted ancient author, in this case the structural source, above all his Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris and Heroides, which is quite logical in light of the remarkable presence and influence of Ovid's works throughout that time. There was also a good knowledge of the works of Cicero, Virgil, Horace and Juvenal. However, other classical authors, even the Greeks -those who were known then-, were undoubtedly read in the schools, but the knowledge of their works was certainly superficial. Furthermore, given the scholastic method followed in De amore, it would be absurd not to consider the use of many quotations that appeared in the Compendia and in handbooks of religious instruction.
A laser-based technique for printing transparent and weakly absorbing liquids is developed. Its principle of operation relies in the tight focusing of short laser pulses inside the liquid and close to its free surface, in such a way that the laser radiation is absorbed in a tiny volume around the beam waist, with practically no absorption in any other location along the beam path. If the absorbed energy overcomes the optical breakdown threshold, a cavitation bubble is generated, and its expansion results in the propulsion of a small fraction of liquid which can be collected on a substrate, leading to the printing of a microdroplet for each laser pulse. The technique does not require the preparation of the liquid in thin film form, and its forward mode of operation imposes no restriction concerning the optical properties of the substrate. These characteristics make it well suited for printing a wide variety of materials of interest in diverse applications. We demonstrate that the film-free laser forward printing technique is capable of printing microdroplets with good resolution, reproducibility and control, and analyze the influence of the main process parameter, laser pulse energy. The mechanisms of liquid printing are also investigated: time-resolved imaging provides a clear picture of the dynamics of liquid transfer which allows understanding the main features observed in the printed droplets.
Two-sided flux decoration experiments indicate that threading dislocation lines (TDLs), which cross the entire film, are sometimes trapped in metastable states. We calculate the elastic energy associated with the meanderings of a TDL. The TDL behaves as an anisotropic and dispersive string with thermal fluctuations largely along its Burgers vector. These fluctuations also modify the structure factor of the vortex solid. Both effects can, in principle, be used to estimate the elastic moduli of the material.
A presymplectic structure for path-dependent Lagrangian systems is set up such that, when applied to ordinary Lagrangians, it yields the familiar Legendre transformation. It is then applied to derive a Hamiltonian formalism and the conserved quantities for those predictive invariant systems whose solutions also satisfy a Fokker-type action principle.
The recently proposed correspondence principle of Horowitz and Polchinski provides a concrete means to relate (among others) black holes with electric Neveu-SchwarzNeveu-Schwarz charges to fundamental strings and correctly match their entropies. We further test this correspondence by examining the greybody factors in the absorption rates of neutral, minimally coupled scalars by a near extremal black hole. Perhaps surprisingly, the results disagree in general with the absorption by weakly coupled strings. Though this does not disprove the correspondence, it indicates that it might not be simple in this region of the black hole parameter space.
We explore the possibility that the dark energy is due to a potential of a scalar field and that the magnitude and the slope of this potential in our part of the Universe are largely determined by anthropic selection effects. We find that, in some models, the most probable values of the slope are very small, implying that the dark energy density stays constant to very high accuracy throughout cosmological evolution. In other models, however, the most probable values of the slope are such that the slow roll condition is only marginally satisfied, leading to a recollapse of the local universe on a time scale comparable to the lifetime of the Sun. In the latter case, the effective equation of state varies appreciably with the redshift, leading to a number of testable predictions.
An exact analytical expression for the effective diffusion coefficient of an overdamped Brownian particle in a tilted periodic potential is derived for arbitrary potentials and arbitrary strengths of the thermal noise. Near the critical tilt (threshold of deterministic running solutions) a scaling behavior for weak thermal noise is revealed and various universality classes are identified. In comparison with the bare (potential-free) thermal diffusion, the effective diffusion coefficient in a critically tilted periodic potential may be, in principle, arbitrarily enhanced. For a realistic experimental setup, an enhancement by 14 orders of magnitude is predicted so that thermal diffusion should be observable on a macroscopic scale at room temperature.
They present a Rule based in the Principle of Indifference to represent the formation of beliefs in conditions of uncertainty.
In the analysis of equilibrium policies in a di erential game, if agents have different time preference rates, the cooperative (Pareto optimum) solution obtained by applying the Pontryagin's Maximum Principle becomes time inconsistent. In this work we derive a set of dynamic programming equations (in discrete and continuous time) whose solutions are time consistent equilibrium rules for N-player cooperative di erential games in which agents di er in their instantaneous utility functions and also in their discount rates of time preference. The results are applied to the study of a cake-eating problem describing the management of a common property exhaustible natural resource. The extension of the results to a simple common property renewable natural resource model in in nite horizon is also discussed.
A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.
A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.
Se analiza la transposición de la Directiva Marco de Aguas 2000/60/CE al ordenamiento jurídico español, acotando la materia al régimen económico financiero de la obra pública hidráulica y en general del Dominio Público Hidráulico. A tal fin se estudian los principios rectores del régimen económico financiero comunitario del Dominio Público Hidráulico y su transposición al Ordenamiento Jurídico Español: a) Principio de recuperación de costes de los servicios relacionados con el agua y excepciones. El régimen tarifario del DPH (valor versus precio del agua). B) Principio de utilización eficiente de los recursos híbridos a través de una política de precios del agua que proporciona los incentivos adecuados a tal fin. c) Principio de contribución adecuada de los usos del agua desglosados, al menos, en industria, hogares y agricultura, basado en el análisis económico y en el principio del que contamina paga. d) Principio ambiental (creado por la OCDE): quien contamina paga (user-pays-principle). Finalmente también se analizan los costes de los servicios relacionados con el dominio público hidráulico
This paper is devoted to prove a large-deviation principle for solutions to multidimensional stochastic Volterra equations.