99 resultados para sphere bundle


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The formation of a hollow cellular sphere is often one of the first steps of multicellular embryonic development. In the case of Hydra, the sphere breaks its initial symmetry to form a foot-head axis. During this process a gene, ks1, is increasingly expressed in localized cell domains whose size distribution becomes scale-free at the axis-locking moment. We show that a physical model based solely on the production and exchange of ks1-promoting factors among neighboring cells robustly reproduces the scaling behavior as well as the experimentally observed spontaneous and temperature-directed symmetry breaking.


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Spherical gravitational wave (GW) detectors offer a wealth of so far unexplored possibilities to detect gravitational radiation. We find that a sphere can be used as a powerful testbed for any metric theory of gravity, not only general relativity as considered so far, by making use of a deconvolution procedure for all the electric components of the Riemann tensor. We also find that the spheres cross section is large at two frequencies, and advantageous at higher frequencies in the sense that a single antenna constitutes a real xylophone in its own. Proposed GW networks will greatly benefit from this. The main features of a two large sphere observatory are reported.


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We study the response and cross sections for the absorption of GW energy generated in a Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory by a resonant mass detector shaped as a hollow sphere. As a source of the GW we take a binary system in the Newtonian approximation. For masses of the stars of the order of the solar mass, the emitted GW sweeps a range of frequencies which include the first resonant mode of the detector.


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Recent results in the literature concerning holography indicate that the thermodynamics of quantum gravity (at least with a negative cosmological constant) can be modeled by the large N thermodynamics of quantum field theory. We emphasize that this suggests a completely unitary evolution of processes in quantum gravity, including black hole formation and decay, and even more extreme examples involving topology change. As concrete examples which show that this correspondence holds even when the space-time is only locally asymptotically AdS, we compute the thermodynamical phase structure of the AdS-Taub-NUT and AdS-Taub-bolt spacetimes, and compare them to a (2+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (at large N) compactified on a squashed three-sphere and on the twisted plane.


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Molecular dynamics simulation is applied to the study of the diffusion properties in binary liquid mixtures made up of soft-sphere particles with different sizes and masses. Self- and distinct velocity correlation functions and related diffusion coefficients have been calculated. Special attention has been paid to the dynamic cross correlations which have been computed through recently introduced relative mean molecular velocity correlation functions which are independent on the reference frame. The differences between the distinct velocity correlations and diffusion coefficients in different reference frames (mass-fixed, number-fixed, and solvent-fixed) are discussed.


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We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions, where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black holes


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In this paper we study the set of periods of holomorphic maps on compact manifolds, using the periodic Lefschetz numbers introduced by Dold and Llibre, which can be computed from the homology class of the map. We show that these numbers contain information about the existence of periodic points of a given period; and, if we assume the map to be transversal, then they give us the exact number of such periodic orbits. We apply this result to the complex projective space of dimension n and to some special type of Hopf surfaces, partially characterizing their set of periods. In the first case we also show that any holomorphic map of CP(n) of degree greater than one has infinitely many distinct periodic orbits, hence generalizing a theorem of Fornaess and Sibony. We then characterize the set of periods of a holomorphic map on the Riemann sphere, hence giving an alternative proof of Baker's theorem.


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[spa] La financiación es uno de los aspectos de la Renta Básica en que más se ha avanzado en los últimos 10 o 12 años. Por Renta Básica aquí se entenderá en todo momento un ingreso pagado por el estado a cada miembro de pleno derecho de la sociedad o residente, incluso si no quiere trabajar de forma remunerada, sin tomar en consideración si es rico o pobre, o dicho de otra forma, independientemente de cuáles puedan ser las otras posibles fuentes de renta, y sin importar con quien conviva. Diversas e interesantes investigaciones para ámbitos geográficos distintos han hecho acto de aparición y han alimentado un vivo debate acerca de las formas de financiar la Renta Básica. La Renta Básica puede ser pagada por parte de distintas instituciones públicas. La propuesta de financiación de la Renta Básica a la que se refiere este artículo consiste en una reforma en profundidad del actual Impuesto de la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF). El estudio opta por este camino porque se ha tenido acceso a datos individualizados del IRPF de Cataluña, pero también porque este impuesto es especialmente útil para apreciar, por ejemplo, la redistribución resultante de la renta. Está basado en un programa de microsimulación específicamente diseñado para este objetivo, aplicado sobre una base de datos provenientes de una muestra de 110.474 declaraciones del IRPF de Cataluña, para evaluar diferentes opciones de políticas de integración de impuestos y prestaciones que incluyan una Renta Básica. Este estudio muestra que la reforma propuesta es viable en términos económicos y que el impacto en la distribución de la renta sería muy progresivo, como después se especificará.


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In this paper we will find a continuous of periodic orbits passing near infinity for a class of polynomial vector fields in R3. We consider polynomial vector fields that are invariant under a symmetry with respect to a plane and that possess a “generalized heteroclinic loop” formed by two singular points e+ and e− at infinity and their invariant manifolds � and . � is an invariant manifold of dimension 1 formed by an orbit going from e− to e+, � is contained in R3 and is transversal to . is an invariant manifold of dimension 2 at infinity. In fact, is the 2–dimensional sphere at infinity in the Poincar´e compactification minus the singular points e+ and e−. The main tool for proving the existence of such periodic orbits is the construction of a Poincar´e map along the generalized heteroclinic loop together with the symmetry with respect to .


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In this paper we consider C1 vector fields X in R3 having a “generalized heteroclinic loop” L which is topologically homeomorphic to the union of a 2–dimensional sphere S2 and a diameter connecting the north with the south pole. The north pole is an attractor on S2 and a repeller on . The equator of the sphere is a periodic orbit unstable in the north hemisphere and stable in the south one. The full space is topologically homeomorphic to the closed ball having as boundary the sphere S2. We also assume that the flow of X is invariant under a topological straight line symmetry on the equator plane of the ball. For each n ∈ N, by means of a convenient Poincar´e map, we prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits of X near L that gives n turns around L in a period. We also exhibit a class of polynomial vector fields of degree 4 in R3 satisfying this dynamics.


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In this paper we consider vector fields in R3 that are invariant under a suitable symmetry and that posses a “generalized heteroclinic loop” L formed by two singular points (e+ and e −) and their invariant manifolds: one of dimension 2 (a sphere minus the points e+ and e −) and one of dimension 1 (the open diameter of the sphere having endpoints e+ and e −). In particular, we analyze the dynamics of the vector field near the heteroclinic loop L by means of a convenient Poincar´e map, and we prove the existence of infinitely many symmetric periodic orbits near L. We also study two families of vector fields satisfying this dynamics. The first one is a class of quadratic polynomial vector fields in R3, and the second one is the charged rhomboidal four body problem.


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The bibliographical revision of national gerontological literature reveals some confusion in the use of terms that refer to mechanical contentions, lack of dialogue with regards to ethical conflicts that suggest their use, a significant generalization of the claims against and the absence of positive references despite its high prevalence as shown by some authors. This paper presents some technical proposals on the definition, the use of terms and the use of mechanical contentions in the social sphere such as putting the ethical dialogue before the argumentation based on the prevalence, define them in terms of their intent, agree on a classification of the different contention methods, identify the types and levels of risk and intervene specifically and in terms thereof. Finally, recommendations are added with regards to risks, the decision process, prescription and the withdrawal process.


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Un fet clau pel coneixement de la població immigrant i el disseny de polítiques d’acollida és la seva distribució territorial. Els indicadors de segregació residencial són una eina molt útil. En aquest article es proposen mesures contrastades internacionalment i s’apliquen al cas osonenc considerant Osona com a conjunt i també estudiant per separat el casos de Vic i Manlleu. Tot i ser una comarca amb un percentatge rellevant de població immigrant no es donen situacions segregatives que sí es troben en l’àmbit metropolità.


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En la actualidad estamos sufriendo una situación de crisis económica de dimensiones desproporcionadas e inusuales, la cual está obligando a todas las empresas a globalizar en mayor medida el ámbito de actuación de sus negocios, por lo que muchas empresas que trabajaban exclusivamente en el ámbito local o nacional han tenido que expandirse hacia el exterior. Este hecho, añadido a la fortísima competencia existente en el mercado, obligará a todas estas empresas a tener que controlar en mayor medida la actividad productiva, y a hacerlo utilizando tecnologías que faciliten el flujo de la información dentro de la empresa, hagan que la distancia no sea un problema para la transmisión de esa información, y con las que todos los usuarios manejen los mismos datos. El sector de la construcción es uno de los más castigados por la citada crisis, y probablemente uno de los más retrasados en lo que respecta a utilización de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de una web dinámica como herramienta para medir la eficiencia en el control de la actividad productiva de una empresa constructora. La manera de medir esta eficiencia será mediante la comparación mensual de los costes previstos para las diferentes obras que deba ejecutar la empresa (los cuales podemos llamar estándar) y los que se vayan produciendo realmente. La herramienta diseñada podría ir aumentando su utilidad si, añadiendo módulos mediante la ampliación de la base de datos y diseñando las pertinentes nuevas páginas web para el sitio, se usa también para otros menesteres además del control de la actividad productiva por comparación entre costes previstos y reales. Es decir, que se podría llegar a gestionar la información de todas las actividades de la empresa (compras, recursos humanos, contabilidad, gestión de calidad, etc.). Por lo tanto, una web dinámica como la expuesta en el trabajo podría servir como semilla para el desarrollo de un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).


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We initiate a systematic scan of the landscape of black holes in any spacetime dimension using the recently proposed blackfold effective worldvolume theory. We focus primarily on asymptotically flat stationary vacuum solutions, where we uncover large classes of new black holes. These include helical black strings and black rings, black odd-spheres, for which the horizon is a product of a large and a small sphere, and non-uniform black cylinders. More exotic possibilities are also outlined. The blackfold description recovers correctly the ultraspinning Myers-Perry black holes as ellipsoidal even-ball configurations where the velocity field approaches the speed of light at the boundary of the ball. Helical black ring solutions provide the first instance of asymptotically flat black holes in more than four dimensions with a single spatial U(1) isometry. They also imply infinite rational non-uniqueness in ultraspinning regimes, where they maximize the entropy among all stationary single-horizon solutions. Moreover, static blackfolds are possible with the geometry of minimal surfaces. The absence of compact embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean space is consistent with the uniqueness theorem of static black holes