112 resultados para lobo-guará
This introduction summarises the main contributions included in the special issue. These papers were discussed (among others) in the special session on «Wages and Regional Labour Markets» organised within the activities of the 51st Congress of the European Association of Regional Science (ERSA) and the 37th conference of the Spanish Regional Science Association held in Barcelona in August 2011. This special issue contains six of the nine papers discussed in the session, plus three additional papers clearly related to this topic that were discussed in other conference sessions or included at a later stage due to their relevance. Moreover, we also decided to include a brief discussion of each paper in order to incorporate other points of view and some additional thoughts on the topic.
Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience, associated with tissue damage, that is a reality linked to the surgical procedure and the postoperative period. Objective: Knowing the degree of pain experienced by patients after cardiac surgery, depending on the type of intervention they underwent, over the post-operative period in an intensive care unit (ICU). Method: Descriptive observational study. Pain was assessed by the visual analog scale (VAS), going from 0 to 10, thereby obtaining the first VAS1 assessment at 2 h post-extubation and every 8 hours thereafter up to 48 hours or until discharge to floor VAS7. It included patients having undergone cardiac surgery [valve surgery, bypass, combined procedure (including valve surgery and bypass) and mediastinitis]. Data were processed using Spss.v 20. Results: 120 patients 70 years old on average (standard deviation (SD): 13.3 years old) were included, out of which 70% were male. 40.8% of them had underwent bypass coronary revascularization. Patients subjected to the bypass technique showed an VAS1 mean value of 4.35 (SD: 2.45), unlike those subjected to valve surgery, who showed a mean value of 2.89 (SD: 2.27), those subjected to the combined procedure, who showed a mean value of 3.87 (SD: 2.90), and those with mediastinitis, who showed a mean value of 3.33 (SD: 3.51); (p < 0.031). 28.5% of patients had underwent revascularization (n = 49 ) by an internal mam mary artery (IMA) graft. These patients showed a mean value for VAS1 of 5.4 (SD: 1.89), unlike those who had underwent a combined procedure [IMA and saphenous vein (SV)], who showed a mean value of 3.9 (SD: 2.6), and those who had underwent a SV procedure , who showed a mean value of 3.5 (SD: 2.1); (p < 0.045). Conclusions: Patients having underwent bypass and IMA procedures perceive more pain than in other cardiac surgery and graft interventions
Only a few studies have analysed the relationship between intraregional inequality and growth, although several studies have measured inequality at the regional level. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between income (wage) inequality and economic growth in different regions of Mexico. We also try to identify factors that explain the variation of intra-regional inequality across Mexican regions and over time. Using macroeconomic databases and publicly available microdata, we apply techniques used in the fields of statistics and econometrics to obtain robust evidence on the relationship between growth and inequality. Our aim is to provide policy recommendations to support the design and implementation of growth-promoting measures thatavoid the exclusion of certain social groups. This paper provides reasons to use a spatial approach and an analysis of particular regions to avoid «one size fits all» policy recommendations.
The article examines public-private sector wage differentials in Spain using microdata from the Structure of Earnings Survey (Encuesta de Estructura Salarial). When applying various decomposition techniques, we find that it is important to distinguish by gender and type of contract. Our results also highlight the presence of a positive wage premium for public sector workers that can be partially explained by their better endowment of characteristics, in particular by the characteristics of the establishment where they work. The wage premium is greater for female and fixed-term employees and falls across the wage distribution, being negative for more highly skilled workers.
Este trabajo ofrece elementos de reflexión sobre la reforma de las políticas activas en España. La descentralización de las políticas activas entre distintos niveles de gobierno dificulta la coordinación y plantea problemas de riesgo moral que se acentúan por la falta de medios de los servicios públicos de empleo y el escaso número de evaluaciones rigurosas. Se propone, por tanto, dotar de más recursos a los servicios públicos de empleo, aunar esfuerzos entre las distintas administraciones para mejorar la información estadística existente y fomentar la cultura de evaluación de las políticas realizadas para conseguir una mayor eficiencia y una mayor participación y complicidad de los desempleados.
Els immigrants cobren salaris inferiors que els natius perquè ocupen llocs de treball menys qualificats i treballen en empreses de salaris baixos. En arribar pateixen una degradació ocupacional perquè el seu capital humà no està adaptat al nostre mercat de treball. Així, han d"acceptar feines per a les quals estan sobreeducats i pateixen una penalització salarial molt intensa pels estudis que no poden fer valer. La transferibilitat limitada del capital humà dels immigrants fa que les empreses valorin poc tant els estudis com l"experiència laboral adquirits en origen. Disposar d"una feina a Espanya, però, els permet acumular experiència adaptada a les necessitats de les empreses. Així milloren el capital humà, progressen en termes d"ocupació, redueixen la sobreeducació i augmenten els seus salaris. Ara bé, la millora és lenta i limitada a alguns col·lectius.
Using microdata from the 2002-2006 Colombian Continuous Household Survey, we find an elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates of -0.07. However, the elasticity for informal workers is significantly higher, a result which is consistent with efficiency wage theoretical models and relevant for regional labour markets analysis in developing countries.
The paper analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using different indicators of human capital calculated from census microdata, we conclude that the recent economic performance of European regions is associated to an increase in overeducation. In fact, measures of educational mismatch seem to have a stronger connection to regional economic performance than other traditional measures of human capital stocks.
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de las políticas activas llevadas a cabo por el Servicio de Ocupación de Cataluña (SOC) durante el año 2005. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de técnicas de matching muestran que la probabilidad de encontrar trabajo para un individuo que participó en alguna de las acciones del SOC analizadas es 5 puntos porcentuales superior en relación a los que no participaron. El análisis individualizado de los diferentes programas ha mostrado la eficacia de la mayor parte de las acciones realizadas. Por último, los resultados obtenidos también han puesto de manifiesto la mejora adicional que supone la combinación de algunas de las acciones.
This paper analyses the differential impact of human capital, in terms of different levels of schooling, on regional productivity and convergence. The potential existence of geographical spillovers of human capital is also considered by applying spatial panel data techniques. The empirical analysis of Spanish provinces between 1980 and 2007 confirms the positive impact of human capital on regional productivity and convergence, but reveals no evidence of any positive geographical spillovers of human capital. In fact, in some specifications the spatial lag presented by tertiary studies has a negative effect on the variables under consideration.
Control on regional government budgets is important in a monetary union as lower tiers of government have fewer incentives to consolidate debt. According to the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level; unsustainable non-Ricardian fiscal policies eventually force monetary policy to adjust. Hence, uncoordinated and non-regulated regional fiscal policies would therefore threaten price stability for the monetary union as a whole. However, the union central bank is not without defense. A federal government that internalises the spillover effect of non-Ricardian fiscal policies on the price level can offset non-Ricardian regional fiscal policies. A federal government, which taxes and transfers resources between regions, may compensate for unsustainable regional fiscal policies so as to keep fiscal policy Ricardian on aggregate. Following Canzoneri et al. (2001), we test the validity of the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level for both federal and regional governments in Germany. We find evidence of a spillover effect of unsustainable policies on the price level for other Länder. However, the German federal government offsets this effect on the price level by running Ricardian policies. These results have implications for the regulation of fiscal policies in the EMU.
Using microdata, we analyse the determinants of firm relocation and conventional outsourcing decisions as a way to reduce employment. The results for a sample of 32 countries show the relevance of factors not considered previously in the literature. Firms that are below average in quality or innovation have a higher propensity to externalise part of their production through outsourcing, while lower relative profitability and longer time to market for new products each imply a higher probability of relocation.
The objective of this study consists, firstly, of quantifying differences between Spanish universities’ output (in terms of publications and citations), and secondly, analysing its determinants. The results obtained show that there are factors which have a positive influence on these indicators, such as having a third-cycle programme, with public financing obtained in competitive selection procedures, having a large number of full-time researchers or involvement in collaborations with international institutions. However, other factors which appear to have the opposite effect were also noted. These include a higher number of students per lecturer or a lower proportion of lecturers with recognised six-year periods.
This paper reviews almost four decades of contributions on the subject of supervised regionalization methods. These methods aggregate a set of areas into a predefined number of spatially contiguous regions while optimizing certain aggregation criteria. The authors present a taxonomic scheme that classifies a wide range of regionalization methods into eight groups, based on the strategy applied for satisfying the spatial contiguity constraint. The paper concludes by providing a qualitative comparison of these groups in terms of a set of certain characteristics, and by suggesting future lines of research for extending and improving these methods.
This paper studies Spanish scientific production in Economics from 1994 to 2004. It focuses on aspects that have received little attention in other bibliometric studies, such as the impact of research and the role of scientific collaborations in the publications produced by Spanish universities. Our results show that national research networks have played a fundamental role in the increase in Spanish scientific production in this discipline.