211 resultados para inverse dynamics


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We present numerical results of the deterministic Ginzburg-Landau equation with a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient, for different values of the volume fraction phi of the minority component. The morphology of the domains affects the dynamics of phase separation. The effective growth exponents, but not the scaled functions, are found to be temperature dependent.


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Ordering in a binary alloy is studied by means of a molecular-dynamics (MD) algorithm which allows to reach the domain growth regime. Results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations using a realistic vacancy-atom (MC-VA) mechanism. At low temperatures fast growth with a dynamical exponent x>1/2 is found for MD and MC-VA. The study of a nonequilibrium ordering process with the two methods shows the importance of the nonhomogeneity of the excitations in the system for determining its macroscopic kinetics.


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A numerical study is presented of the third-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 driven by an external field. Standard synchronous relaxation dynamics is employed to obtain the magnetization versus field hysteresis loops. The focus is on the analysis of the number and size distribution of the magnetization avalanches. They are classified as being nonspanning, one-dimensional-spanning, two-dimensional-spanning, or three-dimensional-spanning depending on whether or not they span the whole lattice in different space directions. Moreover, finite-size scaling analysis enables identification of two different types of nonspanning avalanches (critical and noncritical) and two different types of three-dimensional-spanning avalanches (critical and subcritical), whose numbers increase with L as a power law with different exponents. We conclude by giving a scenario for avalanche behavior in the thermodynamic limit.


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Spanning avalanches in the 3D Gaussian Random Field Ising Model (3D-GRFIM) with metastable dynamics at T=0 have been studied. Statistical analysis of the field values for which avalanches occur has enabled a Finite-Size Scaling (FSS) study of the avalanche density to be performed. Furthermore, a direct measurement of the geometrical properties of the avalanches has confirmed an earlier hypothesis that several types of spanning avalanches with two different fractal dimensions coexist at the critical point. We finally compare the phase diagram of the 3D-GRFIM with metastable dynamics with the same model in equilibrium at T=0.


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We study the nonequilibrium behavior of the three-dimensional Gaussian random-field Ising model at T=0 in the presence of a uniform external field using a two-spin-flip dynamics. The deterministic, history-dependent evolution of the system is compared with the one obtained with the standard one-spin-flip dynamics used in previous studies of the model. The change in the dynamics yields a significant suppression of coercivity, but the distribution of avalanches (in number and size) stays remarkably similar, except for the largest ones that are responsible for the jump in the saturation magnetization curve at low disorder in the thermodynamic limit. By performing a finite-size scaling study, we find strong evidence that the change in the dynamics does not modify the universality class of the disorder-induced phase transition.


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The influence of vacancy concentration on the behavior of the three-dimensional random field Ising model with metastable dynamics is studied. We have focused our analysis on the number of spanning avalanches which allows us a clear determination of the critical line where the hysteresis loops change from continuous to discontinuous. By a detailed finite-size scaling analysis we determine the phase diagram and numerically estimate the critical exponents along the whole critical line. Finally, we discuss the origin of the curvature of the critical line at high vacancy concentration.


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We investigate the influence of the driving mechanism on the hysteretic response of systems with athermal dynamics. In the framework of local mean-field theory at finite temperature (but neglecting thermally activated processes), we compare the rate-independent hysteresis loops obtained in the random field Ising model when controlling either the external magnetic field H or the extensive magnetization M. Two distinct behaviors are observed, depending on disorder strength. At large disorder, the H-driven and M-driven protocols yield identical hysteresis loops in the thermodynamic limit. At low disorder, when the H-driven magnetization curve is discontinuous (due to the presence of a macroscopic avalanche), the M-driven loop is reentrant while the induced field exhibits strong intermittent fluctuations and is only weakly self-averaging. The relevance of these results to the experimental observations in ferromagnetic materials, shape memory alloys, and other disordered systems is discussed.


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Applying a magnetic field to a ferromagnetic Ni50Mn34In16 alloy in the martensitic state induces a structural phase transition to the austenitic state. This is accompanied by a strain which recovers on removing the magnetic field, giving the system a magnetically superelastic character. A further property of this alloy is that it also shows the inverse magnetocaloric effect. The magnetic superelasticity and the inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In and their association with the first-order structural transition are studied by magnetization, strain, and neutron-diffraction studies under magnetic field.


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The turn-on process of a multimode VCSEL is investigated from a statistical point of view. Special attention is paid to quantities such as time jitter and bit error rate. The single-mode performance of VCSEL¿s during current modulation is compared to that of edge-emitting lasers.


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The frequency dynamics of gain-switched singlemode semiconductor lasers subject to optical injection is investigated. The requirements for low time jitter and reduced frequency chirp operation are studied as a function of the frequency mismatch between the master and slave lasers. Suppression of the power overshoot, typical during gain-switched operation, can be achieved for selected frequency detunings.


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Dirac's constraint Hamiltonian formalism is used to construct a gauge-invariant action for the massive spin-one and -two fields.


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We study, both theoretically and experimentally, the dynamical response of Turing patterns to a spatiotemporal forcing in the form of a traveling-wave modulation of a control parameter. We show that from strictly spatial resonance, it is possible to induce new, generic dynamical behaviors, including temporally modulated traveling waves and localized traveling solitonlike solutions. The latter make contact with the soliton solutions of Coullet [Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 724 (1986)] and generalize them. The stability diagram for the different propagating modes in the Lengyel-Epstein model is determined numerically. Direct observations of the predicted solutions in experiments carried out with light modulations in the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction are also reported.


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We study dynamics of domain walls in pattern forming systems that are externally forced by a moving space-periodic modulation close to 2:1 spatial resonance. The motion of the forcing induces nongradient dynamics, while the wave number mismatch breaks explicitly the chiral symmetry of the domain walls. The combination of both effects yields an imperfect nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch bifurcation, where all kinks (including the Ising-like one) drift. Kink velocities and interactions are studied within the generic amplitude equation. For nonzero mismatch, a transition to traveling bound kink-antikink pairs and chaotic wave trains occurs.