112 resultados para coming


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Hom tracta de dilucidar el context de creació i l’estructura d’un fons policial generat arran de la creació, el 1824, de la Policia General del Regne, fet que sol considerar-se el moment fundacional de la policia estatal en Espanya. A tal fi es combinen tècniques arxivístiques i historiogràfiques, coincidents en l’anàlisi institucional. Els fons de les subdelegacions de policia ens han arribat escadussers i desestructurats al si dels antics corregiments borbònics i solen trobar-se avui en arxius locals i comarcals. No obstant això, s’hi proposa un quadre de classificació.


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El present projecte ha consistit en implementar un SIG corporatiu per a la gestió de la informació de dades del Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya. La finalitat és la d’estructurar i organitzar aquesta informació que se’n deriva per a que pugui ser consultada fàcilment i de manera molt dinàmica. Un cop el sistema d’informació contenia les dades pròpies del CTFC es van afegir més metadades al sistema d’informació mitjançant connexions de harvesting, GeoServer i protocol FTP


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The European Space Agency's Gaia mission will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), by providing unprecedented position, parallax, proper motion, and radial velocity measurements for about one billion stars. The resulting catalogue will be made available to the scientific community and will be analyzed in many different ways, including the production of a variety of statistics. The latter will often entail the generation of multidimensional histograms and hypercubes as part of the precomputed statistics for each data release, or for scientific analysis involving either the final data products or the raw data coming from the satellite instruments. In this paper we present and analyze a generic framework that allows the hypercube generation to be easily done within a MapReduce infrastructure, providing all the advantages of the new Big Data analysis paradigmbut without dealing with any specific interface to the lower level distributed system implementation (Hadoop). Furthermore, we show how executing the framework for different data storage model configurations (i.e. row or column oriented) and compression techniques can considerably improve the response time of this type of workload for the currently available simulated data of the mission. In addition, we put forward the advantages and shortcomings of the deployment of the framework on a public cloud provider, benchmark against other popular solutions available (that are not always the best for such ad-hoc applications), and describe some user experiences with the framework, which was employed for a number of dedicated astronomical data analysis techniques workshops.


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The European Space Agency's Gaia mission will create the largest and most precise three dimensional chart of our galaxy (the Milky Way), by providing unprecedented position, parallax, proper motion, and radial velocity measurements for about one billion stars. The resulting catalogue will be made available to the scientific community and will be analyzed in many different ways, including the production of a variety of statistics. The latter will often entail the generation of multidimensional histograms and hypercubes as part of the precomputed statistics for each data release, or for scientific analysis involving either the final data products or the raw data coming from the satellite instruments. In this paper we present and analyze a generic framework that allows the hypercube generation to be easily done within a MapReduce infrastructure, providing all the advantages of the new Big Data analysis paradigmbut without dealing with any specific interface to the lower level distributed system implementation (Hadoop). Furthermore, we show how executing the framework for different data storage model configurations (i.e. row or column oriented) and compression techniques can considerably improve the response time of this type of workload for the currently available simulated data of the mission. In addition, we put forward the advantages and shortcomings of the deployment of the framework on a public cloud provider, benchmark against other popular solutions available (that are not always the best for such ad-hoc applications), and describe some user experiences with the framework, which was employed for a number of dedicated astronomical data analysis techniques workshops.


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The probability for a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) to be geoeffective is assumed to be higher the closer the CME launch site is located to the solar central meridian. However, events far from the central meridian may produce severe geomagnetic storms, like the case in April 2000. In this work, we study the possible geoeffectiveness of full halo CMEs with the source region situated at solar limb. For this task, we select all limb full halo (LFH) CMEs that occurred during solar cycle 23, and we search for signatures of geoeffectiveness between 1 and 5 days after the first appearance of each CME in the LASCO C2 field of view. When signatures of geomagnetic activity are observed in the selected time window, interplanetary data are carefully analyzed in order to look for the cause of the geomagnetic disturbance. Finally, a possible association between geoeffective interplanetary signatures and every LFH CME in solar cycle 23 is checked in order to decide on the CME's geoeffectiveness. After a detailed analysis of solar, interplanetary, and geomagnetic data, we conclude that of the 25 investigated events, there are only four geoeffective LFH CMEs, all coming from the west limb. The geoeffectiveness of these events seems to be moderate, turning to intense in two of them as a result of cumulative effects from previous mass ejections. We conclude that ejections from solar locations close to the west limb should be considered in space weather, at least as sources of moderate disturbances.


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Se presentan los resultados de las recientes intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas en la necrópolis del Hierro I de Sebes (Flix, Tarragona). Se ha precisado la extensión de la necrópolis, su duración, los rituales funerarios y la estructura social de la población mediante técnicas y métodos de carácter interdisciplinar (antropología, carbono 14, prospecciones geofísicas…). Se ha constatado la coexistencia de túmulos y urnas y la agrupación de las estructuras en dos áreas. Sobre esta base se pretende mejorar el conocimiento de las necrópolis de cremación en un territorio de contacto entre diferentes tradiciones de enterramiento. Se dan a conocer datos inéditos procedentes del estudio antropológico de los huesos cremados de Sebes y de las dataciones radiocarbónicas de algunos de ellos. Estos datos, considerados en conjunto con los del resto de la necrópolis, permiten relacionarla más con las necrópolis tumulares leridanas que con las del Bajo Aragón - Terra Alta.


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El món occidental contemporani està desvetllant un interès creixent per les necessitats no materials de la persona, el que podríem anomenar interioritat o espiritualitat. Hem passat de la lluita col·lectiva i del compromís social al culte del jo, i es fa palesa la necessitat de tenir cura de la dimensió interior des d’una visió no religiosa de la persona, que ha de conviure amb les tradicions religioses que poblen les ciutats. L’afirmació que l’espiritualitat és una dimensió pròpia de l’ésser humà és cada vegada més acceptada per una majoria de persones. En aquest sentit, la religiositat, com a conjunt de creences que donen peu a una determinada visió de la vida, és una manera determinada de concretar l’espiritualitat. Aquest escenari afegeix al model bio-psico-social de les ciències humanes, sobre el qual s’ha basat la formació dels educadors socials, un quart pilar, el que fa referència a la dimensió espiritual.


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The reason for this study is to propose a new quantitative approach on how to assess the quality of Open Access University Institutional Repositories. The results of this new approach are tested in the Spanish University Repositories. The assessment method is based in a binary codification of a proposal of features that objectively describes the repositories. The purposes of this method are assessing the quality and an almost automatically system for updating the data of the characteristics. First of all a database was created with the 38 Spanish institutional repositories. The variables of analysis are presented and explained either if they are coming from bibliography or are a set of new variables. Among the characteristics analyzed are the features of the software, the services of the repository, the features of the information system, the Internet visibility and the licenses of use. Results from Spanish universities ARE provided as a practical example of the assessment and for having a picture of the state of the development of the open access movement in Spain.


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El objetivo de este breve artículo es presentar dos pequeños fragmentos de bronce procedentes de un sepulcro de La Clota (Calaceite, Teruel) que han sido identificados recientemente como pertenecientes a un trípode de tipo chipriota. Pasamos revista sucintamente a las principales cuestiones que plantea el hallazgo: cronología, orígenes, contexto social e influencia en el artesanado local.


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Quality management has become a strategic issue for organisations and is very valuable to produce quality software. However, quality management systems (QMS) are not easy to implement and maintain. The authors' experience shows the benefits of developing a QMS by first formalising it using semantic web ontologies and then putting them into practice through a semantic wiki. The QMS ontology that has been developed captures the core concepts of a traditional QMS and combines them with concepts coming from the MPIu'a development process model, which is geared towards obtaining usable and accessible software products. Then, the ontology semantics is directly put into play by a semantics-aware tool, the Semantic MediaWiki. The developed QMS tool is being used for 2 years by the GRIHO research group, where it has manages almost 50 software development projects taking into account the quality management issues. It has also been externally audited by a quality certification organisation. Its users are very satisfied with their daily work with the tool, which manages all the documents created during project development and also allows them to collaborate, thanks to the wiki features.


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Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a challenging discipline that is currently concerned with the design, implementation and evaluation of interactive systems for human use, as well as the study of major phenomena surrounding them. Indeed, interdisciplinary communities formed by scientists, university teachers and students, people coming from the industry and customers related to HCI are emerging in different parts of the world. In particular, this article overviews the HCI community in the Ibero-American context, which involves hundreds of millions of people working or studying in HCI, whose cultural background is primarily associated with the Spanish and Portuguese languages and cultures, regardless of ethnic and geographical differences. Our final goal is to improve the visibility of this particular HCI community, enhancing the self awareness of its members and their individual motivation and future exchanges.


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Although usability evaluations have been focused on assessing different contexts of use, no proper specifications have been addressed towards the particular environment of academic websites in the Spanish-speaking context of use. Considering that this context involves hundreds of millions of potential users, the AIPO Association is running the UsabAIPO Project. The ultimate goal is to promote an adequate translation of international standards, methods and ideal values related to usability in order to adapt them to diverse Spanish-related contexts of use. This article presents the main statistical results coming from the Second and Third Stages of the UsabAIPO Project, where the UsabAIPO Heuristic method (based on Heuristic Evaluation techniques) and seven Cognitive Walkthroughs were performed over 69 university websites. The planning and execution of the UsabAIPO Heuristic method and the Cognitive Walkthroughs, the definition of two usability metrics, as well as the outline of the UsabAIPO Heuristic Management System prototype are also sketched.


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En España, las plagas de los espacios verdes urbanos suponen cada año un notable esfuerzo de control y la aplicación de plaguicidas es la estrategia de control empleada casi exclusivamente, con los subsiguientes riesgos que conlleva para las personas, animales y el medio ambiente. El control integrado es una alternativa pero requiere, para poder ser aplicada, un conocimiento profundo de las especies-plaga implicadas, de su biología, dinámica de poblaciones, daños, metodologías de muestreo y posibles sistemas de control. Esta información es difícil de encontrar en España debido a que existen pocos trabajos publicados sobre plagas de zonas verdes urbanas llevados a cabo de una forma sistematizada y a medio o largo plazo. En el presente artículo se analizan los condicionantes del control integrado de plagas en espacios verdes urbanos y se presenta un ejemplo, a partir de los estudios llevados a cabo en la ciudad de Lleida durante el período 2001-2003, de cómo la información básica necesaria para la implementación de posibles programas de control integrado puede ser obtenida.


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La indumentaria es un objeto de incuestionable valor para la didáctica de la historia y de otras ciencias sociales, ya que posee todas las cualidades de la didáctica del objeto con un atractivo añadido muy vinculado a su aspecto y funcionalidad estética y a su reclamo visual; es fácil vincular períodos históricos con su indumentaria característica, puesto que nuestro imaginario cultural está lleno de películas, pinturas e incluso disfraces que proporcionan datos al respecto. Lo que resulta complicado es dilucidar qué imágenes son las más fidedignas, y esta cuestión no es otra que la relacionada con la veracidad y rigor de las fuentes de la indumentaria. El presente artículo analiza dicha problemática, además de la relacionada con la polisemia de su nomenclatura, con la necesidad de conocer su contexto estético o con la naturaleza de sus cambios y continuidades.


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La Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ofereix els seus serveis de manera virtual des de la seva creació, l'any 1995. Per això, l'aposta per les noves tecnologies del moment ha estat una constant durant aquests anys. A continuació, a través d'una breu menció a l'evolució històrica, es comenten els serveis i recursos oferts de forma pionera a nivell de biblioteques universitàries. S'analitzen els aspectes més destacables pel que fa als serveis, la gestió de la col·lecció, la formació, i la relació amb la Universitat, en el moment actual. Per concloure, es fa una anàlisi dels principals reptes de futur que la Biblioteca espera afrontar en els propers anys, tenint com a referent principal els usuaris i les innovacions tecnològiques que permetin donar resposta a les noves necessitats que vagin sorgint. Tot això, per continuar sent capdavantera en l'àmbit de les biblioteques virtuals.