87 resultados para Wine and wine making -- Catalonia
The purpose of the study presented in this article, grounded in sociocultural theory, was to describe the funds of knowledge and identity of Moroccan family and student in Catalonia, Spain, and to document how teachers can detect families’ “funds of knowledge” and students’ “funds of identity” to make direct links from students’ lives to classroom instruction. It is used a qualitative design, employing several techniques: interview, self-portrait, meaningful circle, genogram and photographs to illustrate family educational routines
L’objectiu de l’estudi és identificar el grau de coneixement que tenen les dones de 30 a 45 anys del municipi de Vallromanes sobre aspectes relacionats amb l’activitat física i la salut, així com identificar quins coneixements són més específics perquè s’adhereixin a la pràctica regular d’activitat física. A més, de comprovar quins d’aquests possibles coneixements relacionats a la promoció de la salut pública són més eficients per fer augmentar el coneixement d’aquest grup de dones i alhora fer-les conscients de la importància de l’activitat física per la salut. Així doncs, a la mostra de l’estudi han participat 35 dones. La informació ha estat recopilada a través del qüestionari per identificar els estadis de canvi de l’activitat física (Marcus, Rossi, Selby, Niaura, i Abrams, 1992) i un qüestionari elaborat específicament per aquesta investigació. Els resultats obtinguts demostren, a trets generals, que les dones que es troben en estadis de canvi on tenen conductes actives físicament o compleixen amb les recomanacions mundials d’activitat física per la salut, tenen un major grau de coneixença i conscienciació sobre coneixements relacionats amb l’activitat física i la salut. Per tant, això porta a concloure que l’augment del coneixement i conscienciació d’aquest és un motiu perquè les dones participants en l’estudi s’adhereixin a la pràctica regular d’activitat física. No obstant, cal tenir present quines estratègies de salut pública són més específiques i eficients per fer augmentar el coneixement del grup de dones estudiat i adherir-les a la pràctica.
The following article is divided into five sections, each one with a specific objective. The first section briefly presents the student mobility experiences obtained basically through the fieldwork practice course in social education studies at the University of Girona. The second section delves more deeply to explore the value of the exchange and the student mobility experience over one semester of intensive fieldwork practice. The third section presents data about the students who have participated in this experience inall ten of the graduating classes. The fourth part offers an assessment of the experience and reports which aspects are considered essential to a good student mobility experience. Finally, various actions to be taken to improve these educational experiences within the social education studies at the University of Girona are specified
L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi és explorar el rol del cinema com a generador d’imatge de la destinació turística. El cinema és capaç de promoure, confirmar i reforçar les imatges, les opinions i la identitat d’una destinació de manera molt poderosa
El Projecte intenta presentar totes les tasques realitzades durant l’estada de pràctiques a l’empresa on es pretenia musealitzar el Molí de Pals, canviant el seu ús industrial per a un nou ús social i turístic. Es pretén donar valor a aquest element patrimonial com un referent en la identitat dels palencs i aconseguir oferir un servei de qualitat al visitant adaptant-se a les necessitats de cada col•lectiu. Es tracten alguns temes com el cultiu de l’arròs i la seva evolució a Pals, els museus industrials i tipus d’equipaments visitables
The present paper shows an in-depth analysis of the evolution of floods and precipitation in Catalonia for the period 1981-2010. In order to have homogeneous information, and having in mind that not gauge data was available for all the events, neither for all the rivers and stream flows, daily press from a specific newspaper has been systematically analysed for this period. Furthermore a comparison with a longer period starting in 1900 has been done. 219 flood events (mainly flash flood events) have been identified for the period of 30 years (375 starting in 1900), 79 of them were ordinary, 117 of them were extraordinary and 23 of them were catastrophic, being autumn and summer the seasons with the maxima values. 19% of the events caused a total of 110 casualties. 60% of them died when they tried to cross the street or the stream. Factors like the evolution of precipitation, population density and other socio-economical aspects have been considered. The trend analysis shows an increase of 1 flood/decade that probably has been mainly due to inter-annual and intra-annual changes in population density and in land-use and land-cover.
This article reflects on how some values, interests, and particularities of 2.0 culture enter on higher and postgraduate education institutions. Through theidentification of the features of 2.0, this document visualizes some of the resistances, obstacles, possibilities, and opportunities detected in these institutions, many of them focusing on the core of the higher education and postgraduate institutions (i.e. strategic vision, methodology, role of teachers and students, relation between formal and informal learning, contents and assessment). Responsibility in the training and updating of current and future professionals places these institutions under the discussion and decision-making process related to the role that 2.0 tools should play. We wonder if it implies a crossroad which affects the whole set of attitudes and values on the role of training institutions in the context of the construction of socialized knowledge.
[spa]Este trabajo analiza el papel desempeñado por la revista El Arte de Curtir, creada en el año 1909 en la ciudad de Barcelona por los hermanos Pedro Pablo, Fernando y Carlos de Corral y Tomé, cuya Fábrica de Extractos Curtientes dedicada al quebracho colorado paraguayo fue la base de organización del extracto tánico utilizado en Cataluña para la curtición.
Psychometric analysis of the AF5 multidimensional scale of self-concept in a sample of adolescents and adults in Catalonia. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric study of the AF5 scale in a sample of 4.825 Catalan subjects from 11 to 63 years-old. They are students from secondary compulsory education (ESO), from high school, middle-level vocational training (CFGM) and from the university. Using a principal component analysis (PCA) the theoretical validity of the components is established and the reliability of the instrument is also analyzed. Differential analyses are performed by gender and normative group using a 2 6 factorial design. The normative group variable includes the different levels classifi ed into 6 sub-groups: university, post-compulsory secondary education (high school and CFGM), 4th of ESO, 3rd of ESO, 2nd of ESO and 1st of ESO. The results indicate that the reliability of the Catalan version of the scale is similar to the original scale. The factorial structure also fi ts with the original model established beforehand. Signifi cant differences by normative group in the four components of self-concept explored (social, family, academic/occupational and physical) are observed. By gender, signifi cant differences appear in the component of physical self-concept, academic and social but not in the family component
La sisena hora incideix plenament en l’horari escolar. Les combinacions i les solucions que es podien adoptar eren múltiples. A l’article, s'hi fa una radiografia de la situació actual, alhora que s'hi convida a iniciar una reflexió entorn de les possibilitats i les condicions necessàries per dur a terme canvis que afectin els aspectes estructurals bàsics del sistema
Sobre el funcionament organitzatiu dels centres escolars i la posada en marxa de la sisena hora a primària
Anàlisi d’alguns reptes i/o dilemes organitzatius que hauran d’afrontar els equips directius arran de la posada en marxa de la sisena hora