652 resultados para Universitat de Girona -- Aspectes econòmics
This paper develops a comprehensive framework for the quantitative analysis of the private and fiscal returns to schooling and of the effect of public policies on private incentives to invest in education. This framework is applied to 14 member states of the European Union. For each of these countries, we construct estimates of the private return to an additional year of schooling for an individual of average attainment, taking into account the effects of education on wages and employment probabilities after allowing for academic failure rates, the direct and opportunity costs of schooling, and the impact of personal taxes, social security contributions and unemployment and pension benefits on net incomes. We also construct a set of effective tax and subsidy rates that measure the effects of different public policies on the private returns to education, and measures of the fiscal returns to schooling that capture the long-term effects of a marginal increase in attainment on public finances under conditions that approximate general equilibrium.
Els biocombustibles constitueixen la font energètica renovable més important que volen implantar les administracions per tal de disminuir les emissions d’efecte hivernacle. Tot i això es demostra que la producció local, en el millor dels casos, és insuficient per arribar als objectius proposats i que caldrà importar els productes d’altres països. D’aquesta manera, no es redueix la dependència energètica de l’exterior i la reducció d’emissions no és tan significativa com s’esperava. En contra, una producció i consums a escala local poden tenir un impacte econòmic, ambiental i social positiu.
La base de este trabajo se sustenta en que la Sociedad tiene unos requerimientos fisiológicos y psicológicos que satisface con materia y energía. Esta materia y energía, recursos, se hacen escasos en relación a las necesidades y deseos subjetivos de los agentes, que dependen en gran medida de los valores asociados a los mismos. Desde la Economía se trata de buscar la mejor forma de distribuir esos recursos entre aquellos deseos o necesidades y, en su evolución científica, ha desarrollado el análisis de la naturaleza física de los procesos económicos que ha sido, hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo, un objeto escasamente estudiado por los economistas, centrándose éstos en los estudios de las valoraciones monetarias más que en las valoraciones físicas. La aportación de este trabajo, se podría sintetizar en tres ideas. En primer lugar, la introducción de un concepto (creemos que no utilizado aún por la literatura) que hemos denominado “Metabolismo Hídrico”, y la idea derivada de la Contabilidad de los Flujos de Agua, como parte importante del Metabolismo Socioeconómico. En segundo lugar, el trabajo se separa de la línea reduccionista complementando el análisis físico con un análisis monetario para tratar de entender las causas de la escasez de agua. En nuestra opinión, el análisis monetario complementa al físico y no al revés, como más adelante explicaremos. En tercer lugar, el trabajo aporta la idea de la territorialidad, estimando no sólo el volumen de los flujos sino también su procedencia y destino.
This paper was presented at the International Sport Business Symposium, held by the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing, in 2008. The speakers, Ferran Brunet, as a professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Zuo Xinwen, as a member of Beijing Development and Reform Commission, both set out to analyze changes in the economic and social development of the city which were undertaken with the aim to celebrate the 2008 Olympic Games. They discuss aspects as a transformation in the mode of economic growth, resources of the Organizing Committee, investments related to the Games, transport and communications, industries, the balance of urban and rural development, urban construction and management service and operations into a well-off society.
El sector turístico se ha convertido en una de las principales actividades económicas tanto a nivel regional, nacional como mundial. Por otro lado, el transporte aéreo ha contribuido en gran manera a este desarrollo, incluyendo potencias mundiales como España, donde tres de cada cuatro turistas acceden por este medio. Una de las razones que ha favorecido esta situación son las aerolíneas de bajo coste. En este trabajo se analizará y comparará el gasto y su distribución de los turistas que acceden a España con estas aerolíneas y con las tradicionales. Dicho conocimiento será de gran utilidad para el desarrollo de estrategias de promoción y marketing en el destino turístico, así como en la mejora de la caracterización del mismo.
This paper analyses intergenerational earnings mobility in Spain correcting for different selection biases. We address the co-residence selection problem by combining information from two samples and using the two-sample two-stage least square estimator. We find a small decrease in elasticity when we move to younger cohorts. Furthermore, we find a higher correlation in the case of daughters than in the case of sons; however, when we consider the employment selection in the case of daughters, by adopting a Heckman-type correction method, the diference between sons and daughters disappears. By decomposing the sources of earnings elasticity across generations, we find that the correlation between child's and father's occupation is the most important component. Finally, quantile regressions estimates show that the influence of the father's earnings is greater when we move to the lower tail of the offspring's earnings distribution, especially in the case of daughters' earnings.
This document presents an integrated analysis of the performance of Catalonia based on an analysis of how the energy consumption (measured at the societal level for the Catalan Society) is used within both the productive sectors of the economy and the household, to generate added value, jobs, and to guarantee a given level of material standard of living to the population. The trends found in Catalonia are compared to the trends of other European Countries to contextualize the performance of Catalonia with respect to other societies that have followed different paths of economic development. The first part of the document consists of the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) approach that has been used to provide this integrated analysis of Catalan Society across different scales (starting from an analysis of the specific sectors of the Catalan economy as an Autonomous Community and scaling up to an intra-regional (European Union 14) comparison) and across different dimensions of analyses of energy consumption coupled with added value generation. Within the scope of this study, we observe the various trajectories of changes in the metabolic pattern for Catalonia and the EU14 countries in the Paid Work Sectors composed of namely, the Agricultural Sector, the Productive Sector and the Services and Government Sector also in comparison with the changes in the household sector. The flow intensities of the exosomatic energy and the added value generated for each specific sector are defined per hour of human activity, thus characterized as exosomatic energy (MJ/hour) (or Exosomatic Metabolic Rate) and added value (€/hour) (Economic Labour Productivity) across multiple levels. Within the second part of the document, the possible usage of the MuSIASEM approach to land use analyses (using a multi-level matrix of categories of land use) has been conducted.
This article investigates the history of land and water transformations in Matadepera, a wealthy suburb of metropolitan Barcelona. Analysis is informed by theories of political ecology and methods of environmental history; although very relevant, these have received relatively little attention within ecological economics. Empirical material includes communications from the City Archives of Matadepera (1919-1979), 17 interviews with locals born between 1913 and 1958, and an exhaustive review of grey historical literature. Existing water histories of Barcelona and its outskirts portray a battle against natural water scarcity, hard won by heroic engineers and politicians acting for the good of the community. Our research in Matadepera tells a very different story. We reveal the production of a highly uneven landscape and waterscape through fierce political and power struggles. The evolution of Matadepera from a small rural village to an elite suburb was anything but spontaneous or peaceful. It was a socio-environmental project well intended by landowning elites and heavily fought by others. The struggle for the control of water went hand in hand with the land and political struggles that culminated – and were violently resolved - in the Spanish Civil War. The displacement of the economic and environmental costs of water use from few to many continues to this day and is constitutive of Matadepera’s uneven and unsustainable landscape. By unravelling the relations of power that are inscribed in the urbanization of nature (Swyngedouw, 2004), we question the perceived wisdoms of contemporary water policy debates, particularly the notion of a natural scarcity that merits a technical or economic response. We argue that the water question is fundamentally a political question of environmental justice; it is about negotiating alternative visions of the future and deciding whose visions will be produced.
When we ask ourselves about a concrete definition of “Natural Capital” we can find a large and wide range of conceptions, which are attached to it. These can turn out to be confusing and contradictory in some cases. In theory, through books and different studies we know natural resources are composed by all the natural actives originated by the nature itself. Besides, these conform a patrimony for society as them are translated into a path towards economy: The Natural Capital. May not the Natural Capital be an easy conception to put in terms of economy it turns out to be an important capacitor for economy growth in most countries. In any case, we can clearly distinguish two ways as Natural Capital can be seen. One may elaborate a definition about it by reading what others have previously written, those who usually are quite far from the direct use of natural resources. On the other hand it would also be interesting to conform a definition of it by asking people who are constantly in contact with natural resources and consequently contribute to form the Natural Capital.
An abundant scientific literature about climate change economics points out that the future participation of developing countries in international environmental policies will depend on their amount of pay offs inside and outside specific agreements. These studies are aimed at analyzing coalitions stability typically through a game theoretical approach. Though these contributions represent a corner stone in the research field investigating future plausible international coalitions and the reasons behind the difficulties incurred over time to implement emissions stabilizing actions, they cannot disentangle satisfactorily the role that equality play in inducing poor regions to tackle global warming. If we focus on the Stern Review findings stressing that climate change will generate heavy damages and policy actions will be costly in a finite time horizon, we understand why there is a great incentive to free ride in order to exploit benefits from emissions reduction efforts of others. The reluctance of poor countries in joining international agreements is mainly supported by historical responsibility of rich regions in generating atmospheric carbon concentration, whereas rich countries claim that emissions stabilizing policies will be effective only when developing countries will join them.Scholars recently outline that a perceived fairness in the distribution of emissions would facilitate a wide spread participation in international agreements. In this paper we overview the literature about distributional aspects of emissions by focusing on those contributions investigating past trends of emissions distribution through empirical data and future trajectories through simulations obtained by integrated assessment models. We will explain methodologies used to elaborate data and the link between real data and those coming from simulations. Results from this strand of research will be interpreted in order to discuss future negotiations for post Kyoto agreements that will be the focus of the next. Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. A particular attention will be devoted to the role that technological change will play in affecting the distribution of emissions over time and to how spillovers and experience diffusion could influence equality issues and future outcomes of policy negotiations.
This paper contributes to the literature on both embodied technical progress and firm dynamics, by formulating an endogenous growth model where selection and imitation play a fundamental role in helping capital good producers to learn about the productivity of technologies embodied in new plants. By calibrating the model to some key aggregates particularly relevant for the embodied capital literature, among them the growth rate of the relative investment price, the model quantitatively replicates the main facts associated to firm dynamics, such as the entry rate and the tail index of the establishment size distribution. In line with the previous literature, it also predicts a contribution to productivity growth of embodied technical progress and selection of around 60%
This paper studies the implications of correlation of private signals about the liquidation value of a risky asset in a variation of a standard noisy rational expectations model in which traders receive endowment shocks which are private information and have a common component. We nd that a necessary condition to generate multiple linear partially revealing rational expectations equilibria is the existence of several sources of information dispersion. In this context equilibrium multiplicity tends to occur when information is more dispersed. A necessary condition to have strategic complementarity in information acquisition is to have mul- tiple equilibria. When the equilibrium is unique there is strategic substi- tutability in information acquisition, corroborating the result obtained in Grossman and Stiglitz (1980). JEL Classi cation: D82, D83, G14 Keywords: Multiplicity of equilibria, strategic complementarity, asym- metric information.
Jatropha curcas is promoted internationally for its presumed agronomic viability in marginal lands, economic returns for small farmers, and lack of competition with food crops. However, empirical results from a study in southern India revealed that Jatropha cultivation, even on agricultural lands, is neither profitable, nor pro-poor. We use a political ecology framework to analyze both the discourse promoting Jatropha cultivation and its empirical consequences. We deconstruct the shaky premises of the dominant discourse of Jatropha as a “pro-poor” and “pro-wasteland” development crop, a discourse that paints a win-win picture between poverty alleviation, natural resource regeneration, and energy security goals. We then draw from field-work on Jatropha plantations in the state of Tamil Nadu to show how Jatropha cultivation favors resource-rich farmers, while possibly reinforcing existing processes of marginalization of small and marginal farmers.
En el present estudi s’ha analitzat si és possible l’autosuficiència energètica al barri projectat de La Plana de Sitges a partir de fonts renovables d’energia. S’ha realitzat un anàlisi de l’oferta potencial del barri de La Plana, format per habitatges unifamiliars i plurifamiliars, serveis i equipaments i s’ha comparat el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals a cada subsistema i pel sistema de La Plana. Diferenciant si són una Oferta estàndard (4.000 MWh/a) seguint la Normativa d’ecoeficiència de Sitges o bé una Oferta renovable (19.000 MWh/a) segons un Ecobarri proposat en aquest projecte a partir d’energia solar fotovoltaica i tèrmica. En l’estudi de la demanda, diferenciant entre una Demanda estàndard (39.000 MWh/a), respon al total de La Plana seguint el consum d’un habitatge tipus de la mitjana catalana (ICAEN, 2002) i una Demanda eficient (20.800 MWh/a) seguint un model de baix consum projectat en un Ecobarri de Barcelona. (Vallbona, 2009). Per analitzar de forma detallada les variables d’oferta i demanda, s’han proposat quatre escenaris diferents on es valoren l’autosuficiència energètica del sistema de la Plana i aspectes ambientals d’emissions derivades de la utilització de l’energia. El primer escenari és l’estàndard i és el resultat d’analitzar conjuntament una oferta i una demanda estàndard. Al segon escenari conflueixen una Oferta Estàndard i una Demanda Eficient. En el tercer escenari coincideixen una Oferta Renovable i una Demanda Estàndard. El quart i últim escenari respon a la proposta d’Ecobarri on l’Oferta és renovable i la Demanda eficient. Tanmateix, s’ha realitzat un estudi sobre els aspectes econòmics de La Plana que s’estimen en uns beneficis per la venda de l’energia d’uns 5 milions d’euros anuals i uns costos d’instal·lació de 80 milions d’euros. Finalment s’ha constatat que és possible assolir una autosuficiència del 90% a l’escenari Ecobarri (oferta renovable - demanda eficient). Mitjançant la instal·lació de sistemes de captació solar a les cobertes, cobrint el 100% de la demanda d’ACS, i captadors solars FV, ambdues estratègies són viables i representen beneficis econòmics i una reducció d’emissions de l’ordre de 13.700 Tn CO2 equivalents anuals que suposen un estalvi del 88% respecte un escenari d’oferta i demanda estàndard.
En el projecte de millora de la qualitat docent “Activem al filosofia del llenguatge” hi han participat 11 professors i professores de la Universitat de Barcelona, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, la Universitat de Girona i la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Aquest grup de docents constitueixen la pràctica totalitat del professors que imparteixen regularment matèries de filosofia del llenguatge en les universitats catalanes. Aquest projecte ha consistit en dissenyar, elaborar i aplicar diferents eines que tenen per objectiu ajudar als alumnes a passar d’una actitud passiva de receptors de classes, a una actitud activa vers els continguts dels cursos troncals de filosofia del llenguatge. La contribució al canvi d’actitud del “rebre” al “fer” s’ha buscat amb la combinació de diferents propostes: la selecció de textos clàssics breus, importants i clars que els estudiants tenien que llegir i rellegir amb deteniment relacionats amb cadascun dels temes tractats en el curs i, vinculat a això, l’elaboració de “preguntes per a guiar la lectura” que ajuden als estudiants a centrar la atenció en els aspectes més pertinents i importants de cadascun d’aquests textos, l’elaboració de dossiers electrònics vinculats a cadascun dels diferents temes que es tracten en aquests cursos, l’elaboració per a cadascun dels temes de diferents exercicis i “preguntes de discussió”, la creació d’un fòrum de discussió electrònic, i la celebració de “jornades de debat” que es centraven en algunes de les “preguntes de discussió”. Hem pogut constatar la necessitat de trobar en el futur maneres d’aplicar les diferents eines que hem dissenyat de forma que els estudiants facin ús de forma encara més general d’aquestes eines.