93 resultados para Rural students
The methodology of the ager Tarraconensis project also included geophysical surveys aiming to distinguish different categories of rural settlements. Two geophysical techniques (resistivity and magnetometry) were combined to reveal traces of unearth structures from a selection of sites identified from the field survey. Results of geophysical surveys of these seven sites as well as conclusions obtained from this approach are discussed here.
Agafant com a premissa l’elevat grau de poblament disseminat de la plana de Vic i la forta interrelació entre els diferents assentaments, el present treball caracteritza l’actual model urbà dispers de la conurbació vigatana (Osona). L’estudi elabora dos mapes, mitjan segle xx i actual (2009), a través d’un Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica (SIG), i interpreta els resultats partint del concepte de ciutat difusa
El género ocupa un destacado lugar en geografía rural y el lugar importa en relación al género. Este artículo pretende ser una reflexión documentada sobre la importancia de la perspectiva de género en geografía rural y aportar algunas ideas sobre cuál puede ser su contribución en los estudios rurales en el futuro a la luz de los desafíos que plantea el medio rural actual
This research project focuses on the role of English and Spanish as linguae francae. More specifically, the research attempts to answer the following questions: (i) What is the place of English and Spanish as linguae francae in the world, in general, and in China, in particular? (ii) What kinds of foreign language teaching/learning attitudes and practices are characteristic of the Chinese educational system? (iii) What are the motivations, expectations and experience of Chinese students in study abroad programmes, in general, and in the programme of the University of Lleida, in particular? The study constitutes an attempt to answer each of these questions in two ways: a review of the literature and a pilot study with 26 Chinese students at UdL. The research reveals that even though English is a very dominant foreign language in China, Spanish is a language on the rise and mainly for economic reasons. The results of the study also point at the impact of the dominance of the grammar-translation method in the perspective of Chinese students about language learning. Finally, the study shows the relevance of taking part in a SA programme for Chinese students as well as their experience of them.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaboration between librarians and scholars, from a virtual university, in order to facilitate collaborative learning on how to manage information resources. The personal information behaviour of e-learning students when managing information resources for academic, professional and daily life purposes was studied from 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews. The results of the content analysis of the interview' transcriptions, highlighted that in the workplace and daily life contexts, competent information behaviour is always linked to a proactive attitude, that is to say, that participants seek for information without some extrinsic reward or avoiding punishment. In the academic context, it was observed a low level of information literacy and it seems to be related with a prevalent uninvolved attitude.
We characterize market traders at two rural fairs in Puno, Peru, based on quantitative and qualitative data gathered in 2008, to gain insight into types of traders and the information needs that influence the degree to which they use mobile phones to make decisions regarding which weekly fairs to attend. Using variables such as origin, type of goods sold, means of transportation to the market, and reliance on networks, we identify traders as full-time traders, part-time traders, or subsistence traders, that is, people trading solely to survive. We find that when traders are already familiar with the technology, regularly rely on endogenous networks to make decisions, and have more to lose from failing to trade (e.g., those selling perishable goods), they are more likely to use mobile phones to decide where to sell.
L’estudi dels materials ceràmics trobats als jaciments romans del Cementeri (Alcanar) i la Torreta (Ulldecona) ens permet emmarcar-ho en l’àmbit comarcal i efectuar una aproximació al desenvolupament de la romanització a la comarca del Montsià i a les terres veïnes del Baix Maestrat.
En els darrers quinze anys hem pogut constatar un lent creixement del turisme en els espais naturals i en els espais culturals. Ara, els escenaris rurals, els paisatges de muntanya mitjana, els nuclis rurals, els museus etnogràfics o les petites esglésies romàniques s'integren en el catàleg de productes turístics contemporanis, juntament amb les colònies Industrials, alguns centres comercials, espais d'oci programats o centres de producció
Sera obtained from 62 patients from four mountain counties in Catalonia (Northeastern Spain), in whom brucellosis had been diagnosed on the basis of clinical evidence and/or personal history, were analyzed using the rose Bengal test, standard serum agglutination test (SAT), Coombs" test, ELISA, and complement fixation. The diagnosis was further confirmed through blood cultures. Clinical evidence, epidemiology, and the results from serologic tests were used to assign patients to one of two groups: group 1 (n = 38) patients had primary infections, whereas group 2 (n = 24) patients had been previously exposed to the microorganism, i.e. re-infection of group 2 individuals occurred after long periods of time during which no active infection by Brucella had been detected. Receivingoperating charts (ROC) were used to determine the diagnostic value of the different tests and to establish discriminant values. Blood culture was a valuable diagnostic tool in group 1 (0.92 sensitivity) but was inappropriate in group 2 (0.08). The combination of positive rose Bengal test and agglutination ≥1/160 was valid for diagnosis in group 1. In group 2, agglutination < 1/160 (including negative agglutination) did not rule out brucellosis. The combination of positive rose Bengal test and Coombs" test ≥1/320 was the best diagnostic criterion (0.8 specificity; 1 sensitivity). ELISA (for IgG, IgM, or both) did not improve diagnostic accuracy
Millora de les instal·lacions, en concret la instal·lació elèctrica i al de calefacció per tal de reduir els consums d'una residència rural. A més s'apliquen energies renovables mitjançant plaques fotovoltaiques, d'aquesta manera part de les línies elèctriques estan subministrades per energia neta. Les instal·lacions millorades han estat dissenyades per un arquitecte tècnic de la Universitat de Lleida i formen part d'un projecte per la ONG Lleida Solidària de Lleida.
El present projecte de rehabilitació estudia l'edifici en qüestió per tal de donar-li una nova vida útil i usos adaptats a les necessitats actuals. En el projecte es fa un estudi de l'estat actual: evolució constructiva de l'edidici, dictamen de patologies, càlcul estructural; per a determinar la nova distribució i materials a emprar en la reforma.
El tema tractat en aquest Projecte es el condicionament del camí rural situat al terme municipal de Pont de Montanyana (Osca). Aquest Projecte conté quatre documents. En primer lloc trobem la memòria amb els seus corresponents annexos on es defineixen les característiques bàsiques a tenir en compte per a realitzar el condicionament. A continuació, trobem els plànols necessaris per a dur a terme l’obra. El tercer document es el plec de condicions en el que s’estipulen les normes que s’han de tenir en compte per executar el Projecte. L’últim document que trobem es el pressupost, on hi ha el cost aproximat de l’obra