957 resultados para Remugants -- Aspectes nutritius
En aquest treball s’exposa l’estudi realitzat en un centre educatiu ordinari d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria. En aquest centre, el curs acadèmic 2002-2003 s’hi implanten dues unitats d’educació especial amb la finalitat d’aconseguir una escolarització amb un caràcter més normalitzat per als alumnes que les integren. Fruit d’aquesta implantació se’ns ofereix l’oportunitat de realitzar un estudi al voltant del funcionament d’aquest procés. Degut a la importància que tenen en els processos d’aquesta índole, entre d’altres motius, decidim decantar-nos per l’estudi de les actituds del professorat vers les pràctiques inclusives. Així doncs en aquest treball s’hi recullen quines són les actituds dels professorat d’aquest IES, en dos moments diferents al llarg del temps, al voltant de diferents aspectes relacionats amb les pràctiques inclusives, l’instrument dissenyat per a recollir aquestes actituds, així com també les pràctiques amb caràcter inclusiu que s’han dut a terme en aquest IES.
In this paper we use micro data from the Spanish Family Expenditure Survey for 1990 to estimate, for the first time, the private and social rates of return of different university degrees in Spain. We compute internal rates of return and include investment on higher education financed by the public purse to estimate social rates of return. Our main finding is that, as presumed, there is large heterogeneity in rates of return amongst different university
The environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis posits an inverted U relationship between environmental pressure and per capita income. Recent research has examined this hypothesis for different pollutants in different countries. Despite certain empirical evidence shows that some environmental pressures have diminished in developed countries, the hypothesis could not be generalized to the global relationship between economy and environment at all. In this article we contribute to this debate analyzing the trends of annual emission flux of six atmospheric pollutants in Spain. The study presents evidence that there is not any correlation between higher income level and smaller emissions, except for SO2 whose evolution might be compatible with the EKC hypothesis. The authors argue that the relationship between income level and diverse types of emissions depends on many factors. Thus it cannot be thought that economic growth, by itself, will solve environmental problems.
This paper analyses the elasticities of demand in tolled motorways in Spain with respect to the main variables influencing it. The demand equation is estimated using a panel data set where the cross-section observations correspond to the different Spanish tolled motorways sections, and the temporal dimension ranges from the beginning of the eighties until the end of the nineties. The results show a high elasticity with respect to the economic activity level. The average elasticity with respect to petrol price falls around -0.3, while toll elasticities clearly vary across motorway sections. These motorway sections are classified into four groups according to the estimated toll elasticity with values that range from -0.21 for the most inelastic to -0.83 for the most elastic. The main factors that explain such differences are the quality of the alternative road and the length of the section. The long-term effect is about 50 per cent higher than the short term one; however, the period of adjustment is relatively short.
En el presente trabajo se ponen de manifiesto los numerosos problemas del análisis económico convencional en la evaluación de las políticas de mitigación del cambio climático causado antropogénicamente. Tras señalar las principales características del fenómeno, se destacan las muchas limitaciones, arbitrariedades y omisiones que han caracterizado a la mayoría de modelos aplicados hasta el momento. Éstas actúan de forma casi abrumadora sesgando el resultado hacia la recomendación de una menor agresividad en las políticas de mitigación. En consecuencia, se cuestiona que los resultados obtenidos por los modelos convencionales de evaluación den una respuesta adecuada al problema. A continuación, se señalan algunos de los puntos que deberían tenerse en cuenta para realizar un análisis de las políticas de mitigación coherente con el desarrollo sostenible. Finalmente, se recogen las principales conclusiones del trabajo.
This paper shows the numerous problems of conventional economic analysis in the evaluation of climate change mitigation policies. The article points out the many limitations, omissions, and the arbitrariness that have characterized most evaluation models applied up until now. These shortcomings, in an almost overwhelming way, have biased the result towards the recommendation of a lower aggressiveness of emission mitigation policies. Consequently, this paper questions whether these results provide an appropriate answer to the problem. Finally, various points that an analysis coherent with sustainable development should take into account are presented.
The purpose of this paper is to study the possible differences among countries as CO2 emitters and to examine the underlying causes of these differences. The starting point of the analysis is the Kaya identity, which allows us to break down per capita emissions in four components: an index of carbon intensity, transformation efficiency, energy intensity and social wealth. Through a cluster analysis we have identified five groups of countries with different behavior according to these four factors. One significant finding is that these groups are stable for the period analyzed. This suggests that a study based on these components can characterize quite accurately the polluting behavior of individual countries, that is to say, the classification found in the analysis could be used in other studies which look to study the behavior of countries in terms of CO2 emissions in homogeneous groups. In this sense, it supposes an advance over the traditional regional or rich-poor countries classifications .
At the end of the XIX Century, Marshall described the existence of some concentrations of small and medium enterprises specialised in a specific production activity in certain districts of some industrial English cities. Starting from his contribute, Italian scholars have paid particular attention to this local system of production coined by Marshall under the term industrial district. In other countries, different but related territorial models have played a central role as the milieu or the geographical industrial clusters. Recently, these models have been extended to non-industrial fields like culture, rural activities and tourism. In this text, we explore the extension of these territorial models to the study of tourist activities in Italy, using a framework that can be easily applied to other countries or regions. The paper is divided in five sections. In the first one, we propose a review of the territorial models applied to tourism industry. In the second part, we construct a tourist filiere and we apply a methodology for the identification of local systems through GIS tools. Thus, taxonomy of the Italian Tourist Local Systems is presented. In the third part, we discuss about the sources of competitiveness of these Tourist Local Systems. In the forth section, we test a spatial econometrics model regarding different kinds of Italian Tourist Local Systems (rural systems, arts cities, tourist districts) in order to measure external economies and territorial networks. Finally, conclusions and policy implications are exposed.
The decisions of many individuals and social groups, taking according to well-defined objectives, are causing serious social and environmental problems, in spite of following the dictates of economic rationality. There are many examples of serious problems for which there are not yet appropriate solutions, such as management of scarce natural resources including aquifer water or the distribution of space among incompatible uses. In order to solve these problems, the paper first characterizes the resources and goods involved from an economic perspective. Then, for each case, the paper notes that there is a serious divergence between individual and collective interests and, where possible, it designs the procedure for solving the conflict of interests. With this procedure, the real opportunities for the application of economic theory are shown, and especially the theory on collective goods and externalities. The limitations of conventional economic analysis are shown and the opportunity to correct the shortfalls is examined. Many environmental problems, such as climate change, have an impact on different generations that do not participate in present decisions. The paper shows that for these cases, the solutions suggested by economic theory are not valid. Furthermore, conventional methods of economic valuation (which usually help decision-makers) are unable to account for the existence of different generations and tend to obviate long-term impacts. The paper analyzes how economic valuation methods could account for the costs and benefits enjoyed by present and future generations. The paper studies an appropriate consideration of preferences for future consumption and the incorporation of sustainability as a requirement in social decisions, which implies not only more efficiency but also a fairer distribution between generations than the one implied by conventional economic analysis.
En el presente artículo se analiza la evolución de las emisiones de CO2 –el principal gas de efecto invernadero– en las diferentes áreas del mundo, prestando mayor atención a lo ocurrido en la Unión Europea y España. El análisis se centra especialmente en lo sucedido desde 1990, año de referencia en el protocolo de Kioto para la gran mayoría de países. Se investigan también los principales factores determinantes de las emisiones y su evolución utilizando el análisis de los factores de la identidad de Kaya. El análisis permite explicar las grandes diferencias que se dan entre unas zonas y otras y las distintas variaciones que se ha
Here we present an approach that allows the identification of the "key" productive sectors responsible for CO2 emission. For this purpose, we develop an input–output methodology from a supply perspective. We focus on the impact of an increase in the value-added of the different productive sectors on total CO2 emissions and we identify the productive sectors responsible for the increase in CO2 emissions when there is an increase in the income of the economy. The approach shows the contribution of the various sectors to CO2 emission from a production perspective and allows us to identify the sectors that deserve more consideration for mitigation policies. This analysis is complementary to the input–output analysis from a demand perspective. The methodology is applied to the Spanish economy.
En este trabajo desarrollamos una metodología para descomponer las desigualdades internacionales en las emisiones de CO2 en factores (multiplicativos) de Kaya y dos términos de interacción. Utilizamos el índice de desigualdad de Theil y mostramos que esta metodología de descomposición puede extenderse para analizar los componentes de desigualdad inter e intragrupal. A continuación podemos analizar los factores detrás de las desigualdades en las emisiones de CO2 per cápita entre países, entre grupos de países y dentro de los grupos de países. La ilustración empírica sugiere algunas cuestiones. Primero, la desigualdad internacional en las emisiones de CO2 per cápita es principalmente atribuible a las desigualdades en los niveles de renta per cápita, lo que ayuda a explicar su reciente reducción, mientras que las diferencias en la intensidad de carbono de la energía y la intensidad energética han hecho una contribución mucho menos significativa. Este resultado está fuertemente influenciado por el comportamiento de China e India. En segundo lugar, el componente de la desigualdad entre grupos, que es el mayor, está también explicado en buena medida por el factor ingreso. En tercer lugar, el componente de la desigualdad dentro de los grupos aumentó ligeramente durante el período, algo principalmente debido al cambio en el factor de ingreso y los términos de interacción en unas pocas regiones.