102 resultados para Polo Recycling Gramacho
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a distribuição de líquido da ponta de pulverização com indução de ar e jato excêntrico AIUB 8502 sob diferentes condições operacionais. Foram avaliados perfil individual, vazão, ângulo de abertura do jato, faixa de aplicação e distribuição volumétrica simulada de duas pontas AIUB 8502 nas pressões de trabalho de 200, 300, 400 e 500 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação ao alvo e espaçamento entre pontas de 30 a 100 cm. Todas as análises foram realizadas seguindo a norma ISSO 5682-1, com algumas adaptações. A ponta apresentou distribuição de líquido excêntrica com um lado descontínuo e extremidade oposta excêntrica, com queda abrupta do volume de líquido. À medida que se aumentou a altura da barra e a pressão de trabalho, alongou-se o perfil do jato. O maior número de configurações uniformes foi obtido na altura de 50 cm, decrescendo nas alturas de 40 e 30 cm. A vazão e o ângulo do jato excêntrico aumentaram com o incremento na pressão, não havendo diferença entre o ângulo do jato descontínuo e o total entre as pressões de 400 e 500 kPa e de 200 e 300 kPa.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a distribuição volumétrica e o espectro de gotas das pontas de pulverização de baixa deriva TTI110015, AI110015 e AVI11001 sob diferentes condições operacionais. A distribuição volumétrica foi determinada em bancada de ensaios padronizada analisando o coeficiente de variação (CV%) de uma barra simulada em computador, utilizando pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa, altura de 30, 40 e 50 cm em relação à bancada e espaçamento entre pontas de 40 a 100 cm. O espectro de gotas foi produzido utilizando-se apenas água como calda em um analisador de partículas em meio aquoso, nas pressões de 200, 300 e 400 kPa. Foram avaliados o DMV, a porcentagem de gotas com diâmetro inferior a 100 µm (%100 µm) e a amplitude relativa (AR). As pontas proporcionaram perfil descontínuo nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa e uniforme a 200 kPa. Na pressão de 200 kPa, as pontas foram adequadas apenas para aplicação em faixa, e a 300 e 400 kPa, apenas para área total. Ocorreu menor CV (abaixo de 7%) com a maior pressão de trabalho e menor espaçamento entre pontas. À medida que se aumentou a pressão de trabalho, reduziu-se o DMV. As pontas TTI110015 e AI110015 em todas as pressões e a ponta AVI11001 na pressão de 200 kPa produziram gotas extremamente grossas e gotas grossas nas pressões de 300 e 400 kPa apenas para a ponta AVI11001. As pontas proporcionaram baixos valores de amplitude relativa (AR) e gotas de tamanho uniforme, bem como produziram baixa porcentagem de gotas menores que 100 µm, principalmente TTI110015 e AI110015, com menor risco de deriva.
In this work, a LIDAR-based 3D Dynamic Measurement System is presented and evaluated for the geometric characterization of tree crops. Using this measurement system, trees were scanned from two opposing sides to obtain two three-dimensional point clouds. After registration of the point clouds, a simple and easily obtainable parameter is the number of impacts received by the scanned vegetation. The work in this study is based on the hypothesis of the existence of a linear relationship between the number of impacts of the LIDAR sensor laser beam on the vegetation and the tree leaf area. Tests performed under laboratory conditions using an ornamental tree and, subsequently, in a pear tree orchard demonstrate the correct operation of the measurement system presented in this paper. The results from both the laboratory and field tests confirm the initial hypothesis and the 3D Dynamic Measurement System is validated in field operation. This opens the door to new lines of research centred on the geometric characterization of tree crops in the field of agriculture and, more specifically, in precision fruit growing.
Precision Viticulture (PV) is a concept that is beginning to have an impact on the wine-growing sector. Its practical implementation is dependant on various technological developments: crop sensors and yield monitors, local and remote sensors, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), VRA (Variable-Rate Application) equipment and machinery, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and systems for data analysis and interpretation. This paper reviews a number of research lines related to PV. These areas of research have focused on four very specific fields: 1) quantification and evaluation of within-field variability, 2) delineation of zones of differential treatment at parcel level, based on the analysis and interpretation of this variability, 3) development of Variable-Rate Technologies (VRT) and, finally, 4) evaluation of the opportunities for site-specific vineyard management. Research in these fields should allow winegrowers and enologists to know and understand why yield variability exists within the same parcel, what the causes of this variability are, how the yield and its quality are interrelated and, if spatial variability exists, whether site-specific vineyard management is justifiable on a technical and economic basis.
Zonal management in vineyards requires the prior delineation of stable yield zones within the parcel. Among the different methodologies used for zone delineation, cluster analysis of yield data from several years is one of the possibilities cited in scientific literature. However, there exist reasonable doubts concerning the cluster algorithm to be used and the number of zones that have to be delineated within a field. In this paper two different cluster algorithms have been compared (k-means and fuzzy c-means) using the grape yield data corresponding to three successive years (2002, 2003 and 2004), for a ‘Pinot Noir’ vineyard parcel. Final choice of the most recommendable algorithm has been linked to obtaining a stable pattern of spatial yield distribution and to allowing for the delineation of compact and average sized areas. The general recommendation is to use reclassified maps of two clusters or yield classes (low yield zone and high yield zone) and, consequently, the site-specific vineyard management should be based on the prior delineation of just two different zones or sub-parcels. The two tested algorithms are good options for this purpose. However, the fuzzy c-means algorithm allows for a better zoning of the parcel, forming more compact areas and with more equilibrated zonal differences over time.
En los últimos treinta años la posición de España respecto al fenómeno migratorio ha variado radicalmente. Ha pasado de ser un país con saldos migratorios negativos a atraer mano de obra extranjera. Esta nueva tendencia, que se ha consolidado durante los últimos diez años, lejos de remitir, presenta indicios de expansión. Varios fenómenos de carácter global contribuyen a ello. En primer lugar, las tasas de crecimiento de la población en los países en vías de desarrollo (PVD) son superiores a las tasas de crecimiento de la ocupación en dichos países. En segundo lugar, los diferenciales de renta entre países ricos y pobres se están incrementando. Asimismo, el gran desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones hace accesible el conocimiento del nivel de vida occidental a los habitantes del llamado Tercer Mundo. Por último, el abaratamiento de los costes de transporte ha disminuido el coste de las migraciones internacionales.La situación, aunque nueva para España, ya ha sido experimentada por otros países, en especial por los Estados Unidos, tradicional polo de atracción de movimientos migratorios. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar y analizar las estrategias generales eguidas por la agencia de inmigración norteamericana (Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS) con el propósito de aportar elementos de reflexión a los sectores de la opinión pública de nuestro país afectados por esta problemática. El pilar básico del marco legal vigente de la política migratoria norteamericana es la Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), aprobada el 6 de noviembre de 1986 por el presidente Reagan, y cuyo objetivo era, y es, reducir el volumen de inmigrantes ilegales en los Estados Unidos. A continuación, presentamos la evolución histórica de la legislación norteamericana existente y explicamos cómo esta evolución ha llevado a la implementación de la IRCA. En segundo lugar, evaluamos las diversas estrategias seguidas por la agencia de inmigración norteamericana y los criterios de asignación de fondos entre estas diversas alternativas; en particular, mostramos que en los últimos años la agencia ha dado primacía a las políticas de frontera1. A continuación, demostramos que las políticas de control de frontera son menos efectivas que las de interior. Concluimos argumentando que el uso excesivo de políticas de frontera por parte del INS parece responder más al objetivo de obtener grandes presupuestos, que al de minimizar el número de inmigrantes ilegales en el país. Una vez analizada la experiencia estadounidense terminamos sugiriendo las medidas de política migratoria que a nuestro juicio maximizarían el bienestar social de un país receptor como España.
In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12–14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying.
Tradicionalmente, las dosis indicadas en las etiquetas de los envases de los productos fitosanitarios se expresan en función de uno, o muy pocos, de los factores que intervienen en toda aplicación. El camino hacia la racionalización de las dosis pasa por la utilización de un sistema que integre el mayor número de condicionantes permitiendo así el ajuste de la dosis a las condiciones concretas de cada tratamiento.
Proper dialogue between presynaptic neurons and their targets is essential for correct synaptic assembly and function. At central synapses, Wnt proteins function as retrograde signals to regulate axon remodeling and the accumulation of presynaptic proteins. Loss of Wnt7a function leads to defects in the localization of presynaptic markers and in the morphology of the presynaptic axons. We show that loss of function of Dishevelled-1 (Dvl1) mimics and enhances the Wnt7a phenotype in the cerebellum. Although active zones appear normal, electrophysiological recordings in cerebellar slices from Wnt7a/Dvl1 double mutant mice reveal a defect in neurotransmitter release at mossy fi ber–granule cell synapses. Deficiency in Dvl1 decreases, whereas exposure to Wnt increases, synaptic vesicle recycling in mossy fi bers. Dvl increases the number of Bassoon clusters, and like other components of the Wnt pathway, it localizes to synaptic sites. These fi ndings demonstrate that Wnts signal across the synapse on Dvl-expressing presynaptic terminals to regulate synaptic assembly and suggest a potential novel function for Wnts in neurotransmitter release.
Este trabajo hace referencia a la aplicación para dispositivos móviles para la localización de servicios del portal médico "Cercle de Salut". El proyecto está realizado en HTML5.
Article que descriu les algues bentòniques del litoral català
L'herbari de la UdG consta de més de 12.000 plecs de plantes vasculars i 3.200 d'algues bentòniques marines, actualment en procés d' informatització mitjançant FilcMaker Pro 2.0 per Macintosh. S'ha elaborat un programa anomenat HGI que permet utilitzar el fitxer tesaurus TEFLORA del programa BDORCA (Font, 1992), corresponent al catàleg de plantes vasculars dels Països Catalans. Al fitxer, s'hi han afegit nous camps corn la família, la forma vital i la corologia. L'estructuració d'aquest programa permet, a més de les funcions pròpies de gestió d'un herbari, el traspàs de la inforrnació introduïda a la base de dades BDORCA
La següent memòria explica la creació del reportatge audiovisual titulat “Victòria i derrota, el sacrifici darrere les medalles”. En aquest s’explica la historia de tres joves esportistes que s’exerciten al Centre d’Alt Rendiment (CAR) de Sant Cugat del Vallès. Alberto, un jove gallec que juga a tenis taula i aspira a competir en les olimpíades paral•límpiques de Rio de Janeiro al 2016; Carles, un gimnasta intern al centre i Irene, una jove que practica waterpolo. Mitjançant la historia, comentaris i vivències dels tres protagonistes, es mostra al públic com és la vida d’un esportista al CAR.
Este artículo muestra los resultados del estudio exploratorio realizado en el municipio de Badalona (Barcelona, España) a raíz de la aplicación de la Ley Reguladora de los Residuos (DOGC, Decreto legislativo 1/2009, de 21 de julio). Esta Ley, aprobada recientemente por el Gobierno Catalán, tiene por objeto la promoción del comportamiento de separación y eliminación de residuos orgánicos en la ciudadanía. Específicamente, el objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar las actitudes y comportamientos en la separación y eliminación de residuos orgánicos, a fin de establecer directrices y sugerencias de mejora en el diseño de campañas de marketing ambiental, y en la evaluación de éstas.
We perform a meta - analysis of 21 studies that estimate the elasticity of the price of waste collection demand upon waste quantities, a prior literature review having revealed that the price elasticity differs markedly. Based on a meta - regression with a total of 65 observations, we find no indication that municipal data give higher estimates for price elasticities than those associated with household data. Furthermore, there is no evidence that treating prices as exogenous underestimates the price elasticity. We find that much of the variation can be explained by sample size, the use of a weight - based as opposed to a volume - based pricing system, and the pricing of compostable waste. We also show that price elasticities determined in the USA and point estimations of elasticities are more elastic, but these effects are not robust to the changing of model specifications. Finally, our tests show that there is no evidence of publication bias while there is some evidence of the existence of genuine empirical effect.