114 resultados para Peus -- Malformacions


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El presente trabajo tiene como temática principal un material para muchos ya conocido durante este último año, el cual podemos emplear basicamente en dos facetas muy diferenciadas de la Ortopodología; una primera para la confección de moldes negativos o positivos y una segunda para la elaboración de soportes plantares.


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El Palatí. La formació dels palaus imperials a Roma neix d’un projecte iniciat el 1988 amb l’excavació arqueològica de la zona situada al voltant del temple de Júpiter Stator, als peus del Palatí, un dels turons més emblemàtics de Roma. Aquest treball de camp va durar gairebé 18 anys i, durant tot aquest temps, Ricardo Mar va portar a terme una recerca molt àmplia sobre la topografia arqueològica del Palatí. El resultat d’aquest treball és aquesta obra, que descriu l’evolució del turó, des de l’època de la Roma primitiva fins a la darreria de la República, i entra després en el que constitueix el cos fonamental del llibre: el naixement, la formació i l’evolució dels palaus imperials de Roma a partir del moment en què August va decidir situar-hi casa seva. L’obra, de 355 pàgines, inclou, a més, tres annexos: el primer, del mateix Ricardo Mar, amb les dades de l’excavació. Un segon, de Natàlia Alonso, amb l’anàlisi de sediments de les clavegueres aparegudes durant l’excavació. I, finalment, un tercer, d’Ana Rodríguez, amb l’estudi de la presència de la família Fragipane al Palatí durant l’edat mitjana. Les conclusions de l’estudi apareixen traduïdes a l’anglès. A banda, s’inclou una carpeta amb 12 plànols DIN-A2 en color amb la planimetria dels palaus imperials al Palatí en diferents períodes.


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We describe a female patient with a midline syndrome. The patient presents agenesis of the corpus callosum, encephalocele, iris coloboma, hypertelorism, submucosal cleft palate and dental anomalies. Despite being very characteristic, her phenotypical traits do not coincide exactly with those reported to date in the literature. The karyotype and the molecular cytogenetic study do not show mutations. We identify the presence of dental anomalies in the mother and other family members, not being identified MSX1 and PAX9 mutations that could the related with their etiology. Despite the fact that dental agenesis has been related to a large number of other malformation syndromes and congenital conditions, dental anomalies have only rarely been mentioned when reporting midline syndromes. These dental phenotypical traits, present in the patient and her family, could be considered part of the midline syndrome in carriers as well as in the patients.


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Introducción: La malformación de Chiari tipo I (MC-I) es una entidad de baja prevalencia, cuya clínica es muy variada dependiendo del cortejo malformativo asociado, y en la que pueden existir síntomas ansiosodepresivos y una pérdida no definida de la calidad de vida de los pacientes. El objetivo principal de este estudio es determinar la repercusión de la MC-I en la calidad de vida, así como la presencia de ansiedad y depresión en estos pacientes. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio prospectivo de una cohorte de 67 pacientes afectos de MC-I en los que se valoraron la calidad de vida, la presencia de ansiedad y síntomas depresivos mediante las escalas Sickness Impact Profile, inventario de ansiedad estado-rasgo e inventario de depresión de Beck, respectivamente. En cada paciente se registró la presencia de siringomielia o hidrocefalia, así como el grado de ectopia de las amígdalas del cerebelo. Resultados: El impacto de la MC-I en la calidad de vida fue nulo en seis pacientes (9%), leve en 36 (53,7%), moderado en 17 (25,4%) y grave en ocho (11,9%). El área de actividad más afectada fue el trabajo. El 86,6% de los pacientes presentó un nivel de ansiedad moderado o elevado. En el 25,4% de los pacientes también se constataron síntomas depresivos moderados o graves. Conclusiones: La gran mayoría de los pacientes con una MC-I considera que su enfermedad implica una pérdida de calidad de vida que, en muchos casos, se asocia a una alta ansiedad y a síntomas depresivos


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El visc és la planta hemiparàsita més estesa en els boscos de coníferes. No obstant, a penes hi ha estudis que avaluen els seus efectes sobre el creixement i el vigor dels arbres. Els peus amb major presència de visc mostren una major grandària i en el passat presentaven un creixement major que els que actualment no n'alberguen. L'increment d'àrea basimètrica es redueix a mesura que augmenta l'abundància de visc, mostrant un declivi major en l'àpex on les mates de visc estan agregades. El creixement radial dels arbres amb visc es va reduir molt després de fortes sequeres.


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Aquest treball, desenvolupat en una forest de la serralada de Cuenca, durant el primer any de resinació, ofereix resultats de producció obtinguts en funció de variables dendromètriques dels peus, qualitat d'estació, mida de la ferida i considerant els factors: (i) eina, manual o mecanitzada, i (ii) sentit d'avanç de les piques, ascendent o descendent. Així, el diàmetre dels pins, la qualitat d'estació i la superfície foliar, apareixen més determinants sobre la producció que la superfície de la ferida practicada. El mètode descendent s'evidencia millor que l'oposat, mentre que l'eina utilitzada va resultar indiferent.


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A finals de gener de l'any 2009, després d'un període excepcional de pluges, part d'una de les vessants rocoses situades al paratge “Laderas del Parral” col·lapsa, patint un despreniment de considerables dimensions que afecta un dels dipòsits d’aigua potable situat als peus d’aquesta, així com una torre d’electrificació i una antena de telefonia mòbil, deixant part del material generat a pocs metres d’unes quantes cases situades en l'àrea. S’ha dimensionat un sistema flexible d'estabilització dissenyat per assegurar la zona i el tanc contra més despreniments de roques que podrien succeir.


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Certain situations and pathological processes that arise with temporomandibular joint destruction can only be resolved with surgical reconstructive procedures in order to attempt a functional and anatomical rehabilitation of this joint. Many of these situations can be surgically treated with the patient's own autologous tissues. However, in some patients reconstruction is complex and the use of autologous tissues is unadvisable whereas reconstruction utilizing alloplastic materials may be an appropriate alternative. The following report describes 4 clinical cases in which autologous grafts or Christensen joint prosthesis are employed in temporomandibular joint reconstruction


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Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in high concentrations in cartilage and synovial fluid, and is an important component of the extracellular matrixes- exerting joint lubrication and buffering actions thanks to its viscoelastic properties. The present study examines the scientific evidence found in the current literature on the usefulness of the intraarticular injection of HA in patients with temporomandibular dysfunction. A literature search was made up until May 2008 in the following databases: PubMed / MEDLINE. Of the articles found in the literature, the present review included 18 relevant studies on the application of HA in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The quality, level of evidence and strength of recommendation of the articles was evaluated based on the"Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy" criteria. It is concluded that type A level of recommendation exists in favor of the intraarticular injection of HA in dysfunction of the TMJ. However, further studies are needed to establish the true therapeutic effects and to identify the best dosing regimen.


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Objectives: This study evaluates the periodontal health status and the esthetic results of teeth subjected to orthodontic traction, after their exposure by an apically positioned flap. Study design: Fifteen patients were included in the study, ages between 11 and 28 years old. The fenestrated teeth and their homologous contralateral normally erupted teeth, used as control, were evaluated. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the position of the gingival margin (p = 0.005), with an average distance between cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) and gingival margin of 2.47 mm (SD 1.19) in control teeth and of 1 mm (SD 1.31) in the operated teeth, and in the depth of palatal probing (p = 0.031), with 2.1 mm (SD 0.9) for the experimental teeth and 1.7 mm (SD 0.8) for the control teeth. The gingival index, the bleeding during probing and the probing depth did not show statistically significant differences. The patient"s subjective esthetic evaluation was more favorable for the control teeth in most of the cases. Conclusions: The surgical approach for the impacted teeth by means of the apically positioned flap resulted to be a predictable technique allowing the maintenance of the periodontal health on a long-term basis.


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Objectives: To determine the epidemiology and describe the clinical and radiographic characteristics, the type of treatment, and the possible delayed appearance of new supernumerary teeth in patients with non-syndromic multiple hyperdontia. Patients and Methods: We conducted a small retrospective observational study of 8 patients diagnosed with nonsyndromic multiple hyperdontia. Multiple hyperdontia not associated to complex syndromes was defined as apparently generally healthy patients with one or more supernumerary teeth in two or more areas. Results: The average patient age was 16.23 years; males predominated (3:1). Multiple hyperodontia with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 9 supernumerary teeth was found (total: 34 mean: 4.25). The most frequent location was the upper jaw (76.47%). Eumorphic teeth were seen at lower premolar level, while the rest were all heteromorphic. There was altered eruption of the contiguous teeth of 4 of the impacted supernumerary teeth all the rest being asymptomatic. Extraction was the treatment in all patients, and in one of them the delayed appearance of 4 supernumerary teeth was detected. Conclusions: Multiple hyperodontia rarely occurs without being associated with complex syndromes. Prophylactic surgical removal of the supernumerary teeth is generally the treatment of choice.


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Fragile X-syndrome is caused by a mutation in chromosome X. It is one of the most frequent causes of learning disability. The most frequent manifestations of fragile X-syndrome are learning disability, different orofacial morphological alterations and an increase in testicle size. The disease is associated with cardiac malformations, joint hyperextension and behavioural alterations. We present two male patients aged 17 and 10 years, treated in our Service due to severe gingivitis. Both showed the typical facial and dental characteristics of the syndrome. In addition, we detected the presence of root anomalies such as taurodontism and root bifurcation, which had not been associated with fragile X-syndrome in the literature. In some cases these root malformations have been associated with other sex-linked congenital syndromes, though in none of the studies published in the literature have they been related with fragile X-syndrome. This syndrome is relevant due to its high prevalence, the presentation of certain oral and facial characteristics that can facilitate the diagnosis, and the few cases published to date


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Objective: The goal of the present retrospective study is to describe the distribution of the supernumerary teeth in a population of patients that have been attended at the Public Clinic of the Department of Oral Surgery. Background: Supernumerary teeth and multiple hyperdontia are usually associated with different syndromes, such as Gardner syndrome, or with facial fissures; however, they can appear in patients without any pathology. Their prevalence oscillates to 0.5-3.8% in patients with permanent teeth and to 0.35-0.6% in patients with primary teeth. Patients and Methods: A total of 36,057 clinical histories of patients that were admitted at the clinic between September of 1991 and March of 2003 were revised. The following data were extrapolated: age, sex, number of extracted supernumerary teeth, localization, morphology and type of supernumerary teeth. Consequently, 102 patients were included into the present study. Results: Of the 147 supernumerary teeth identified in the oral cavities of patients 145 were extracted. The most frequent supernumerary teeth identified were mesiodens (46.9%), followed by premolars (24.1%) and fourth molars or distal molars (18%). As for location, 74.5% of the supernumerary teeth were found in the superior maxillary bone and 46.9% of the supernumerary teeth were present in the palatine/lingual area. Heteromorphology was found in two thirds of the supernumerary teeth, with conical shape being the most frequent. Finally, 29.7% of the supernumerary teeth had occlusion with permanent teeth, and mesiodens were the predominating type of supernumerary teeth that showed this feature. Conclusions: Mesiodens very frequently cause retention of permanent incisors, which erupt spontaneously after the extraction of supernumerary teeth, if there is sufficient space in the dental arch and if they conserve the eruptive force. Generally, supernumerary premolars are eumorphic and are casually discovered during radiological exam, if not producing any symptomology.


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Introduction: Moebius syndrome is a rare congenital disorder characterized by unilateral or bilateral involvement of the sixth and seventh cranial nerves, resulting in a lack of facial expression and eye movements. These patients suffer a series of oral manifestations that may complicate their dental treatment, such as facial and tongue muscle weakness, uncontrolled salivation secondary to defi cient lip sealing, micrognathia, microstomia, bifi d uvula, gothic and fi ssured palate, fi ssured tongue, and glossoptosis. The underlying etiology remains unclear, though vascular problems during embryogenesis appear to be involved. Clinical case: We report the case of a woman with Moebius syndrome and total edentulism. Eight years ago she underwent complete oral rehabilitation with the placement of two implants in each dental arch. Discussion: Moebius syndrome has still an unknown etiology, although it is related to disorders during pregnancy. This kind of patient can be rehabilitated using oral implants.


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Pregunta clínica de investigación: ¿es efectiva la Técnica de Activación Muscular® (MAT®) en la resolución de la fasciosis plantar (FP) en personas corredoras habituales? Objetivo: determinar si la terapia combinada mediante ejercicios de MAT® mejora los resultados obtenidos con el procedimiento convencional en el tratamiento de la FP en personas deportistas en la ciudad de Lleida. Metodología: En este ensayo clínico experimental ha participado un total de 264 pacientes, corredores habituales con FP de más de un mes y menos de un año de evolución, que han sido derivados por sus médicos de atención primaria. La muestra se ha dividido de forma aleatoria en dos grupos, uno control que sigue un protocolo convencional (educación sanitaria, AINEs y estiramietos) y el grupo experimental, al que se le ha aplicado la intervención de MAT®. La duración del estudio es de dos años, y cada intervención dura 4 semanas con un seguimiento a 6 y 12 meses. Un analista externo es el encargado del análisis de la información mediante el programa SPSS 15.0. Los resultados se miden mediante las variables de: dolor a la presión, grosor de la aponeurosis, percepción del estado de los pies, rango de movimiento articular (RMA) de tobillo y 1era metetarsofalángica (MTF) y tiempo de vuelta a la carrera entre otras.