109 resultados para Pension saving
Este artículo, mediante el método de la Contabilidad Generacional, examina la viabilidad a largo plazo y los efectos sobre la redistribución intergeneracional de la renta del sistema de pensiones español. Dado la enorme deuda acumulada, que se traslada a las generaciones futuras, se explora la posibilidad de introducir políticas de reforma por el lado de los ingresos que pretenden mitigar la fuerte dependencia demográfica de las finanzas de la Seguridad Social. El principal resultado obtenido es que la gravedad de la crisis demográfica hace que estos tipos de medidas estudiadas sean claramente insuficientes para restaurar el equilibrio intergeneracional.
We study the effects of the adoption of new agricultural technologies on structural transformation. To guide empirical work, we present a simple model where the effect of agriculturalproductivity on industrial development depends on the factor bias of technical change. We testthe predictions of the model by studying the introduction of genetically engineered soybeanseeds in Brazil, which had heterogeneous effects on agricultural productivity across areas withdifferent soil and weather characteristics. We find that technical change in soy production wasstrongly labor saving and lead to industrial growth, as predicted by the model.
A raíz de la evolución del precio de la energía y de las medidas adoptadas a nivel mundial para el llamado “desarrollo sostenible”, la legislación europea ha liderado las correcciones a efectuar en los procesos protagonistas del consumo de recursos y de contaminación del medio ambiente. En la última década el proceso viene acelerándose para cumplir con los objetivos marcados, amparándose en unas ya consolidadas estadísticas sobre las repercusiones prácticas de cada una de las iniciativas proyectadas. Una de las tecnologías a emplear es la cogeneración, es decir, la producción simultánea de calor y electricidad. A diferencia de otras soluciones más ambiciosas, y por tanto con mayor incertidumbre en su aplicación práctica, la cogeneración es una respuesta ya madura y viable, directamente aplicable a industrias y con un claro apoyo institucional. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es demostrar mediante un estudio técnico – económico, la viabilidad de la solución planteada en este tipo de edificios, mediante la aportación de datos reales y contrastados. Así como establecer los parámetros e indicadores de medición que permitan elegir dicha tecnología como la solución óptima para el ahorro y eficiencia económica en su sector de aplicación. Entre las conclusiones más destacadas de este proyecto están los beneficios que aporta tanto al usuario del sistema como al conjunto de la sociedad, siendo este último aspecto fundamental en su financiación y subvención. Por otra parte, son instalaciones desconocidas en ciertos edificios por lo que este trabajo debe contribuir a su desarrollo y adopción por parte de las empresas de servicios energéticos.
Avui en dia s’ha convertit en una necessitat tenir cura del medi ambient i optimitzar els recursos naturals. En el camp per estalviar energia s’han fet grans progressos i disposem d’un gran ventall de dispositius que ens ajuden i ens faciliten l’optimització del consum d’energia. Però és una realitat que en l’estalvi del consum d’aigua el progrés ha estat molt menor i es limita molt a donar consells i repartir dosificadors d’aigua. Qui no ha vist carrers o jardins o cases inundades amb milers de litres d’aigua? Aquesta realitat m’ha portat a dissenyar i desenvolupar un prototip que em permeti tenir un millor control del consum d’aigua. El prototip, a trets principals, consta d’un sensor, una electrovàlvula i una placa Arduino Atmega. El sensor ens permet mesurar els litres consumits durant un cert període de temps. Passat aquest temps de mostreig es compara els litres consumits amb el consum habitual, en aquell període de temps. En cas de sobrepassar el volum programat es tancarà l’electrovàlvula de forma automàtica i rebrem un SMS al telèfon. L’activació de l’alarma es pot ajustar que sigui al igualar-se els dos valors, litres programats i litres consumits. També es pot programar el percentatge que cal sobrepassar de litres consumits per activar l’alarma, com el temps de mostreig. El fet de poder programar tots aquests valors ens permet fer un ajust ideal per a la instal·lació que es vol tenir controlada. A més, el prototip es pot utilitzar per enviar a la companyia d’aigua el valor del comptador de forma automàtica. D’aquesta forma la companyia d’aigua també optimitza recursos estalviant-se el desplaçament de personal a la instal·lació per fer la lectura corresponent. El prototip està basat amb un Arduino Atmega que ens permet el processament de les dades programades i capturades pel sensor. També s’ha incorporat una pantalla TFT Touch 2’8”, que permet visualitzar i programar els valors d’una forma molt més intuïtiva. Per enviar els SMS s’utilitza una placa d’Arduino Cel·lular Shield - SM5100B, a la qual només cal afegir una targeta SIM. A priori, el prototip té un elevat cost al fabricar una sola unitat i pot semblar poc útil. Però ens pot estalviar alguna sorpresa en les factures d’aigua si tenim una fuita i no ens n’adonem fins a veure el rebut de la companyia. Si es fabriqués a grans quantitats es podria abaratir el preu i fer-lo encara més engrescador.
In this paper I show that employees tend to procrastinate when they are expected to decide whether or not they would like to save using the defined contribution pension scheme offered by their employer. By auto-enrolling the employees or asking them to decide before a given deadline, employers can mitigate some of the problems caused by employee procrastination. However both of these mechanisms present their own problems, caused by default stickiness and other issues, so I discuss how employers can decide which is the right mechanism to use depending on the characteristics of their employees, and how to minimize the problems these mechanisms can cause.
Why do public-sector workers receive so much of their compensation in the formof pensions and other benefits? This paper presents a political economy model inwhich politicians compete for taxpayers' and government employees' votes by promising compensation packages, but some voters cannot evaluate every aspect of promisedcompensation. If pension packages are "shrouded", so that public-sector workers better understand their value than ordinary taxpayers, then compensation will be highlyback-loaded. In equilibrium, the welfare of public-sector workers could be improved,holding total public-sector costs constant, if they received higher wages and lowerpensions. Centralizing pension determination has two offsetting effects on generosity:more state-level media attention helps taxpayers better understand pension costs, andthat reduces pension generosity; but a larger share of public-sector workers will votewithin the jurisdiction, which increases pension generosity. A short discussion of pensions in two decentralized states (California and Pennsylvania) and two centralizedstates (Massachusetts and Ohio) suggests that centralization appears to have modestlyreduced pensions, but, as the model suggests, this is unlikely to be universal.
[eng] This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.
This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.
This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and labor force participation on aggregate productivity and income per capita. We simulate an occupational choice model with heterogeneous agents in entrepreneurial ability, where agents choose to be workers, self-employed or employers. The model assumes that men and women have the same talent distribution, but we impose several frictions on women's opportunities and pay in the labor market. In particular, we restrict the fraction of women participating in the labor market.
Organizations across the globe are creating and distributing products that include open source software. To ensure compliance with the open source licenses, each company needs to evaluate exactly what open source licenses and copyrights are included - resulting in duplicated effort and redundancy. This talk will provide an overview of a new Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) specification. This specification will provide a common format to share information about the open source licenses and copyrights that are included in any software package, with the goal of saving time and improving data accuracy. This talk will review the progress of the initiative; discuss the benefits to organizations using open source and share information on how you can contribute.
At the beginning of the 21st century, some Catalan university libraries detected a need stemming from the lack of space and the reconversion of physical libraries within the new European educational panorama. With the same cooperative spirit that characterized previous CBUC (Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia) programs and services, the Consortium set in motion a project to address this need. An initial study was commissioned in 2002, and in 2003 a suitable building (old infantry barracks) was found in Lleida. The official opening took place in 2008. GEPA (Guaranteed Space for the Preservation of Access) facility is a cooperative repository, whose objectives are to store and preserve low use documents, ensuring their future access when needed, to convert room for books into room for library users, and doing it saving both space and money. The paper presents a brief historical introduction about the physical management of collections in libraries, and a short overview about high density library repositories all over the world, as an answer to the pressing problem of lack of spaces. The main goals of the communication are to comment the architectural project and its librarian issues, and to show how the GEPA facility allowed to change the spaces in university libraries in Catalonia. On the one hand, the paper deals with the selection of an old building to be renovated, the determination of the librarian needs, the compact shelving system chosen to store the documents in the building, the relation between physical space and information management, and the logistics involved in the load of low use documents from the libraries into the facility. On the other hand, we will show some examples of physical changes in Catalan libraries after large loads of documents to GEPA.
[cat]El capital humà i, per tant, l’educació tenen un impacte en el benestar futur de la societat. En aquest treball s’estudia la connexió entre el suport dels votants per una educació pública i les preocupacions sobre la seva jubilació. Mostrem com els votants anticipen els efectes positius que té l’educació sobre les pensions futures. Així, el recolzament a un sistema educatiu públic s’incrementa si el sistema de pensions és més redistributiu, cosa que també es dóna entre els ciutadans que prefereixen una educació privada. També mostrem que el tipus d’equilibri “ends against the middle” pot ocórrer fins i tot quan la taxa impositiva preferida pels votants és decreixent amb la renda.
[cat]El capital humà i, per tant, l’educació tenen un impacte en el benestar futur de la societat. En aquest treball s’estudia la connexió entre el suport dels votants per una educació pública i les preocupacions sobre la seva jubilació. Mostrem com els votants anticipen els efectes positius que té l’educació sobre les pensions futures. Així, el recolzament a un sistema educatiu públic s’incrementa si el sistema de pensions és més redistributiu, cosa que també es dóna entre els ciutadans que prefereixen una educació privada. També mostrem que el tipus d’equilibri “ends against the middle” pot ocórrer fins i tot quan la taxa impositiva preferida pels votants és decreixent amb la renda.
Background: TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is a reverse genetic method that combines chemical mutagenesis with high-throughput genome-wide screening for point mutation detection in genes of interest. However, this mutation discovery approach faces a particular problem which is how to obtain a mutant population with a sufficiently high mutation density. Furthermore, plant mutagenesis protocols require two successive generations (M1, M2) for mutation fixation to occur before the analysis of the genotype can begin. Results: Here, we describe a new TILLING approach for rice based on ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of mature seed-derived calli and direct screening of in vitro regenerated plants. A high mutagenesis rate was obtained (i.e. one mutation in every 451 Kb) when plants were screened for two senescence-related genes. Screening was carried out in 2400 individuals from a mutant population of 6912. Seven sense change mutations out of 15 point mutations were identified. Conclusions: This new strategy represents a significant advantage in terms of time-savings (i.e. more than eight months), greenhouse space and work during the generation of mutant plant populations. Furthermore, this effective chemical mutagenesis protocol ensures high mutagenesis rates thereby saving in waste removal costs and the total amount of mutagen needed thanks to the mutagenesis volume reduction.
This article reassesses the economic impact of Spanish railroads in 1850-1913, which has been usually considered to be substantially higher than in the most developed countries on the basis of the social saving methodology. The application of growth accounting techniques shows, by contrast, that the direct contribution of railroads to economic growth was lower in Spain than in the UK, mainly due to the low importance that railroad transport had within Spanish GDP before 1913.