297 resultados para Lewkowicz, Ignacio
Morphological descriptors are practical and essential biomarkers for diagnosis andtreatment selection for intracranial aneurysm management according to the current guidelinesin use. Nevertheless, relatively little work has been dedicated to improve the three-dimensionalquanti cation of aneurysmal morphology, automate the analysis, and hence reduce the inherentintra- and inter-observer variability of manual analysis. In this paper we propose a methodologyfor the automated isolation and morphological quanti cation of saccular intracranial aneurysmsbased on a 3D representation of the vascular anatomy.
Error-correcting codes and matroids have been widely used in the study of ordinary secret sharing schemes. In this paper, the connections between codes, matroids, and a special class of secret sharing schemes, namely, multiplicative linear secret sharing schemes (LSSSs), are studied. Such schemes are known to enable multiparty computation protocols secure against general (nonthreshold) adversaries.Two open problems related to the complexity of multiplicative LSSSs are considered in this paper. The first one deals with strongly multiplicative LSSSs. As opposed to the case of multiplicative LSSSs, it is not known whether there is an efficient method to transform an LSSS into a strongly multiplicative LSSS for the same access structure with a polynomial increase of the complexity. A property of strongly multiplicative LSSSs that could be useful in solving this problem is proved. Namely, using a suitable generalization of the well-known Berlekamp–Welch decoder, it is shown that all strongly multiplicative LSSSs enable efficient reconstruction of a shared secret in the presence of malicious faults. The second one is to characterize the access structures of ideal multiplicative LSSSs. Specifically, the considered open problem is to determine whether all self-dual vector space access structures are in this situation. By the aforementioned connection, this in fact constitutes an open problem about matroid theory, since it can be restated in terms of representability of identically self-dual matroids by self-dual codes. A new concept is introduced, the flat-partition, that provides a useful classification of identically self-dual matroids. Uniform identically self-dual matroids, which are known to be representable by self-dual codes, form one of the classes. It is proved that this property also holds for the family of matroids that, in a natural way, is the next class in the above classification: the identically self-dual bipartite matroids.
Comentario a la traducción por encargo del libro WOTBG, centrado en las muestras de obra poética de las distintas autoras y la necesidad de conservar sus similitudes y sus diferéncias.
L’objecte del treball és analitzar com afecta la instal·lació d’una gran empresa en un poble relativament petit, més concretament com va afectar la implantació d’unarefineria al 1975, que ara pertany a Repsol YPF, a la vida del Morell (Tarragonès).Per veure les diferències més clarament s’ha decidit fer una comparació amb un altrepoble similar, Vilallonga del Camp, que fa frontera amb el Morell. L’elecció d’aquestpoble és un dels passos més importants del treball.L’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar l’evolució d’un poble del Tarragonès, el Morell,després de la instal·lació d’una refineria de la Respol. Com que la implantació va ser famés de trenta anys, hem considerat convenient avaluar les diferències i similituds ambels canvis d’un altre poble. Creiem que aquesta elecció és un pas fonamental del treball,i per això, ha estat, probablement, la part més difícil.Hem pensat en molts candidats, per exemple La Pobla de Montornès, Salomó, laSecuita (Tarragonès), Riudoms (Baix Camp), etc.Però finalment ens vam decantar per Vilallonga del Camp, també situat al Tarragonès;ja que reuneix les condicions necessàries per realitzar l’anàlisi que volíem fer. Si bé notenia ni la mateixa extensió ni el mateix nombre d’habitants quan es va implantar larefineria (uns dels objectius desitjats a l’hora d’escollir el poble a comparar), sí quecompleix el requisit que la indústria estava localitzada només en el terme municipal delMorell i no de Vilallonga del Camp. Addicionalment, hem considerat que les similitudsamb el Morell eren més importants que aquestes discrepàncies. És a dir, ambdós pobleses dedicaven al mateix sector productiu en el moment de la implantació de la indústria,l’agricultura, a més, els nuclis urbans estan separats per només un quilòmetre, això voldir que la climatologia és la mateixa i que les diferències de comunicacions no són gaireimportants; per tant partien d’una situació similar i amb les mateixes expectatives defutur. A partir d’aquí preteníem estudiar l’evolució dels dos pobles, i com tots aquestsfactors han anat variant al llarg del temps.
“Un reciente estudio de la consultora Nielsen estima en 49.650 millones de € las pérdidas anuales procedentes de la inversión en publicidad no efectiva en el mundo”.Esta noticia refleja un hecho que causa alarmismo en la sociedad. Semejante gasto desbaratado en llevar a cabo un proyecto que no causa ningún beneficio es motivo de preocupación entre economistas y profesionales del Marketing. Ciertamente, entenderíamos que multitud de personas se llevasen las manos a la cabeza ante la evidencia de semejante despilfarro. Llegados a este punto, hay que comunicar dos hechos. En primer lugar, hemos de aclarar que este es un titular ficticio y los datos que se aportan son irreales.Lamentablemente, en segundo lugar se ha de exponer que las cifras estimadas reales duplican –siendo optimistas‐ las anteriormente citadas (1 “Advertising expenditure forecast 2008” ZenithOptimedia – Nielsen Facts 2008).Actualmente los expertos en Marketing están en medio de un proceso de búsqueda de nuevas fórmulas que aumenten la eficacia y reduzcan el gasto de sus campañas publicitarias, y ése es el terreno en donde se mueve el Marketing viral, fenómeno en plena expansión gracias a la creciente importancia de Internet en nuestras vidas.Este hecho fue lo que nos ha empujado a investigar sobre la disciplina y sus métodos.Descubrir qué se ocultaba detrás de la categoría “viral” y darnos cuenta de su imparable desarrollo, descubriendo cómo habíamos sido a la vez verdugos y mártires en la propagación de mensajes publicitarios.En nuestro trabajo queremos darle un nuevo sentido al concepto de ahorro en el Marketing viral, intentado descubrir si es posible llevar a cabo una transformación low‐cost del concepto de Marketing viral y aplicarla con éxito a un sector de lapoblación en el que podamos controlar los efectos de una campaña de dichas características, por lo cual escogimos a los estudiantes del campus de Ciutadella de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra como target de nuestra campaña.Además, nos planteamos analizar el ahorro de nuestra campaña mediante el análisis y comparación coste‐resultado de otras vías de Marketing tradicionales con un concepto novedoso y a la vez preciso como es el de “eficacia real publicitaria”, en el cual nos servimos de estudios sociopsicológicos de consumidores para establecer unosbaremos más cercanos a la realidad que los métodos más comunes de medición de resultados publicitarios.Para ello, es necesario crear una identidad completamente nueva. Es aquí donde surge la marca, franquicia, empresa, organización y filosofía –ficticias‐ Kimbi. Y el reto exige un esfuerzo notable: dar a conocer una identidad –comercial y empresarial‐ ficticia que no ofrece ningún servicio ni producto a un sector poblacional y crear expectativas en elobjetivo, llamar su atención, grabar en sus mentes nuestros identificativos y esperar que el virus del “movimiento Kimbi” se propague entre ellos con éxito. Es decir, competir en el saturado panorama publicitario contra multitud de multinacionales que ya tienen unos usuarios fieles y una reputación labrada, que ofrecen productos y servicios de manera gratuita en bastantes ocasiones y que disponen de ingentes cantidades de recursos y capital para publicitar su identidad comercial en multitud de medios mainstream con el objetivo de atraerles y causarles un impacto publicitario. Esperamos haber conseguido, al menos, que el lector sienta el deseo de ver el trabajo. ¿Queréis descubrir el resultado?
El presente trabajo muestra los datos preliminares de una estudio de cohortes prospectivo unicéntrico que pretende comparar el daño neurológico asociado a dos intervenciones cardiacas para el tratamiento de la estenosis aórtica severa. Concretamente se analiza la aparición de lesiones isquémica agudas cerebrales detectadas por RM tras los dos procedimientos y su posible asociación con alteraciones del estado neurocognitivo en la evolución. La presentación actual solo muestra los datos preliminares de los resultados de la RM cerebral. En el apartado métodos se describe también como se realizó la valoración del estado neurocognitivo, no obstante, los resultados de estas valoraciones y su posible correlación con las lesiones en la RM cerebral aún no estan analizados y por lo tanto no se presentan.
En pacients amb càncer de mama la ressonància magnètica és superior a altres exploracions per a monitoritzar la resposta a la quimioteràpia neoadjuvant. Analitzem la correlació entre resposta completa radiològica(RCr) valorada amb RM i resposta completa patològica (RCp), globalment i en funció dels diferents immunofenotips. Es tracta d´un estudi clínic, retrospectiu, on s´han inclòs 103 pacients tractades amb quimioteràpia neoadjuvant. Totes les pacients incloses disposaven de RM inicial i de RM post-quimioteràpia. La sensibilitat de la RM per a detectar RCp és d´un 82% i l´especificitat d´un 71%. El valor de sensibilitat més alt, del 100%, s´ha objectivat en els tumors triple negatius. La concordança global entre RCr i RCp és d´un 74%.
Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seenin a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losingtheir jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increasethe reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs,exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions.Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpectedwealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, butthat has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and householdlevel data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claimingdecisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty facedby individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikinglyhigh proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early RetirementAge, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal RetirementAge. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employmentuncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on thelabor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explainwhy early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirementpenalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, andwhy labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in themidst of the worse employment crisis in decades.
This paper focuses on the occupational mobility of temporary helpagency workers by studying their job-to-job upgrading chances as opposedto those who have not been hired through these intermediaries. A screeningapproach to the role of those labor brokers suggests that agency workersmay expect greater chances of upgrading from one occupation to another.Results obtained with a sample of Spanish workers show that workingthrough those intermediaries comparatively offers stronger prospects ofoccupational upgrading for workers of a medium qualification level. Thisbasic result is reinforced when the existence of self-selection into thistype of intermediated work is appropriately taken into account.
Why are Bismarckian social security systems associated with largerpublic pension expenditures, a smaller fraction of private pension andlower income in-equality than Beveridgean systems? These facts arepuzzling for political economy theories of social security whichpredict that Beveridgean systems, involving intra-generationalredistribution, should enjoy larger support among low-income people andthus be larger. This paper explains these features in a bidimensionalpolitical economy model. In an economy with three income groups,low-income support a large, redistributive system; middle-income favoran earning-related system, while high-income oppose any public system,since they have access to a superior saving technology, a privatesystem. We show that, if income inequality is large, the voting majorityof high-income and low-income supports a (small) Beveridgean system,and a large private pillar arises; the opposite occurs with lowinequality. Additionally, when the capital market provides higherreturns, a Beveridgean system is more likely to emerge.
We analyze risk sharing and fiscal spending in a two-region model withcomplete markets. Fiscal policy determines tax rates for each state ofnature. When fiscal policy is decentralized, it can be used to affect prices of securities. To manipulate prices to their beneffit, regionschoose pro-cyclical fiscal spending. This leads to incomplete risk sharing,despite the existence of complete markets and the absence of aggregaterisk. When a fiscal union centralizes fiscal policy, securities pricescan no longer be manipulated and complete risk sharing ensues. If regionsare homogeneous, median income residents of both regions prefer the fiscalunion. If they are heterogeneous, the median resident of the rich regionprefers the decentralized setting.
Much like cognitive abilities, emotional skills can have major effects on performance and economic outcomes. This paper studies the behavior of professionalsubjects involved in a dynamic competition in their own natural environment. Thesetting is a penalty shoot-out in soccer where two teams compete in a tournamentframework taking turns in a sequence of five penalty kicks each. As the kicking order is determined by the random outcome of a coin flip, the treatment and control groups are determined via explicit randomization. Therefore, absent any psychological effects, both teams should have the same probability of winning regardless of the kicking order. Yet, we find a systematic first-kicker advantage. Using data on 2,731 penalty kicks from 262 shoot-outs for a three decade period, we find that teams kicking first win the penalty shoot-out 60.5% of the time. A dynamic panel data analysis shows that the psychological mechanism underlying this result arises from the asymmetry in the partial score. As most kicks are scored, kicking first typically means having the opportunity to lead in the partial score, whereas kicking second typically means lagging in the score and having the opportunity to, at most, get even. Having a worse prospect than the opponent hinders subjects' performance.Further, we also find that professionals are self-aware of their own psychological effects. When a recent change in regulations gives winners of the coin toss the chance to choose the kicking order, they rationally react to it by systematically choosing to kick first. A survey of professional players reveals that when asked to explain why they prefer to kick first, they precisely identify the psychological mechanism for which we find empirical support in the data: they want to lead in the score inorder to put pressure on the opponent.
In this paper we analyze the sensitivity of the labour market decisions of workers close toretirement with respect to the incentives created by public regulations. We improve upon the extensiveprior literature on the effect of pension incentives on retirement in two ways. First, bymodeling the transitions between employment, unemployment and retirement in a simultaneousmanner, paying special attention to the transition from unemployment to retirement (which is particularlyimportant in Spain). Second, by considering the influence of unobserved heterogeneity inthe estimation of the effect of our (carefully constructed) incentive variables.Using administrative data, we find that, when properly defined, economic incentives have astrong impact on labour market decisions in Spain. Unemployment regulations are shown to be particularlyinfluential for retirement behaviour, along with the more traditional determinants linked tothe pension system. Pension variables also have a major bearing on both workers reemploymentdecisions and on the strategic actions of employers. The quantitative impact of the incentives, however,is greatly affected by the existence of unobserved heterogeneity among workers. Its omissionleads to sizable biases in the assessment of the sensitivity to economic incentives, a finding thathas clear consequences for the credibility of any model-based policy analysis. We confirm theimportance of this potential problem in one especially interesting instance: the reform of earlyretirement provisions undertaken in Spain in 2002. We use a difference-in-difference approach tomeasure the behavioural reaction to this change, finding a large overestimation when unobservedheterogeneity is not taken into account.
This paper examines unemployed workers' declared willingness to work for a wage lower than the one warranted by their qualification. We analyze which personal and economic characteristics determine thiswillingness and how it changes as unemployment spells lengthen. Moreover, we also study the influence of this willingness on unemployment duration. The main results are: (i) Young workers, those less educated and those living in regions with high unemployment show a more positive attitude towards accepting lower wages while married women with a working husband show more negative attitudes; (ii) The exhaustion of unemployment benefits has positive effects in the transition probability of the attitude from negative to positive; (iii) The effect of this attitude on the unemployment hazard rate is positive but only marginally significant which may be showing that this willingness is not only reflecting the worker's reservation wage but also some unobserved heterogeneity; (iv) The negative duration dependence of the unemployment hazard rate is substantially reduced when unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for.
This paper considers a job search model where the environment is notstationary along the unemployment spell and where jobs do not lastforever. Under this circumstance, reservation wages can be lower thanwithout separations, as in a stationary environment, but they can alsobe initially higher because of the non-stationarity of the model. Moreover,the time-dependence of reservation wages is stronger than with noseparations. The model is estimated structurally using Spanish data forthe period 1985-1996. The main finding is that, although the decrease inreservation wages is the main determinant of the change in the exit ratefrom unemployment for the first four months, later on the only effect comesfrom the job offer arrival rate, given that acceptance probabilities areroughly equal to one.