81 resultados para LOW COST HOUSING


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Viruses are among the most important pathogens present in water contaminated with feces or urine and represent a serious risk to human health. Four procedures for concentrating viruses from sewage have been compared in this work, three of which were developed in the present study. Viruses were quantified using PCR techniques. According to statistical analysis and the sensitivity to detect human adenoviruses (HAdV), JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) and noroviruses genogroup II (NoV GGII): (i) a new procedure (elution and skimmed-milk flocculation procedure (ESMP)) based on the elution of the viruses with glycine-alkaline buffer followed by organic flocculation with skimmed-milk was found to be the most efficient method when compared to (ii) ultrafiltration and glycine-alkaline elution, (iii) a lyophilization-based method and (iv) ultracentrifugation and glycine-alkaline elution. Through the analysis of replicate sewage samples, ESMP showed reproducible results with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 16% for HAdV, 12% for JCPyV and 17% for NoV GGII. Using spiked samples, the viral recoveries were estimated at 30-95% for HAdV, 55-90% for JCPyV and 45-50% for NoV GGII. ESMP was validated in a field study using twelve 24-h composite sewage samples collected in an urban sewage treatment plant in the North of Spain that reported 100% positive samples with mean values of HAdV, JCPyV and NoV GGII similar to those observed in other studies. Although all of the methods compared in this work yield consistently high values of virus detection and recovery in urban sewage, some require expensive laboratory equipment. ESMP is an effective low-cost procedure which allows a large number of samples to be processed simultaneously and is easily standardizable for its performance in a routine laboratory working in water monitoring. Moreover, in the present study, a CV was applied and proposed as a parameter to evaluate and compare the methods for detecting viruses in sewage samples.


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El concepte Internet de les Coses va néixer fa molt poc, cap a l’any 2010, i es refereix a la connexió d’objectes a Internet, de manera que puguin interactuar en xarxa entre ells o amb les persones per transmetre o rebre informació, i realitzar, així, les accions programades en funció de les dades disponibles. Des de llavors la gran majoria d’institucions, tant públiques com privades, s’han interessat en aquest concepte, ja que pot suposar un augment molt important de la qualitat de vida de les persones, un estalvi de recursos i beneficis econòmics. D’aquí neix aquest Treball Final de Grau, ja que des de la Fundació Eduard Soler de Ripoll tenen el desig d’introduir-se en aquest camp. L’objectiu principal d’aquest Treball Final de Grau és crear una xarxa sense fils que pugui controlar la temperatura i la il·luminació de l’edifici C de la Fundació Eduard Soler i que, a més, es pugui connectar a Internet. Una de les conclusions a què he arribat gràcies a aquest treball és que la utilització d’eines de baix cost (Arduino, Xbee, MySQL, PHP...) permet introduir-se en l’apassionant món de l’Internet de les Coses i, a més, aconseguir molt bons resultats.


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This work proposes a fully-digital interface circuit for the measurement of inductive sensors using a low-cost microcontroller (µC) and without any intermediate active circuit. Apart from the µC and the sensor, the circuit just requires an external resistor and a reference inductance so that two RL circuits with a high-pass filter (HPF) topology are formed. The µC appropriately excites such RL circuits in order to measure the discharging time of the voltage across each inductance (i.e. sensing and reference) and then it uses such discharging times to estimate the sensor inductance. Experimental tests using a commercial µC show a non-linearity error (NLE) lower than 0.5%FSS (Full-Scale Span) when measuring inductances from 1 mH to 10 mH, and from 10 mH to 100 mH.


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In this article, the results of a modified SERVQUAL questionnaire (Parasuraman et al., 1991) are reported. The modifications consisted in substituting questionnaire items particularly suited to a specific service (banking) and context (county of Girona, Spain) for the original rather general and abstract items. These modifications led to more interpretable factors which accounted for a higher percentage of item variance. The data were submitted to various structural equation models which made it possible to conclude that the questionnaire contains items with a high measurement quality with respect to five identified dimensions of service quality which differ from those specified by Parasuraman et al. And are specific to the banking service. The two dimensions relating to the behaviour of employees have the greatest predictive power on overall quality and satisfaction ratings, which enables managers to use a low-cost reduced version of the questionnaire to monitor quality on a regular basis. It was also found that satisfaction and overall quality were perfectly correlated thus showing that customers do not perceive these concepts as being distinct


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One of the most relevant properties of composite materials to be considered is stiffness. Fiberglass has been used traditionally as a fibrous reinforcing element when stiff materials are required. However, natural fibers are been exploited as replacements for synthetic fibers to satisfy environmental concerns. Among the different natural fibers, wood fibers show the combination of relatively high aspect ratio, good specific stiffness and strength, low density, low cost, and less variability than other natural fibers of such those from annual crops. In this work, composites from polypropylene and stone groundwood fibers from softwood were prepared and mechanically characterized under tensile loads. The Young’s moduli of the ensuing composites were analyzed and their micromechanics aspects evaluated. The reinforcing effect of stone groundwood fibers was compared to that of conventional reinforcement such fiberglass. The Halpin-Tsai model with the modification proposed by Tsai-Pagano accounted fairly for the behavior of PP composites reinforced with stone groundwood fibers. It was also demonstrated that the aspect ratio of the reinforcement plays a role in the Young’s modulus of injection molded specimens


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Vivim en una era digital on cada vegada més les persones estem connectades a la xarxa, ja sigui a través del mòbil, ordinadors o altres dispositius. Actualment internet és un gran aparador i des de fa temps, les empreses han vist en aquest una manera de treure’n profit. És per això, junt amb el seu baix cost, que fa que qualsevol empresa disposi del seu propi espai a la xarxa. D’aquestes idees sorgeix el projecte de fer la web per AutoSuministres Motor. La principal funció de la web es donar-se a conèixer i ensenyar els seus productes, que en aquest cas, són autocaravanes i caravanes. Tot i així, la pàgina web contindrà un espai de reportatges on l’usuari podrà conèixer més a fons un model concret d’autocaravana o caravana i on també podrà demanar més informació mitjançant un formulari de contacte. Per tant, la pàgina web serà totalment administrable perquè els comercials puguin introduir els vehicles corresponents i l’usuari final pugui consultarlos correctament d’una manera fàcil i senzilla. Per tal de dur a terme aquesta web s’ha tingut en compte utilitzar eines de programació de distribució lliure com és el llenguatge PHP, la base de dades MySQL i jQuery.