167 resultados para FoU
Long-run economic growth arouses a great interest since it can shed light on the income-path of an economy and try to explain the large differences in income we observe across countries and over time. The neoclassical model has been followed by several endogenous growth models which, contrarily to the former, seem to predict that economies with similar preferences and technological level, do not necessarily tend to converge to similar per capita income levels. This paper attempts to show a possible mechanismthrough which macroeconomic disequilibria and inefficiencies, represented by budget deficits, may hinder human capital accumulation and therefore economic growth. Using a mixed education system, deficit is characterized as a bug agent which may end up sharply reducing the resources devoted to education and training. The paper goes a step further from the literature on deficit by introducing a rich dynamic analysis of the effects of a deficit reduction on different economic aspects.Following a simple growth model and allowing for slight changes in the law of human capital accumulation, we reach a point where deficit might sharply reduce human capital accumulation. On the other hand, a deficit reduction carried on for a long time, taking that reduction as a more efficient management of the economy, may prove useful in inducing endogenous growth. Empirical evidence for a sample of countries seems to support the theoretical assumptions in the model: (1) evidence on an inverse relationship betweendeficit and human capital accumulation, (2) presence of a strongly negative associationbetween the quantity of deficit in the economy and the rate of growth. They may prove a certain role for budget deficit in economic growth
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
Long-run economic growth arouses a great interest since it can shed light on the income-path of an economy and try to explain the large differences in income we observe across countries and over time. The neoclassical model has been followed by several endogenous growth models which, contrarily to the former, seem to predict that economies with similar preferences and technological level, do not necessarily tend to converge to similar per capita income levels. This paper attempts to show a possible mechanismthrough which macroeconomic disequilibria and inefficiencies, represented by budget deficits, may hinder human capital accumulation and therefore economic growth. Using a mixed education system, deficit is characterized as a bug agent which may end up sharply reducing the resources devoted to education and training. The paper goes a step further from the literature on deficit by introducing a rich dynamic analysis of the effects of a deficit reduction on different economic aspects.Following a simple growth model and allowing for slight changes in the law of human capital accumulation, we reach a point where deficit might sharply reduce human capital accumulation. On the other hand, a deficit reduction carried on for a long time, taking that reduction as a more efficient management of the economy, may prove useful in inducing endogenous growth. Empirical evidence for a sample of countries seems to support the theoretical assumptions in the model: (1) evidence on an inverse relationship betweendeficit and human capital accumulation, (2) presence of a strongly negative associationbetween the quantity of deficit in the economy and the rate of growth. They may prove a certain role for budget deficit in economic growth
Al llarg del segle XIX Espanya va ser un soci actiu per la creació de les primeres organitzacions mundials de caràcter tècnic. Durant el segle XX España va participar en l'establiment de la Societat de Nacions creada desprès de La Primera Guerra Mundial, però el regim favorable a l'Eix de Franco fou inicialment exclòs de les Nacions Unides, les institucions de Bretton Woods, GATT i Pla Marshall i les agencies creades desprès de la Segona Guerra Mundial. L'escenari de la Guerra Freda va fer possible que el regim de Franco fos admès al Sistema de les Nacions Unides i les principals organitzacions econòmiques internacionals. Nomes desprès de la mort de Franco, la Monarquia Constitucional Española va poder ingresar plenament en la integració europees i les organitzacions occidentals de caràcter polític. España es actualment un dels països mes involucrats en els esforços internacionals per crear Bens Públics Globals a través d'organitzacions internacionals i de la Unió Europea.
La caverna de José Saramago tiene como referencia indudable la imagen de la caverna del libro VII de la República de Platón, y, sin embargo, Saramago no és un escritor idealista o metafísico. Este artículo muestra cómo, aprovechando la aplicabilidad con que Platón dotó a su imagen, Saramago defiende la necesidad de saber recibir los mensajes de la tierra, de la materia, de no convertirnos en prisioneros en las cavernas doradas de la sociedad occidental, y de ser libres en la naturaleza, phýsis, y no lejos o más allá, metá, de ella.
Amb ocasió del simposi internacional dedicat a l'amor a Plutarc, aquest treball fou presentat per mostrar fins a quin punt Plutarc, sobre tot al seu Eròtic i des de paràmetres estrictament platònics, amb l'ajut d'una lògica elemental i alhora rigorosa, es limita a corregir platònicament Plató per tal que éros i philía puguin ser atribuïts també al amor conjugal.
La caverna de José Saramago tiene como referencia indudable la imagen de la caverna del libro VII de la República de Platón, y, sin embargo, Saramago no és un escritor idealista o metafísico. Este artículo muestra cómo, aprovechando la aplicabilidad con que Platón dotó a su imagen, Saramago defiende la necesidad de saber recibir los mensajes de la tierra, de la materia, de no convertirnos en prisioneros en las cavernas doradas de la sociedad occidental, y de ser libres en la naturaleza, phýsis, y no lejos o más allá, metá, de ella.
Amb ocasió del simposi internacional dedicat a l'amor a Plutarc, aquest treball fou presentat per mostrar fins a quin punt Plutarc, sobre tot al seu Eròtic i des de paràmetres estrictament platònics, amb l'ajut d'una lògica elemental i alhora rigorosa, es limita a corregir platònicament Plató per tal que éros i philía puguin ser atribuïts també al amor conjugal.
Aquest dossier es titula "Jeanne Hersch" i, això no obstant, començaré referint-me a un diccionari i a Hannah Arendt (1906-1975). Prego un temps de benevolència per al següent desplegament de dades que, en aparença, no vénen a tomb. L'any 1979 es publicava a Madrid la sisena edició d'una obra monumental, el Diccionario de Filosofía de José Ferrater Mora (1912-1991). Aquesta edició fou reimpresa, si més no, set cops en vida del seu autor. La setena reimpressió és de 1990,1 i és la que em serveix per a allò que vull comentar aquí.
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
Aquest llibre es publica amb motiu del III Congrés d'Història de la Medicina Catalana, que se celebrà a la ciutat de Lleida durant els dies 4 al 6 de juny de 1981.Possiblement, la raó llunyana per la qual s'han elegit aquestes dates per a publicar-lo, obeeixi al punt de partida extern del llibre, que fou la petita comunicació "Aspectes mèdics del santuari de Butsènit", presentada precisament en un Congrés, el II d'Història de la Medicina Catalana, celebrat l'any 1975 a la reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Barcelona.
L'obra és una biografia completa i extensa del doctor Martín Vallejo Lobón, que fou catedràtic de Patologia Mèdica a la Universitat de Barcelona entre els anys 1902 i 1919.
Coincidint amb el centenari de l'Hospital Clínic i de la Facultat de Medicina, es va cel·lebrar en aquesta seu el XIVè Congrés d'Història de la Medicina Catalana. La temàtica en què es centrà el congrés fou l'història de la medicina, és clar, i en particular, de les dues institucions ja centenàries. El document que aquí tenim és el programa d'activitats del congrés.
In this paper we examine whether access to markets had a significant influence onmigration choices of Spanish internal migrants in the inter-war years. We perform astructural contrast of a New Economic Geography model that focus on the forwardlinkage that links workers location choice with the geography of industrial production,one of the centripetal forces that drive agglomeration in the NEG models. The resultshighlight the presence of this forward linkage in the Spanish economy of the inter-warperiod. That is, we prove the existence of a direct relation between workers¿ localizationdecisions and the market potential of the host regions. In addition, the direct estimationof the values associated with key parameters in the NEG model allows us to simulatethe migratory flows derived from different scenarios of the relative size of regions andthe distances between them. We show that in Spain the power of attraction of theagglomerations grew as they increased in size, but the high elasticity estimated for themigration costs reduced the intensity of the migratory flows. This could help to explainthe apparently low intensity of internal migrations in Spain until its upsurge during the1920s. This also explains the geography of migrations in Spain during this period,which hardly affected the regions furthest from the large industrial agglomerations (i.e.,regions such as Andalusia, Estremadura and Castile-La Mancha) but had an intenseeffect on the provinces nearest to the principal centres of industrial development.
L'article es pregunta i respon quin fou el tracte envers els soldats morts al camp de batalla durant la Guerra Civil espanyola (1936-1939); el sistema d'inhumació que reberen en funció de l'exèrcit al qual pertanyien tant durant la guerra com després, i constata com les fosses comunes de soldats són arreu, tant a l'Estat com a Catalunya.