We have analyzed the relative energy of nonmagnetic and magnetic low-lying electronic states of Ni atoms adsorbed on regular and defective sites of the MgO(001) surface. To this end cluster and periodic surface models are used within density functional theory. For Ni atoms adsorbed on oxygen vacancies at low coverage, the interaction energy between the metal and the support is much larger than on regular sites. Strong bonding results in a diamagnetic adsorbed species and the energy required to reach the high-spin state increases. Moreover, a correlation appears between the low-spin to high-spin energy difference and the interaction energy hypothesizing that it is possible to prepare the surface to tune the high-spin to low-spin energy difference. Magnetic properties of adsorbed thin films obtained upon increasing coverage are more difficult to interpret. This is because the metallic bond is readily formed and dominates over the effect of the atoms directly bound to the vacancy.
Oxygen vacancies in metal oxides are known to determine their chemistry and physics. The properties of neutral oxygen vacancies in metal oxides of increasing complexity (MgO, CaO, alpha-Al2O3, and ZnO) have been studied using density functional theory. Vacancy formation energies, vacancy-vacancy interaction, and the barriers for vacancy migration are determined and rationalized in terms of the ionicity, the Madelung potential, and lattice relaxation. It is found that the Madelung potential controls the oxygen vacancy properties of highly ionic oxides whereas a more complex picture arises for covalent ZnO.
The interface of MgO/Ag(001) has been studied with density functional theory applied to slabs. We have found that regular MgO films show a small adhesion to the silver substrate, the binding can be increased in off-stoichiometric regimes, either by the presence of O vacancies at the oxide film or by a small excess of O atoms at the interface between the ceramic to the metal. By means of theoretical methods, the scanning tunneling microscopy signatures of these films is also analyzed in some detail. For defect free deposits containing 1 or 2 ML and at low voltages, tunnelling takes place from the surface Ag substrate, and at large positive voltages Mg atoms are imaged. If defects, oxygen vacancies, are present on the surface of the oxide they introduce much easier channels for tunnelling resulting in big protrusions and controlling the shape of the image, the extra O stored at the interface can also be detected for very thin films.
Recent experiments of H2 adsorption on Pd(111) [T. Mitsui et al., Nature (London) 422, 705 (2003)] have questioned the classical Langmuir picture of second order adsorption kinetics at high surface coverage requiring pairs of empty sites for the dissociative chemisorption. Experiments find that at least three empty sites are needed. Through density functional theory, we find that H2 dissociation is favored on ensembles of sites that involve a Pd atom with no direct interaction with adsorbed hydrogen. Such active sites are formed by aggregation of at least 3 H-free sites revealing the complex structure of the "active sites."
The magnetic coupling constant of selected cuprate superconductor parent compounds has been determined by means of embedded cluster model and periodic calculations carried out at the same level of theory. The agreement between both approaches validates the cluster model. This model is subsequently employed in state-of-the-art configuration interaction calculations aimed to obtain accurate values of the magnetic coupling constant and hopping integral for a series of superconducting cuprates. Likewise, a systematic study of the performance of different ab initio explicitly correlated wave function methods and of several density functional approaches is presented. The accurate determination of the parameters of the t-J Hamiltonian has several consequences. First, it suggests that the appearance of high-Tc superconductivity in existing monolayered cuprates occurs with J/t in the 0.20¿0.35 regime. Second, J/t=0.20 is predicted to be the threshold for the existence of superconductivity and, third, a simple and accurate relationship between the critical temperatures at optimum doping and these parameters is found. However, this quantitative electronic structure versus Tc relationship is only found when both J and t are obtained at the most accurate level of theory.
Ma (1996) studied the random order mechanism, a matching mechanism suggested by Roth and Vande Vate (1990) for marriage markets. By means of an example he showed that the random order mechanism does not always reach all stable matchings. Although Ma's (1996) result is true, we show that the probability distribution he presented - and therefore the proof of his Claim 2 - is not correct. The mistake in the calculations by Ma (1996) is due to the fact that even though the example looks very symmetric, some of the calculations are not as ''symmetric.''
A new practical method to generate a subspace of active coordinates for quantum dynamics calculations is presented. These reduced coordinates are obtained as the normal modes of an analytical quadratic representation of the energy difference between excited and ground states within the complete active space self-consistent field method. At the Franck-Condon point, the largest negative eigenvalues of this Hessian correspond to the photoactive modes: those that reduce the energy difference and lead to the conical intersection; eigenvalues close to 0 correspond to bath modes, while modes with large positive eigenvalues are photoinactive vibrations, which increase the energy difference. The efficacy of quantum dynamics run in the subspace of the photoactive modes is illustrated with the photochemistry of benzene, where theoretical simulations are designed to assist optimal control experiments
The basis set superposition error-free second-order MØller-Plesset perturbation theory of intermolecular interactions was studied. The difficulties of the counterpoise (CP) correction in open-shell systems were also discussed. The calculations were performed by a program which was used for testing the new variants of the theory. It was shown that the CP correction for the diabatic surfaces should be preferred to the adiabatic ones
A procedure based on quantum molecular similarity measures (QMSM) has been used to compare electron densities obtained from conventional ab initio and density functional methodologies at their respective optimized geometries. This method has been applied to a series of small molecules which have experimentally known properties and molecular bonds of diverse degrees of ionicity and covalency. Results show that in most cases the electron densities obtained from density functional methodologies are of a similar quality than post-Hartree-Fock generalized densities. For molecules where Hartree-Fock methodology yields erroneous results, the density functional methodology is shown to yield usually more accurate densities than those provided by the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory
Using a finite-range density functional, we have investigated the energetics and structural features of mixed helium clusters. The possibility of doping the cluster with a molecule of sulfur hexafluoride is also considered. It is seen that the repulsion introduced by the impurity strongly modifies the properties of the smallest drops. Although only a qualitative comparison is possible, the gross features displayed by our calculations are in agreement with recent experimental findings.
We extend the relativistic mean field theory model of Sugahara and Toki by adding new couplings suggested by modern effective field theories. An improved set of parameters is developed with the goal to test the ability of the models based on effective field theory to describe the properties of finite nuclei and, at the same time, to be consistent with the trends of Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations at densities away from the saturation region. We compare our calculations with other relativistic nuclear force parameters for various nuclear phenomena.
Classical transport theory is employed to analyze the hot quark-gluon plasma at the leading order in the coupling constant. A condition on the (covariantly conserved) color current is obtained. From this condition, the generating functional of hard thermal loops with an arbitrary number of soft external bosonic legs can be derived. Our approach, besides being more direct than alternative ones, shows that hard thermal loops are essentially classical.
We analyze the influence of the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the average excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (GMR) in stable and exotic neutron-rich nuclei by applying the relativistic extended Thomas-Fermi method in scaling and constrained calculations. For the effective nuclear interaction, we employ the relativistic mean field model supplemented by an isoscalar-isovector meson coupling that allows one to modify the density dependence of the symmetry energy without compromising the success of the model for binding energies and charge radii. The semiclassical estimates of the average energy of the GMR are known to be in good agreement with the results obtained in full RPA calculations. The present analysis is performed along the Pb and Zr isotopic chains. In the scaling calculations, the excitation energy is larger when the symmetry energy is softer. The same happens in the constrained calculations for nuclei with small and moderate neutron excess. However, for nuclei of large isospin the constrained excitation energy becomes smaller in models having a soft symmetry energy. This effect is mainly due to the presence of loosely-bound outer neutrons in these isotopes. A sharp increase of the estimated width of the resonance is found in largely neutron-rich isotopes, even for heavy nuclei, which is enhanced when the symmetry energy of the model is soft. The results indicate that at large neutron numbers the structure of the low-energy region of the GMR strength distribution changes considerably with the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, which may be worthy of further characterization in RPA calculations of the response function.
We derive analytical expressions for the excitation energy of the isoscalar giant monopole and quadrupole resonances in finite nuclei, by using the scaling method and the extended ThomasFermi approach to relativistic mean-field theory. We study the ability of several nonlinear σω parameter sets of common use in reproducing the experimental data. For monopole oscillations the calculations agree better with experiment when the nuclear matter incompressibility of the relativistic interaction lies in the range 220260 MeV. The breathing-mode energies of the scaling method compare satisfactorily with those obtained in relativistic RPA and time-dependent mean-field calculations. For quadrupole oscillations, all the analyzed nonlinear parameter sets reproduce the empirical trends reasonably well.
We calculate the chemical potential ¿0 and the effective mass m*/m3 of one 3He impurity in liquid 4He. First a variational wave function including two- and three-particle dynamical correlations is adopted. Triplet correlations bring the computed values of ¿0 very close to the experimental results. The variational estimate of m*/m3 includes also backflow correlations between the 3He atom and the particles in the medium. Different approximations for the three-particle distribution function give almost the same values for m*/m3. The variational approach underestimates m*/m3 by ~10% at all of the considered densities. Correlated-basis perturbation theory is then used to improve the wave function to include backflow around the particles of the medium. The perturbative series built up with one-phonon states only is summed up to infinite order and gives results very close to the variational ones. All the perturbative diagrams with two independent phonons have then been summed to compute m*/m3. Their contribution depends to some extent on the form used for the three-particle distribution function. When the scaling approximation is adopted, a reasonable agreement with the experimental results is achieved.