87 resultados para FOSSIL


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Three beetles remains from the Lower Cretaceous lithographic limestones of Spain are described. We classified them into two new genus and three new species. One specimen named Tetraphalerus brevicapitisn.sp. was placed in the Cupedidae, and both Megacoptoclava longiurogomphia n.gen., n.sp. and Bolbonectus lithographicus n.gen., n.sp. in Coptoclavidae.


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A charophyte succession has been established in nineteen sections and eight isolated outcrops from the Ebro Basin, ranging from the Priabonian ro the Aquitanian. Most assemblages were recovered fmm continuous sections and their abundance and diversity allow to define a new zonal scheme for the Upper Eocene-Lower Miocene of Europe. The new zonation includes nine subdivisions, based on the distribution of thirty-two species and directly correlated with the mammal standard levels. Changes in diversity, occurring mainly in the Middle and Upper Oligocene, have been related to climatíc variations. A new species, Chara sp. A. is also described and figured.


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Se presenta una síntesis del registro de vertebrados fósiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, cuenca neógena del Vallès-Penedès), con especial énfasis en los aspectos taxonómico y bioestratigráfico. Este macroyacimiento incluye por el momento una sucesión de 91 localidades de micro- y/o macrovertebrados muestreadas, repartidas a lo largo de unos 300 m de serie estratigráfica, abarcando un intervalo de tiempo de más de un millón de años correspondiente al Aragoniense superior. Durante los 28 meses de trabajo de campo desarrollados a lo largo de las campañas 2002-2003, 2004 y 2005, se han recuperado más de 15.000 restos de macrovertebrados fósiles y más de 1.300 dientes de micromamíferos (cantidad que se verá incrementada en el futuro cuando haya finalizado el lavado y triado de los sedimentos acumulados). Se presenta por primera vez una lista exhaustiva del conjunto de localidades y su contextualización estratigráfica, además de una lista faunística actualizada y una propuesta de biozonación local. La gran riqueza fosilífera de la zona y el enorme esfuerzo de muestreo, combinados con los requerimientos de la legislación vigente sobre protección del patrimonio paleontológico, explican el éxito de la intervención paleontológica. En conjunto, la ampliación del vertedero de Can Mata, con el adecuado control paleontológico, proporciona una oportunidad única para investigar la composición faunística de los ecosistemas terrestres del Aragoniense superior en el suroeste de Europa.


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Se ha realizado el estudio sistemático de los nummulítidos pertenecientes a los géneros Nummulites y Assilina del intervalo Paleoceno Superior - Eoceno Inferior de la Cuenca Pirenaica, a partir de muestras procedentes principalmente del sector meridional de la cuenca. Los taxones descritos se han comparado con especímenes procedentes de otras cuencas de la Mesogea: Alpes suizos (Schlieren- y Gumigelflysch) y austríacos (unidades alóctonas helvéticas), norte de Italia (Verona y Vicenza), plataformas marinas adriáticas (Eslovenia y Croacia), península de Crimea (Ucrania), Cuenca de Haymana (Anatolia central, Turquía), y Salt Range (Pakistán). Se han descrito 98 taxones de nummuiítidos -entre especies y subespecies-, de los cuales: - 66 taxones del género Nummulites, pertenecientes a los grupos de N. perforatus, N. partschi, N. rotularius, N. minewensis, N. globulus, N. laevigatus, N. distans, N. heberti y N. spirectypus. - 32 taxones del género Assilina, pertenecientes a los gmpos de A. spira, A. exponens, A. subgranulosa, A. ammonea, A. canalijera y A. alpina. En este trabajo -y siguiendo las consideraciones de Loeblich y Tappan (1987)- Assilina integra las denominaciones gen6ricas tradicionales de Assilina y Operculina.


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The magnetostratigraphic analysis of the middle to late Miocene continental deposits from the Valles-Penedes basin, combined with its well-documented fossil mammal record, provides a well-resoluted chronology for the upper basin infill. It is based on the biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic cross-correlation of 18 sections throughout the alluvial and transitional/shallow marine sequences in the Western Valles area. The biostratigraphic framework consists of 24 mammal localities of upper Aragonian and Vallesian age. Correlation of the studied sections to the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) is based on the distinctive pattern of local magnetozones, as well as the radiometric age of the late Vallesian fauna from the Bicorp Basin (9.6 + 0.3 Ma) and the known relationship of the late Vallesian assemblages with marine beds belonging to the planktonic forarninifera N16 zone. It has led to an absolute dating of the fauna1 events and a precise chronostratigraphy of the Vallesian marnrnal stage in its type area. The Hipparion First Appearance Datum (FAD) defines the lower Vallesian boundary and is dated at 11.1 Ma, at the base of chron C5r. ln. It is in good agreement with radiometric ages from the early Hipparion bearing sites in the Vienna Basin (1 1.1 * 0.5 Ma) and the classic Howenegg locality in Germany (10.8 * 0.3 Ma). It also agrees with the age of the turkish localities of Yailacilar (1 1.6 + 0.25 Ma) and Yenieskihisar-2 (1 1.1 * 0.2 Ma) with absence of Hipparion. Al1 these support the isochrony of the dispersa1 of Hipparion throughout the Mediterranean region. A possible isochrony at a larger geographical scale (Old World, Mesogea) must await more reliable ages of the Hipparion FAD in Asia and Africa. The Cricetulodon FAD that defines the MN9a/MN9b boundary occurs at the middle part of C5n. Assuming an on average constant sedimentation rate, this datum has an age of approximately 10.4 Ma. The earlyllate Vallesian boundary is marked by one of the most distinct fauna1 events of the late Neogene: the dispersa1 of the muridae Progonomys into Europe and North Africa, which coincides with an important macromarnmal turnover. The first extensive appearance of Progonomys in Europe (MN9íMN10 boundary) is dated at 9.7 Ma (C4Ar3r), showing a remarkable diachrony with the Himalayan region. F9i d lly, the FAD of Rotundomys bressnnus occurs in the upper part of C4Ar.ln (9.2-9.3 Ma). The Vallesian spans 2.4 Myr, from 11.1 Ma (CSr.ln) to 8.7 Ma (C4An), and correlates to the early Tortonian.


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Se describe en la nota presente un nuevo yacimiento indito del Burdigaliense del Vallés-Penedés, cerca de Martorell y de la falla con la cadena litoral. Se da un resumen de la fauna encontrada y un corte estratigráfico detallado de la nueva localidad.


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The present day geographic distribution of the Ophidiini tribe (Ophidiidae, Ophidiinae) in the Clofnam (North- Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean) and Clofeta (Eastern Tropical Atlantic) areas is revised in this paper. Results show that Parohidion vassali is not a Mediterranean endemic species, and the presence of Ophidion barbatum in the Atlantic is confirmed. Moreover, the paper tries to analyse the historical events which could have caused the present situation of two genera, Ophidion and Parophidion, both in the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean. Although first fossil records of Ophidion and Parophidion date from the Pliocene, when considering all the historical events occurred from the existence of the Tethys Sea to the opening of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean formation, a much earlier origin of these genera seems to be more likely. The situation of Ophidion barbatum and O. rochei in the Mediterranean and Black Sea is also discussed


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L"estudi ha estat realitzat sobre restes dentals recuperades al jaciment de Forat de Conqueta. La majoria de les dents s"han trobat aïllades, fora del suport ossi, la qual cosa n"ha dificultat la identificació i l"estudi. Entre els objectius de l"estudi paleodontològic, volem destacar la determinació d"un nombre mínim i màxim d"individus a partir de les restes. L"estudi ha estat molt limitat a causa de la tipologia funerària (enterrament col·lectiu en cova) i del ritual d"enterrament (cremació parcial). El resultats provisionals assenyalen que el nombre mínim d"individus representats per la mostra estudiada és de 41 i que, d"aquests, fins a sis individus podrien pertànyer a un grup d"edat infantil o juvenil


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Despite the successful retrieval of genomes from past remains, the prospects for human palaeogenomics remain unclear because of the difficulty of distinguishing contaminant from endogenous DNA sequences. Previous sequence data generated on high-throughput sequencing platforms indicate that fragmentation of ancient DNA sequences is a characteristic trait primarily arising due to depurination processes that create abasic sites leading to DNA breaks.


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Los análisis de Fourier permiten caracterizar el contorno del diente y obtener una serie de parámetros para un posterior análisis multivariante. Sin embargo, la gran complejidad que presentan algunas formas obliga a determinar el error de medición intrínseco que se produce. El objetivo de este trabajo es aplicar y validar los análisis de Fourier en el estudio de la forma dental del segundo molar inferior (M2) de cuatro especies de primates Hominoidea para explorar la variabilidad morfométrica interespecífica, así como determinar el error de medición a un nivel intra e interobservador. El contorno de la superficie oclusal del diente fue definido digitalmente y con las funciones derivadas del análisis de Fourier se realizaron Análisis Discriminantes y Test de Mantel (correlaciones de Pearson) para determinar las diferencias de forma a partir de las mediciones tomadas. Los resultados indican que el análisis de Fourier muestra la variabilidad de forma en dientes molares en especies de primates Hominoidea. Adicionalmente, los altos niveles de correlación a nivel intra (r>0,9) como interobservador (r>0,7) sugieren que la descripción morfométrica del diente a partir de métodos de Fourier realizados por diferentes observadores puede ser agrupada para posteriores análisis.


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The Grande Coupure represents a major terrestrial faunal turnover recorded in Eurasia associated with the overall climate shift at the Eocene-Oligocene transition. During this event, a large number of European Eocene endemic mammals became extinct and new Asian immigrants appeared. The absolute age of the Grande Coupure, however, has remained controversial for decades. The Late Eocene-Oligocene continental record of the Eastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain) constitutes a unique opportunity to build a robust magnetostratigraphy- based chronostratigraphy which can contribute with independent age constraints for this important turnover. This study presents new magnetostratigraphic data of a 495-m-thick section (Moià-Santpedor) that ranges from 36.1 Ma to 33.3 Ma. The integration of the new results with previous litho- bio- and magnetostratigraphic records of the Ebro Basin yields accurate ages for the immediately pre- and post-Grand Coupure mammal fossil assemblages found in the study area, bracketing the Grande Coupure to an age embracing the Eocene-Oligocene transition, with a maximum allowable lag of 0.5 Myr with respect to this boundary. The shift to drier conditions that accompanied the global cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene transition probably determined the sedimentary trends in the Eastern Ebro Basin. The occurrence and expansion of an amalgamated-channel sandstone unit is interpreted as the forced response of the fluvial fan system to the transient retraction of the central-basin lake systems. The new results from the Ebro Basin allow us to revisit correlations for the controversial Eocene-Oligocene record of the Hampshire Basin (Isle of Wight, UK), and their implications for the calibration of the Mammal Palaeogene reference levels MP18 to MP21.


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This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971- 2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries.