An accurate mass formula at finite temperature has been used to obtain a more precise estimation of temperature effects on fission barriers calculated within the liquid drop model.
The nucleon spectral function in nuclear matter fulfills an energy weighted sum rule. Comparing two different realistic potentials, these sum rules are studied for Greens functions that are derived self-consistently within the T matrix approximation at finite temperature.
The properties of spin-polarized neutron matter are studied at both zero and finite temperature using Skyrme-type interactions. It is shown that the critical density at which ferromagnetism takes place decreases with temperature. This unexpected behavior is associated to an anomalous behavior of the entropy that becomes larger for the polarized phase than for the unpolarized one above a certain critical density. This fact is a consequence of the dependence of the entropy on the effective mass of the neutrons with different third spin component. A new constraint on the parameters of the effective Skyrme force is derived if this behavior is to be avoided.
Bulk and single-particle properties of hot hyperonic matter are studied within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation extended to finite temperature. The bare interaction in the nucleon sector is the Argonne V18 potential supplemented with an effective three-body force to reproduce the saturating properties of nuclear matter. The modern Nijmegen NSC97e potential is employed for the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interactions. The effect of temperature on the in-medium effective interaction is found to be, in general, very small and the single-particle potentials differ by at most 25% for temperatures in the range from 0 to 60 MeV. The bulk properties of infinite matter of baryons, either nuclear isospin symmetric or a Beta-stable composition that includes a nonzero fraction of hyperons, are obtained. It is found that the presence of hyperons can modify the thermodynamical properties of the system in a non-negligible way.
The properties of hot, dense stellar matter are investigated with a finite temperature nuclear Thomas-Fermi model.
We argue that low-temperature effects in QED can, if anywhere, only be quantitatively interesting for bound electrons. Unluckily the dominant thermal contribution turns out to be level independent, so that it does not affect the frequency of the transition radiation.
We introduce a class of exactly solvable models exhibiting an ordering noise-induced phase transition in which order arises as a result of a balance between the relaxing deterministic dynamics and the randomizing character of the fluctuations. A finite-size scaling analysis of the phase transition reveals that it belongs to the universality class of the equilibrium Ising model. All these results are analyzed in the light of the nonequilibrium probability distribution of the system, which can be obtained analytically. Our results could constitute a possible scenario of inverted phase diagrams in the so-called lower critical solution temperature transitions.
We illustrate how to apply modern effective field-theory techniques and dimensional regularization to factorize the various scales, which appear in QED bound states at finite temperature. We focus here on the muonic hydrogen atom. Vacuum polarization effects make the physics of this atom at finite temperature very close to that of heavy quarkonium states. We comment on the implications of our results for these states in the quark gluon plasma. In particular, we estimate the effects of a finite-charm quark mass in the dissociation temperature of bottomonium.
Interaction between collective monopole oscillations of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate and thermal excitations is investigated by means of perturbation theory. We assume spherical symmetry to calculate the matrix elements by solving the linearized Gross-Pitaevskii equations. We use them to study the resonances of the condensate induced by temperature when an external perturbation of the trapping frequency is applied and to calculate the Landau damping of the oscillations.
In this paper, we study dynamical aspects of the two-dimensional (2D) gonihedric spin model using both numerical and analytical methods. This spin model has vanishing microscopic surface tension and it actually describes an ensemble of loops living on a 2D surface. The self-avoidance of loops is parametrized by a parameter ¿. The ¿=0 model can be mapped to one of the six-vertex models discussed by Baxter, and it does not have critical behavior. We have found that allowing for ¿¿0 does not lead to critical behavior either. Finite-size effects are rather severe, and in order to understand these effects, a finite-volume calculation for non-self-avoiding loops is presented. This model, like his 3D counterpart, exhibits very slow dynamics, but a careful analysis of dynamical observables reveals nonglassy evolution (unlike its 3D counterpart). We find, also in this ¿=0 case, the law that governs the long-time, low-temperature evolution of the system, through a dual description in terms of defects. A power, rather than logarithmic, law for the approach to equilibrium has been found.
Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the dynamics of three-dimensional Ising models with nearest-, next-nearest-, and four-spin (plaquette) interactions. During coarsening, such models develop growing energy barriers, which leads to very slow dynamics at low temperature. As already reported, the model with only the plaquette interaction exhibits some of the features characteristic of ordinary glasses: strong metastability of the supercooled liquid, a weak increase of the characteristic length under cooling, stretched-exponential relaxation, and aging. The addition of two-spin interactions, in general, destroys such behavior: the liquid phase loses metastability and the slow-dynamics regime terminates well below the melting transition, which is presumably related with a certain corner-rounding transition. However, for a particular choice of interaction constants, when the ground state is strongly degenerate, our simulations suggest that the slow-dynamics regime extends up to the melting transition. The analysis of these models leads us to the conjecture that in the four-spin Ising model domain walls lose their tension at the glassy transition and that they are basically tensionless in the glassy phase.