116 resultados para Country level
En el marc de la recerca sobre identitats i nova ciutadania, l’objecte d’aquest treball és reconèixer elements clau dels processos d’identificació nacional a Catalunya en la població nouvinguda, i identificar els factors que n'afavoreixen la seva vinculació comunitària. La recerca s'ha desenvolupat en un primer bloc analitzant la perspectiva sociològica entorn a la idea d’identitat, així com l’evolució del discurs identitari a Catalunya, a fi de continuar desenvolupant amb profunditat el debat sobre identitat i nació en relació al fet migratori i la diversitat social existent. En un segon bloc d’anàlisi, la recerca fixa la mirada a una dotzena de casos treballats a través d’històries de vida de diverses realitats migratòries del nostre país corresponents a les diverses onades del segle XX, tant d’immigració espanyola com d'immigració de fora de l'Estat espanyol. La voluntat d’aquest segon bloc és extreure experiències socials d’interpretacions individuals que assenyalin quins elements permeten o dificulten la mobilitat social, quines experiències tenen valor identitari i de quin tipus, i quins fenòmens esdevenen rellevants en la configuració d’espais de referència i identificació nacional a nivell individual. Finalment s’incorpora un apartat d’entrevistes en profunditat a diversos actors socials i polítics rellevants a fi de reconèixer aquells elements que centren el discurs de la “nova cultura pública comuna”. L’objectiu és interrelacionar el discurs polític i filosòfic actual amb l’experiència biogràfica de les persones, assenyalant aquells elements que han estat significatius per a la seva identitat com a catalans i catalanes o, ans al contrari, que no han afavorit una situació en aquests termes. En aquest sentit la pregunta que vincula aquest espai de reflexió és: Quins elements afavoreixen la identificació nacional englobant la diversitat social existent i quins mecanismes d'adhesió hi podrien funcionar?
The importance of entrepreneurship for social and economic growth is generally accepted. In addition, intrapreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship is recognized as one of the key elements for organizational development. In this context, corporate culture and, specifically, entrepreneurial competences are considered to be catalysts for intrapreneurship. The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of resources and capabilities on the probability of becoming an intrapreneur. Using data obtained from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for 39 countries, and a logistic model, the study shows that entrepreneurial resources and capabilities, such as previous entrepreneurial experience, entrepreneurial competences and the ability to detect business opportunities, influence intrapreneurial behaviour. The contributions of this research are both conceptual (advancing corporate entrepreneurship theory) and practical (relating to the design of policies to foster intrapreneurial activities).
La recerca que aquí es presenta es centra en tres objectius. Primerament, obtenir informació d’altres experiències de mentoria d’alumnat immigrat desenvolupades en altres països (Alemanya, Àustria, Eslovènia, Estats Units, Israel, Noruega, Suècia, Suïssa, etc.) amb l’objectiu d’elaborar un marc teòric sòlid que ajudi a argumentar científicament el projecte "Rossinyol". Aquest objectiu s’ha treballat mitjançant la recerca bibliogràfica i documental a nivell nacional, estatal i internacional. Posteriorment, realitzar una primera anàlisi dels ímputs que aporta el projecte Rossinyol al territori on es porta a terme. Mitjançant l’elaboració i passi d’una entrevista a mentors, mestres (dels mentorats) i enllaços territorials (persones del territori que es posen en contacte amb les escoles per seleccionar els mentorats –entre d’altres tasques-) s’ha analitzat: els punts forts i febles del projecte, els possibles efectes de la mentoria en el mentorat i el tipus de relacions que s’han establert entre els agents que participen en el projecte. Finalment, establir uns criteris d’avaluació que permetin donar pautes per desenvolupar aquest projecte –o projectes similars de mentoria- en altres llocs del nostre país. En aquest apartat del treball s’ha elaborat una proposta d’indicadors amb el conseqüent instrument per, en una fase posterior, recollir informació que permetin fer un seguiment acurat, objectiu i extens del projecte.
En aquest projecte s’han estudiat diferents aspectes relacionats amb l’aprenentatge del català per part de la població immigrant. Aquest es un tema rellevant donat que les habilitats idiomàtiques dels immigrants es una altra forma de capital humà, que no només facilita la seva integració social, sinó que també incrementa les seves oportunitats laborals. En aquest estudi s’ha enfocat l’aprenentatge de l’idioma català per part de la població immigrant com una inversió de la qual es deriven costos i beneficis. Una qüestió rellevant és quins son els incentius que els immigrants que ja parlen el castellà, bé per que és la seva llengua materna o per que l’han après amb posterioritat, tenen per aprendre la llengua catalana. Aquest estudi es encara més interessant si considerem aquells immigrants que no tenen un nivell fluït del castellà, i encara més els que arriben a Catalunya sense conèixer cap de les dues llegües oficials. Aquest estudi es centra en els determinants econòmics i demogràfics del nivell de coneixement del català entre els immigrants a Catalunya. En aquest sentit, és clau determinar el rol que juguen variables com el grau d’exposició, eficiència i els incentius econòmics, com per exemple les conseqüències laborals (salaris i oportunitat de treball). Tanmateix, també es important determinar si viure en entorns on hi ha una gran concentració d’immigrants d’un mateix país exerceix un efecte depressor en l’aprenentatge del català per part dels immigrants. La segona part del projecte ha consistit en estimar un model per contrastar la hipòtesi de si el coneixement del català per part dels immigrants implica un millor salari. Per altra banda, també analitzarem si aquest coneixement del català implícita tenir accés a millors oportunitats de treball. La confirmació d’aquestes hipòtesis implicaria que els immigrants realment tenen un incentiu econòmic per invertir en l’aprenentatge del català.
Background: The ultimate goal of synthetic biology is the conception and construction of genetic circuits that are reliable with respect to their designed function (e.g. oscillators, switches). This task remains still to be attained due to the inherent synergy of the biological building blocks and to an insufficient feedback between experiments and mathematical models. Nevertheless, the progress in these directions has been substantial. Results: It has been emphasized in the literature that the architecture of a genetic oscillator must include positive (activating) and negative (inhibiting) genetic interactions in order to yield robust oscillations. Our results point out that the oscillatory capacity is not only affected by the interaction polarity but by how it is implemented at promoter level. For a chosen oscillator architecture, we show by means of numerical simulations that the existence or lack of competition between activator and inhibitor at promoter level affects the probability of producing oscillations and also leaves characteristic fingerprints on the associated period/amplitude features. Conclusions: In comparison with non-competitive binding at promoters, competition drastically reduces the region of the parameters space characterized by oscillatory solutions. Moreover, while competition leads to pulse-like oscillations with long-tail distribution in period and amplitude for various parameters or noisy conditions, the non-competitive scenario shows a characteristic frequency and confined amplitude values. Our study also situates the competition mechanism in the context of existing genetic oscillators, with emphasis on the Atkinson oscillator.
Background: Spain has recently become an inward migration country. Little is known about the occupational health of immigrant workers. This study aimed to explore the perceptions that immigrant workers in Spain had of their working conditions.Methods: Qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study. Criterion sampling. Data collected between September 2006 and May 2007 through semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews, with a topic guide. One hundred and fifty-eight immigrant workers (90 men/68 women) from Colombia (n = 21), Morocco (n = 39), sub-Saharan Africa (n = 29), Romania (n = 44) and Ecuador (n = 25), who were authorised (documented) or unauthorised (undocumented) residents in five medium to large cities in Spain.Results: Participants described poor working conditions, low pay and health hazards. Perception of hazards appeared to be related to gender and job sector. Informants were highly segregated into jobs by sex, however, so this issue will need further exploration. Undocumented workers described poorer conditions than documented workers, which they attributed to their documentation status. Documented participants also felt vulnerable because of their immigrant status. Informants believed that deficient language skills, non-transferability of their education and training and, most of all, their immigrant status and economic need left them with little choice but to work under poor conditions.Conclusions: The occupational health needs of immigrant workers must be addressed at the job level, while improving the enforcement of existing health and safety regulations. The roles that documentation status and economic need played in these informants' work experiences should be considered and how these may influence health outcomes.
Background: The objective of the present study was to compare three different sampling and questionnaire administration methods used in the international KIDSCREEN study in terms of participation, response rates, and external validity. Methods: Children and adolescents aged 8–18 years were surveyed in 13 European countries using either telephone sampling and mail administration, random sampling of school listings followed by classroom or mail administration, or multistage random sampling of communities and households with self-administration of the survey materials at home. Cooperation, completion, and response rates were compared across countries and survey methods. Data on non-respondents was collected in 8 countries. The population fraction (PF, respondents in each sex-age, or educational level category, divided by the population in the same category from Eurostat census data) and population fraction ratio (PFR, ratio of PF) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals were used to analyze differences by country between the KIDSCREEN samples and a reference Eurostat population. Results: Response rates by country ranged from 18.9% to 91.2%. Response rates were highest in the school-based surveys (69.0%–91.2%). Sample proportions by age and gender were similar to the reference Eurostat population in most countries, although boys and adolescents were slightly underrepresented (PFR <1). Parents in lower educational categories were less likely to participate (PFR <1 in 5 countries). Parents in higher educational categories were overrepresented when the school and household sampling strategies were used (PFR = 1.78–2.97). Conclusion: School-based sampling achieved the highest overall response rates but also produced slightly more biased samples than the other methods. The results suggest that the samples were sufficiently representative to provide reference population values for the KIDSCREEN instrument.
We propose an edge detector based on the selection of wellcontrasted pieces of level lines, following the proposal ofDesolneux-Moisan-Morel (DMM) [1]. The DMM edge detectorhas the problem of over-representation, that is, everyedge is detected several times in slightly different positions.In this paper we propose two modifications of the originalDMM edge detector in order to solve this problem. The firstmodification is a post-processing of the output using a generalmethod to select the best representative of a bundle of curves.The second modification is the use of Canny’s edge detectorinstead of the norm of the gradient to build the statistics. Thetwo modifications are independent and can be applied separately.Elementary reasoning and some experiments showthat the best results are obtained when both modifications areapplied together.
We offer new evidence on multi-level determinants of the gender division of housework. Using data from the 2004 European Social Survey (ESS) for 26 European, we study the micro and macro-level factors which increase the likelihood of men doing an equal or greater share of housework than their female partners. A sample of 11,915 young men and women is analysed with a multi-level logistic regression in order to test at individual level the classic relative-income, time-availability and gender-role values, and a new couple conflict hypothesis. At individual level we find significant relationships between relative resources, values, couple's disagreement, and the division of housework which support more economic dependency than "doing gender" perspectives. At the macro-level, we find important composition effects and also support for gender empowerment, family model and social stratification explanations of cross-country differences.
This paper investigates the micro and macro-level factors affecting the empirical association between occupational sex-composition and individual earnings. This is done in two analytical steps using data from the second round of the European Social Survey. In a first step, country-fixed-effects regressions are used to test the extent to which job-specialization, gender attitudes and the relative supply of domestic work can account for the impact of occupational sex-composition on earnings. In accordance with previous research, it is found that all these micro-level variables have a significant effect on the analyzed association, yet only job-specialization can explain it away by itself. In a second analytical step, macro-level interactions are tested under the hypothesis that defamilialization policies reduce the pay-offs of sphere specialization by sex, generating incentives for all types of women to invest in the labor market. Empirical results suggest that gender attitudes and the relative supply of housework are much more loosely associated to earning in social-democratic and former communist societies than in conservative or liberal regimes. This finding is interpreted as consistent with the defamilialization hypothesis.
This study analyses the determinants of the rate of temporary employment in various OECD countries using both macro-level data drawn from the OECD and EUROSTAT databases, as well as micro-level data drawn from the 8th wave of the European Household Panel. Comparative analysis is set out to test different explanations originally formulated for the Spanish case. The evidence suggests that the overall distribution of temporary employment in advanced economies does not seem to be explicable by the characteristics of national productive structures. This evidence seems at odds with previous interpretations based on segmentation theories. As an alternative explanation, two types of supply-side factors are tested: crowding-out effects and educational gaps in the workforce. The former seems non significant, whilst the effects of the latter disappear after controlling for the levels of institutional protection in standard employment during the 1980s. Multivariate analysis shows that only this latter institutional variable, together with the degree of coordinated centralisation of the collective bargaining system, seem to have a significant impact on the distribution of temporary employment in the countries examined. On the basis of this observation, an explanation of the very high levels of temporary employment observed in Spain is proposed. This explanation is consistent with both country-specific and comparative evidence.
The academic debate about the secession of a territory which is part of a liberal democracy state displays an initial contrast. On the one hand, practical secessionist movements usually legitimize their position using nationalist arguments linked to the principle of national self- determination. On the other hand, we find in academia few defenders of a normative principle of national self-determination. Philosophers, political scientists and jurists usually defend the status quo. And even when they do not defend it, most of them tend to leave the question of that question and secession unresolved or confused. Regarding this issue, liberal-democratic theories show a tendency to be “conservative” in relation to the political borders, regardless the historical and empirical processes of creation of current States. Probably, this feature is not far away to the fact that, since its beginning, political liberalism has not been a theory of the nation, but a theory of the state.
Does financial development result in capital being reallocated more rapidly to industries where it is most productive? We argue that if this was the case, financially developed countries should see faster growth in industries with investment opportunities due to global demand and productivity shifts. Testing this cross-industry cross-country growth implication requires proxies for (latent) global industry investment opportunities. We show that tests relying only on data from specific (benchmark) countries may yield spurious evidence for or against the hypothesis. We therefore develop an alternative approach that combines benchmark-country proxies with a proxy that does not reflect opportunities specific to a country or level of financial development. Our empirical results yield clear support for the capital reallocation hypothesis.
We estimate the world distribution of income by integrating individualincome distributions for 125 countries between 1970 and 1998. Weestimate poverty rates and headcounts by integrating the density functionbelow the $1/day and $2/day poverty lines. We find that poverty ratesdecline substantially over the last twenty years. We compute povertyheadcounts and find that the number of one-dollar poor declined by 235million between 1976 and 1998. The number of $2/day poor declined by 450million over the same period. We analyze poverty across different regionsand countries. Asia is a great success, especially after 1980. LatinAmerica reduced poverty substantially in the 1970s but progress stoppedin the 1980s and 1990s. The worst performer was Africa, where povertyrates increased substantially over the last thirty years: the number of$1/day poor in Africa increased by 175 million between 1970 and 1998,and the number of $2/day poor increased by 227. Africa hosted 11% ofthe world s poor in 1960. It hosted 66% of them in 1998. We estimatenine indexes of income inequality implied by our world distribution ofincome. All of them show substantial reductions in global incomeinequality during the 1980s and 1990s.
Many empirical studies of business cycles have followed the practise ofapplying the Hodrick-Prescott filter for cross-country comparisons. Thestandard procedure is to set the weight \lambda, which determines the'smoothness' of the trend equal to 1600. We show that if this value isused for against common wisdom about business cycles. As an example, weshow that the long recession occurred inSpain between 1975 and 1985 goesunnotoced by the HP filter. We propose a method for adjusting \lambda byreinterpreting the HP-filter as the solution to a constrained minimizationproblem. We argue that the common practice of fixing \lambda across countriesamounts to chankging the constraints on trend variability across countries.Our proposed method is easy to apply, retains all the virtues of thestandard HP-filter and when applied to Spanish data the results are inthe line with economic historian's view. Applying the method to a numberof OECD countries we find that, with the exception of Spain, Italy andJapan, the standard choice of \lambda=1600 is sensible.