89 resultados para COLOMBIAN ELECTIONS
El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la cobertura que los principales periódicos deportivos catalanes (Sport, Mundo Deportivo, El 9 Esportiu y Gol) hicieron de la campaña a la presidencia del FC Barcelona (Barça) de junio de 2010 y que acabó ganando Sandro Rosell. La investigación compara esta cobertura con la información de campaña aparecida en las redes sociales Twitter y Facebook usadas por cada candidatura y analiza si el uso de estas nuevas herramientas 2.0 influyó en la visibilidad de los candidatos en la prensa tradicional.
There is great scientific and popular interest in understanding the genetic history of populations in the Americas. We wish to understand when different regions of the continent were inhabited, where settlers came from, and how current inhabitants relate genetically to earlier populations. Recent studies unraveled parts of the genetic history of the continent using genotyping arrays and uniparental markers. The 1000 Genomes Project provides a unique opportunity for improving our understanding of population genetic history by providing over a hundred sequenced low coverage genomes and exomes from Colombian (CLM), Mexican-American (MXL), and Puerto Rican (PUR) populations. Here, we explore the genomic contributions of African, European, and especially Native American ancestry to these populations. Estimated Native American ancestry is 48% in MXL, 25% in CLM, and 13% in PUR. Native American ancestry in PUR is most closely related to populations surrounding the Orinoco River basin, confirming the Southern American ancestry of the Taíno people of the Caribbean. We present new methods to estimate the allele frequencies in the Native American fraction of the populations, and model their distribution using a demographic model for three ancestral Native American populations. These ancestral populations likely split in close succession: the most likely scenario, based on a peopling of the Americas 16 thousand years ago (kya), supports that the MXL Ancestors split 12.2kya, with a subsequent split of the ancestors to CLM and PUR 11.7kya. The model also features effective populations of 62,000 in Mexico, 8,700 in Colombia, and 1,900 in Puerto Rico. Modeling Identity-by-descent (IBD) and ancestry tract length, we show that post-contact populations also differ markedly in their effective sizes and migration patterns, with Puerto Rico showing the smallest effective size and the earlier migration from Europe. Finally, we compare IBD and ancestry assignments to find evidence for relatedness among European founders to the three populations.
This paper analyses the problem that an incumbent faces during the legislature when deciding how to react to citizen proposals such as the outcome of referenda or popular initiatives. We argue that these proposals constitute a potential source of electoral disadvantage when citizens factor in their evaluation of the incumbent his reaction to these proposals. This is because an incumbent politician may jeopardize his re-election by implementing policies close to his preferred ones but unpopular among the electorate. We characterize conditions under which this potential disadvantage becomes in fact an electoral advantage for the incumbent. We find that the choices of the incumbent during the legislature will be closest to citizens policy proposals when the intensity of electoral competition is neither too soft nor too tough. Finally, we use our results to discuss some implications of the use of mechanisms such as referenda and popular assemblies on electoral competition and on the incumbency advantage phenomenon.
Des de les primeres eleccions democràtiques s"han produït canvis significatius en el mapa polític de Catalunya, i s"ha constatat que l"espai sociopolític català no és un element immòbil. Aquesta evolució és analitzada pel professor Josep Maria Reniu a partir del Baròmetre del Centre d"Estudis d"Opinió de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de novembre de 2006.
Thanks to ART.17.7 of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council now has to “take into account” the results of EP Elections when selecting a candidate for the role of Commission President. The European Parliament has grabbed the opportunity to launch the first electoral race for spitzenkandidaten to the Presidency. Is this the start of a new democratizing (and thus, politicizing) process for the European Union? This dissertation will try to give a possible answer to the dilemma by constructing a comprehensive framework around EP Elections 2014 that will involve both the Commission and the Parliament and an analysis of the debate beyond legal provisions and the possibility of a politicized presidency of the Commission.
En el presente documento se describe un ejercicio de simulación orientado a facilitar la comprensión y asimilación del funcionamiento de la votación por mayoría y la regla de Borda. El ejercicio consiste en proponer a los alumnos que escojan entre dos proyectos (un programa de becas y una ampliación de las aulas de estudio) que presuntamente se van a realizar en la facultad en la que estudian. Para determinar qué proyecto se debería llevar a cabo se utiliza las reglas de la mayoría y Borda. Los alumnos deben responder a diversas rondas de votaciones donde el orden de la votación o agenda ha sido determinada por el instructor. El ejercicio es útil para exponer y debatir las cuestiones que se explican en un curso estándar de Hacienda Pública sobre el uso de la regla de la mayoría y la regla de Borda, como por ejemplo, la existencia de ciclos en los resultados de una votación, la posibilidad de condicionar el resultado de las votaciones mediante la manipulación de la agenda, el comportamiento estratégico, la formación de coaliciones, las propiedades del teorema de Arrow y la eficiencia de la(s) diferentes alternativas escogidas. El ejercicio se enmarca como parte de las actividades realizadas por el Grupo de Innovación Docente (GID-HAL) de la Universidad de Barcelona.
A partir d"una anàlisi comparada de diferents experiències d"implementació del vot electrònic remot a Espanya i de dades sociopolítiques de valoració d"aquestes votacions, es discuteixen els diferents arguments justificadors de la seva implementació. S"analitzen així els arguments estructurals que incentiven l"adopció del vot electrònic en el context del funcionament dels sistemes polítics democràtics, sense oblidar, però, la percepció i l"avaluació dels ciutadans davant l"ús de les NTIC per a l"emissió del vot. L"anàlisi se centra en la presa en consideració de les debilitats i les amenaces potencials associades a la introducció del vot electrònic, per a concloure que la seva implementació haurà d"ésser progressiva i complementària als sistemes tradicionals de votació.
Using microdata from the 2002-2006 Colombian Continuous Household Survey, we find an elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates of -0.07. However, the elasticity for informal workers is significantly higher, a result which is consistent with efficiency wage theoretical models and relevant for regional labour markets analysis in developing countries.
Aquest treball presenta un anàlisi sobre el comportament electoral a L'Hospitalet de Llobregat entre 1979 i 2014, en relació als diferents nivells de participació electoral i les diferències en el vot a partits que es produeixen segons l'àmbit de la convocatòria electoral.
La gestión del conocimiento es una práctica organizativa que se está extendiendo a todo tipo de organizaciones, incluidas las universidades. Su estudio cuenta con distintos marcos basados en alguno, o en todos los procesos del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. La presente investigación centra su atención en las prácticas de gestión del conocimiento dentro de los grupos de investigación de una universidad colombiana, así como en las características de dichos grupos, tomando como base el marco holístico del ciclo de gestión del conocimiento. Para captar el contexto de dichas prácticas, la metodología sigue la teoría fundamentada, por lo que se realizan entrevistas en profundidad dirigidas a los coordinadores de los grupos de investigación, de una muestra seleccionada aleatoriamente. Los resultados apuntan la necesidad de desarrollar en los grupos de investigación actividades que incidan en la identificación, el almacenamientoy el uso del conocimiento. Para ello se requiere, entre otras cosas, cualificar y asesorar a los investigadores en la planificación de las acciones de gestión del conocimiento cuando investigan y gestionan proyectos. Es preciso profundizar en el estudio de las etapas del ciclo vinculado con las dinámicas de los grupos de investigación, para fortalecer las capacidades de generación y transferencia de conocimiento.
We estimate changes in fiscal policy regimes in Portugal with a Markov Switching regression of fiscal policy rules for the period 1978-2007, using a new dataset of fiscal quarterly series. We find evidence of a deficit bias, while repeated reversals of taxes making the budget procyclical. Economic booms have typically been used to relax tax pressure, especially during elections. One-off measures have been preferred over structural ones to contain the deficit during economic crises. The EU fiscal rules prompted temporary consolidation, but did not permanently change the budgeting process.
Several empirical studies have analyzed the factors that influence local privatization. Variables related to fiscal stress, cost reduction, political processes and ideological attitudes are the most common explanatory variables used in these studies. In this paper, we add to this literature by examining the influence of transaction costs and political factors on local governments’ choices through new variables. In addition to this, we consider the role of additional aspects, such as intermunicipal cooperation as a potential alternative to privatization in order to exploit scale economies or scope economies. We consider two relevant services: solid waste collection and water distribution. Results from our estimates show that privatization (that is, contracting out to a private firm) is less common for water distribution than for solid waste collection. Higher transaction costs in water distribution are consistent with this finding. Furthermore, we find that municipalities with a conservative ruling party privatize more often regardless of the ideological orientation of the constituency. This shows that those political interests able to influence local elections are more important in determining the form of delivery than is the basic ideological stance of the constituency. Finally, we find that intermunicipal cooperation is an alternative to local privatization.
The objective of this paper is to analyse the existente or not of a wage curve in Colombia, paying special attention to the differences between formal and informal workers, an issue that has been systematically ignored in the wage curve literature. The obtained results using microdata from the Colombian Continuous Household Survey (CHS) between 2002 and 2006 show the existence of a wage curve with a negative slope for the Colombian economy. Using information on metropolitan areas, the estimates of the elasticity of individual wages to local unemployment rates was -0.07, a value that is very close to those obtained for other countries. However, the disaggregation of statistical information for formal and informal workers has shown significant differences among both groups of workers. In particular, for the less protected groups of the labour market, informal workers (both men and women), a high negatively sloped wage curve was found. This result is consistent with the conclusions from efficiency wage theoretical models and should be taken into account when analysing the functioning of regional labour markets in developing countries.
La política ocupa una part important de les nostres vides, tenint en compte el volum de notícies en tots els mitjans, i ens permet implicar-nos en els temes públics i intervenir en l'interès i el bé comú. En democràcia, per arribar a consensos la política és imprescindible, encara que no únicament mitjançant el vot. Ara bé, com decidim el sentit del vot, i com aconseguim el tan necessari acord pel bon funcionament de la societat?