120 resultados para Autoregressive Noise


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We study the motion of an unbound particle under the influence of a random force modeled as Gaussian colored noise with an arbitrary correlation function. We derive exact equations for the joint and marginal probability density functions and find the associated solutions. We analyze in detail anomalous diffusion behaviors along with the fractal structure of the trajectories of the particle and explore possible connections between dynamical exponents of the variance and the fractal dimension of the trajectories.


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We consider mean first-passage times (MFPTs) for systems driven by non-Markov gamma and McFadden dichotomous noises. A simplified derivation is given of the underlying integral equations and the theory for ordinary renewal processes is extended to modified and equilibrium renewal processes. The exact results are compared with the MFPT for Markov dichotomous noise and with the results of Monte Carlo simulations.


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We have analyzed the interplay between noise and periodic modulations in a mean field model of a neural excitable medium. For this purpose, we have considered two types of modulations, namely, variations of the resistance and oscillations of the threshold. In both cases, stochastic resonance is present, irrespective of whether the system is monostable or bistable.


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In a recent paper, [J. M. Porrà, J. Masoliver, and K. Lindenberg, Phys. Rev. E 48, 951 (1993)], we derived the equations for the mean first-passage time for systems driven by the coin-toss square wave, a particular type of dichotomous noisy signal, to reach either one of two boundaries. The coin-toss square wave, which we here call periodic-persistent dichotomous noise, is a random signal that can only change its value at specified time points, where it changes its value with probability q or retains its previous value with probability p=1-q. These time points occur periodically at time intervals t. Here we consider the stationary version of this signal, that is, equilibrium periodic-persistent noise. We show that the mean first-passage time for systems driven by this stationary noise does not show either the discontinuities or the oscillations found in the case of nonstationary noise. We also discuss the existence of discontinuities in the mean first-passage time for random one-dimensional stochastic maps.


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In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 189 (1995)] we have presented the exact analytical expression for the mean exit time, T(x,v), of a free inertial process driven by Gaussian white noise out of a region (0,L) in space. In this paper we give a detailed account of the method employed and present results on asymptotic properties and averages of T(x,v).


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Two recently reported treatments [J. M. Porrà et al., Phys. Rev. A 44, 4866 (1991) and I. L¿Heureux and R. Kapral, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 7468 (1988)] of the problem of bistability driven by dichotomous colored noise with a small correlation time are brought into agreement with each other and with the exact numerical results of L¿Heureux and Kapral [J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2453 (1989)].


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An equation for mean first-passage times of non-Markovian processes driven by colored noise is derived through an appropriate backward integro-differential equation. The equation is solved in a Bourret-like approximation. In a weak-noise bistable situation, non-Markovian effects are taken into account by an effective diffusion coefficient. In this situation, our results compare satisfactorily with other approaches and experimental data.


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We present numerical evidence and a theoretical analysis of the appearance of anticoherence resonance induced by noise, not predicted in former analysis of coherence resonance. We have found that this phenomenon occurs for very small values of the intensity of the noise acting on an excitable system, and we claim that this is a universal signature of a nonmonotonous relaxational behavior near its oscillatory regime. Moreover, we demonstrate that this new phenomenon is totally compatible with the standard situation of coherence resonance appearing at intermediate values of noise intensity.


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We present an analytic and numerical study of the effects of external fluctuations in active media. Our analytical methodology transforms the initial stochastic partial differential equations into an effective set of deterministic reaction-diffusion equations. As a result we are able to explain and make quantitative predictions on the systematic and constructive effects of the noise, for example, target patterns created out of noise and traveling or spiral waves sustained by noise. Our study includes the case of realistic noises with temporal and spatial structures.


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Rotating scroll waves are dynamical spatiotemporal structures characteristic of three-dimensional active media. It is well known that, under low excitability conditions, scroll waves develop an intrinsically unstable dynamical regime that leads to a highly disorganized pattern of wave propagation. Such a ¿turbulent¿ state bears some resemblance to fibrillation states in cardiac tissue. We show here that this unstable regime can be controlled by using a spatially distributed random forcing superimposed on a control parameter of the system. Our results are obtained from numerical simulations but an explicit analytical argument that rationalizes our observations is also presented.


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We show that external fluctuations induce excitable behavior in a bistable spatially extended system with activator-inhibitor dynamics of the FitzHugh-Nagumo type. This can be understood as a mechanism for sustained signal propagation in bistable media. The phase diagram of the stochastic system is analytically obtained and numerically verified. For small-noise intensities, front propagation becomes unstable, and excitable pulses arise as the only possible spatiotemporal behavior of the system. For large-noise intensities, on the other hand, the system enters an effective regime of oscillatory behavior, where it exhibits spontaneous nucleation of pulses and synchronized firing.


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A calculation of passage-time statistics is reported for the laser switch-on problem, under the influence of colored noise, when the net gain is continuously swept from below to above threshold. Cases of fast and slow sweeping are considered. In the weak-noise limit, asymptotic results are given for small and large correlation times of the noise. The mean first passage time increases with the correlation time of the noise. This effect is more important for fast sweeping than for slow sweeping.


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We study the erratic displacement of spiral waves forced to move in a medium with random spatiotemporal excitability. Analytical work and numerical simulations are performed in relation to a kinematic scheme, assumed to describe the autowave dynamics for weakly excitable systems. Under such an approach, the Brownian character of this motion is proved and the corresponding dispersion coefficient is evaluated. This quantity shows a nontrivial dependence on the temporal and spatial correlation parameters of the external fluctuations. In particular, a resonantlike behavior is neatly evidenced in terms of the noise correlation time for the particular situation of spatially uniform fluctuations. Actually, this case turns out to be, to a large extent, exactly solvable, whereas a pair of dispersion mechanisms are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively to explain the results for the more general scenario of spatiotemporal disorder.


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Relaxational processes in bistable potentials close to marginal conditions are studied under the combined effect of additive and multiplicative fluctuations. Characteristic time scales associated with the first-passage-time-distribution are analytically obtained. Multiplicative noise introduces large effects on the characteristic decay times, which is particularly significant when relaxations are mediated by fluctuations, i.e., below marginality and for small noise intensity. The relevance of our approach with respect to realistic chemical bistable systems experimentally operated under external noise influences is mentioned.


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A pacemaker, regularly emitting chemical waves, is created out of noise when an excitable photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium, strictly unable to autonomously initiate autowaves, is forced with a spatiotemporal patterned random illumination. These experimental observations are also reproduced numerically by using a set of reaction-diffusion equations for an activator-inhibitor model, and further analytically interpreted in terms of genuine coupling effects arising from parametric fluctuations. Within the same framework we also address situations of noise-sustained propagation in subexcitable media.