115 resultados para Art, Ancient.


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[cat] Aquest article se centra en la significació i transcendència de l"assignatura d"Anatomia artística a l"Escola de Belles Arts de Barcelona durant la segona meitat del segle XIX i principis de segle XX. S"empren, com a fil conductor, les figures de Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) i de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), els dos primers professors que impartiren la matèria i que romanen, en l"actualitat, pràcticament inèdits. El coneixement de l"ideari de Faraudo i d"Ávila permet completar el panorama de l"evolució de les idees estètiques a la Catalunya del moment i, alhora, contribueix a la comprensió de l"erosió de la primacia de l"antic en l"aprenentatge oficial de les arts a Catalunya. [spa] Este artículo se centra en la significación y transcendencia de la asignatura de Anatomía artística en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Barcelona durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX. Se emplean, como hilo conductor, las figuras de Gerónimo Faraudo Condeminas (1823-1886) y de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), los dos primeros profesores que impartieron la materia y que permanecen, en la actualidad, prácticamente inéditos. El conocimiento del ideario de Faraudo y de Ávila permite completar el panorama de la evolución de las ideas estéticas en la Cataluña del momento y, al mismo tiempo, contribuye a la comprensión de la erosión de la primacía del antiguo en el aprendizaje oficial de las artes en Cataluña. [eng]This article focuses on the subject of Artistic Anatomy at the Barcelona School of Fine Arts during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, discussing its signification. The connecting thread of this article are Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) and Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), its first two teachers, who remain nowadays practically unknown. The knowledge of their ideas completes the history of contemporary Catalan aesthetics and also contributes to the comprehension of the erosion in the primacy of the use of ancient models in the official artistic teaching in Catalonia.


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Aquesta obra recull els resums de les comunicacions orals i pòsters que es van presentar durant el IX Congrés Internacional de l’Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), organitzat per l’ICAC en el marc del programa de recerca HAR2008-04600/HIST, amb el suport del programa d’Ajuts ARCS 2008 (referència expedient IR036826) de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (Accions Complementàries HAR2008-03181-E/HIST), i celebrat a Tarragona entre el 8 i el 13 de juny del 2009.


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This article focuses on Barcelona"s art market to explore the underlying factors behind the clustering of art dealers in several of the city"s districts. Drawing upon quantitative and qualitative data, the article analyses how such clustering reveals a strategic action in the sense attributed to it by Crozier and Friedberg (1981). Gallery districts are not a reflection of structural factors (economic, urban development-related or social) but the result of a combination of strategic choices either individual or collective which explain the permanence of leading gallery districts or the emergence of new ones.


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Thermal energy storage (TES) can increase the thermal energy effieresa, of a process by reusing the waste heat from industrial process, solar energy or other sources. There are different ways to store thermal energy: by sensible heat, by latest heat, by sorption process or by chemical reaction. This thesrs provides a-state-of-the-art review of the experimental performance of TES systems based on solid gas sorption process and chemical reactions. The importance of theses processes is that provides a heat loss free storage system with a high energy density.


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Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a comprehensive method for assessing the environmental impact of a product or an activity over its entire life cycle. The purpose of conducting LCA studies varies from one application to another. Different applications use LCA for different purposes. In general, the main aim of using LCA is to reduce the environmental impact of products through guiding the decision making process towards more sustainable solutions. The most critical phase in an LCA study is the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) where the life cycle inventory (LCI) results of the considered substances related to the study of a certain system are transformed into understandable impact categories that represent the impact on the environment. In this research work, a general structure clarifying the steps that shall be followed ir order to conduct an LCA study effectively is presented. These steps are based on the ISO 14040 standard framework. In addition, a survey is done on the most widely used LCIA methodologies. Recommendations about possible developments and suggetions for further research work regarding the use of LCA and LCIA methodologies are discussed as well.


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Les emulsions concentrades o altament concentrades de betum són un camp molt poc estudiat avui en dia. El treball és un estat de l'art de tots els papers que hi ha sobre aquest tema desde el mètode tradicional fins el HIPR (High Internal Phase Ratio).


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Many classification systems rely on clustering techniques in which a collection of training examples is provided as an input, and a number of clusters c1,...cm modelling some concept C results as an output, such that every cluster ci is labelled as positive or negative. Given a new, unlabelled instance enew, the above classification is used to determine to which particular cluster ci this new instance belongs. In such a setting clusters can overlap, and a new unlabelled instance can be assigned to more than one cluster with conflicting labels. In the literature, such a case is usually solved non-deterministically by making a random choice. This paper presents a novel, hybrid approach to solve this situation by combining a neural network for classification along with a defeasible argumentation framework which models preference criteria for performing clustering.


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Objetivo: El objetivo es presentar el proyecto de investigación cuyo propósito es conocer la evolución de la Educación para la salud (EpS) desde la antigüedad hasta la época contemporánea, con el fin de identificar y comprender la génesis y construcción de la disciplina. Método: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo histórico enmarcado en el paradigma interpretativo etnohistórico y hermenéutico. Los pilares básicos en que se enmarca conceptualmente, son la Educación, la Persona, grupo o comunidad y la Salud. El espacio social, es aquel en que los grupos sociales vivían y el estructural-temporal, las épocas históricas: prehistoria, antigüedad (culturas antiguas y clásicas), edad media, renacimiento y contemporánea hasta pasada la Guerra Civil española (1940). El sujeto de estudio es la EpS a partir de los elementos que la conforman: el concepto de salud, las creencias, los conocimientos sanitarios, las intervenciones y los recursos educativos para la salud de les personas y los grupos sociales en cada una de las épocas históricas a estudio. Las fuentes utilizadas son las indirectas, materiales-arqueológicas y culturales: verbales (escritas) y no verbales (semiológicas/audiovisuales) y las no seriadas. La recogida de información a través de técnicas de investigación histórica cualitativa: la observación y análisis documental bibliográfico, iconográfico de archivos, prensa, publicaciones oficiales, textos bibliográficos y técnicas textuales-filosóficas: análisis de contenido y crítica histórica. El análisis de la información será cronológico y mediante una clasificación por temáticas y periodos históricos.


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[spa]Los bozales y las muserolas en bronce para caballo constituyen unos excepcionales complementos ecuestres cuyo conocimiento se encuentra disperso en una extensa bibliografía. De muchos ejemplares apenas se ha publicado una breve descripción y nunca hasta el presente han sido objeto de un estudio monográfico, quizás por el desaliento que produce el desconocimiento de su procedencia en unos casos, o la superficial noticia del contexto de aparición en la mayoría de ellos, hecho que ha limitado las consideraciones cronológicas y de asociación. La identificación de nuevos ejemplares inéditos en los museos de Barcelona y Lleida ha animado a los autores a emprender un trabajo que por primera vez reúne y revisa los ejemplares conocidos de la Península Ibérica, para los que se propone una descripción normalizada, una clasificación tipológica y, en determinadas piezas, una sustancial revisión de las escenas decorativas y cronologías comúnmente admitidas. La seriación formal y la propuesta de datación implican la referencia de los ejemlares aparecidos en Grecia e Italia. Esa ampliación espacial conduce a replantear los agentes sociales que pueden estar detrás de la propagación de ese complemento ecuestre hasta la peninsua más occidental del Mediterráneo. [eng] Horse muzzles and Bronze muzzles are unique equestrian tools that have been referred to in scattered accounts throughout history. Nevertheless, the majority of these objects have received short descriptions and an overall study is still missing. The lack of a comprehensive study hinges on the over looked importance of these items and the superficial manner that have characterized their documentation. Both these reasons have limited observations on chronology and archaeological investigation. The recent identification of new unpublished exemplars among the Museums" collections in Barcelona and Lleida has encouraged the authors of this paper to start a new study dedicated to these objects. Starting from a catalogue inclusive of all muzzles and muzzles currently known in the Iberian Peninsula, an attempt will be made to propose an accurate description, typological classification and, for some of the items, a revision of the decorative scenes that have marked their place in bronze horse muzzle and muzzle chronology. The formal development and the chronological framework here proposed refer to those of the exemplars found in Greece and in Italy. The broadening of the geographical area will allow reconsideration of those social phenomena that have in the past determined the diffusion of elements in horse tack throughout most of the western Peninsula in the Mediterranean.


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L’objectiu principal d’aquesta investigació és analitzar per què les arts de cos estan tan presents en els museus del segle XXI. Per fer-ho, ens centrarem primer en conèixer la història de les arts del cos des dels seus inicis al carrer o galeries alternatives fins a l’entrada al museu. En segon lloc, farem una aproximació a l’evolució dels museus centrant-nos en els segles XX i XXI. En tercer lloc, investigarem com les arts del cos entren als museus i farem una recerca d’aquestes arts en el museu del segle XXI


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En el present treball hem tractat d'aportar una visió actual del món de les dades obertes enllaçades en l'àmbit de l'educació. Hem revisat tant les aplicacions que van dirigides a implementar aquestes tecnologies en els repositoris de dades existents (pàgines web, repositoris d'objectes educacionals, repositoris de cursos i programes educatius) com a ser suport de nous paradigmes dins del món de l'educació.


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Background: Bacterial populations are highly successful at colonizing new habitats and adapting to changing environmental conditions, partly due to their capacity to evolve novel virulence and metabolic pathways in response to stress conditions and to shuffle them by horizontal gene transfer (HGT). A common theme in the evolution of new functions consists of gene duplication followed by functional divergence. UlaG, a unique manganese-dependent metallo-b-lactamase (MBL) enzyme involved in L-ascorbate metabolism by commensal and symbiotic enterobacteria, provides a model for the study of the emergence of new catalytic activities from the modification of an ancient fold. Furthermore, UlaG is the founding member of the so-called UlaG-like (UlaGL) protein family, a recently established and poorly characterized family comprising divalent (and perhaps trivalent)metal-binding MBLs that catalyze transformations on phosphorylated sugars and nucleotides. Results: Here we combined protein structure-guided and sequence-only molecular phylogenetic analyses to dissect the molecular evolution of UlaG and to study its phylogenomic distribution, its relatedness with present-day UlaGL protein sequences and functional conservation. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that UlaGL sequences are present in Bacteria and Archaea, with bona fide orthologs found mainly in mammalian and plant-associated Gramnegative and Gram-positive bacteria. The incongruence between the UlaGL tree and known species trees indicates exchange by HGT and suggests that the UlaGL-encoding genes provided a growth advantage under changing conditions. Our search for more distantly related protein sequences aided by structural homology has uncovered that UlaGL sequences have a common evolutionary origin with present-day RNA processing and metabolizing MBL enzymes widespread in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. This observation suggests an ancient origin for the UlaGL family within the broader trunk of the MBL superfamily by duplication, neofunctionalization and fixation. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the forerunner of UlaG was present as an RNA metabolizing enzyme in the last common ancestor, and that the modern descendants of that ancestral gene have a wide phylogenetic distribution and functional roles. We propose that the UlaGL family evolved new metabolic roles among bacterial and possibly archeal phyla in the setting of a close association with metazoans, such as in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract or in animal and plant pathogens, as well as in environmental settings. Accordingly, the major evolutionary forces shaping the UlaGL family include vertical inheritance and lineage-specific duplication and acquisition of novel metabolic functions, followed by HGT and numerous lineage-specific gene loss events.


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The Atlas Mountains in Morocco are considered as type examples of intracontinental chains, with high topography that contrasts with moderate crustal shortening and thickening. Whereas recent geological studies and geodynamic modeling have suggested the existence of dynamic topography to explain this apparent contradiction, there is a lack of modern geophysical data at the crustal scale to corroborate this hypothesis. Newly-acquired magnetotelluric data image the electrical resistivity distribution of the crust from the Middle Atlas to the Anti-Atlas, crossing the tabular Moulouya Plain and the High Atlas. All the units show different and unique electrical signatures throughout the crust reflecting the tectonic history of development of each one. In the upper crust electrical resistivity values may be associated to sediment sequences in the Moulouya and Anti-Atlas and to crustal scale fault systems in the High Atlas developed during the Cenozoic times. In the lower crust the low resistivity anomaly found below the Mouluya plain, together with other geophysical (low velocity anomaly, lack of earthquakes and minimum Bouguer anomaly) and geochemical (Neogene-Quaternary intraplate alkaline volcanic fields) evidence, infer the existence of a small degree of partial melt at the base of the lower crust. The low resistivity anomaly found below the Anti-Atlas may be associated with a relict subduction of Precambrian oceanic sediments, or to precipitated minerals during the release of fluids from the mantle during the accretion of the Anti-Atlas to the West African Supercontinent during the Panafrican orogeny ca. 685 Ma).


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[eng] The evolution of public art throughout the twentieth century has resulted since the 60"s in a kind of practical intervention in the urban domain with a strong social and participatory intention. This paper presents several of these projects in relation to the kind of participattory levels, and detecting different trends. The paper Specially focuses on the project"Cartografies de La Mina", developed in Sant Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona) between 2002 and 2005 by the POLIS Research Centre at the University of Barcelona.