188 resultados para Android maps mappe gcm push notification push-notification sensors sensori


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Desarrollo de una aplicación de gestión de pacientes y citas para fisioterapeutas.


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Proyecto final de carrera sobre el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para plataformas Android, conteniendo fragmentos, actividades y manejos de bases de datos.Se utiliza también el API de Google Maps para mostrar la posición del usuario y puntos precargados desde la base de datos.


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El projecte que ens ocupa és la creació d'una aplicació mòbil que ens ajude a potenciar i explotar les noves funcionalitats que apropen les empreses als clients finals i ajuden a afiançar les relacions interpersonals creades.


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Este proyecto es una aplicación cliente de OpenStack para tabletas Android.


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Memoria sobre el desarrollo de una aplicación para la plataforma Android. Dicha aplicación interactuará con el sistema OpenDomo.


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We compare two methods for visualising contingency tables and developa method called the ratio map which combines the good properties of both.The first is a biplot based on the logratio approach to compositional dataanalysis. This approach is founded on the principle of subcompositionalcoherence, which assures that results are invariant to considering subsetsof the composition. The second approach, correspondence analysis, isbased on the chi-square approach to contingency table analysis. Acornerstone of correspondence analysis is the principle of distributionalequivalence, which assures invariance in the results when rows or columnswith identical conditional proportions are merged. Both methods may bedescribed as singular value decompositions of appropriately transformedmatrices. Correspondence analysis includes a weighting of the rows andcolumns proportional to the margins of the table. If this idea of row andcolumn weights is introduced into the logratio biplot, we obtain a methodwhich obeys both principles of subcompositional coherence and distributionalequivalence.


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An important problem in descriptive and prescriptive research in decision making is to identify regions of rationality, i.e., the areas for which heuristics are and are not effective. To map the contours of such regions, we derive probabilities that heuristics identify the best of m alternatives (m > 2) characterized by k attributes or cues (k > 1). The heuristics include a single variable (lexicographic), variations of elimination-by-aspects, equal weighting, hybrids of the preceding, and models exploiting dominance. We use twenty simulated and four empirical datasets for illustration. We further provide an overview by regressing heuristic performance on factors characterizing environments. Overall, sensible heuristics generally yield similar choices in many environments. However, selection of the appropriate heuristic can be important in some regions (e.g., if there is low inter-correlation among attributes/cues). Since our work assumes a hit or miss decision criterion, we conclude by outlining extensions for exploring the effects of different loss functions.


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Why was England first? And why Europe? We present a probabilistic model that builds on big-push models by Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny (1989), combined with hierarchical preferences. The interaction of exogenous demographic factors (in particular the English low-pressure variant of the European marriage pattern)and redistributive institutions such as the old Poor Law combined to make an Industrial Revolution more likely. Essentially, industrialization is the result of having a critical mass of consumers that is rich enough to afford (potentially) mass-produced goods. Our model is then calibrated to match the main characteristics of the English economy in 1750 and the observed transition until 1850.This allows us to address explicitly one of the key features of the British IndustrialRevolution unearthed by economic historians over the last three decades the slowness of productivity and output change. In our calibration, we find that the probability of Britain industrializing is 5 times larger than France s. Contrary to the recent argument by Pomeranz, China in the 18th century had essentially no chance to industrialize at all. This difference is decomposed into a demographic and a policy component, with the former being far more important than the latter.


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This paper reviews the recent literature on monetary policy rules. We exposit the monetary policy design problem within a simple baselinetheoretical framework. We then consider the implications of adding various real world complications. Among other things, we show that the optimal policy implicitly incorporates inflation targeting. Wealso characterize the gains from making credible commitments to fightinflation. In contrast to conventional wisdom, we show that gains from commitment may emerge even in the central bank is not trying toinadvisedly push output above its natural level. We also consider theimplications of frictions such as imperfect information.


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Este trabajo describe el proceso de creación de la herramienta de software KemapMobile para la plataforma Android. El artefacto es una adaptación del software de escritorio KeMap que se integra en la plataforma educativa VerilUOC y permite a los estudiantes conectarse a ella para descargar, en la aplicación, ejercicios con los que poner a prueba y afianzar sus conocimientos sobre la simplificación de funciones lógicas booleanas con mapas de Karnaugh y tablas de verdad. La arquitectura cliente-servidor de la aplicación permite a los estudiantes disponer de ejercicios personalizados y al profesorado obtener datos sobre el uso de la herramienta y sobre la progresión del alumnado.


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Aplicació per emmagatzemar les direccions dels llocs d'interès de l'usuari amb l'objectiu de substituir els targeters tradicionals. La seva funcionalitat inclou poder gestionar-los, compartir-los a través del correu electrònic i classificar-los, amb una sèrie de categories i paraules clau per després poder geoposicionar-los i traçar rutes entre els diferents punts des de la ubicació on es troba l'usuari.


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El proyecto P.U Pets se trata de un videojuego que será desarrollado para la plataforma Android y que constará de 5 fases/niveles completos.


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Projecte empresarial que proporciona un accés a un servidor central de l'empresa i permet a un venedor gestionar les comandes realitzades amb un client, amb informació dels productes i clients, i enviar-les en el mateix moment al servidor per a la seva tramitació.


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El projecte final de carrera SharingTools tracta sobre la construcció d'una aplicació per a la plataforma Android, la qual permet als usuaris compartir eines amb altres persones. L'aplicació utilitza el posicionament per xarxa i la càmara dels dispositius.


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Desarollo e implementación de una aplicación híbrida para dispositivos móviles Android.