159 resultados para procesado en lenguaje natural (Informática)


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte era implementar la visualització 3D demodels fusionats i aplicar totes les tècniques possibles per realitzar aquesta fusió. Aquestes tècniques s’integraran en la plataforma de visualització i processament de dades mèdiques STARVIEWER. Per assolir l’ objectiu principal s’ han definit els següents objectius específics:1- estudiar els algoritmes de visualització de models simples i analitzar els diferents paràmetres a tenir en compte. 2- ampliació de la tècnica de visualització bàsica seleccionada per tal de suportar els models fusionats. 3- avaluar i compar tots els mètodes implementats per poder determinar quin ofereix les millors visualitzacions


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This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage


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El propòsit d'aquest TFC és investigar i fer una instal·lació des de zero d'un model de negoci basat en l'allotjament web fent servir tecnologies de Cloud Computing. El software open-source que es farà servir per aquesta finalitat serà Openstack el qual es basa en un model de servei com infraestructura (IaaS). La nostra finalitat és poder implementar el model IaaS basat en Openstack. Per duu a terme aquest desplegament es farà servir dos hipervisors (KVM i VMware ESXi) per tal de testejar diferents sistemes d¿hipervisors treballant conjuntament.


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La presente investigación propone un modelo de datos que puede ser utilizado en diversos tipos de aplicaciones relacionados con la estructura de la propiedad (Catastro, Registro de la propiedad, Notarías, etc). Este modelo definido en lenguaje universal de modelado (UML), e implementado sobre gestor de base de datos orientada a grafos (Neo4j), permite almacenar y consultar ese histórico, pudiendo ser explotado posteriormente tanto por aplicaciones de escritorio como por servicios web.


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In this paper we present the theoretical and methodologicalfoundations for the development of a multi-agentSelective Dissemination of Information (SDI) servicemodel that applies Semantic Web technologies for specializeddigital libraries. These technologies make possibleachieving more efficient information management,improving agent–user communication processes, andfacilitating accurate access to relevant resources. Othertools used are fuzzy linguistic modelling techniques(which make possible easing the interaction betweenusers and system) and natural language processing(NLP) techniques for semiautomatic thesaurus generation.Also, RSS feeds are used as “current awareness bulletins”to generate personalized bibliographic alerts.


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In this paper we present a description of the role of definitional verbal patterns for the extraction of semantic relations. Several studies show that semantic relations can be extracted from analytic definitions contained in machine-readable dictionaries (MRDs). In addition, definitions found in specialised texts are a good starting point to search for different types of definitions where other semantic relations occur. The extraction of definitional knowledge from specialised corpora represents another interesting approach for the extraction of semantic relations. Here, we present a descriptive analysis of definitional verbal patterns in Spanish and the first steps towards the development of a system for the automatic extraction of definitional knowledge.


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El projecte vol desenvolupar un programari per Android destinat al guiatge d'un usuari per diferents punts d'interès, els quals han estat extrets de forma automàtica dels seus propis documents. Per poder aconseguir-ho, el programa serà capaç d'analitzar fitxers de text pla i extreure els diferents punts d'interès que apareguin (paraules clau). Un cop extrets, haurà d'assignar una Geolocalització a cadascun. Posteriorment, i connectant-se a l’API de GoogleMaps, l'aplicació permetrà a l'usuari visualitzar els punts d'interès i definir un recorregut (circuit, ruta, ruta pròxima,...).


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Doc6 celebra en 2008 su 20 aniversario y veinte años son muchos para una pyme. Bibliotecarios, documentalistas y profesionales de la información la crearon en 1988. En la actualidad tiene oficinas en Barcelona y en Madrid y cuenta con más de 110 empleados, el 85% de los cuales son diplomados o licenciados superiores en documentación o informática. Entre sus más de 900 clientes se encuentran universidades, empresas, laboratorios, hospitales, bufetes de abogados, colegios profesionales, fundaciones y administraciones públicas.


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By providing a better understanding of paraphrase and coreference in terms of similarities and differences in their linguistic nature, this article delimits what the focus of paraphrase extraction and coreference resolution tasks should be, and to what extent they can help each other. We argue for the relevance of this discussion to Natural Language Processing.


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Although paraphrasing is the linguistic mechanism underlying many plagiarism cases, little attention has been paid to its analysis in the framework of automatic plagiarism detection. Therefore, state-of-the-art plagiarism detectors find it difficult to detect cases of paraphrase plagiarism. In this article, we analyse the relationship between paraphrasing and plagiarism, paying special attention to which paraphrase phenomena underlie acts of plagiarism and which of them are detected by plagiarism detection systems. With this aim in mind, we created the P4P corpus, a new resource which uses a paraphrase typology to annotate a subset of the PAN-PC-10 corpus for automatic plagiarism detection. The results of the Second International Competition on Plagiarism Detection were analysed in the light of this annotation. The presented experiments show that (i) more complex paraphrase phenomena and a high density of paraphrase mechanisms make plagiarism detection more difficult, (ii) lexical substitutions are the paraphrase mechanisms used the most when plagiarising, and (iii) paraphrase mechanisms tend to shorten the plagiarized text. For the first time, the paraphrase mechanisms behind plagiarism have been analysed, providing critical insights for the improvement of automatic plagiarism detection systems.


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Aquest treball final de carrera es basa en la creació d'una borsa de treball on-line, distribuïda i multi-dispositiu. Ha estat creada a partir de noves tecnologies com Play Framework i Twiter Bootstrap, utilitzant els llenguatges Java i Scala, usant marcatge HTML5 i desplegada en un servidor de cloud computing anomenat Heroku.


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This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage


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A crucial step for understanding how lexical knowledge is represented is to describe the relative similarity of lexical items, and how it influences language processing. Previous studies of the effects of form similarity on word production have reported conflicting results, notably within and across languages. The aim of the present study was to clarify this empirical issue to provide specific constraints for theoretical models of language production. We investigated the role of phonological neighborhood density in a large-scale picture naming experiment using fine-grained statistical models. The results showed that increasing phonological neighborhood density has a detrimental effect on naming latencies, and re-analyses of independently obtained data sets provide supplementary evidence for this effect. Finally, we reviewed a large body of evidence concerning phonological neighborhood density effects in word production, and discussed the occurrence of facilitatory and inhibitory effects in accuracy measures. The overall pattern shows that phonological neighborhood generates two opposite forces, one facilitatory and one inhibitory. In cases where speech production is disrupted (e.g. certain aphasic symptoms), the facilitatory component may emerge, but inhibitory processes dominate in efficient naming by healthy speakers. These findings are difficult to accommodate in terms of monitoring processes, but can be explained within interactive activation accounts combining phonological facilitation and lexical competition.


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Detall d'una implementació d'un sistema de computació al núvol a baixa escala i a nivell corporatiu.


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Desenvolupament de dues aplicacions destinades a oferir informació bàsica dels productes dins d'un centre comercial. Aquestes dues aplicacions es desenvoluparan en llenguatge .NET però en dues tecnologies diferents. L'aplicació destinada als clients de les botigues es desenvoluparà en tecnologia ASP.NET i es tractarà d'una pàgina web. L'aplicació destinada al personal de la botiga es desenvoluparà en tecnologia WPF i es tractarà d'una aplicació d'escriptori. Ambdues aplicacions compartiran informació que estarà emmagatzemada en una base de dades i, en el cas de les imatges, en directoris físics del servidor.