132 resultados para online platforms


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Using econometric evidence, this article confirms that distribution ofmedicines online is split into two market segments of very diversequality, and identifies the factors that drive quality and qualityassurance in this activity. Unlike fraudulent, rogue, websites, whichoffer scant guarantees and usually sell just a few medicines withoutprescription, online pharmacies offering insurance coverage and linkedto conventional pharmacies typically sell a wholerange of drugs, require third-party medical prescriptions and provideabundant information to patients. It is shown that, where onlinepharmacies are allowed to act legally, market forces enhance quality,as private insurers require professional standards, and specialized thirdparties make a business of certifying them. Furthermore, older onlinepharmacies and those running conventional operations offer higherquality, probably because of reputational investments. Overall, this evidence supports licensing online pharmacies, especiallyconsidering that prohibiting them is ineffective against fraudulent sites.


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Electronic academic journal websites provide new services of text and/or datamining and linking, indispensable for e¢ cient allocation of attention among abun-dant sources of scienti?c information. Fully realizing the bene?t of these servicesrequires interconnection among websites. Motivated by CrossRef, a multilateralcitation linking backbone, this paper performs a comparison between multilateralinterconnection through an open platform and bilateral interconnection, and ?ndsthat publishers are fully interconnected in the former regime while they can be par-tially interconnected in the latter regime for exclusion or di¤erentiation motives.Surprisingly, if partial interconnection arises for di¤erentiation motive, exclusion ofsmall publisher(s) occurs more often under multilateral interconnection. We also?nd that in the case of multilateral interconnection, a for-pro?t platform inducesless exclusion than an open platform. Various other extensions are analyzed.


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Recent studies of American politics evidence that political polarization of both the electorate and the political elite have moved 'almost in tandem for the past half century' (McCarty et al., 2003, p.2), and that party polarization has steadily increased since the 1970s. On the other hand, the empirical literature on party platforms and implemented policies has consistently found an imperfect but nonnegligible correlation between electoral platforms and governmental policies: while platforms tend to be polarized, policies are moderate or centrist. However, existing theoretical models of political competition are not manifestly compatible with these observations.In this paper, we distinguish between electoral platforms and implemented policies by incorporating a non-trivial policy-setting process. It follows that voters may care not only about the implemented policy but also about the platform they support with their vote. We find that while parties tend to polarize their positions, the risk of alienating their constituency prevents them from radicalizing. The analysis evidences that the distribution of the electorate, and not only the (expected) location of a pivotal voter, matters in determining policies. Our results are consistent with the observation of polarized platforms and moderate policies, and the alienation and indifference components of abstention.


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Aquest TFC proposa la implementació d'un gestor de contrasenyes online que ha de garantir unes funcionalitats mínimes de desar i recuperar contrasenyes alhora que ha de garantir la confidencialitat de les dades emmagatzemades al servidor.


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Amb la revolució digital van apareixe noves eines informàtiques i plataformes q donen lloc a les jnteraccions en línea, com les xarxes socials i Blogs, aquestes han canviat la manera de comunicació entre les marques i les seves audiències. L' indústria de la moda no ha estat inmune a aquestes transformacions i ha estat adaptar-se al nou format. La recerca presenta una estructura deductiva: Moda Marca Moda- Marques de Moda Espanyola i altres exemples-cas moda- estudio maneta de comunicació online i offline. En aquest últim apartat mostra els resultats de l'anàlisi de les accions comunicatives quotidianes de Marca de Moda Mango, en un període determinat de temps. L'estudi conclou q les accions online i offline és completamenten, es relacionen entre si, evolucionen i donen lloc a una nova forma de comunicació


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El presente proyecto de investigación se presenta como trabajo final del Máster en Estudis Avançats en Comunicació Social y pretende sentar las bases de la futura tesis doctoral. Se plantea una investigación que tiene como objetivo determinar la capacidad que tuvo el uso de las redes digitales de comunicación para modificar la esfera pública durante la primavera árabe en Túnez y el posterior proceso de Transición llevado a cabo. Para ello la investigación se aborda desde tres conceptos clave: el pluralismo mediático, la relevancia mediàtica y los procesos comunicativos. La investigación se abordará triangulando los métodos cuantitativo y cualitativo y se propone como técnica el anàlisis de contenido sobre la nueva legislación tunecina en materia de Políticas de Comunicación, así como del contenido generado por los usuarios en las redes digitales de comunicación y las noticias de medios de referencia online árabes (3) y occidentales (4) en relación con el objeto de estudio.


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Avui en dia, Internet permet ampliar l'horitzó d'alguns serveis, donant-los un altre caire més versàtil i còmode pel client final. El fet de posar a disposició del client un servei com el de la dietètica i la nutrició 24 hores al dia i 7 dies a la setmana, sense que perdi el seu valor i continui sent individualitzat, ofereix al client un coaching en aquest terreny i, al negoci, una altra visió del mateix. Així doncs, el principal objectiu és desenvolupar un lloc web, on l'usuari final pugui rebre una valoració dietètica i nutricional del seu estat actual de manera automàtica i, a la vegada, se li aportin els punts on pot millorar i una dieta escaient. Tot i així, la figura del professional en dietètica participarà del procés, ja que sempre existiran casos més complicats que d'altres.


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Botiga virtual en format web, feta amb arquitectura J2EE i treballada amb Struts2. S'ha utilitzat el PostgreSQL per tractar les dades en taules i HTML pel disseny de les pàgines web.


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Gestión del proyecto para la creación de una plataforma online de intercambio, compra o venta de ayudas técnicas para personas con discapacidad entre particulares.


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[eng] Proceedings for the 2nd annual conference: Rethinking Educational Ethnography - Researching on-line communities and interactions. University of Barcelona, 7-8 June 2012.


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[eng] Proceedings for the 2nd annual conference: Rethinking Educational Ethnography - Researching on-line communities and interactions. University of Barcelona, 7-8 June 2012.


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[eng] Proceedings for the 2nd annual conference: Rethinking Educational Ethnography - Researching on-line communities and interactions. University of Barcelona, 7-8 June 2012.


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We develop a theory of news coverage in environments of information abundance. News consumersare time-constrained and browse through news items that are available across competingoutlets, choosing which ones to read or skip. Media firms are aware of consumers' preferences andconstraints, and decide on rankings of news items that maximize their profits. We find that, evenwhen readers and outlets are rational and unbiased and when markets are competitive, readersmay read more than they would like to, and the stories they read may be significantly differentfrom the ones they prefer. Next, we derive implications on diverse aspects of new and traditionalmedia. These include a rationale for tabloid news, a theory of optimal advertisement placementin newscasts, and a justification for readers' migration to online media platforms in order to circumventinefficient rankings found in traditional media. We then analyze methods for restoringreader-efficient standards and discuss the political economy implications of the theory.


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Aquest projecte consisteix en la creació d'una botiga virtual per a l'empresa CREATIFHPROMOS, companyia del sector del reclam publicitari; per a dur a terme aquest projecte, es realitzarà un estudi de les plataformes actuals de comerç electrònic “Open Source” desenvolupades en PHP, per tal de, a partir dels requeriments de l'empresa, seleccionar la més adient per a la seva implantació,i, en cas de ser necessari, desenvolupar nous mòduls i funcionalitats per adaptar als requeriments recollits.