70 resultados para intelligent speed adaptation
This article, in reviewing the longrunning US debate on speed limits, illustrates how a different valuation of the trade-off between private mobility needs and safety concerns can shape transport policies. It is argued that the regulatory decentralization debate, together with the speed limit in force in each state, obey the social preferences and valuation given to this tradeoff. Such a view is consistent with evidence that higher speed limits are to be found in states with greater private mobility needs, even though their fatality rates might be among the highest in the country. By contrast, lower speed limits and supporters of a low national speed limit are to be found in states that show a greater concern for safety outcomes and which are less dependent on private mobility. By reviewing these events and examining the role played by the main actors and analyzing their motivations, the article identifies important lessons for similar future discussions on transport policy.
Using a well-adapted Drosophila subobscura population (Avala, Serbia), a drastic experiment of inbreeding was carried out to assess whether the expected level of homozygosity could be reached or if other evolutionary forces affected the process. In general, no significant changes of inversion (or arrangement) frequencies were detected after 12 brother sister mating generations. Furthermore, no significant differences were obtained between observed and expected (under the inbreeding model) karyotypic frequencies. Thus, these results seemed to indicate that the main evolutionary factor in the experiment was inbreeding. However, in the G12 generation, complete chromosomal fixation was reached only in two out of the eight final inbred lines. In these lines, the chromosomal compositions were difficult to interpret, but they could be likely a consequence of adaptation to particular laboratory conditions (constant 18 °C, food, light period, etc.). Finally, in a second experiment, the inbred lines presented higher fertility at 18 °C than at 13 °C. Also, there was a significant line effect on fertility: inbred line number 6 (A1, J1, U1+2; U1+2+6, E8, and O3+4+7) presented the highest values, which maybe the result of an adaptation to laboratory conditions. Thus, the results obtained in our experiments reflect the adaptive potential of D. subobscura inversions.
Current technology trends in medical device industry calls for fabrication of massive arrays of microfeatures such as microchannels on to nonsilicon material substrates with high accuracy, superior precision, and high throughput. Microchannels are typical features used in medical devices for medication dosing into the human body, analyzing DNA arrays or cell cultures. In this study, the capabilities of machining systems for micro-end milling have been evaluated by conducting experiments, regression modeling, and response surface methodology. In machining experiments by using micromilling, arrays of microchannels are fabricated on aluminium and titanium plates, and the feature size and accuracy (width and depth) and surface roughness are measured. Multicriteria decision making for material and process parameters selection for desired accuracy is investigated by using particle swarm optimization (PSO) method, which is an evolutionary computation method inspired by genetic algorithms (GA). Appropriate regression models are utilized within the PSO and optimum selection of micromilling parameters; microchannel feature accuracy and surface roughness are performed. An analysis for optimal micromachining parameters in decision variable space is also conducted. This study demonstrates the advantages of evolutionary computing algorithms in micromilling decision making and process optimization investigations and can be expanded to other applications
Un dels objectius plantejats pel Comissionat per a la Participació, Ocupabilitat i Emprenedoria Social de la Universitat de Barcelona és desenvolupar, conjuntament amb els centres i les facultats, estratègies i accions encaminades a millorar l’ocupabilitat i la inserció laboral i professional d’estudiants i egressats. A més, l’ equip deganal de la Facultat de Farmàcia té com a una de les seves prioritats implementar accions per a la Millora de les competències professionals dels estudiants del Grau de Farmàcia.
Un dels objectius plantejats pel Comissionat per a la Participació, Ocupabilitat i Emprenedoria Social de la Universitat de Barcelona és desenvolupar, conjuntament amb els centres i les facultats, estratègies i accions encaminades a millorar l’ocupabilitat i la inserció laboral i professional d’estudiants i egressats. A més, l’ equip deganal de la Facultat de Farmàcia té com a una de les seves prioritats implementar accions per a la Millora de les competències professionals dels estudiants del Grau de Farmàcia.
Un dels objectius plantejats pel Comissionat per a la Participació, Ocupabilitat i Emprenedoria Social de la Universitat de Barcelona és desenvolupar, conjuntament amb els centres i les facultats, estratègies i accions encaminades a millorar l’ocupabilitat i la inserció laboral i professional d’estudiants i egressats. A més, l’ equip deganal de la Facultat de Farmàcia té com a una de les seves prioritats implementar accions per a la Millora de les competències professionals dels estudiants del Grau de Farmàcia.
Recently, it has been shown that the speed of virus infections can be explained by time-delayed reactiondiffusion [J. Fort and V. Me´ndez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 178101 (2002)], but no analytical solutions were found. Here we derive formulas for the front speed, valid in appropriate limits. We also integrate numerically the evolution equations of the system. There is good agreement with both numerical and experimental speeds
The speed of traveling fronts for a two-dimensional model of a delayed reactiondispersal process is derived analytically and from simulations of molecular dynamics. We show that the one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) versions of a given kernel do not yield always the same speed. It is also shown that the speeds of time-delayed fronts may be higher than those predicted by the corresponding non-delayed models. This result is shown for systems with peaked dispersal kernels which lead to ballistic transport
Digital learner portfolios are of growing importance in higher education as the sector seeks new teaching-learning-assessment methods which promote students" autonomy as managers of their own virtual learning environment. The purpose of this study was to analyse descriptively the undergraduate students" perceptions, attitudes and behaviour when using an eportfolio to support their learning and assessment in practice based courses at two traditional Spanish universities. The participants were 88 students, who were studying through a blended learning mode. Data were collected through questionnaires: a computer experience survey, another which examined the psychological, pedagogical and technological dimensions of eportfolios use. Further, an individual overall reflection was obtained from each student to help gain an understanding of their experiences of using the eportfolio. A mixed-method analysis was applied in order to study the impact of this technological innovation on students and their satisfaction. The results showed that the students had positive opinions and self-efficiency through the eportfolio as a tool to manage their learning and assessment during a semester, especially from the second month of use. However, the expected impact on their learning was not so significant. Nevertheless, the students emphasised that the eportfolio was valuable as a personal developmental learning tool.
Des dels inicis dels ordinadors com a màquines programables, l’home ha intentat dotar-los de certa intel•ligència per tal de pensar o raonar el més semblant possible als humans. Un d’aquests intents ha sigut fer que la màquina sigui capaç de pensar de tal manera que estudiï jugades i guanyi partides d’escacs. En l’actualitat amb els actuals sistemes multi tasca, orientat a objectes i accés a memòria i gràcies al potent hardware del que disposem, comptem amb una gran varietat de programes que es dediquen a jugar a escacs. Però no hi ha només programes petits, hi ha fins i tot màquines senceres dedicades a calcular i estudiar jugades per tal de guanyar als millors jugadors del món. L’objectiu del meu treball és dur a terme un estudi i implementació d’un d’aquests programes, per això es divideix en dues parts. La part teòrica o de l’estudi, consta d’un estudi dels sistemes d’intel•ligència artificial que es dediquen a jugar a escacs, estudi i cerca d’una funció d’avaluació vàlida i estudi dels algorismes de cerca. La part pràctica del treball es basa en la implementació d’un sistema intel•ligent capaç de jugar a escacs amb certa lògica. Aquesta implementació es porta a terme amb l’ajuda de les llibreries SDL, utilitzant l’algorisme minimax amb poda alfa-beta i codi c++. Com a conclusió del projecte m’agradaria remarcar que l’estudi realitzat m’ha deixat veure que crear un joc d’escacs no era tan fàcil com jo pensava però m’ha aportat la satisfacció d’aplicar tot el que he après durant la carrera i de descobrir moltes altres coses noves.