154 resultados para Yañez y Girona, Agustín
The behaviour of 21 natural springs in a granític massif is studied in this survey. Geomorphological features of the zone are described as well as water circulation and rising 25 parametres of each of them are analysed ans conclusions are withdrawn regarding geological conditions of rising, course, chemism and potability
From several small stratigraphic sections, we have reconstituted the Liassic interval of the Girona Province (NE Spain). We have been able to identify paleontologically the Carixian (Jamesoni, Ibex, and perhaps, Davoei zones), the Lower Domerian (Stockesi zone), and the Middle Toarcian (possibily Variabilis zone, as well as Thouarsense and Insigne zones). The Lower Toarcian (Serpentinus zone) is represented by fossil remains no ‘in situ’. The lowest Toarcián (Tenuicos-tatum zone) as well as the Middle and Upper Domerian (Margaritatus and Spinatum zones respectively, are probably represented by stratigraphic gaps
The area known as 'prats de Sant Sebastià' is in Caldes de Malavella. It is part of the wetlands located in the south-eastern end of the Selva Basin. Several areas with unusually high conductivity (EC up to 24,500 uS/cm) have been identified in this place. This fact allows highly specialised and comparatively rare botanical species to grow in this area. These saline soils follow a north-south line-up. The geophysical data, obtained with a field conductivemeter (EM 31), show that this superficial line-up continues in the subsoil. In addition to this, the conductivity cartography, made for an electromagnetic exploration depth of 6 meters, shows that the width of the region where these salinity anomalies take place increases in depth. When included in the hidrogeological context of this sector of the Selva Basin, these data bring new elements for the study of the genesis and working of these marshy environments.The model that future research will have to confirm, maintains that the groundwater discharges coming from the underlying hydrogeothermal aquifer are a conditioning factor of the aforementioned phenomenon. This ascending flow of highly mineralised waters (TDS of about 3,500 mg/l) can produce and keep stable the soil salinity
The metodology used in the research of materials destinated to port constructions in the Costa Brava is described. This metodology follows a set of work steps. The first three allow to do a selection of the stone quarries that exist in the zone. The other steps consists in studing the materials and the characteristics of the chosen quarries and the zones closed to them, as to order them according to their utility in port constmctions. Finally, the main results obtained are explained
Several marine deposits in the southern Costa Brava shoreline have been studied. They appear at different heights above and below the present sea level. Three groups are defined in relation to their origin: conglomerate levels at the bottom of the cliffs, not-cementedemerged beaches and cemented submerged beaches. The age of the emerged beaches has been accurately determined by means of the ceramic content and radiocarbon dating. Chronological succession of the deposits and their stratigraphic and paleontological characteristics allow to define a sequence of the sea level changes during the latest stages of the versiliane transgression in the studied area
This paper makes a contribution to the knowledge of the coastal fringe morphology of the ‘Macizo de Begur’. A lithological study, macro and microscopic, has been carried out of a variety of a series of metamorphic, plutonic, phyllonianic and effusive rocks
Two unknown volcanic outcrops in the Alt Emporda (Girona) are described in this paper . We present their exact situation and a description of their occurrence and their mineralogical and petrological characteristics. Bothhave been classified as alkali-olivine basalts and they probably extruded during the Neogen period
Estudi de les estructures i característiques petrològiques de les aplites que es localitzen al litoral entre el Cap Roig i el Far de Sant Sebastià (Llafranc, Girona)
The main volcanic edifice of the Crosa de Sant Dalmai is the largest in the catalonian volcanic area. The crater is 1.300 m long and 74 m deep. At present it is protected by the "Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural" of the Generalitat de Catalunya
The general features of the mesozoic sediments of Girona province and also the detailed jurassic section are studied. In this section are identified paleontologically the Carixian, the Lower Domerian and the Midle Toarcian age
El entorno de la Depresión donde se ubica el lago de Banyoles presenta unas especiales características litológicas, morfológicas e hidrogeológicas que se traducen en unos claros ejemplos de inestabilidad gravitatoria. Esta ocasiona, en general, rápidas modificaciones de la superficie topográfica, que delimitan el uso territorial de la zona. Son relativamente frecuentes los fenómenos de inestabilidad de laderas, siempre coincidentes con episodiospluviométricos de carácter extraordinario, así como manifestaciones gravitatorias de hundimiento por colapso, ligadas a la carstificación del material yesífero infrayacente
We present in this work a couple of weapons and objects related to the military equipment of early VIII century from two sites on Girona's province: the castellum of Sant Julià de Ramis (in the municipality of the same name), and the fort of Puig Rom (in Roses). The comparation of these materials has permitted to recompose a quite complete panoply with various types of knives and daggers, shield-handles, axes, spearheads and javelinheads, tips (regatones), arrowheads, belt-buckles and some buckles and horse harness elements
The species composition and the structure of the harbour communities of Enteromorpha copmpressa, Corallina elongata and the internal communities in Blanes harbour (Girona, Spain), have been studied by means of descriptive and analytical data. All the quantitative parameters studied show a decrease of diversity in the more superficial stations of the mouth of the harbour, and also an increasing diversity and a drastic decreasing of the reproduction indices at the more polluted stations
Este trabajo de investigación pretende realizar una mirada ética “comprometida y crítica” a la realidad psicosocial de las personas que presentan inteligencia límite y trastorno de personalidad atendidas en la unidad de hospitalización especializada de salud mental para personas con discapacidad intelectual. La finalidad es ofrecer, a través del análisis de un caso clínico con problemática social, la pluralidad de situaciones que se dan desde el ámbito socio sanitario que comprometen su atención integral e integradora y que exigen una pluralidad de respuestas no sólo desde la práctica asistencial sino también desde la ética. Se realiza una descripción exhaustiva de su historia patobiográfica y se detiene en el análisis de aquellos problemas éticos más relevantes y significativos aparecidos durante estos dos años. Finaliza con una serie de conclusiones extrapolables a este perfil poblacional que deben realizar una estancia psiquiátrica de media estancia en la red especializada enumerando algunas consideraciones o recomendaciones a tener en cuenta para una atención ética
La mesura de la irradiància solar en superfície es fa mitjançant piranòmetres amb sensor termoelèctric o amb sensor de silici. Aquests darrers presenten una resposta espectral no uniforme i limitada a la banda de 400 a 1100 nm, i, a més, la seva sensibilitat depèn fortament de la temperatura. Els piranòmetres termoelèctrics, en canvi, presenten una resposta espectral uniforme en la banda solar, i un coeficient de temperatura reduït. L’objectiu de l’estudi que es presenta ha estat millorar l’acord entre les mesures d’irradiància global preses amb un piranòmetre termoelèctric CM11 de Kipp & Zonen, i diversos piranòmetres fotovoltaics o de silici Li200SA de Li-Cor. Com que la resposta angular dels sensors s’aparta en general de la resposta cosinus ideal, es proposen unes correccions a tal efecte. S’han analitzat les dades minutals corresponents a un cicle anual de mesures d’irradiància preses pels dos tipus de piranòmetres a l’estació radiomètrica de la Universitat de Girona. Les correccions proposades per la resposta angular dels instruments es basen en bibliografia prèvia, i també en simulacions realitzades amb un model espectral de transferència radiativa multicapa. La simulació ha permès obtenir correccions per compensar les diferents respostes angulars i espectrals dels dos tipus d’instruments. Per a cels serens, les correccions angulars i espectrals milloren notablement l’acord entre les mesures dels dos tipus de piranòmetres. També es proposa una correcció de l’efecte de la temperatura sobre la mesura dels piranòmetres de silici, obtinguda empíricament. Malgrat que les correccions s’han obtingut per a cels serens, han estat també aplicades a condicions de cel ennuvolat, caracteritzades objectivament mitjançant un algorisme basat en mesures d’irradiància global i difusa. Finalment s’ha comprovat que les correccions també milloren l’acord entre les mesures dels dos tipus de sensors independentment de l’extensió de la coberta de núvols