76 resultados para Wireless security


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JXME is the JXTA protocols implementation formobile devices using J2ME. Two different flavors of JXME have been implemented, each one specific for a particular set of devices, according to their capabilities. The main value of JXME is its simplicity to create peer-to-peer (P2P) applications in limited devices. In addition to assessing JXME functionalities, it is also important to realize the default security level provided. This paper presents a brief analysis of the current state of security in JXME, focusing on the JXME-Proxied version, identifies existing vulnerabilities and proposes further improvements in this field.


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Las redes móviles ad hoc son redes formadas por lainterconexión de terminales inalámbricos que de manera autónoma,sin ninguna administración central, establecen enlaces decomunicación entre ellos. La infraestructura de red la componenlos propios terminales de usuarios que actúan de gestores yencaminadores de paquetes. Así, un usuario cualquiera puedeconectarse con un terminal remoto a través de una conexiónmultisalto entre diferentes usuarios. En este tipo de redes tanabiertas, uno de los retos prioritarios es proteger el anonimatode los sujetos y sus localizaciones. En este artículo hacemos unrepaso de las técnicas existentes a través de los protocolos que sehan propuesto en la literatura, y exponemos los problemas queaun quedan abiertos.


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La radio cognitiva es una tecnología inalámbrica propuesta para usar eficientemente los recursos del espectro radioeléctrico permitiendo así reducir la carga existente en las bandas de frecuencia de uso libre.Las redes de radio cognitiva son capaces de escanear el espectro y adaptar sus parámetros para operar en las bandas no ocupadas. Para evitar interferir con usuarios con licencia que operan en un determinado canal, la sensibilidad de las redes tiene que ser muy alta. Ello se consigue con métodos de detección cooperativos. Los métodos de detección cooperativa actuales tienen una carencia de robustez ya sea frente a ataques puntuales o continuos.En este artículo presentamos un método de fusión por grupos que tiene presente el comportamiento de los usuarios a corto y largo plazo. Al realizar la fusión de los datos, el método se basa en dar mayor peso a los grupos de usuarios con mayor unanimidad en sus decisiones.Los resultados de las simulaciones prueban que en presencia de atacantes el método de fusión por grupos propuesto consigue una detección superior a otros métodos, cumpliendo los requisitos de sensibilidad mínimos de las redes de radio cognitiva incluso con un 12 de usuarios reiteradamente maliciosos o un 10 de atacantes puntuales.


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The use of open source software continues to grow on a daily basis. Today, enterprise applications contain 40% to 70% open source code and this fact has legal, development, IT security, risk management and compliance organizations focusing their attention on its use, as never before. They increasingly understand that the open source content within an application must be detected. Once uncovered, decisions regarding compliance with intellectual property licensing obligations must be made and known security vulnerabilities must be remediated. It is no longer sufficient from a risk perspective to not address both open source issues.


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Aquest projecte inclou una aproximació als conceptes de RFID i targetes contactless centrant-se en l’ampliament usat MIFARE Classic chip. L’objectiu principal es mostrar el seu funcionament i les seves vulnerabilitats, així com alguns exemples pràctics fent una anàlisi de diferents serveis que les utilitzen.


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Trabajo de final de carrera enfocado a la simulación de una WSN (Wireless Sensors Networks) mediante el programa Contiki 2.7 y el SO Ubuntu. La idea global del proyecto es conseguir simular un entorno con nodos sensores y, a posteriori, comprobar su correcto funcionamiento en motas reales, comprobando los resultados obtenidos en ambos entornos. De esta manera se puede facilitar la puesta en marcha de este tipo de redes inalámbricas en una aplicación real.


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Testbeds are a stage between the simulation and the production stages. To this end they must be as close as possible to production environments (i.e. real hardware, on the field deployments) while also keeping the traits of experimentation facilities (i.e. fault tolerance, ease of deployment, testing and data collection). This paper presents WiBed, a FOSS platform for WiFi testbeds based on OpenWRT Linux made to run oncommodity IEEE802.11 WiFi routers part of the Community-lab.net project, a global testbed for Community networks. WiBedhas been designed to support realistic low layer network exper-iments (according to the OSI model). This work recolects thedetails of the architecture, design and implementation of WiBed consolidated during its operation as a testbed. In addition to a set of routing experimentation results obtained during the Wireless Battlemesh v7 where WiBed was used as testbed platform.


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This paper presents WiBed, a FOSS platform for WiFi testbeds based on OpenWRT Linux made to run on commodity IEEE802.11 WiFi routers part of the Community-lab.net project, a global testbed for Community networks. WiBed has been designed to support realistic low layer network experiments (according to the OSI model). This work recolects the details of the architecture, design and implementation of WiBed consolidated during its operation as a testbed.


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SOSoW (SOS Over Wireless) és una aplicació Android que ajuda a ser localitzat en situacions d'emergència extremes, fent ús únicament dels propis sensors de l'smartphone i sense necessitat d'internet ("offline").


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Phase encoded nano structures such as Quick Response (QR) codes made of metallic nanoparticles are suggested to be used in security and authentication applications. We present a polarimetric optical method able to authenticate random phase encoded QR codes. The system is illuminated using polarized light and the QR code is encoded using a phase-only random mask. Using classification algorithms it is possible to validate the QR code from the examination of the polarimetric signature of the speckle pattern. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test and Support Vector Machine algorithms to authenticate the phase encoded QR codes using polarimetric signatures.


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An efficient approach for organizing large ad hoc networks is to divide the nodesinto multiple clusters and designate, for each cluster, a clusterhead which is responsible forholding intercluster control information. The role of a clusterhead entails rights and duties.On the one hand, it has a dominant position in front of the others because it manages theconnectivity and has access to other node¿s sensitive information. But on the other hand, theclusterhead role also has some associated costs. Hence, in order to prevent malicious nodesfrom taking control of the group in a fraudulent way and avoid selfish attacks from suitablenodes, the clusterhead needs to be elected in a secure way. In this paper we present a novelsolution that guarantees the clusterhead is elected in a cheat-proof manner.


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Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancy and manage themselvesto operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. The detection capability of aradio system can be enhanced if the sensing process is performed jointly by a group of nodesso that the effects of wireless fading and shadowing can be minimized. However, taking acollaborative approach poses new security threats to the system as nodes can report falsesensing data to reach a wrong decision. This paper makes a review of secure cooperativespectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. The main objective of these protocols is toprovide an accurate resolution about the availability of some spectrum channels, ensuring thecontribution from incapable users as well as malicious ones is discarded. Issues, advantagesand disadvantages of such protocols are investigated and summarized.