983 resultados para Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació
Es recullen les dades, les publicacions i les accions més rellevants que han tingut lloc durant els anys 2008 i 2009 relacionades amb les biblioteques públiques a Catalunya amb l'objectiu de veure quin és l'estat de la qüestió i fer una anàlisi que permeti detectar l'estat d'aquests equipaments, el tipus d'activitats que estan realitzant i els àmbits en el quals s'està treballant. Finalment, es fa una reflexió sobre l'estat del sector amb algunes línies de treball que caldria potenciar en el futur.
A listing of electronic resources containing ethical or deontological codes. They include references of prominent declarations, professional codes at the national and international levels, thematic guides, and links to resources about the issue, with a calendar of upcoming conferences.
The projects dealing with e-government are currently the principal factor in instigating the changes taking place within the public administration. This change, which is considered unstoppable, has important implications regarding the management and conservation of administrative documents generated by electronic transactions. This article analyses the methodological, legal and cultural challenges that come about when the archives paradigm is included within e-government projects and also the consequences that this may have on the archives themselves. In conclusion the author proposes a set of methodological solutions for identifying those electronic documents with evidential value, determining their life cycle, defining a preservation policy and creating a digital archive.
The article presents annotated selections of Eugeni d¿Ors comments concerning libraries and appearing in the newspaper, La veu de Catalunya, between 1906 and 1920. The selection from this Catalan author and politician focuses on two themes: the debate surrounding the creation of a library for scholars (1910) and the establishment of public libraries (1915).
Analysis of information on the classification and indexing of the entire run of Biblioteconomía (1944-1976), the bulletin of the School of Librarians of Barcelona. Selection criteria included items directly related to the issue at hand, such as documental languages (classifications and subject heading lists) and subject catalogues (in both alphabetic and shelf order). Although the intention was to achieve a comprehensive analysis, priority was given to the importance and value of the information selected. Only those items considered to be significant within the chosen theme were chosen.
L'Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Biblioteconomía y Documentación és una trobada que aplega els professors universitaris espanyols d'aquesta àrea de coneixement amb l'objectiu d'intercanviar experiències. En la primera edició es van prendre com a eix central de discussió els plans d'estudi de la llicenciatura. La segona trobada es va dedicar a la descripció de la situació la investigació en biblioteconomia i documentació a Espanya. L'organització d'aquests encuentros ha anat a càrrec, fins ara, de la Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Extremadura
Catalan libraries find themselves stretched to their limits due to the conflict between the traditional model of preserving and conserving knowledge and the pressures created by the constant expansion of the collection. A solution can be found in weeding the collection. This article first explains the legal and reglamentary framework in which weeding should take place, followed by a proposed planning method that suggests different criteria to be applied. A description is provided of practical aspects of organising a project and of evaluating results. The article concludes with various alternatives for final disposal of the documents to be withdrawn definitively. A selective, annotated bibliography is included.
The article shows how the library services of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) manage change and explores the current opportunities available (university, electronic information, etc.) for converting the libraries into centres that actively support training and research at the university level. After providing information about the current university scenario, the article focuses on the road taken by the UPC libraries to overcome at both a conceptual and a practical level the major challenge of the millennium: transforming the traditional university library into a centre with resources for supporting academic teaching and research.
The European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area are currently two key objectives for university learning, teaching and research in all European universities. University libraries must meet the challenges by offering the best library services to the academic community. In drafting the second strategic plan, Rebiun (Network of University Libraries) gathered comments and suggestions from professionals in Spanish university libraries. This article presents the reflections and suggestions contributed by the author regarding the support services that university libraries could offer for university research.
This article attempts to gather together the work published in the United States and Puerto Rico by Spanish Civil War exiles of Catalan, Valencia and Balearic origin. Included are books, serials, sheet music, sound recordings and domestic movie videos, which have appeared in US territory from 1936 through 2004. The objective of the bibliography is to provide both an overview and a starting point for recovering the intellectual effort carried out by these exiles because this first inventory must still be completed with the addition of journal articles, contributions to monographs, and conference proceedings. There have also been exiles for whom books, music or videos have not been found, but for whom a certain level of intellectual activity is known or suspected. Such potential work would include articles and other contributions to journals in the US or cultural and membership activities of Catalan communities in that country. Without being able to offer definitive conclusions, it appears that exile in North America was a solitary experience, and never as a cohesive group or with the ties of mutual interests as was the case in Mexico or even in France. There were neither readers nor publishers to facilitate publication and to serve for creating group cohesiveness.
El recent auge de les revistes científiques electròniques va tenir els seus inicis quan les biblioteques van començar a tenir accés a la World Wide Web (WWW) a mitjan dels noranta. El canvi del paper al suport digital ha afectat l'alineament i el paper tradicionals dels principals implicats, bàsicament autors, editors, universitats i biblioteques. L'autora ofereix una breu anàlisi de la història de la revista científica, seguida de l'evolució de les revistes electròniques durant les dues darreres dècades. L'article se centra aleshores en les implicacions que aquestes han tingut en els processos i serveis tradicionals de la biblioteca, com ara selecció, adquisicions, catalogació, emmagatzematge, preservació i serveis a l'usuari. A la conclusió, l'autora especula sobre l'efecte que l'edició en el web pot tenir a llarg termini sobre el format que la revista científica ha presentat des de fa més de 300 anys.
The article describes blogs and content syndication as tools for disseminating information in libraries and other information centres, as well as in educational and research environments. The authors begin by defining each of these tools, followed by a review of their history and a discussion of how they have been used. Finally, possible applications are suggested for library environments and research spaces, while offering considerations about what activities the library community might carry out in order to convert these tools into an effective means of communication
Information and communication technologies enabled cultural and scientific patrimony -and information in general- to be presented in digital format, as well as in traditional analogical formats. The response was immediate and since the decade of the 1990s different projects have been designed to guarantee permanent access to the digital production -retrieval, storage, handling, preservation and dissemination. This article presents an international overview of existing models of national digital repositories, a name given to these projects that are normally generated by national libraries with a common objective: ensuring that web pages are always accessible.