71 resultados para Teoría causal
This article highlights the contributions of the dialogic learning approach to educational theory, with the aim of providing some orientations in order to promote egalitarian and scientific educational practice. The seven principles of dialogic learning are discussed, along with other reproductionist theories and practices from the educational field, demonstrating how the former both surpass the latter. The article also reflects open dialogue with the critical theories of education which the dialogic learning theory is based on. These basic theories are, on the one hand, by authors who are distant in time but very close in their educational approach, such as Ferrer i Guàrdia, Vygotsky, or Paulo Freire, and, on the other hand, by other contemporary authors in critical pedagogy. Each of the seven principles presented are provided along with a critical examination of a specific educational practice. The consequences of the implementation of dialogic learning are underlined here through an analysis of innovative and critical educational projects which are academically successful
Desde sus inicios, la comunicación fue un espacio de investigación diver - so, complejo, atravesado por múltiples influencias (sociológicas, políticas, económicas y semióticas). En ese contexto, la teoría de los campos (apun- talada por Pierre Bourdieu) brindó las posibilidades de estructuración y de autonomía, como mecanismo de reducir esa diversidad. Sin embargo, en estos años la heteronomía del campo, ha conducido a la comunicación 804 La investigación en Comunicación ante una encrucijada: ... - Víctor Silva Echeto, Jordi de San Eugenio Vela (como en el caso del arte u otras disciplinas) a influenciarse por contextos globales, inter y transdisciplinarios e intermediales (o transmediales), por tanto, no son los medios su objeto de investigación en sí mismos, sino una diversidad gnoseológica. En el artículo, se pone en discusión estos aspec- tos teóricos, contrastándolos con un estudio comparado –inicial– sobre la investigación en comunicación en España, Brasil y Chile, tres de los países con un mayor desarrollo en los últimos años.
Resumen discurso de ingreso
Hacia una teoría general de la seguridad marítima. Discurso de ingreso Dr. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea
La comunicación pretende ser una aproximación holística a la Seguridad Marítima, enel sentido aristotélico del término: “el todo es mayor que la suma de sus partes». Elholismo es el tratamiento de un tema de tal forma que se consideren todos suscomponentes, incluyendo sus relaciones invisibles pero igualmente evidentes oexistentes. El elemento central del discurso es el tratamiento del riesgo: partiendo que elriesgo, en cualquier actividad humana nunca es 0, la seguridad se reduce a una opciónentre riesgos. Cuando hablamos de riesgo, debemos abordarlo desde una tripledimensión: el análisis del riesgo, la evaluación del riesgo y de manera principal lagestión del riesgo. La seguridad siempre es una opción de riesgo.
The study of the communicative implications related to landscapes opens a wide range of possibilities concerning the treatment of the communication and landscape relationship. Issues such as the effects of the landscape on the processes of human communication (intrapersonal and interpersonal communication), the follow-up of the communicative processes by means of which the landscape becomes an object of trade (mass communication), the construction of individual and collective imaginaries arising from the citizenship and landscape exchange and, recently, the construction of territorial identities through the production of a brand image of a city or country (i. e., tourist promotion, city marketing and branding). All of them have important implications in the contemporary societies. For that reason, it appears almost essential to progress towards a communicative landscape model, a target which becomes possible if we interrelate geography and communication studies, two fields apparently unrelated one another concerning their origins and practice, although they are very close if we look at the recent evolution of their paradigms and the approach to certain concepts, such as space and landscape.
Estudi del coneixement i de l’amor de si mateix com a aspectes subjacents de la personalitat amb la finalitat de desenvolupar, posteriorment, una teoria tomista de la personalitat. No obstant, aquest treball es limita a exposar la relació existent entre coneixement, amor, personalitat i felicitat.
El present estudi té com a finalitat estudiar què és el reposicionament i quins són els factors que l’envolten. Pretén establir quines són les principals causes que condueixen a reposicionar una marca, així com també analitzar si el reposicionament és equivalent que quan va sorgir, o si pel contrari ha evolucionat, i com ho ha fet. Amb aquest estudi intentarem esbrinar com es reposicionen les marques en l’actualitat.
This paper uses the possibilities provided by the regression-based inequality decomposition (Fields, 2003) to explore the contribution of different explanatory factors to international inequality in CO2 emissions per capita. In contrast to previous emissions inequality decompositions, which were based on identity relationships (Duro and Padilla, 2006), this methodology does not impose any a priori specific relationship. Thus, it allows an assessment of the contribution to inequality of different relevant variables. In short, the paper appraises the relative contributions of affluence, sectoral composition, demographic factors and climate. The analysis is applied to selected years of the period 1993–2007. The results show the important (though decreasing) share of the contribution of demographic factors, as well as a significant contribution of affluence and sectoral composition.
The need to decode landscape meanings, the society- landscape interaction (intra- and inter-personal communication) and, more recently, the uses of landscape as a territorial sight linked to advertising communication, citymarketing or place branding (mass communication) highlights the study of landscape persuasion, which includes clear emotional, symbolic and, therefore, communicative aspects. The landscape, as a territory image or face, gathers the essence of the implicit message in the space, thus working as a great metaphor for city communication. Regarding the foregoing, specific communication research with intangible landscapes —together with the recent emergence of emotional geographies— suggests a new territorial message theory based on the union of geographical, landscape, emotional and communicational variables. Landscape has historically been studied by geographers, architects, historians or sociologists, among others researchers, but it has not been analysed from communicational viewpoints. In this sense, the proliferation of analyses highlighting the role played by the territory as a communication mediator in the interaction process between society and its spaces (cognition and/or perception) is also remarkable. Current sales of territorial identities lead to increases in the production of territory brands, which have gathered a noticeable relevance within the last years.
This work considers communicative intention as the basis for rhe analysis of rhe communicative phenomenon in natural contexts. It also aims to reconcile the traditions that analyse human communication today. The convergence with the referential-ecological approach (Boada and Forns, 1989; 1997) has dealt with a number of important problems that the classic referential approach was unable to address. Its system of categories includes new variables, in addition to the classic referential variables. The cornmunicative intention is taken into account, albeit implicitly. Using a conciliatory approach, the study aims to study the intentional dimension in greater depth. The speech act theory (Searle, 1969; 1975) is used to categorize the cornrnunicative exchanges arnong a sarnple of 28 individuals and presents a certain complirnentariety with data from other traditions
El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una puesta al día sobre las relaciones entre el desarrollo del lenguaje y el desarrollo de la Teoría de la Mente. Entre las hipótesis propuestas para conceptualizar dichas relaciones, realizamos un examen más exhaustivo de aquellos modelos que apoyan una implicación directa entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente. En este contexto, en primer lugar subrayamos la necesidad de ampliar dicha noción para incluir habilidades anteriores y posteriores a la comprensión de la falsa creencia. En segundo lugar, examinamos las diferentes hipótesis acerca de los aspectos del lenguaje más vinculados al desarrollo sociocognitivo, y las principales evidencias empíricas que las sustentan. Finalmente, discutimos un modelo de causalidad recíproca donde los vínculos entre lenguaje y Teoría de la Mente variarán según el momento del desarrollo considerado