115 resultados para Structural Transformations


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We report on measurements of the adiabatic temperature change in the inverse magnetocaloric Ni50Mn34In16 alloy. It is shown that this alloy heats up with the application of a magnetic field around the Curie point due to the conventional magnetocaloric effect. In contrast, the inverse magnetocaloric effect associated with the martensitic transition results in the unusual decrease of temperature by adiabatic magnetization. We also provide magnetization and specific heat data which enable to compare the measured temperature changes to the values indirectly computed from thermodynamic relationships. Good agreement is obtained for the conventional effect at the second-order paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition. However, at the first-order structural transition the measured values at high fields are lower than the computed ones. Irreversible thermodynamics arguments are given to show that such a discrepancy is due to the irreversibility of the first-order martensitic transition.


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We study spacetime diffeomorphisms in the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms of generally covariant systems. We show that the gauge group for such a system is characterized by having generators which are projectable under the Legendre map. The gauge group is found to be much larger than the original group of spacetime diffeomorphisms, since its generators must depend on the lapse function and shift vector of the spacetime metric in a given coordinate patch. Our results are generalizations of earlier results by Salisbury and Sundermeyer. They arise in a natural way from using the requirement of equivalence between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of the system, and they are new in that the symmetries are realized on the full set of phase space variables. The generators are displayed explicitly and are applied to the relativistic string and to general relativity.


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An experimental study of the acoustic emission generated during a martensitic transformation is presented. A statistical analysis of the amplitude and lifetime of a large number of signals has revealed power-law behavior for both magnitudes. The exponents of these distributions have been evaluated and, through independent measurements of the statistical lifetime to amplitude dependence, we have checked the scaling relation between the exponents. Our results are discussed in terms of current ideas on avalanche dynamics.


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The possibility of local elastic instabilities is considered in a first¿order structural phase transition, typically a thermoelastic martensitic transformation, with associated interfacial and volumic strain energy. They appear, for instance, as the result of shape change accommodation by simultaneous growth of different crystallographic variants. The treatment is phenomenological and deals with growth in both thermoelastic equilibrium and in nonequilibrium conditions produced by the elastic instability. Scaling of the transformed fraction curves against temperature is predicted only in the case of purely thermoelastic growth. The role of the transformation latent heat on the relaxation kinetics is also considered, and it is shown that it tends to increase the characteristic relaxation times as adiabatic conditions are approached, by keeping the system closer to a constant temperature. The analysis also reveals that the energy dissipated in the relaxation process has a double origin: release of elastic energy Wi and entropy production Si. The latter is shown to depend on both temperature rate and thermal conduction in the system.


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We discuss the relation between spacetime diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations in theories of the YangMills type coupled with Einsteins general relativity. We show that local symmetries of the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms of these generally covariant gauge systems are equivalent when gauge transformations are required to induce transformations which are projectable under the Legendre map. Although pure YangMills gauge transformations are projectable by themselves, diffeomorphisms are not. Instead, the projectable symmetry group arises from infinitesimal diffeomorphism-inducing transformations which must depend on the lapse function and shift vector of the spacetime metric plus associated gauge transformations. Our results are generalizations of earlier results by ourselves and by Salisbury and Sundermeyer. 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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New results on the theory of constrained systems are applied to characterize the generators of Noethers symmetry transformations. As a byproduct, an algorithm to construct gauge transformations in Hamiltonian formalism is derived. This is illustrated with two relevant examples.


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The relationship between the Poincar and Galilei groups allows us to write the Poincar wave equations for arbitrary spin as a Fourier transform of the Galilean ones. The relation between the Lagrangian formulation for both cases is also studied.


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We generalize the analogous of Lee Hwa Chungs theorem to the case of presymplectic manifolds. As an application, we study the canonical transformations of a canonical system (M, S, O). The role of Dirac brackets as a test of canonicity is clarified.


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We develop a theory of canonical transformations for presymplectic systems, reducing this concept to that of canonical transformations for regular coisotropic canonical systems. In this way we can also link these with the usual canonical transformations for the symplectic reduced phase space. Furthermore, the concept of a generating function arises in a natural way as well as that of gauge group.


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The interconnected porosity of the Cr3C2-NiCr coatings obtained by high-velocity oxy fuel spraying is detrimental in corrosion and wear resistance applications. Laser treatments allow sealing of their surfaces through melting and resolidification of a thin superficial layer. A Nd:YAG laser beam was used to irradiate Cr3C2-NiCr coatings either in the continuous wave mode or at different repetition rates in the pulsed one. Results indicated that high peak and low mean laser irradiances are not good, since samples presented deep grooves and an extensive crack network. At low peak and higher mean laser irradiances the surface was molten, and only a few shallow cracks were observed. The interconnected porosity was completely eliminated in a layer up to 80 m thick, formed by large Cr7C3 grains imbedded in a NiCr matrix.


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The influence of radio frequency (rf) power and pressure on deposition rate and structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films, prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of silane, have been studied by phase modulated ellipsometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It has been found two pressure regions separated by a threshold value around 20 Pa where the deposition rate increases suddenly. This behavior is more marked as rf power rises and reflects the transition between two rf discharges regimes. The best quality films have been obtained at low pressure and at low rf power but with deposition rates below 0.2 nm/s. In the high pressure region, the enhancement of deposition rate as rf power increases first gives rise to a reduction of film density and an increase of content of hydrogen bonded in polyhydride form because of plasma polymerization reactions. Further rise of rf power leads to a decrease of polyhydride bonding and the material density remains unchanged, thus allowing the growth of a-Si:H films at deposition rates above 1 nm/s without any important detriment of material quality. This overcoming of deposition rate limitation has been ascribed to the beneficial effects of ion bombardment on the a-Si:H growing surface by enhancing the surface mobility of adsorbed reactive species and by eliminating hydrogen bonded in polyhydride configurations.


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The synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles with monodispere size distributions, their self assembly into ordered arrays and their magnetic behavior as a function of structural order (ferrofluids and 2D assemblies) are presented. Magnetic colloids of monodispersed, passivated, cobalt nanocrystals were produced by the rapid pyrolysis of cobalt carbonyl in solution. The size, size distribution (std. dev.< 5%) and the shape of the nanocrystals were controlled by varying the surfactant, its concentration, the reaction rate and the reaction temperature. The Co particles are defect-free single crystals with a complex cubic structure related to the beta phase of manganese (epsilon-Co). In the 2D assembly, a collective behavior was observed in the low-field susceptibility measurements where the magnetization of the zero field cooled process increases steadily and the magnetization of the field cooling process is independent the temperature. This was different from the observed behavior in a sample comprised of disordered interacting particles. A strong paramagnetic contribution appears at very low temperatures where the magnetization increases drastically after field cooling the sample. This has been attributed to the Co surfactant-particle interface since no magnetic atomic impurities are present in these samples.


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Collective dynamic properties in Lennard-Jones crystals are investigated by molecular dynamics simulation. The study is focused on properties such as the dynamic structure factors, the longitudinal and transverse currents and the density of states. The influence on these properties of the structural disorder is analyzed by comparing the results for one-component crystals with those for liquids and supercooled liquids at analogous conditions. The effects of species-disorder on the collective properties of binary crystals are also discussed.


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We propose a microscopic model without energy barriers in order to explain some generic features observed in structural glasses. The statics can be exactly solved while the dynamics has been clarified using Monte Carlo calculations. Although the model has no thermodynamic transition, it captures some of the essential features of real glasses, i.e., extremely slow relaxation, time dependent hysteresis effects, anomalous increase of the relaxation time, and aging. This suggests that the effect of entropy barriers can be an important ingredient to account for the behavior observed in real glasses.