72 resultados para Scientific apparatus and instruments


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La transmisión de conocimiento científico constituye una de las necesidades de traducción más importantes; es preciso realizar un estudio sobre la traducción del inglés médico. Este trabajo presenta una traducción inédita de fragmentos de Essentials of Breast Surgery y un análisis de esta jerga mediante un glosario y problemas de traducción.


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BACKGROUND: Anecdotal reports suggests that most clinicians treat medications as belonging to a class with regard to all therapeutic indications; this means that the whole 'class' of drugs is considered to possesses a specific therapeutic action. The present article explores the possible existence of a true 'class effect' for agents available for the treatment of bipolar disorder. METHODS: We reviewed the available treatment data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and explored 16 'agent class'/'treatment issue' cases for bipolar disorder. Four classes of agents were examined: first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs), second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), antiepileptics and antidepressants, with respect to their efficacy on four treatment issues of bipolar disorder (BD) (acute mania, acute bipolar depression, maintenance against mania, maintenance against depression). RESULTS: From the 16 'agent class'/' treatment issue' cases, only 3 possible class effects were detected, and they all concerned acute mania and antipsychotics. Four effect cases have not been adequately studied (FGAs against acute bipolar depression and in maintenance protection from depression, and antidepressants against acute mania and protection from mania) and they all concern treatment cases with a high risk of switching to the opposite pole, thus research in these areas is poor. There is no 'class effect' at all concerning antiepileptics. CONCLUSIONS: The available data suggest that a 'class effect' is the exception rather than the rule in the treatment of BD. However, the possible presence of a 'class effect' concept discourages clinicians from continued scientific training and reading. Focused educational intervention might be necessary to change this attitude.


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Antibiotics have a well-documented efficacy in the treatment of established infections and as prophylactic agents in medically compromised patients. However, the systematic administration of antibiotics to prevent local infections in fit patients is much more controversial. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the justification for prophylactic usage of antibiotics to prevent wound infection and to reason out the most appropriate antibiotic guidelines taking into account available scientific data and studies by other authors. Numerous clinical trials question the efficacy of antibiotics in preventing wound infection. While some studies establish that antibiotics reduce the incidence of postoperative infections, others compare their efficacy to that of placebo. Thus, scientific literature suggests that every oral surgical intervention is not tributary of systematic antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent local infections. Intrinsic surgical risk factors and the patient"s individual circumstances must be taken into account. Even though the efficacy of other antibiotics cannot be ruled out due to our limited comprehension of the bacteriologic interrelations intervening in the pathogenesis of postextraction local infection, the amoxicillin-clavulanic acid combination theoretically covers the complete odontogenic bacterial spectrum in Spain. When the prophylactic use of antibiotics is indicated, this should be performed preoperatively, at high doses, and its extent should not exceed 24 hours. Special attention should be paid to antiinfectious local measures that can minimize infection risk during the wound"s healing period


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Amb aquesta recerca es pretén donar veu a un tipus d‘investigació científica articulada a partir de les excursions científiques i que actualment està quasi en desús. Els integrants del GEiEG que es dedicaven a l'arqueologia havien de compaginar aquesta afició amb la professió i la majoria no havien estat formats en història, sinó que la seva era una formació autodidacta. Diversos personatges relacionats amb el món cultural gironí dels anys 30 foren qui van posar en marxa la investigació arqueològica. Amb aquest treball es vol recuperar un episodi de la història de l‘arqueologia gironina, molt poc investigat i quasi oblidat i directament vinculat amb el context històric i social de la Segona República. Concretament hem investigat la formació de la Secció d‘Arqueologia del GEiEG, com es va anar creant, qui la formava, com van anar dotant-la de bibliografia bàsica sobre arqueologia, el local que tenien, la seva col•lecció, les seves publicacions. Hem volgut veure què va passar amb el fons arqueològic, si les col•leccions que formaven el fons foren entregades intactes, si hi havien altres col•leccions privades dins aquest fons. Volíem saber si totes les peces provenien del GEiEG o d‘altres fonts. També volíem saber si els altres socis tenien col•leccions privades. Per una altra banda també volíem estudiar i investigar la creació de la col•lecció de peces arqueològiques anteriors a la formació del grup, així com veure qui eren les persones interessades en l‘arqueologia. I finalment volíem conèixer els usos del fons des de la seva donació fins els nostres dies. Alhora ens ha permès veure com des de les comarques s‘intentaven realitzar troballes al marge de Barcelona i com es van localitzar important jaciments de Girona i els seus voltants a partir de les excursions científiques i les sortides del GEiEG


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Durante los cursos 2005/06 y 2006/07 se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre la incorporación de un centro virtual de recursos educativos como herramienta para la formación en TIC de estudiantes de magisterio de las universidades Rovira i Virgili y la de Lleida en el marco de la asignatura troncal Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación. Además de analizar la incidencia del centro virtual en la formación profesional de los estudiantes en el uso de TIC, el estudio tenía como objetivo comparar –entre los alumnos de ambos cursos y ambas universidades– el impacto de la asignatura en su percepción acerca de su capacitación y dominio de las TIC. En la primera parte del artículo se detallan los principales objetivos e instrumentos de nuestra investigación, en la segunda se describen y ejemplifican las características y funciones de la herramienta. Por último, se plantean los principales resultados y conclusiones de nuestra investigación.


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The organization, assembly and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton provide force and tracks for a variety of (endo)membrane-associated events such as membrane trafficking. This review illustrates in different cellular models how actin and many of its numerous binding and regulatory proteins (actin and co-workers) participate in the structural organization of the Golgi apparatus and in traf- ficking-associated processes such as sorting, biogenesis and motion of Golgi-derived transport carriers.


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Recent studies conducted in Europe using communicative methodology highlight that different ways of grouping students has a direct effect on their academic output. This article analyzes how said research methodology identifies and analyzes those student groupings that provide greater academic success and improve classroom coexistence at Spanish educational centers. Said methodology entails all of the research participants researchers, teachers, families, and students reflecting on the consequences of streaming, mixture, and inclusion for student academic achievement. Following this, our conclusions are compared with the policies and educational practices implemented in Spanish schools, which are not based on scientific knowledge and do not usually lead to academic success. Finally, recommendations are presented for future educational policies with the aim of providing an alternative for teachers and educational managers that would substantially improve student academic success.


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The increasing presence of and claim for dialogue in today"s society has already had an impact on the theory and practice of learning. Whereas in the past individual and cognitive elements were seen as crucial to learning, since about two decades ago, scientific literature indicates that culture, interaction and dialogue are the key factors. In addition, the research project of highest scientific rank and with most resources dedicated to the study of school education in the Framework Program of the European Union: INCLUD-ED shows that the practices of successful schools around Europe are in line with the dialogic approach to learning. This article presents the dialogic turn in educational psychology, consisting of moving from symbolic conceptions of mind and internalist perspectives that focus on mental schemata of previous knowledge, to theories that see intersubjectivity and communication as the primary factors in learning. The paper deepens on the second approach.


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El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una investigación sobre el desarrollo del Programa Cooperar para Aprender /Aprender a Cooperar a través de un proceso de formación-asesoramiento, diseñado por el Grup de recerca Atenció a la diversitat (GRAD) de la Universidad de Vic. Presentamos los objetivos, centrados en el aprendizaje cooperativo y la inclusión del alumnado que encuentra más barreras para el aprendizaje y la participación en las aulas ordinarias. Describimos el diseño de investigación y los instrumentos para identificar los cambios en las representaciones del profesorado, la evaluación de los aprendizajes realizados con estructuras cooperativas, la cohesión del grupo clase y la evolución de los procesos de inclusión desde las fases de introducción hasta la consolidación del aprendizaje cooperativo, en los seis centros escolares en que se realiza la investigación. Finalizamos presentando algunos resultados iniciales de la investigación.


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En el marco del modelo social de la discapacidad cobran importancia la autodeterminación y autogestión de las personas con discapacidad intelectual, replanteando la relación de poder entre profesionales y usuarios. Por ello, la transformación de las prácticas socioeducativas en la construcción y logro de proyectos de vida personalizados constituye un reto para los servicios dirigidos a personas adultas con discapacidad. El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar, a partir de la revisión de literatura y el análisis de buenas prácticas, algunos elementos clave que facilitan esta transformación. En primerlugar, se presentan las líneas principales de la nueva conceptualización de las personas con discapacidad intelectual como protagonistas de sus proyectos de vida. Seguidamente, y después de contextualizar brevemente el escenario formado por los servicios de adultos en España, se presentan algunas estrategias e instrumentos básicos para la transformación de las prácticas educativas. En las conclusiones se incide en los retos que estas claves plantean en nuestro contexto


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Irrigation has traditionally constituted one of the most characteristic and emblematic agricultural mosaics of the Mediterranean as a key factor of socio-economic dynamism of the territorial matrix. In recent years there has been an important scientific, intellectual and social environment mobilization around water uses and, in particular, around the main socio-economic use of resource: irrigation, which is undergoing an intense and accelerated transformation process. Thus, in parallel with the decline of traditional irrigation systems, located in areas with natural availability of water, fertile soil and appropriate topographic conditions, the socio-economic changes in the last decade have stimulated the appearance of new irrigated areas with environmental, social and economic disparate characteristics. As a result, the irrigation management model has been conditioned to respond to the new parameters of water scarcity and resource efficiency. In addition, policies and actors have evolved over time as a consequence of disparate priorities –and often conflicting– in terms of irrigation, making necessary the gear of different discourses. In this context, the Model of social commitment of irrigation proposed by the Institutional and Social Innovations in Irrigation Mediterranean Management (ISIIMM) can become a starting example


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In a very short time, the Internet has become an enormous source of information for teachers and students alike, in various scientific fields and at different levels of education. However, not all of this information is as reliable as one would wish and it is not always presented in the right way, nor is the content suitably structured for our purposes. Teachers need easily accessible criteria for selecting, analysing and evaluating web pages for their students, while bearing in mind the level and the material they are working with. In this article, we present the fundamental steps towards the analysis and subsequent evaluation of web pages of interest in the teaching of the Earth Sciences at different levels of education: Primary Education, Obligatory Secondary Education and “Bachillerato” (Pre-University Education)