111 resultados para Potential fluctuations
The heat fluctuation probability distribution function in Brownian transducers operating between two heat reservoirs is studied. We find, both analytically and numerically, that the recently proposed fluctuation theorem for heat exchange [C. Jarzynski and D. K. Wojcik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 230602 (2004)] has to be applied carefully when the coupling mechanism between both baths is considered. We also conjecture how to extend such a relation when an external work is present.
We make an experimental characterization of the effect that static disorder has on the shape of a normal Saffman-Taylor finger. We find that static noise induces a small amplitude and long wavelength instability on the sides of the finger. Fluctuations on the finger sides have a dominant wavelength, indicating that the system acts as a selective amplifier of static noise. The dominant wavelength does not seem to be very sensitive to the intensity of static noise present in the system. On the other hand, at a given flow rate, rms fluctuations of the finger width, decrease with decreasing intensity of static noise. This might explain why the sides of the fingers are flat for typical Saffman-Taylor experiments. Comparison with previous numerical studies of the effect that temporal noise has on the Saffman-Taylor finger, leads to conclude that the effect of temporal noise and static noise are similar. The behavior of fluctuations of the finger width found in our experiments, is qualitatively similar to one recently reported, in the sense that, the magnitude of the width fluctuations decays as a power law of the capillary number, at low flow rates, and increases with capillary number for larger flow rates.
We derive nonlinear diffusion equations and equations containing corrections due to fluctuations for a coarse-grained concentration field. To deal with diffusion coefficients with an explicit dependence on the concentration values, we generalize the Van Kampen method of expansion of the master equation to field variables. We apply these results to the derivation of equations of phase-separation dynamics and interfacial growth instabilities.
Starting from a recent model of the η′N interaction, we evaluate the η ′-nucleus optical potential, including the contribution of lowest order in density, tρ/2mη′, together with the second-order terms accounting for η′ absorption by two nucleons. We also calculate the formation cross section of the η′bound states from (π, p) reactions on nuclei. The η′-nucleus potential suffers from uncertainties tied to the poorly known η′N interaction, which can be partially constrained by the experimental modulus of the η′N scattering length and/or the recently measured transparency ratios in η′nuclear photoproduction. Assuming an attractive interaction and taking the claimed experimental value |aη′N|= 0.1 fm, we obtain an η′optical potential in nuclear matter at saturation density of Vη′=−(8.7 + 1.8i) MeV, not attractive enough to produce η′bound states in light nuclei. Larger values of the scattering length give rise to deeper optical potentials, with moderate enough imaginary parts. For a value |aη′N|= 0.3 fm, which can still be considered to lie within the uncertainties of the experimental constraints, the spectra of light and medium nuclei show clear structures associated to η′-nuclear bound states and to threshold enhancements in the unbound region.
Using the experimental values of the chemical potentials of liquid 4He and of a 3He impurity in liquid 4He, we derive a model-independent lower (upper) bound to the kinetic (potential) energy per particle at zero temperature. The values of the bounds at the experimental saturation density are 13.42 K for the kinetic energy and -20.59 K for the potential energy. All the theoretical calculations based on the Lennard-Jones potential violate the upper-bound condition for the potential energy.
Albert Lewin, a well-known Hollywood cinema director who is significantly influenced by the surrealistic movement, brings together the myth f Pandora and the legend of the flying Dutchman in order to create an exemplary love story, a crazy love story which goes beyond the limits of human reason. Bearing in mind, then, that if one wants to believe in this sort of love story must not be guided by human reason stricto sensu, he builds a world of signs, a semiologic world which this article aims at helping to interpret.
A semiclassical cosmological model is considered which consists of a closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker spacetime in the presence of a cosmological constant, which mimics the effect of an inflaton field, and a massless, non-conformally coupled quantum scalar field. We show that the back-reaction of the quantum field, which consists basically of a nonlocal term due to gravitational particle creation and a noise term induced by the quantum fluctuations of the field, are able to drive the cosmological scale factor over the barrier of the classical potential so that if the universe starts near a zero scale factor (initial singularity), it can make the transition to an exponentially expanding de Sitter phase. We compute the probability of this transition and it turns out to be comparable with the probability that the universe tunnels from ``nothing'' into an inflationary stage in quantum cosmology. This suggests that in the presence of matter fields the back-reaction on the spacetime should not be neglected in quantum cosmology.
The semiclassical Einstein-Langevin equations which describe the dynamics of stochastic perturbations of the metric induced by quantum stress-energy fluctuations of matter fields in a given state are considered on the background of the ground state of semiclassical gravity, namely, Minkowski spacetime and a scalar field in its vacuum state. The relevant equations are explicitly derived for massless and massive fields arbitrarily coupled to the curvature. In doing so, some semiclassical results, such as the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor to linear order in the metric perturbations and particle creation effects, are obtained. We then solve the equations and compute the two-point correlation functions for the linearized Einstein tensor and for the metric perturbations. In the conformal field case, explicit results are obtained. These results hint that gravitational fluctuations in stochastic semiclassical gravity have a non-perturbative behavior in some characteristic correlation lengths.
With the aid of the Landau-Lifshitz theory for thermodynamic fluctuations we estimate and comment on the fluctuations in the rates of mass, angular momentum, and other relevant quantities of massive Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes.
We develop a covariant quantum theory of fluctuations on vacuum domain walls and strings. The fluctuations are described by a scalar field defined on the classical world sheet of the defects. We consider the following cases: straight strings and planar walls in flat space, true vacuum bubbles nucleating in false vacuum, and strings and walls nucleating during inflation. The quantum state for the perturbations is constructed so that it respects the original symmetries of the classical solution. In particular, for the case of vacuum bubbles and nucleating strings and walls, the geometry of the world sheet is that of a lower-dimensional de Sitter space, and the problem reduces to the quantization of a scalar field of tachyonic mass in de Sitter space. In all cases, the root-mean-squared fluctuation is evaluated in detail, and the physical implications are briefly discussed.
We propose a criterion for the validity of semiclassical gravity (SCG) which is based on the stability of the solutions of SCG with respect to quantum metric fluctuations. We pay special attention to the two-point quantum correlation functions for the metric perturbations, which contain both intrinsic and induced fluctuations. These fluctuations can be described by the Einstein-Langevin equation obtained in the framework of stochastic gravity. Specifically, the Einstein-Langevin equation yields stochastic correlation functions for the metric perturbations which agree, to leading order in the large N limit, with the quantum correlation functions of the theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields. The homogeneous solutions of the Einstein-Langevin equation are equivalent to the solutions of the perturbed semiclassical equation, which describe the evolution of the expectation value of the quantum metric perturbations. The information on the intrinsic fluctuations, which are connected to the initial fluctuations of the metric perturbations, can also be retrieved entirely from the homogeneous solutions. However, the induced metric fluctuations proportional to the noise kernel can only be obtained from the Einstein-Langevin equation (the inhomogeneous term). These equations exhibit runaway solutions with exponential instabilities. A detailed discussion about different methods to deal with these instabilities is given. We illustrate our criterion by showing explicitly that flat space is stable and a description based on SCG is a valid approximation in that case.
Temperature and velocity correlation functions in a fluid subjected to conditions creating both a temperature and a velocity gradient are computed up to second order in the gradients. Temperature and velocity fluctuations are coupled due to convection and viscous heating. When the viscosity goes to infinity one gets the temperature correlation function for a solid under a temperature gradient, which contains a long-ranged contribution, quadratic in the temperature gradient. The velocity correlation function also exhibits long-range behavior. In a particular case its equilibrium term is diagonal whereas the nonequilibrium correction contains nondiagonal terms.
Computer simulations of a colloidal particle suspended in a fluid confined by rigid walls show that, at long times, the velocity correlation function decays with a negative algebraic tail. The exponent depends on the confining geometry, rather than the spatial dimensionality. We can account for the tail by using a simple mode-coupling theory which exploits the fact that the sound wave generated by a moving particle becomes diffusive.