84 resultados para Popular literature.
In Spain a significant number of individuals die from atherosclerotic disease of the coronary and carotid arteries without having classic risk factors and prodromal symptoms. The diagonal ear lobe crease (DELC) has been characterized in the medical literature as a surrogate marker which can identify high risk patients having occult atherosclerosis. This topic however has not been examined in either the medical or dental literature emanating from Spain. The majority of clinical, angiography and postmortem reports support the premise that DELC is a valuable extravascular physical sign able to distinguish some patients at risk of succumbing to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. A minority of studies have however failed to support this hypothesis. More recently reports using B mode ultrasound have also linked DELC to atherosclerosis of the carotid artery and another report has related DELC to the presence of calcified carotid artery atheromas on panoramic radiographs. DELC is readily visible during head and neck cancer screening examinations. In conjunction with the patient"s medical history, vital signs, and panoramic radiograph, the DELC may assist in atherosclerotic risk assessment
Fragile X-syndrome is caused by a mutation in chromosome X. It is one of the most frequent causes of learning disability. The most frequent manifestations of fragile X-syndrome are learning disability, different orofacial morphological alterations and an increase in testicle size. The disease is associated with cardiac malformations, joint hyperextension and behavioural alterations. We present two male patients aged 17 and 10 years, treated in our Service due to severe gingivitis. Both showed the typical facial and dental characteristics of the syndrome. In addition, we detected the presence of root anomalies such as taurodontism and root bifurcation, which had not been associated with fragile X-syndrome in the literature. In some cases these root malformations have been associated with other sex-linked congenital syndromes, though in none of the studies published in the literature have they been related with fragile X-syndrome. This syndrome is relevant due to its high prevalence, the presentation of certain oral and facial characteristics that can facilitate the diagnosis, and the few cases published to date
Translations into Catalan of English and American authors during the final quarter of the nineteenth century are few and far between. Numerically, English-language literature most likely ranks fifth or sixth among all the translations of this period. We take inventory here of translations found in Catalan magazines from this time (the oldest dates from 1868) and in published series that came out at this time (if these continued until later, we trace them up to their final year). At the same time, the translators are examined, including reference, where available, as to whether the translations are direct or indirect. Finally, we consider some possible causes for the low English-language volume in Catalan translation during the period.
The most common types of orofacial pain originate at the dental or periodontal level or in the musculoskeletal structures. However, the patient may present pain in this region even though the source is located elsewhere in the body. One possible source of heterotopic pain is of cardiac origin. Objectives: Report two cases of orofacial pain of cardiac origin and review the clinical cases described in the literature. Study Design: Description of clinical cases and review of clinical cases. Results and conclusions: Nine cases of atypical pain of cardiac origin are recorded, which include 5 females and 4 males. In craniofacial structures, pain of cardiac origin is usually bilateral. At the craniofacial level, the most frequent location described is in the throat and jaw. Pain of cardiac origin is considered atypical due to its location, although roughly 10% of the cases of cardiac ischemia manifest primarily in craniofacial structures. Finally, the differential diagnosis of pain of odontogenic origin must be taken into account with pain of non-odontogenic origin (muscle, psychogenic, neuronal, cardiac, sinus and neurovascular pain) in order to avoid diagnostic errors in the dental practice as well as unnecessary treatments.
During the last decades the advance in knowledge of myofascial pain has been constant in the medical and dental community. However, although several aspects have been clarified in relation to its epidemiology, clinical characteristics and etiopathogenesis, many uncertainties remain. Many clinical conditions are included in the differential diagnosis of myofascial pain associated to trigger points. A good anamnesis and clinical exploration is thus required in order to ensure correct diagnosis and treatment. Among the numerous treatments used in application to trigger points, the spray-and-stretch technique and direct injection targeted to such trigger points have been found to be the most effective options. In chronic cases, psychosocial intervention is required, due to the high incidence of mood disorders and/or anxiety observed in these patients, who in turn present a poorer prognosis. This underscores the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.
Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant, considered the treatment of choice for different types of chronic pain, including chronic myofascial pain. Its antinociceptive property is independent of its antidepressant effect. Although its analgesic mechanism is not precisely known, it is believed that the serotonin reuptake inhibition in the central nervous system plays a fundamental role in pain control. Although this medication is widely used in the prevention of chronic tension-type headache, few studies have investigated the efficacy of this treatment and the published results are contradictory. The objective of this article was to review the literature published on the use of amitriptyline in the prophylactic treatment of chronic tension-type headache, considering the level of scientific evidence of the different studies using the SORT criteria. From this review, 5 articles of evidence level 1, and another 5 articles of evidence level 2 were selected. Following analysis of the 10 studies, and in function of their scientific quality, a level A recommendation was made in favor of using amitriptyline in the treatment of chronic tension-type headache.
Many therapies have been proposed for the management of temporomandibular disorders, including the use of different drugs. However, lack of knowledge about the mechanisms behind the pain associated with this pathology, and the fact that the studies carried out so far use highly disparate patient selection criteria, mean that results on the effectiveness of the different medications are inconclusive. This study makes a systematic review of the literature published on the use of tricyclic antidepressants for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders, using the SORT criteria (Strength of recommendation taxonomy) to consider the level of scientific evidence of the different studies. Following analysis of the articles, and in function of their scientific quality, a type B recommendation is given in favor of the use of tricyclic antidepressants for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders.
Objective: The objective of this study was to collect data on the prevalence of smokers among Catalonian dentists (by age and sex) and compare them with existing data on the general population, doctors, registered nurses and pharmacists. The overall prevalence of smokers in Catalonia (2006) was 34.5% of men and 24.3% of women. Data available on the prevalence of smoking among doctors (26.3% men and 22.1% women), pharmacists (19.8% men and 20.6% women) and registered nurses (34.1% men and 35.3% women) relates to the year 2002. Study design: In September 2006, Catalonian dentists (n=3,799) were asked about their habits in relation to tobacco in a self-administered questionnaire, on use and opinions with respect to dental amalgam. Five hundred and seventynine questionnaires were received, of which 538 answered the question on smoking (14.2% of the sample universe). Results: The prevalence of smokers among dentists is lower (24.9% of men and 18.4% of women) than in the general population and other healthcare professionals. In dentists in the age group between 25 and 34 years, the prevalence was 26.1% in men and 14.9% in women, while the prevalence in this age group in the general population was 43.6% and 37.1%, respectively. Conclusion: Catalonian dentists have a much lower prevalence of tobacco use than the general population and lower even than other healthcare professionals. Given that non-smoking healthcare professionals have better awareness for providing recommendations for smoking prevention and cessation, Catalonian dentists may be a valid group for performing this task for which there is scientific evidence.
Inverted ductal papilloma of the oral cavity is an infrequent benign neoplasm of papillary appearance that originates in the secretory duct of a salivary gland. The etiology is unknown, though some authors have related it to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with a tumor of the lower lip mucosa. Histopathological study of the lesion diagnosed inverted ductal papilloma of the oral cavity. Human papillomavirus DNA detection and typing based on tumor lesion DNA amplification and posterior hybridization, revealed no presence of viral DNA. The antecedents of trauma reported by the patient could have played an important role in the development of this tumor
En uno de los capítulos de Los Simpson, la pequeña Lisa compra, emocionada, la última versión de Stacy Malibú (el equivalente a nuestra Barbie). La novedad consiste en que después de 50 años de existencia, la muñeca habla. Pero para consternación de Lisa, el repertorio de frases es de lo más indignante: "Me encantaría que en la escuela enseñaran a ir de compras", "¡Vamos a hornear unas galletas para los chicos!" o "No me preguntes: sólo soy una chica (risita vacua)". Obviamente, la comprometida y concienciada Lisa no puede quedarse de brazos cruzados y pide a su madre que la lleve a la fábrica de Stacy Malibú para presentar sus quejas. La conversación entre ambas es enormemente reveladora: aunque Marge apoya a su hija e insiste en que siempre defienda sus ideas, considera que quizás está yendo más allá de lo razonable en su denuncia de que toda una generación de niñas se comportará como Stacy Malibú y la tomará como modelo y, finalmente, concluye en tono conciliador: "Yo tuve una Stacy Malibú de pequeña y no me ha pasado nada.¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". La respuesta de Lisa no deja lugar a dudas; poniendo en funcionamiento a la muñeca y situándola frente a su madre, oímos a Stacy diciendo: "¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". Huelgan los comentarios.
En uno de los capítulos de Los Simpson, la pequeña Lisa compra, emocionada, la última versión de Stacy Malibú (el equivalente a nuestra Barbie). La novedad consiste en que después de 50 años de existencia, la muñeca habla. Pero para consternación de Lisa, el repertorio de frases es de lo más indignante: "Me encantaría que en la escuela enseñaran a ir de compras", "¡Vamos a hornear unas galletas para los chicos!" o "No me preguntes: sólo soy una chica (risita vacua)". Obviamente, la comprometida y concienciada Lisa no puede quedarse de brazos cruzados y pide a su madre que la lleve a la fábrica de Stacy Malibú para presentar sus quejas. La conversación entre ambas es enormemente reveladora: aunque Marge apoya a su hija e insiste en que siempre defienda sus ideas, considera que quizás está yendo más allá de lo razonable en su denuncia de que toda una generación de niñas se comportará como Stacy Malibú y la tomará como modelo y, finalmente, concluye en tono conciliador: "Yo tuve una Stacy Malibú de pequeña y no me ha pasado nada.¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". La respuesta de Lisa no deja lugar a dudas; poniendo en funcionamiento a la muñeca y situándola frente a su madre, oímos a Stacy diciendo: "¡Vamos a olvidarnos de estos problemas con un gran bol de helado de fresa!". Huelgan los comentarios.
This paper gives a full description of the phonetics and phonology of Traditional Cockney and Popular London speech, treating these varieties as constituting a continuum rather than two separate dialects. Exemplification of the vowels, diphthongs and consonants is provided, both in isolate words and in connected speech, along with their range of variation. The frequencies of the vowels have been charted on the basis of the pronunciation of three elderly male speakers. Regarding the consonants, there are detailed observations on the features typically associated with the linguistic varieties examined: strong aspiration of unvoiced plosives, glottalization, H-dropping, L-vocalization and TH-fronting. A section on prosody provides coverage of lexical stress, rhythm and intonation. The paper takes into account up-to-date research on these phenomena, but does not deal with the most recent vowel shifts, some of which form part of Multi-cultural London English.
«Comiat de Vic» forma part del recull de cançons populars que Jacint Verdaguer va enviar al seu amic i erudit mallorquí Marià Aguiló. La lletra de la cançó traça un itinerari a través de la ciutat que va fent menció dels edificis religiosos que es troben durant el trajecte. L’emoció acumulada i el dolor de la partença indiquen que probablement es tracta del comiat definitiu d’un condemnat a mort.
Study techniques in out of school secondary education in the province of Girona. It is important to provide students with different ways to study so they can find the most appropriate method for them. Our research focuses on the study techniques used in secondary education by those students attending classes out of school time. In order to conduct this research, we have developed a general questionnaire after reviewing the existing literature on the topic. Some of the results obtained with this study are the following: adolescents attach great importance to learn study techniques, being summaries, diagrams and underlining the most well-known strategies for them, and mind maps and teamwork the least popular ones; they prefer dynamic teaching and learning methodologies, such as making interactive discussions; tutoring is the most valued element. Based on the results obtained with the study, we have developed some proposals to facilitate the work of the teacher when teaching study techniques and helping students to improve their academic performance