82 resultados para Monumentos-Zaragoza
This paper investigates the determinants of job satisfaction of university graduates in Spain. We base our analysis on Locke"s discrepancy theory [Locke (1969)] and decompose subjective evaluation of job characteristics into surplus and deficit levels. We also study the importance of overeducation and over-skilling on job satisfaction. We use REFLEX data, a survey of university graduates. We conclude that job satisfaction is mostly determined by the subjective evaluation of intrinsic job characteristics, with an asymmetric impact of surpluses and deficits. Over-skilling is much more important than over-education in explaining the job satisfaction of university graduates, although the latter is also significant.
A finales del siglo V, la población hispanorromana contempló con disgusto el incremento de la presencia visigoda en tierras de la Tarraconense. Entre finales del siglo V e inicios del VI, dos individuos ―Burdunelo y Pedro― se alzaron con el poder de manera ilegal y acaudillaron revueltas contra el dominio visigodo. La fuente que nos informa de estos hechos, la Pseudo Chronica Caesaraugustana, es un texto altamente problemático: interpretado durante mucho tiempo como los restos de la historiola escrita por el obispo Máximo de Zaragoza (c. 599-614/620), en realidad se trata solo de unas anotaciones realizadas al margen de crónicas anteriores. Las vicisitudes de la transmisión manuscrita han provocado, además, el desplazamiento de algunas de estas anotaciones de su posición original, con lo que nos proporcionan dataciones erróneas. En este trabajo estudiamos las noticias relativas a las rebeliones de Burdunelo y de Pedro, realizamos una nueva propuesta de cronología, analizamos sus orígenes sociales y examinamos el alcance que pudieron tener estas sublevaciones en el contexto de un inminente enfrentamiento entre visigodos y francos.
Les conclusions que de l’estudi epigràfic se'n poden treure són coincidents amb les que ens aporten les dades de les excavacions arqueològiques. En primer lloc, podem comprovar una utilització de l’àrea com a espai funerari des de l’inici de la colònia de Barcino, amb una continuïtat i, a vegades, superposició de tombes, que arriba fins a ben entrat el segle III dC. Lògicament, la fase que se'ns mostra més potent és la més recent, que arrenca de les darreries del segle II dC per entrar en el III. Tret dels testimonis inicials, que ens fan conèixer fins i tot magistrats de la ciutat, el gruix dels documents correspon a monuments funeraris de les classes menys privilegiades, lliberts i esclaus que, de vegades, ens manifesten una entranyable vessant humana d’afectuoses relacions, en què sovintegen els diminutius. A vegades, l’estatus dels personatges és obertament declarat; en d’altres el deduïm dels termes de parentiu amb una onomàstica que acostuma a ser també ben transparent.
Las enseñanzas sobre fiscalidad ambiental. Un estado de la cuestión y algunas experiencias concretas
La fiscalidad ambiental constituye en la actualidad un elemento importante de las reformas tributarias en un número elevado de países modificando, aunque en distinto grado, las condiciones de eficiencia y equidad de los sistemas fiscales. Desde un punto de vista docente, la enseñanza de la fiscalidad ambiental ofrece amplias posibilidades al tratarse de un tema que engarza con la hacienda pública desde diversas perspectivas: fallos de mercado, bienes públicos globales, teoría de la imposición y federalismo fiscal. En este artículo se presentan dos experiencias docentes que abordan la fiscalidad ambiental en sendas asignaturas de libre elección realizadas en las Universidades de Barcelona y Zaragoza, poniendo el énfasis en aquellos aspectos metodológicos más novedosos y tratando su posible adaptación al marco de los ECTS.
La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.
La Genomics Policy Unit de la Universidad de Glamorgan y la Escuela de Ciencias de los Cuidados de la misma Universidad, siguiendo las directrices marcadas por el Sistema Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido en su Libro Blanco sobre Genética, tomaron la iniciativa de realizar un análisis de las implicaciones que los nuevos conocimientos sobre el genoma humano pueden tener en la práctica de la Enfermería. Fruto de este trabajo es la publicación de las guías en las que se establece el marco de competencias, conocimientos y habilidades que los profesionales enfermeros necesitan para integrar dichos conocimientos de la Genética en la práctica diaria, de manera que ello repercuta en beneficio de los pacientes y sus familias. En este articulo se presenta un avance de esos trabajos.
La relaxació és una eina inclusiva dins l’escola que ajuda a treballar la competència emocional. La investigació parteix de l’ús de diferents tècniques de relaxació per poder ajudar, a l’alumnat d’educació infantil, a adquirir un grapat de coneixements per regular les seves emocions i l’estrès. L’estudi té com a objectiu la pràctica de diferents tècniques i jocs en una aula de P4 amb alumnes que presenten Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista. Les dades recollides i analitzades fan possible afirmar que la relaxació dóna beneficis tant a nivell personal com social i permet el treball de les emocions.
The transcriptional corepressor SMRT controls neuronal responsiveness of several transcription factors and can regulate neuroprotective and neurogenic pathways. SMRT is a multi-domain protein that complexes with HDAC3 as well as being capable of interactions with HDACs 1, 4, 5 and 7. We previously showed that in rat cortical neurons, nuclear localisation of SMRT requires histone deacetylase activity: Inhibition of class I/II HDACs by treatment with trichostatin A (TSA) causes redistribution of SMRT to the cytoplasm, and potentiates the activation of SMRT-repressed nuclear receptors. Here we have sought to identify the HDAC(s) and region(s) of SMRT responsible for anchoring it in the nucleus under normal circumstances and for mediating nuclear export following HDAC inhibition. We show that in rat cortical neurons SMRT export can be triggered by treatment with the class I-preferring HDAC inhibitor valproate and the HDAC2/3-selective inhibitor apicidin, and by HDAC3 knockdown, implicating HDAC3 activity as being required to maintain SMRT in the nucleus. HDAC3 interaction with SMRT's deacetylation activation domain (DAD) is known to be important for activation of HDAC3 deacetylase function. Consistent with a role for HDAC3 activity in promoting SMRT nuclear localization, we found that inactivation of SMRT's DAD by deletion or point mutation triggered partial redistribution of SMRT to the cytoplasm. We also investigated whether other regions of SMRT were involved in mediating nuclear export following HDAC inhibition. TSA- and valproate-induced SMRT export was strongly impaired by deletion of its repression domain-4 (RD4). Furthermore, over-expression of a region of SMRT containing the RD4 region suppressed TSA-induced export of full-length SMRT. Collectively these data support a model whereby SMRT's RD4 region can recruit factors capable of mediating nuclear export of SMRT, but whose function and/or recruitment is suppressed by HDAC3 activity. Furthermore, they underline the fact that HDAC inhibitors can cause reorganization and redistribution of corepressor complexes.
The Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDAC)4 and HDAC5 play a role in neuronal survival and behavioral adaptation in the CNS. Phosphorylation at 2/3 N-terminal sites promote their nuclear export. We investigated whether non-canonical signaling routes to Class IIa HDAC export exist because of their association with the co-repressor Silencing Mediator Of Retinoic And Thyroid Hormone Receptors (SMRT). We found that, while HDAC5 and HDAC4 mutants lacking their N-terminal phosphorylation sites (HDAC4(MUT), HDAC5(MUT)) are constitutively nuclear, co-expression with SMRT renders them exportable by signals that trigger SMRT export, such as synaptic activity, HDAC inhibition, and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) signaling. We found that SMRT's repression domain 3 (RD3) is critical for co-shuttling of HDAC5(MUT), consistent with the role for this domain in Class IIa HDAC association. In the context of BDNF signaling, we found that HDAC5(WT), which was more cytoplasmic than HDAC5(MUT), accumulated in the nucleus after BDNF treatment. However, co-expression of SMRT blocked BDNF-induced HDAC5(WT) import in a RD3-dependent manner. In effect, SMRT-mediated HDAC5(WT) export was opposing the BDNF-induced HDAC5 nuclear accumulation observed in SMRT's absence. Thus, SMRT's presence may render Class IIa HDACs exportable by a wider range of signals than those which simply
AIMS: Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) expression is dysregulated in vascular proliferative disorders and its overexpression attenuates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and neointimal lesion development after balloon angioplasty. We sought to gain insight into the mechanisms that control Mfn2 expression in VSMCs. METHODS AND RESULTS: We cloned and characterized 2 kb of the 5'-flanking region of the human Mfn2 gene. Its TATA-less promoter contains a CpG island. In keeping with this, 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends revealed six transcriptional start sites (TSSs), of which TSS2 and TSS5 were the most frequently used. The strong CpG island was found to be non-methylated under conditions characterized by large differences in Mfn2 gene expression. The proximal Mfn2 promoter contains six putative Sp1 motifs. Sp1 binds to the Mfn2 promoter and its overexpression activates the Mfn2 promoter in VSMCs. Chemical inhibition of Sp1 reduced Mfn2 expression, and Sp1 silencing reduced transcriptional activity of the Mfn2 promoter. In keeping with this view, Sp1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels were down-regulated in the aorta early after an atherogenic diet in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice or in VSMCs cultured in the presence of low serum. CONCLUSION: Sp1 is a key factor in maintaining basal Mfn2 transcription in VSMCs. Given the anti-proliferative actions of Mfn2, Sp1-induced Mfn2 transcription may represent a mechanism for prevention of VSMC proliferation and neointimal lesion and development.
Transcriptional coactivators and corepressors often have multiple targets and can have opposing actions on transcription and downstream physiological events. The coactivator peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator (PGC)-1α is under-expressed in Huntington's disease and is a regulator of antioxidant defenses and mitochondrial biogenesis. We show that in primary cortical neurons, expression of PGC-1α strongly promotes resistance to excitotoxic and oxidative stress in a cell autonomous manner, whereas knockdown increases sensitivity. In contrast, the transcriptional corepressor silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT) specifically antagonizes PGC-1α-mediated antioxidant effects. The antagonistic balance between PGC-1α and SMRT is upset in favor of PGC-1α by synaptic activity. Synaptic activity triggers nuclear export of SMRT reliant on multiple regions of the protein. Concommitantly, synaptic activity post-translationally enhances the transactivating potential of PGC-1α in a p38-dependent manner, as well as upregulating cyclic-AMP response element binding protein-dependent PGC-1α transcription. Activity-dependent targeting of PGC-1α results in enhanced gene expression mediated by the thyroid hormone receptor, a prototypical transcription factor coactivated by PGC-1α and repressed by SMRT. As a consequence of these events, SMRT is unable to antagonize PGC-1α-mediated resistance to oxidative stress in synaptically active neurons. Thus, PGC-1α and SMRT are antagonistic regulators of neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress. Further, this coactivatorcorepressor antagonism is regulated by the activity status of the cell, with implications for neuronal viability.
Calcium signals trigger the translocation of the Prz1 transcription factor from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. The process is regulated by the calciumactivated phosphatase calcineurin, which activates Prz1 thereby maintaining active transcription during calcium signalling. When calcium signalling ceases, Prz1 is inactivated by phosphorylation and exported to the cytoplasm. In budding yeast and mammalian cells, different kinases have been reported to counter calcineurin activity and regulate nuclear export. Here, we show that the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase Cmk1 is first phosphorylated and activated by the newly identified kinase CaMKK2 homologue, Ckk2, in response to Ca2+. Then, active Cmk1 binds, phosphorylates and inactivates Prz1 transcription activity whilst at the same time cmk1 expression is enhanced by Prz1 in response to Ca2+. Furthermore, Cdc25 phosphatase is also phosphorylated by Cmk1, inducing cell cycle arrest in response to an increase in Ca2+. Moreover, cmk1 deletion shows a high tolerance to chronic exposure to Ca2+, due to the lack of cell cycle inhibition and elevated Prz1 activity. This work reveals that Cmk1 kinase activated by the newly identified Ckk2 counteracts calcineurin function by negatively regulating Prz1 activity which in turn is involved in activating cmk1 gene transcription. These results are the first insights into Cmk1 and Ckk2 function in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
AIMS: Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) expression is dysregulated in vascular proliferative disorders and its overexpression attenuates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and neointimal lesion development after balloon angioplasty. We sought to gain insight into the mechanisms that control Mfn2 expression in VSMCs. METHODS AND RESULTS: We cloned and characterized 2 kb of the 5'-flanking region of the human Mfn2 gene. Its TATA-less promoter contains a CpG island. In keeping with this, 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends revealed six transcriptional start sites (TSSs), of which TSS2 and TSS5 were the most frequently used. The strong CpG island was found to be non-methylated under conditions characterized by large differences in Mfn2 gene expression. The proximal Mfn2 promoter contains six putative Sp1 motifs. Sp1 binds to the Mfn2 promoter and its overexpression activates the Mfn2 promoter in VSMCs. Chemical inhibition of Sp1 reduced Mfn2 expression, and Sp1 silencing reduced transcriptional activity of the Mfn2 promoter. In keeping with this view, Sp1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels were down-regulated in the aorta early after an atherogenic diet in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice or in VSMCs cultured in the presence of low serum. CONCLUSION: Sp1 is a key factor in maintaining basal Mfn2 transcription in VSMCs. Given the anti-proliferative actions of Mfn2, Sp1-induced Mfn2 transcription may represent a mechanism for prevention of VSMC proliferation and neointimal lesion and development.
En el presente documento proponemos un ejercicio tutorial y una práctica docente que permita al estudiante a asimilar y entender mejor el concepto de exceso de gravamen o pérdida irrecuperable de eficiencia asociada a la imposición. Para ello planteamos, en primer lugar, un modelo de elección individual entre ocio y trabajo/consumo. Centrándonos en el individuo representativo, estudiamos su elección de horas de trabajo en ausencia de impuestos. A continuación, introducimos un impuesto proporcional sobre la renta del trabajo y, alternativamente, un impuesto de suma fija capaz de generar una recaudación igual. Verificamos que el impuesto proporcional siempre deja al individuo con un nivel de bienestar inferior respecto al escenario del impuesto de suma fija, es decir, que el impuesto proporcional genera una pérdida irrecuperable de eficiencia. Aunque la resolución manual del problema es factible, proponemos utilizar la herramienta Solver de Excel. Esto nos permite jugar de manera más ágil con los valores de los diferentes parámetros y verificar que hay pérdida de eficiencia independientemente de que el individuo decida trabajar más o menos horas en respuesta a la introducción del impuesto sobre la renta del trabajo
En aquest projecte s’avalua la gestió municipal de les principals fonts naturals del Parc Natural de Collserola. S’estudien 28 fonts analitzant-se l’estat actual de les fonts i la qualitat de l’aigua dels darrers anys. Només dos dels nou ajuntaments realitzen analítiques periòdics analitzant paràmetres microbiològics i fisicoquímics així com analítiques completes cada 5 anys. La qualitat de l’aigua en el 78% de les fonts es considera com a “no apta per al consum humà” segons la normativa (RD 140/2003) i només el 35% de les fonts naturals està en bon estat. Així doncs, s’han proposat diferents propostes per tal de millorar l’estat de les fonts i la qualitat de l’aigua per a que en un futur pròxim tant les fonts naturals com el seu entorn estiguin en un estat de conservació òptim.