70 resultados para MPIX (Electronic computer system).


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The alignment between competences, teaching-learning methodologies and assessment is a key element of the European Higher Education Area. This paper presents the efforts carried out by six Telematics, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Education teachers towards achieving this alignment in their subjects. In a joint work with pedagogues, a set of recommended actions were identified. A selection of these actions were applied and evaluated in the six subjects. The cross-analysis of the results indicate that the actions allow students to better understand the methodologies and assessment planned for the subjects, facilitate (self-) regulation and increase students’ involvement in the subjects.


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The computer code system PENELOPE (version 2008) performs Monte Carlo simulation of coupledelectron-photon transport in arbitrary materials for a wide energy range, from a few hundred eV toabout 1 GeV. Photon transport is simulated by means of the standard, detailed simulation scheme.Electron and positron histories are generated on the basis of a mixed procedure, which combinesdetailed simulation of hard events with condensed simulation of soft interactions. A geometry packagecalled PENGEOM permits the generation of random electron-photon showers in material systemsconsisting of homogeneous bodies limited by quadric surfaces, i.e., planes, spheres, cylinders, etc. Thisreport is intended not only to serve as a manual of the PENELOPE code system, but also to provide theuser with the necessary information to understand the details of the Monte Carlo algorithm.


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El departament d’electrònica i telecomunicacions de la Universitat de Vic ha dissenyat un conjunt de plaques entrenadores amb finalitat educativa. Perquè els alumnes puguin utilitzar aquestes plaques com a eina d’estudi, és necessari disposar d’un sistema de gravació econòmic i còmode. La major part dels programadors, en aquest cas, no compleixen amb aquests requeriments. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és dissenyar un sistema de programació que utilitzi la comunicació sèrie i que no requereixi d'un hardware ni software específics. D’aquesta manera, obtenim una placa autònoma i un programador gratuït, de muntatge ràpid i simple d’utilitzar. El sistema de gravació dissenyat s’ha dividit en tres blocs. Per una banda, un programa que anomenem “programador” encarregat de transferir codi de programa des de l’ordinador al microcontrolador de la placa entrenadora. Per altra banda, un programa anomenat “bootloader”, situat al microcontrolador, permet rebre aquest codi de programa i emmagatzemar-lo a les direccions de memòria de programa corresponents. Com a tercer bloc, s’implementa un protocol de comunicació i un sistema de control d’errors per tal d’assegurar una correcta comunicació entre el “programador” i el “bootloader”. Els objectius d’aquest projecte s’han complert i per les proves realitzades, el sistema de programació ha funcionat correctament.


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Poder mesurar i enregistrar diferents tipus de magnituds com pressió, força, temperatura etc. s’ha convertit en una necessitat per moltes aplicacions actuals. Aquestes magnituds poden tenir procedències molt diverses, tals com l’entorn, o poden ser generades per sistemes mecànics, elèctrics, etc. Per tal de poder adquirir aquestes magnituds, s’utilitzen els sistemes d’adquisició de dades. Aquests sistemes, prenen mostres analògiques del món real, i les transformen en dades digitals que poden ser manipulades per un sistema electrònic. Pràcticament qualsevol magnitud es pot mesurar utilitzant el sensor adient. Una magnitud molt utilitzada en sistemes d’adquisició de dades, és la temperatura. Els sistemes d’adquisició de temperatures estan molt generalitzats, i podem trobar-los com a sistemes, on l’objectiu és mostrar les dades adquirides, o podem trobar-los formant part de sistemes de control, aportant uns inputs necessaris per el seu correcte funcionament, garantir-ne l’estabilitat, seguretat etc. Aquest projecte, promogut per l’empresa Elausa, s’encarregarà d’adquirir, el senyal d’entrada de 2 Termoparells. Aquests mesuraran temperatures de circuits electrònics, que es trobaran dintre la càmera climàtica de Elausa, sotmesos a diferents condicions de temperatura, per tal de rebre l’homologació del circuit. El sistema haurà de poder mostrar les dades adquirides en temps real, i emmagatzemar-les en un PC que estarà ubicat en una oficina, situada a uns 30 m de distància de la sala on es farà el test. El sistema constarà d’un circuit electrònic que adquirirà, i condicionarà el senyal de sortida dels termoparells, per adaptar-lo a la tensió d’entrada d’un convertidor analògic digital, del microcontrolador integrat en aquesta placa. Seguidament aquesta informació, s’enviarà a través d’un mòdul transmissor de radiofreqüència, cap al PC on es visualitzaran les dades adquirides. Els objectius plantejats són els següents: - Dissenyar el circuit electrònic d’adquisició i condicionament del senyal. - Dissenyar, fabricar i muntar el circuit imprès de la placa d’adquisició. - Realitzar el programa de control del microcontrolador. - Realitzar el programa per presentar i desar les dades en un PC. - El sistema ha d’adquirir 2 temperatures, a través de Termoparells amb un rang d’entrada de -40ºC a +240ºC - S’ha de transmetre les dades via R.F. Els resultats del projecte han estat satisfactoris i s’han complert els objectius plantejats.


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This paper presents a case study that explores the advantages that can be derived from the use of a design support system during the design of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). With this objective in mind a simplified but plausible WWTP design case study has been generated with KBDS, a computer-based support system that maintains a historical record of the design process. The study shows how, by employing such a historical record, it is possible to: (1) rank different design proposals responding to a design problem; (2) study the influence of changing the weight of the arguments used in the selection of the most adequate proposal; (3) take advantage of keywords to assist the designer in the search of specific items within the historical records; (4) evaluate automatically thecompliance of alternative design proposals with respect to the design objectives; (5) verify the validity of previous decisions after the modification of the current constraints or specifications; (6) re-use the design records when upgrading an existing WWTP or when designing similar facilities; (7) generate documentation of the decision making process; and (8) associate a variety of documents as annotations to any component in the design history. The paper also shows one possible future role of design support systems as they outgrow their current reactive role as repositories of historical information and start to proactively support the generation of new knowledge during the design process


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The relief of the seafloor is an important source of data for many scientists. In this paper we present an optical system to deal with underwater 3D reconstruction. This system is formed by three cameras that take images synchronously in a constant frame rate scheme. We use the images taken by these cameras to compute dense 3D reconstructions. We use Bundle Adjustment to estimate the motion ofthe trinocular rig. Given the path followed by the system, we get a dense map of the observed scene by registering the different dense local reconstructions in a unique and bigger one


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Rapid growth in the availability and use of digital documents has prompted the development of instruments to handle them. A most important example of these instruments are digital identifiers, which provide a codification system that allows digital items, usually up to the level of a computer file, to be singled out and located. Digital identifiers make up standardized global systems applied to specific products or areas. They are part of the very many identifiers developed to handle large numbers of items and large amounts of information for transactional purposes, which often have a global span. Digital identifiers include the ubiquitous Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), a code that unequivocally identifies trade items all around the world. The GTIN can take on several configurations depending on its application. These include: EAN-13, EAN-8, EAN-14, and UCC-12. EAN-13 is the code used for retail products in order to facilitate trade at the point of sale; its widely known symbol or graphical form is the EAN/UPC-13 bar code...


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The ground state structure of few-electron concentric double quantum rings is investigated within the local spin density approximation. Signatures of inter-ring coupling in the addition energy spectrum are identified and discussed. We show that the electronic configurations in these structures can be greatly modulated by the inter-ring distance: At short and long distances the low-lying electron states localize in the inner and outer rings, respectively, and the energy structure is essentially that of an isolated single quantum ring. However, at intermediate distances the electron states localized in the inner and the outer ring become quasidegenerate and a rather entangled, strongly-correlated system is formed.


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We consider the effects of external, multiplicative white noise on the relaxation time of a general representation of a bistable system from the points of view provided by two, quite different, theoretical approaches: the classical Stratonovich decoupling of correlations and the new method due to Jung and Risken. Experimental results, obtained from a bistable electronic circuit, are compared to the theoretical predictions. We show that the phenomenon of critical slowing down appears as a function of the noise parameters, thereby providing a correct characterization of a noise-induced transition.


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One-dimensional arrays of nonlinear electronic circuits are shown to support propagation of pulses when operating in a locally bistable regime, provided the circuits are under the influence of a global noise. These external random fluctuations are applied to the parameter that controls the transition between bistable and monostable dynamics in the individual circuits. As a result, propagating fronts become destabilized in the presence of noise, and the system self-organizes to allow the transmission of pulses. The phenomenon is also observed in weakly coupled arrays, when propagation failure arises in the absence of noise.