76 resultados para Lince Campillo, Rosa María


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Semantic Web applications take off is being slower than expected, at least with respect to “real-world” applications and users. One of the main reasons for this lack of adoption is that most Semantic Web user interfaces are still immature from the usability and accessibility points of view. This is due to the novelty of these technologies, but this also motivates the exploration of alternative interaction paradigms, different from the “traditional” Web or Desktop applications ones. Our proposal is realized in the Rhizomer platform, which explores the possibilities of the object–action interaction paradigm at the Web scale. This paradigm is well suited for heterogeneous resource spaces such as those common in the Semantic Web. Resources, described by metadata, correspond to the objects in the paradigm. Semantic web services, which are dynamically associated to these objects, correspond to the actions. The platform is being put into practice in the context of a research project in order to build an open application for media distribution based on Semantic Web technologies. Moreover, its usability and accessibility have been evaluated in this real setting and compared to similar systems.


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Existing digital rights management (DRM) systems, initiatives like Creative Commons or research works as some digital rights ontologies provide limited support for content value chains modelling and management. This is becoming a critical issue as content markets start to profit from the possibilities of digital networks and the World Wide Web. The objective is to support the whole copyrighted content value chain across enterprise or business niches boundaries. Our proposal provides a framework that accommodates copyright law and a rich creation model in order to cope with all the creation life cycle stages. The dynamic aspects of value chains are modelled using a hybrid approach that combines ontology-based and rule-based mechanisms. The ontology implementation is based on Web Ontology Language and Description Logic (OWL-DL) reasoners, are directly used for license checking. On the other hand, for more complex aspects of the dynamics of content value chains, rule languages are the choice.


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In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just to model the usage licenses granted by content providers to end-users. Thus, they ignore the copyright framework that lies behind and the whole value chain from creators to end-users. Our proposal is to use a semantic approach based on semantic web ontologies. We detail the development of a copyright ontology in order to put this approach into practice. It models the copyright core concepts for creation, rights and the basic kinds of actions that operate on content. Altogether, it allows building a copyright framework for the complete value chain. The set of actions operating on content are our smaller building blocks in order to cope with the complexity of copyright value chains and statements and, at the same time, guarantee a high level of interoperability and evolvability. The resulting copyright modelling framework is flexible and complete enough to model many copyright scenarios, not just those related to the economic exploitation of content. The ontology also includes moral rights, so it is possible to model this kind of situations as it is shown in the included example model for a withdrawal scenario. Finally, the ontology design and the selection of tools result in a straightforward implementation. Description Logic reasoners are used for license checking and retrieval. Rights are modelled as classes of actions, action patterns are modelled also as classes and the same is done for concrete actions. Then, to check if some right or license grants an action is reduced to check for class subsumption, which is a direct functionality of these reasoners.


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La guia consta d’un conjunt de documents en format pdf i d’una web (http://www.videoaccessible.udl.cat) que es complementen per donar pautes, recomanacions i exemples necessaris per poder mostrar informació en format vídeo digital accessible per a les persones amb diferents discapacitats.


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Aquest document dóna les pautes bàsiques per poder incorporar vídeos incrustats en una pàgina web codificada en HTML5, amb un reproductor accessible. Així mateix, es dóna una introducció a l’eina ccPlayer, reproductor de vídeos que està implementat com un objecte SWF Flash i que permet l’addició de subtítols. Veurem també una altra eina similar, el JWPlayer.


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Este trabajo representa una contribución al conocimiento de la brioflora del Sudeste de España. Se ha estudiado un sistema de sierras situado en el Oeste de la provincia de Murcia, fundamentalmente de naturaleza básica y en el que se da un clima seco y árido. Se ha obtenido un catálogo florístico de 12 hepáticas y 96 musgos. Para cada taxon se han recogido los datos conocidos hasta ahora en la provincia de Murcia.


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El artículo se inicia con una reflexión en torno al hecho de que las inter- venciones centradas en las familias de niños con discapacidad intelectual pueden ser consideradas como una contribución a su calidad de vida. A partir de aquí se revisa brevemente el concepto de calidad de vida, su evolución y su aplicación en el ámbito de las familias de personas con dis- capacidad intelectual. Se presenta una revisión de investigaciones en el ámbito de la intervención naturalista en la comunicación y el lenguaje, basadas en teorías funcionales e interactivas del desarrollo, tanto centra- das en el trabajo directo con el niño como centradas en la familia. Se presentan resultados de intervenciones naturalistas llevadas a cabo en nuestro país cen- tradas tanto en niños con discapacidad intelectual como en sus familias. Finalmente, se defiende que para conseguir una mayor calidad de vida de los niños con discapacidad intelectual y sus familias, debemos optar por una nueva metodología que suponga un trabajo coordinado y compartido, desde el inicio, entre todos los profesionales e instituciones implicados en el proceso


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Extreme weight conditions (EWC) groups along a continuum may share some biological risk factors and intermediate neurocognitive phenotypes. A core cognitive trait in EWC appears to be executive dysfunction, with a focus on decision making, response inhibition and cognitive flexibility. Differences between individuals in these areas are likely to contribute to the differences in vulnerability to EWC. The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is a common pattern of executive dysfunction in EWC while comparing anorexia nervosa patients (AN), obese subjects (OB) and healthy eating/weight controls (HC).


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Este trabajo da cuenta del hallazgo de briôfitos obtenidos en diversas exploraciones por las provincias de Murcia, Albacete, Almeria y Jaén, singularmente en las Sierras de Los Filabres, Calar del Mundo, El Carche y La Pila. Existían muy pocos datos previos referentes a la zona estudiada. Destacan como especies nuevas para la zona o poco citadas en ella, las que figuran en el resumen en inglés.


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La simptomatologia depressiva és una problemàtica incapacitant i freqüent en la població dels països occidentalitzats, tot i que existeix notable disparitat entre les xifres aportades per diferents treballs. Al nostre entorn, a més, no ha estat estudiada en població universitària. La relació de la simptomatologia depressiva amb determinats trets de personalitat, fonamentalment el neuroticisme, ha estat reportada àmpliament en la literatura; tanmateix, no existeixen estudis recents en el nostre entorn, i també hi ha incertesa en la relació entre personalitat i tipologia d’estudis universitaris. Estudi descriptiu transversal amb una mostra de 156 estudiants de primer curs de les branques de coneixement d’enginyeries, humanitats, ciències socials i ciències de la salut de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, els quals han estat avaluats amb el Beck Depression Inventary (BDI) i el test de personalitat NEO PI-R


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Éxito y fracaso escolar conviven diariamente en la escuela. Uno es oportunidad parael otro y viceversa. Combinando la teoría de las fortalezas del carácter, identidad narrativa,teoría de la autodeterminación y otros constructos con metodologías audiovisuales, el programainvita a jóvenes a descubrir sus recursos personales y reescribir su biografía a partir deellos, de modo de finalmente proyectarlos hacia el futuro en un Proyecto de Vida positivo yrealista. Para lograrlo, los alumnos son invitados a auto-observarse, observar a sus compañerosy a entrevistar a sus familiares, aprovechando siempre las representaciones visuales. Estanueva versión de la propia vida queda plasmada en un relato digital, una secuencia de imágenesque retrata la propia vida pasada, presente y futura, sincronizada con un guion que dacuenta del proceso de convertirse en Persona con Fortalezas del Carácter. Se discuten las dificultades,las oportunidades y los desafíos de su implementación en escuelas en Barcelona,Castelldefels y Viladecans.


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The aim of this paper is to present cDVF-E scales for families with children of 0-18 years, on one hand, and over 18 years, on the other, that researchers from five spanish universities have recently validated and standardized to the spanish population. To this end, first, the importance of the construct of quality of family life and its implications for research and practice should be emphasized. Afterwards, we introduce the first international initiatives measuring the quality of family life developed in the first decade of this century. Then the features, dimensions and psychometric properties of the scales are synthetically presented. Finally, the authors encourage practitioners and organizations to use these tools in the context of family-centered model and provides, as a conclusions, some considerations


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As part of the Affective Computing research field, the development of automatic affective recognition systems can enhance human-computer interactions by allowing the creation of interfaces that react to the user's emotional state. To that end, this Master Thesis brings affect recognition to nowadays most used human computer interface, mobile devices, by developing a facial expression recognition system able to perform detection under the difficult conditions of viewing angle and illumination that entails the interaction with a mobile device. Moreover, this Master Thesis proposes to combine emotional features detected from expression with contextual information of the current situation, to infer a complex and extensive emotional state of the user. Thus, a cognitive computational model of emotion is defined that provides a multicomponential affective state of the user through the integration of the detected emotional features into appraisal processes. In order to account for individual differences in the emotional experience, these processes can be adapted to the culture and personality of the user.


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Este documento recoge los resultados de un estudio sobre el estado de la investigación astronómica en los centros del sistema español de investigación y desarrollo, en lo referente al trienio 1999-2001. Su objetivo es conocer y dar a conocer la situación real de las actividades investigadoras de una disciplina que se ha desarrollado espectacularmente en los últimos decenios en España ...