90 resultados para Heat integration


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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In this paper we estimate, analyze and compare the term structures of interest rates in six different countries over the period 1992-2004. We apply the Nelson-Siegel model to obtain the term structures of interest rates at weekly intervals. A total of 4,038 curves are estimated and analyzed. Four European Monetary Union countries¿Spain, France, Germany and Italy¿are included. The UK is also included as a European non-member of the Monetary Union. Finally the US completes the analysis. The goal is to determine the differences in the shapes of the term structure of interest rates among these countries. Likewise, we can determine the most usual term structure shapes that appear for each country.*****


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In this paper we use a gravity model to study the trade performance of French and Spanishborder regions relatively to non-border regions, over the past two decades. We find that,controlling for their size, proximity and location characteristics, border regions trade onaverage between 62% and 193% more with their neighbouring country than other regions,and twice as much if they are endowed with good cross border transport infrastructures.Despite European integration, however, this trade outperformance has fallen for the mostperipheral regions within the EU. We show that this trend was linked in part to a shift in the propensity of foreign investors to move their affiliates from the regions near their home market to the regions bordering the EU core.


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With the beginning of the European Monetary Union (EMU), euro-area sovereign securities¿ adjusted spreads over Germany (corrected from the foreign exchange risk) experienced an increase that caused a lower than expected decline in borrowing costs. The objective of this paper is to study what explains that rising. In particular, if it took place a change in the price assigned by markets to domestic (credit risk and/or market liquidity) or to international risk factors. The empirical evidence supports the idea that a change in the market value of liquidity occurred with the EMU. International and default risk play a smaller role


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The aim of this paper is to analyse how economic integration in Europe has affected industrial geographical concentration in Spain and explain what the driving forces behind industry location are. Firstly, we construct regional specialisation and geographical concentration indices for Spanish 50 provinces and 30 industrial sectors in 1979, 1986 and 1992. Secondly, we carry out an econometric analysis of the determinants of geographical concentration of industries. Our main conclusion is that there is no evidence of increasing specialisation in Spain between 1979 and 1992 and that the most important determinant of Spain¿s economic geography is scale economies. Furthermore, traditional trade theory has no effects in explaining the pattern of industrial concentration


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[cat] Com afecten l’obertura comercial i financera a la volatilitat macroeconòmica? La literatura existent, tant empírica com teòrica, no ha assolit encara un consens. Aquest article usa un model microfonamentat de dos països simètrics amb entrada endògena d’empreses per estudiar-ho. L’anàlisis es du a terme per tres règims econòmics diferents amb diferents nivells d’integració internacional: una economia tancada, una autarquia financera i una integració plena. Es consideren diversos nivells d’obertura comercial, en forma de biaix domèstic de la demanda i l’economia pot patir pertorbacions en la productivitat del treball i en innovació. El model conclou que la incertesa macroeconòmica, representada principalment per la volatilitat del consum, la producció i la relació real d’intercanvi internacional, depèn del grau d’obertura i del tipus de pertorbació.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados de un estudio cuya intención era identificar posibles variables que afectan a los procesos y estrategias de integración laboral de personas procedentes de otros países; las necesidades formativas en relación al colectivo de referencia y ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno en aras de la intervención psicoeducativa y social. A partir de una metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa se ha concluido que las diferencias en cuanto a las estrategias de integración y sus logros están más determinadas por los niveles de cualificación en el país de origen que por las propias diferencias culturales. The article shows the results of a study carried out by the authors to identify possible variables that affect the processes and strategies of occupational integration of people coming from other countries, to establish training needs in relation to the reference group and to extend the knowledge of the phenomenon for the sake of the educational and social intervention. Using a qualitative research methodology, it was concluded that the differences in integration strategies and their accomplishments are better explained by the levels of qualification attained in the country of origin than by cultural differences.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar los resultados de un estudio cuya intención era identificar posibles variables que afectan a los procesos y estrategias de integración laboral de personas procedentes de otros países; las necesidades formativas en relación al colectivo de referencia y ampliar el conocimiento del fenómeno en aras de la intervención psicoeducativa y social. A partir de una metodología de investigación de orientación cualitativa se ha concluido que las diferencias en cuanto a las estrategias de integración y sus logros están más determinadas por los niveles de cualificación en el país de origen que por las propias diferencias culturales. The article shows the results of a study carried out by the authors to identify possible variables that affect the processes and strategies of occupational integration of people coming from other countries, to establish training needs in relation to the reference group and to extend the knowledge of the phenomenon for the sake of the educational and social intervention. Using a qualitative research methodology, it was concluded that the differences in integration strategies and their accomplishments are better explained by the levels of qualification attained in the country of origin than by cultural differences.


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The specific heat, cp, of two amorphous silicon (a-Si) samples has been measured by differential scanning calorimetry in the 100–900K temperature range. When the hydrogen content is reduced by thermal annealing, cp approaches the value of crystalline Si (c-Si). Within experimental accuracy, we conclude that cp of relaxed pure a-Si coincides with that of c-Si. This result is used to determine the enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy of defect-free relaxed a-Si. Finally, the contribution of structural defects on these quantities is calculated and the melting point of several states of a-Si is predicted


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La actividad profesional es fundamental en la vida de cualquier persona y en el caso de las que padecen una discapacidad tiene una gran importancia para contribuir a configurar su identidad adulta. En este sentido, la finalidad del artículo es valorar la importancia del trabajo en los procesos de participación social y de calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad. Por ello, en el artículo se pone de manifiesto la relación que se establece entre la dimensión laboral y la integración social de los individuos con discapacidad mediante el análisis de investigaciones desarrolladas en nuestro contexto, entre las que figuran diversos estudios realizados por nuestro grupo de investigación durante los últimos años. Con la voluntad de conocer con más detalle esta cuestión, se presenta una investigación reciente realizada por nuestro equipo. En ella desarrollamos un estudio de casos centrado en personas con discapacidad psíquica que han participado en experiencias de integración laboral en el mercado ordinario, con el objetivo de obtener información sobre la incidencia de la inserción laboral en diferentes dimensiones de la vida de los trabajadores con discapacidad. Los resultados nos permiten valorar que la experiencia genera cambios positivos, sobre todo a nivel personal (expectativas personales, potenciación del proyecto de vida, mejora de competencias…). Sin embargo, a pesar de que se aprecian mejoras en la dimensión social, el estudio plantea la necesidad de emprender acciones alternativas para potenciar la participación comunitaria de las personas implicadas en la investigación. El artículo concluye con algunas propuestas orientadas a mejorar los procesos de inserción social del colectivo


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The performance of magnetic nanoparticles is intimately entwined with their structure, mean size and magnetic anisotropy. Besides, ensembles offer a unique way of engineering the magnetic response by modifying the strength of the dipolar interactions between particles. Here we report on an experimental and theoretical analysis of magnetic hyperthermia, a rapidly developing technique in medical research and oncology. Experimentally, we demonstrate that single-domain cubic iron oxide particles resembling bacterial magnetosomes have superior magnetic heating efficiency compared to spherical particles of similar sizes. Monte Carlo simulations at the atomic level corroborate the larger anisotropy of the cubic particles in comparison with the spherical ones, thus evidencing the beneficial role of surface anisotropy in the improved heating power. Moreover we establish a quantitative link between the particle assembling, the interactions and the heating properties. This knowledge opens new perspectives for improved hyperthermia, an alternative to conventional cancer therapies.


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Millennials generation is changing the way of learning, prompting educational institutions to attempt to better adapt to young needs by incorporating technologies into education. Based on this premise, we have reviewed the prominent reports of the integration of ICT into education with the aim of evidencing how education is changing, and will change, to meet the needs ofMillennials with ICT support. We conclude that most of the investments have simply resulted in an increase of computers and access to the Internet, with teachers reproducing traditional approaches to education and e-learning being seen as complementary to face-to-face education. While it would seem that the use of ICT is not revolutionizing learning, it is facilitating the personalization, collaboration and ubiquity of learning.


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Radiative heat exchange at the nanoscale presents a challenge for several areas due to its scope and nature. Here, we provide a thermokinetic description of microscale radiative energy transfer including phonon-photon coupling manifested through a non-Debye relaxation behavior. We show that a lognormal-like distribution of modes of relaxation accounts for this non-Debye relaxation behavior leading to the thermal conductance. We also discuss the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The general expression for the thermal conductance we obtain fits existing experimental results with remarkable accuracy. Accordingly, our approach offers an overall explanation of radiative energy transfer through micrometric gaps regardless of geometrical configurations and distances.


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In this paper we examine the influence of economic factors to explain partisan support for European integration over the last three decades. We find that partisan support is larger in `poorer' countries with direct economic bene fits from EU membership. On the contrary, parties in countries aff ected by the Maastricht criteria are more Euro-sceptical. Moreover, we find weak evidence for larger partisan support in countries with more developed welfare states, and that the support for European integration fluctuates in parallel with the business cycle. Finally, our results indicate that the importance of economic factors in determining partisan support for European integration has grown in recent periods. JEL classi fication: F15, F42, F53, F55, H60. Key words: European Integration; Partisan Ideology; Maastricht Criteria; European Budget; Benefi ts from Trade.