67 resultados para Graphic organizer
Self-organization is a growing interdisciplinary field of research about a phenomenon that can be observed in the Universe, in Nature and in social contexts. Research on self-organization tries to describe and explain forms, complex patterns and behaviours that arise from a collection of entities without an external organizer. As researchers in artificial systems, our aim is not to mimic self-organizing phenomena arising in Nature, but to understand and to control underlying mechanisms allowing desired emergence of forms, complex patterns and behaviours. Rather than attempting to eliminate such self-organization in artificial systems, we think that this might be deliberately harnessed in order to reach desirable global properties. In this paper we analyze three forms of self-organization: stigmergy, reinforcement mechanisms and cooperation. The amplification phenomena founded in stigmergic process or in reinforcement process are different forms of positive feedbacks that play a major role in building group activity or social organization. Cooperation is a functional form for self-organization because of its ability to guide local behaviours in order to obtain a relevant collective one. For each forms of self-organisation, we present a case study to show how we transposed it to some artificial systems and then analyse the strengths and weaknesses of such an approach
Breve repaso al desarrollo de la concepción métrica en la tipografía en plomo, alternativa y complemento de la visión habitual en lo que conocemos como 'tipometría'. Se parte de una noción amplia de medida: el factor cuantitativo se dilata con la articulación de relaciones proporcionales e integra la dimensión cualitativa de los sistemas métricos tradicionales. La tipografía se considera bajo presupuestos similares: como sistema articulado de piezas materiales cuyas magnitudes contienen usos y valores específicos, más allá de su simple expresión numérica. Con tales premisas, se revisan fuentes documentales significativas del 'período de la imprenta manual'. Su examen, vinculado a los usos y costumbres de oficio, desvela la distinta aproximación métrica, que puede resumirse en tres fases evolutivas: hermética, intensiva, expansiva como recogen las referencias de los cuerpos tipográficos: adjetivas, sustantivas, numéricas. Se proporciona así un marco para apreciar el cambio de sentido en las medidas tipográficas hasta nuestros días.
Through the graphic novel V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd, I problematize here the act of classification of the subgenres within each genre. This is a literary study that aims to reflect on the utopian genre. It is a genre which requires in order to be understood a consideration of society and its organization. The concept of society cannot be properly discussed without mentioning the surface on which it is based: people with their selves and their bodies. Institutions and conventions act subtly and constantly on us, offering more or less free roles, usually related to a particular physical appearance, as may be the mode of dress, or gesture- and generating a negotiation between our desires and our duties. In other words, they act on us to transform us into people suitable for the smooth running of the community
The city of Tarragona houses an important architectural heritage mainly from its past as ‘Tarraco’, capital of the Roman province of Hispania Citerior, but also from its medieval and late 19th century history. The archaeological ensemble of Tarraco was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000, but although many efforts have been devoted by archaeologists and historians to unveil and understand the history and aspect of the Roman city, many aspects remain unknown. This is largely caused by the absence of a coherent body of historiographical material, which is todays cattered across several institutions and, specially, the lack of precise and useful graphical representations of the remains and of the existing city that allows in-depth analysis and interpretations of future findings. In recent years, researchers from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the Architecture School of the URV (ETSA) have teamed up to produce comprehensive, detailed graphic materials, including a new set of plans and sections of the old city, of the grandiose areas of representation of the Provincial capital, and of the hidden structures beneath the city’s surface. These have been executed with the latest technologies (fotogrammetry, laser scanning) but also with traditional methods (measurement, topography), on t op of a mixture of existing materials (hand-drafted cartography from municipal master plans) and of historical and archaeological documentation.
L’OpenGL és un motor 3D que s’utilitza com a lligam entre el software i el hardware gràfic. Actualment és una de les tecnologies més utilitzades en el disseny d’aplicacions 3D. El treball està realitzat amb el programa Visual C++, que és el més recomanat per al desenvolupament d’aplicacions OpenGL. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és aprendre a programar amb aquest tipus de tecnologia que no hem estudiat durant el període de carrera. Un altre objectiu del treball era trobar una funció útil i pràctica per a l’aplicació i ens vam decantar per a realitzar un editor d’habitacions per un botiga o empresa de mobles. L’usuari pot de forma molt ràpida i senzilla dibuixar com és l’habitació que vol decorar de forma totalment personalitzada. El programa li generarà l’habitació en tres dimensions i amb els materials que s’han escollit (terra, parets, portes…). Després pot editar-hi mobles personalitzats o pertanyents a la llibreria del programa. El programa incorpora també una base de dades per a l’empresa que ens portarà la gestió de clients, habitacions, textures i mobles (permet ampliar la llibreria del programa). Un cop acabada l’habitació el programa ens hi permet fer una visita de forma interactiva i generar-ne la factura entre altres funcions. La conclusió principal després d’haver acabat aquest projecte, és que a part d’haver après OpenGL, hem aconseguit realitzar una aplicació molt pràctica de cares al disseny d’interiorisme.
Aquest projecte consisteix en acoblar una càmera web uEye en una de les extremitats d'un robot industrial (ABB Irc5). Aquest robot, es mourà en cas què es detecti una cara a través de la webcam. L'objectiu és intentar que la cara es situï sempre al mig de la imatge captada per la càmera. Podem dividir les tasques d'aquest projecte amb 4 fases diferents. A continuació expliquem les diferents etapes. La Càmera uEye s'encarrega de capturar imatges i passar-les a un PC utilitzant Python. La funció de Detecció de Cares ens indica la posició i dimensions de la cara. Tot seguit, la funció LabJack s'encarrega de canviar els valors digitals de les 5 senyals mitjançant programació amb Python. Per últim el Robot ABB interpreta el valor d'aquestes 5 senyals i es desplaça mitjançant petits increments amb l'objectiu de situar la cara al mig de la imatge capturada.
This article explores the possibilities offered by visual methods in the move towards inclusive research, reviewing some methodological implications of said research and reflecting on the potential of visual methods to meet these methodological requirements. A study into the impact of work on social inclusion and the social relationships of people suffering from severe mental illness (SMI) serves to illustrate the use of visual methods such as photo elicitation and graphic elicitation in the context of in-depth interviews with the aim of improving the aforementioned target group’s participation in research, participation understood as one of the basic elements of inclusive approaches. On the basis of this study, we reflect on the potential of visual methods to improve the inclusive approach to research and conclude that these methods are open and flexible in awarding participantsa voice, allowingpeople with SMI to express their needs, and therefore adding value to said approach